The following folder contains code and tests for my first SAC. It consists of 4 sections:
- Module 1 - Word Match
- Module 2 - Primary School Word Quiz
- Module 3 - Gui
- Module 4 - Short Answer Questions
I ended up creating a blog for the subject where different versions of these rendered test tables are available, so although these are the originals, the more up to date, better looking versions are available at my blog here.
This module is a program that selects a random alphabet and position, and then gets all five-letter words from a csv
file that match the alphabet and position. It's relatively simple, and the code can be found in ./Word Match/
The test table can be found
This module is a terminal-based quiz that reads from a csv file to ask the user a few questions. I mainly spent my time
validating the csv file and adding in various errors and information about where the error occurred. The code can be
found in ./Primary School Word Quiz/
The test table can be
found here.
This module was a GUI food ordering system, specifically for various types of juices at a theoretical shop. There were
various requirements, such as only being able to select a max of 4 fruits/vegetables, as well as categories with prices.
The code can be found in ./CGS Juice Bar/
The test table can be
found here.
This final module was a written test, on a Word doc. We had to answer various questions about programming conventions, features and explain some logic. It was quite simple, but a good opportunity to demonstrate understand. You can view the Word document online here to see what I did :D