There were no ERRORs, or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTE:
checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Gavin Cotterill <[email protected]>’
New submission
This is a resubmission. Changes to this version include:
- (possibly) invalid URL from 'codecov' badge in ''. I deleted/recreated 'codecov' repo connection and checked that reports are uploading. I updated the README badges and double checked links. I also checked that my format follows other CRAN packages (ggplot2). I re-ran checks to ensure no URL warnings:
manual = TRUE,
remote = TRUE,
incoming = TRUE
- Added R-CMD-check CI and badge
Added new functions, tests and vignettes.
Functions no longer print() information to console but use message(), warning() or stop().
Examples no longer change par() settings. Vignettes store user's par settings at beginning and restore them at end.
plot_simulated_graph() and plot_sampled_graph() no longer set.seed within function, but option exists for the user to provide their own (default = NULL), which serves as a reminder if they want node positions to match between their 'true' and 'sampled network'.
Removed single quotes around the whole DESCRIPTION text.
Within the text, now using single undirected quotes.
Neither name of package or word 'package' in TITLE or DESCRIPTION.
Currently no DOI, getting ready to resubmit manuscript.
All SUGGESTs are currently available on CRAN.