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Trainer tools to create and prepare VMs for Docker workshops on AWS


General Workflow

  • fork/clone repo
  • set required environment variables for AWS
  • create your own setting file from settings/example.yaml
  • run ./workshopctl commands to create instances, install docker, setup each users environment in node1, other management tasks
  • run ./workshopctl cards command to generate PDF for printing handouts of each users host IP's and login info

Clone/Fork the Repo, and Build the Tools Image

The Docker Compose file here is used to build a image with all the dependencies to run the ./workshopctl commands and optional tools. Each run of the script will check if you have those dependencies locally on your host, and will only use the container if you're missing a dependency.

$ git clone
$ cd orchestration-workshop/prepare-vms
$ docker-compose build

Preparing to Run ./workshopctl

Required AWS Permissions/Info

  • Initial assumptions are you're using a root account. If you'd like to use a IAM user, it will need AmazonEC2FullAccess and IAMReadOnlyAccess.
  • Using a non-default VPC or Security Group isn't supported out of box yet, so you will have to customize lib/ if you want to change that.
  • These instances will assign the default VPC Security Group, which does not open any ports from Internet by default. So you'll need to add Inbound rules for SSH | TCP | 22 | and Custom TCP Rule | TCP | 8000 - 8002 |, or run ./workshopctl opensg which opens up all ports.

Required Environment Variables


Update/copy settings/example.yaml

Then pass settings/YOUR_WORKSHOP_NAME-settings.yaml as an argument to ./workshopctl deploy, ./workshopctl cards, etc.

./workshopctl cards 2016-09-28-00-33-bret settings/orchestration.yaml

./workshopctl Usage

workshopctl - the orchestration workshop swiss army knife
ami          Show the AMI that will be used for deployment
amis         List Ubuntu AMIs in the current region
cards        Generate ready-to-print cards for a batch of VMs
deploy       Install Docker on a bunch of running VMs
ec2quotas    Check our EC2 quotas (max instances)
help         Show available commands
ids          List the instance IDs belonging to a given tag or token
ips          List the IP addresses of the VMs for a given tag or token
kube         Setup kubernetes clusters with kubeadm (must be run AFTER deploy)
list         List available batches in the current region
opensg       Open the default security group to ALL ingress traffic
pull_images  Pre-pull a bunch of Docker images
retag        Apply a new tag to a batch of VMs
start        Start a batch of VMs
status       List instance status for a given batch
stop         Stop (terminate, shutdown, kill, remove, destroy...) instances
test         Run tests (pre-flight checks) on a batch of VMs

Summary of What ./workshopctl Does For You

  • Used to manage bulk AWS instances for you without needing to use AWS cli or gui.
  • Can manage multiple "tags" or groups of instances, which are tracked in prepare-vms/tags/
  • Can also create PDF/HTML for printing student info for instance IP's and login.
  • The ./workshopctl script can be executed directly.
  • It will run locally if all its dependencies are fulfilled; otherwise it will run in the Docker container you created with docker-compose build (preparevms_prepare-vms).
  • During start it will add your default local SSH key to all instances under the ubuntu user.
  • During deploy it will create the docker user with password training, which is printing on the cards for students. For now, this is hard coded.

Example Steps to Launch a Batch of Instances for a Workshop

  • Run ./workshopctl start N Creates N EC2 instances
    • Your local SSH key will be synced to instances under ubuntu user
    • AWS instances will be created and tagged based on date, and IP's stored in prepare-vms/tags/
  • Run ./workshopctl deploy TAG settings/somefile.yaml to run scripts/postprep.rc via parallel-ssh
    • If it errors or times out, you should be able to rerun
    • Requires good connection to run all the parallel SSH connections, up to 100 parallel (ProTip: create dedicated management instance in same AWS region where you run all these utils from)
  • Run ./workshopctl pull-images TAG to pre-pull a bunch of Docker images to the instances
  • Run ./workshopctl cards TAG settings/somefile.yaml generates PDF/HTML files to print and cut and hand out to students
  • Have a great workshop
  • Run ./workshopctl stop TAG to terminate instances.

Other Tools

Deploying your SSH key to all the machines

  • Make sure that you have SSH keys loaded (ssh-add -l).
  • Source rc.
  • Run pcopykey.

Installing extra packages

  • Source postprep.rc. (This will install a few extra packages, add entries to /etc/hosts, generate SSH keys, and deploy them on all hosts.)

Even More Details

Sync of SSH keys

When the start command is run, your local RSA SSH public key will be added to your AWS EC2 keychain.

To see which local key will be uploaded, run ssh-add -l | grep RSA.

Instance + tag creation

10 VMs will be started, with an automatically generated tag (timestamp + your username).

Your SSH key will be added to the authorized_keys of the ubuntu user.

Creation of ./$TAG/ directory and contents

Following the creation of the VMs, a text file will be created containing a list of their IPs.

This ips.txt file will be created in the $TAG/ directory and a symlink will be placed in the working directory of the script.

If you create new VMs, the symlinked file will be overwritten.


Instances can be deployed manually using the deploy command:

$ ./workshopctl deploy TAG settings/somefile.yaml

The postprep.rc file will be copied via parallel-ssh to all of the VMs and executed.

Pre-pull images

$ ./workshopctl pull-images TAG

Generate cards

$ ./workshopctl cards TAG settings/somefile.yaml

List tags

$ ./workshopctl list

List VMs

$ ./workshopctl list TAG

This will print a human-friendly list containing some information about each instance.

Stop and destroy VMs

$ ./workshopctl stop TAG


  • Don't write to bash history in system() in postprep
  • compose, etc version inconsistent (int vs str)