requires node v16.13.1
npm i
The .env
-file should be placed in root and can be found in gbif-configuration/gbif-web
Environment file example:
apiKey: something # this is a fixed key that needs to be added in requests. Since it is all behind vpn we could consider removing it
hosts: [http://some.elastic.instance:9200]
requestTimeout: 30000
maxRetries: 3
maxResultWindow: 100000
index: event
port: 4002
for development with Nodemon: npm start
else node src/index.js --port=4002
Docker images can be built and published to docker hub using the following command
docker buildx build . --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --tag "$DOCKER_HUB_ORG/es2vt:$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
To run use:
docker run -p 4002:4002 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/.env,target=/usr/src/.env -d <DOCKER_HUB_OR_OR_USER>/es2vt