Several of the scientists I know and most of the data scientists I know use Pandas paired with Jupyter Notebooks for all their data analysis. Separately they are great tools, but together they create an amazingly expressive, friendly environment for analyzing data extremely quickly. Working soley with these two tools is such a common paradigm we need to least try it for at least one lecture.
Like most of the libraries used in our "special topics" lectures, pandas
and Jupyter
do not come standard with Python and will have to be installed separately. Please check the official SciPy Stack Install Guide. For Linux and Mac, the installation is merely a single line of apt-get
. For Windows, pre-built installers are provided.
Consider installing Anaconda instead. Anaconda is Python packaged with hundreds of libraries that you will want (including pandas
, Jupyter notebooks
and almost everything else we will use in this course.)
When working through this lecture and the related homework, I recommend using Jupyter Notebooks. The real topic of the lecture is the pandas
library. But Pandas and Jupyter together create a wonderfully interactive platform for analyzing data. Jupyter notebooks give you a lot of added functionality:
- You can go back and edit previous lines, like in a text editor.
- Tab auto-completion
- More explicit and colour-highlighted error messages
- Better history management
- Basic UNIX/LINUX shell integration
- Tools for debugging code.
- Helpful
syntax to expedite plotting and timing.
For a quick refresher on installing and using Jupyter Notebooks, look back at the course introdution.
After installation, you can invoke Jupyter on the command line by typing: jupyter notebook
. Then click "new" in the top-right corner and create a "notebook". This will give you an empty notebook to start working. Valid Python code can be entered in these cells:
Hit shift-and-enter to execute the code in your current cell. You will see a new cell to pop up below to continue your work.
Pandas is a powerful library for handling data and performing data analysis. It has a ton of pre-made tools designed to make importing data easier. Once imported, your data will be loaded into a Series
or DataFrame
object, which are a lot like a table in a database (or Excel). These objects can be munged, sliced, diced, queried, and joined with other similar objects.
The goal of pandas
appears to be to expedite the human side of opening datasets and dealing with what you find.
There is an un-official convention when importing pandas
In [1]: import pandas as pd
A good place to start is reading pre-existing data with pandas. You may find that this is more common than building a pandas data structure from scratch.
The four most common Pandas data import methods are:
- comma separated valuesread_fwf
- fixed width formatread_table
- general delimited text fileread_pickle
- preserved pandas data structure
Each of these methods takes a file path, and a variety of optional arguments:
- header (int): The default value is
assuming your text file has a single header row. But if your file has a large header or comment block at the top, you can set this value higher. Of setheader=None
if don't have a header at all. - names (list): You can use this to manually define the column names as you import.
- dtype (dict): If not given, pandas will infer the data types when importing data. This option is useful if you want to force certain data types at the import stage, for example:
dtype={'x': np.float64, 'y': np.int32, 'z': np.float64}
. (You can still typecast your data after the import, if you don't know what to expect a priori. - usecols (list): Save time and space by only importing the columns you need.
- nrows (int): Only read the first N rows.
- skiprows (list or integer): List of line numbers to skip or number of lines to skip at the start of the file.
For more information on reading in other data formats (Excel spreadsheets, SQL databases, etc.), refer to the pandas manual.
Though the focus of this lecture will mainly be on pandas DataFrame
, knowing a bit about pandas Series
is useful. A Series
is a one-dimensional array of labeled data.
There are a lot of ways to create a Series
From a dictionary
In [1]: d = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C'}
In [2]: pd.Series(d)
a A
b B
c C
dtype: object
From a list
In [3]: l = ['A', 'B', 'C']
In [4]: pd.Series(l)
0 A
1 B
2 C
dtype: object
From the constructor
Pandas also has a constructor to create a Series
by given the data and the indexes directly:
In [5]: import numpy as np
In [6]: x = pd.Series(np.arange(5), index=('a','b','c','d','e'))
Using the Series
You can slice a Series
object, much like you would a list or np.array
In [7]: x[:3]
Out [7]:
a 0
b 1
c 2
dtype: int64
In [8]: x[2:]
Out [8]:
c 2
d 3
e 4
dtype: int64
In [9]: x[::2]
Out [9]:
a 0
c 2
e 4
dtype: int64
But Series
are also indexed, so unlike NumPy arrays, you can get elements by their index:
In [10]: x[['b','c']]
Out [10]:
b 1
c 2
What do you think this will return?
In [11]: x['a':'c']
Working with NumPy
A Series
will also work well with all NumPy functions, returning another Series
In [12]: np.mean(x)
Out [12]:
In [13]: np.std(x)
Out [13]:
You can even convert a Series
to an index-less NumPy array using .values
In [14]: x.values
Out [14]:
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
A DataFrame
is like a Series
, but it can be multi-dimensional. Let's convert a Series
into a DataFrame
and look at the difference. First, we will ingest data as a Series
In [4]: one = ['A', 'B', 'C']
In [5]: pd.Series(one)
0 A
1 B
2 C
dtype: object
And then convert it to a DataFrame
In [6]: pd.DataFrame(one)
0 A
1 B
2 C
Notice the column header 0
above the column of data? Other than that, creating a one-dimensional data as a dataframe is pretty much the same as creating as a series. Feel free to rename that column of data. However, importing the data as a dataframe opens the door for other options, like appending the data column-wise or row-wise to another dataframe, or using it as a table for performing merges (the pandas
equivalent to an SQL join).
Let's look at some other ways you might want to create a DataFrame
First, we will fill a dictionary with random numbers. There will be 7 keys (x1
, x2
, ...) and the values will be a list of 5 randomly-generated normal numbers. Then, we will convert this dictionary into a DataFrame
In [6]: d = dict(("x"+str(k+1), np.random.randn(7)) for k in range(5)) # 7 rows by 5 columns
In [7]: df = pd.DataFrame(d)
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
0 -1.517961 1.275236 -0.186226 -0.331491 2.396869
1 3.468361 -1.397977 -0.883015 -0.078715 0.743549
2 1.286010 -1.446566 -0.643641 0.717790 0.747485
3 0.252657 -0.247126 0.090866 1.435567 -0.495681
4 0.903237 -0.413400 -0.754602 0.597491 -0.198482
5 -0.274422 -0.315801 1.312623 3.297479 1.335182
6 -0.875649 2.542598 0.051351 0.252638 1.541355
We can also convert a np.array
to a DataFrame
. In the example below we convert a 7x5 np.array
to DataFrame
In [8]: d = np.random.rand(7, 5) # 7 rows by 5 columns
In [9]: df = pd.DataFrame(d)
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.966545 0.387958 0.175133 0.194291 0.224350
1 0.571877 0.382613 0.646535 0.836982 0.643568
2 0.941696 0.806954 0.006444 0.267016 0.545472
3 0.378179 0.105150 0.194698 0.052711 0.025345
4 0.259918 0.765968 0.012413 0.107861 0.369962
5 0.794492 0.524574 0.800396 0.918925 0.047937
6 0.115055 0.458574 0.847663 0.442791 0.537918
We might also want to create a DataFrame
from a collection of Series
objects. Typically, this will be done with a dictionary, so you can label the columns:
In [1]: area = pd.Series({'California': 423967, 'Texas': 695662,
'New York': 141297, 'Florida': 170312,
'Illinois': 149995})
In [2]: population = pd.Series({'California': 38332521,
'Texas': 26448193,
'New York': 19651127,
'Florida': 19552860,
'Illinois': 12882135})
In [3]: states = pd.DataFrame({'population': population,
'area': area})
In [4]: states
Out [4]: area population
California 423967 38332521
Florida 170312 19552860
Illinois 149995 12882135
New York 141297 19651127
Texas 695662 26448193
To get the data as a 2D NumPy area:
In [5]: states.values
Out [5]: array([[ 4.23967000e+05, 3.83325210e+07, 9.04139261e+01],
[ 1.70312000e+05, 1.95528600e+07, 1.14806121e+02],
[ 1.49995000e+05, 1.28821350e+07, 8.58837628e+01],
[ 1.41297000e+05, 1.96511270e+07, 1.39076746e+02],
[ 6.95662000e+05, 2.64481930e+07, 3.80187404e+01]])
Or, to get the transpose of your data:
In [6]: states.T
Out [6]: California Florida Illinois New York Texas
area 4.239670e+05 1.703120e+05 1.499950e+05 1.412970e+05 6.956620e+05
population 3.833252e+07 1.955286e+07 1.288214e+07 1.965113e+07 2.644819e+07
pop_density 9.041393e+01 1.148061e+02 8.588376e+01 1.390767e+02 3.801874e+01
It is common in Pandas to convert column headers to all caps. This is because data in the real world is messy and inconsistently labeled columns headers can cost you time.
The easy way to capitalize a string is to use .upper()
In [1]: 'First_Name'.upper()
Out[1]: 'FIRST_NAME'
But if your input file has column headers with lots of punctuation or other craziness, you might need to clean them up more thoroughly:
In [2]: def slugify(s):
return ''.join([c for c in s.upper().replace(' ', '_') if c in valid])
In [3]: slugify('MY Profit!!!')
Out[3]: 'MY_PROFIT'
The column names are kept in the data frame's .columns
In [4]: df.columns = [col.upper() for col in df.columns]
In [5]: df.columns
Or, if need be:
In [6]: df.columns = [slugify(col) for col in df.columns]
In [7]: df.columns
Now that we know our column names, we can start selecting data from our DataFrame
object. First, let's select by a single column by name:
In [3]: df['FIRST_NAME']
0 Jennifer
1 Jaime
2 Michael
3 Mary
4 Robert
5 Thomas
6 Natalie
7 Brenda
8 Michael
9 Jennifer
10 Michael
11 Jessica
12 Molly
13 Jaime
Now let's select multiple columns by name:
In [4]: cols = ['FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME']
In [5]: df[col]
0 Jennifer Jones
1 Jaime Roberts
2 Michael Johnson
3 Mary Adams
4 Robert Phillips
5 Thomas Moore
6 Natalie Potter
7 Brenda Jones
8 Michael Smith
9 Jennifer Smith
10 Michael Smith
11 Jessica Rabbit
12 Molly Bryant
13 Jaime Anderson
Alternatively, we could do: df[['FIRST_NAME','LAST_NAME']]
, which accomplishes the same thing.
We could also do df.loc[:,cols]
, but we'll go into more detail about this later.
Selecting dataframe data by row looks a lot like slicing a standard Python list:
In [10]: df[:5]
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown
In [11]: df[5:]
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brown green
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown
8 Michael Smith M 58 brown brown
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brown green
The loc
function is my preferred tool for row and column-wise slicing of dataframes. The format for using loc
is df.loc[row_indexer, column_indexer]
. Below we slice the DataFrame
by row and by column to select just the data we want:
In [6]: df.loc[3:8,['FIRST_NAME','AGE','EYE_COLOR']]
3 Mary 42 blue
4 Robert 37 brown
5 Thomas 60 blue
6 Natalie 21 green
7 Brenda 18 brown
8 Michael 58 brown
We'll cover more of the loc
function when we discuss query-like data selecting.
The previous loc
slice can also be accomplished by:
This is called chained indexing: the rows are sliced first, then the columns. This works for data selection, but if you then wanted to set values in this subset, it wouldn't alter the original DataFrame. As such, the loc
function is typically a better option. For more information about the dangers of chain indexing, see the pandas manual.
There are two ways to drop data from a DataFrame
. Either you want the remaining data returned separately (inplace=False)
or you don't (inplace=True)
df2 = df.drop(['HAIR_COLOR','EYE_COLOR'], axis=1) # return new DataFrame
df.drop(['HAIR_COLOR','EYE_COLOR'], axis=1, inplace=True) # no return (in place)
If you have saved a subset of a DataFrame
and want to reset the indecies so they are sequential again:
df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # return new
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # no return (in place)
If you want to ensure the entries in your DataFrame
are unique:
df2 = df.drop_duplicates() # return new
df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # no return (in place)
Or if you just want to find all the unique combinations in your DataFrame
In [12]: df[['EYE_COLOR','HAIR_COLOR']].drop_duplicates()
0 brown black
1 hazel brown
2 green red
3 blue blonde
4 brown blonde
5 blue brown
6 green brown
8 brown brown
10 hazel black
11 blue black
Notice the missing indices? That's how you know some (duplicate) rows were dropped. You may want to reset the indicies.
You can also do all of the above on a single column of a dataframe:
In [13]: df['HAIR_COLOR'].unique()
Out[13]: array(['black', 'brown', 'red', 'blonde'], dtype=object)
In [14]: df['HAIR_COLOR'].unique().tolist()
Out[14]: ['black', 'brown', 'red', 'blonde']
Pandas allows you to query a DataFrame
, much like you might query a database. Below are some basic queries.
To look at how to deal with Null data in Pandas, we will start with this example DataFrame
In [3]: df
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
3 Mary NaN F 42 blonde NaN
4 NaN Phillips M 37 NaN brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
6 Natalie Potter F NaN brown green
7 Brenda Jones F NaN NaN brown
8 Michael Smith NaN 58 brown brown
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
11 Jessica NaN F 19 black blue
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brown green
To find all rows with any null values do:
In [4]: df[pd.isnull(df).any(axis=1)]
3 Mary NaN F 42 blonde NaN
4 NaN Phillips M 37 NaN brown
6 Natalie Potter F NaN brown green
7 Brenda Jones F NaN NaN brown
8 Michael Smith NaN 58 brown brown
11 Jessica NaN F 19 black blue
Or you can query for null values in a particular column:
In [5]: df[df.LAST_NAME.isnull()]
3 Mary NaN F 42 blonde NaN
11 Jessica NaN F 19 black blue
Pandas uses the "Not a Number" (NaN
) Python code to represent data that is missing. This is probably good to know, though I've never had any problems confusing the two. Pandas makes dealing with missing data pretty seamless.
You can fill in invalid data using .fillna()
In [6]: df.fillna("X")
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
3 Mary X F 42 blonde X
4 X Phillips M 37 X brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
6 Natalie Potter F X brown green
7 Brenda Jones F X X brown
8 Michael Smith X 58 brown brown
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
11 Jessica X F 19 black blue
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brown green
Or you can drop all entries that have invalid data:
In [7]: df.dropna()
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
4 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
4 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown
5 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
6 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue
7 Jaime Anderson F 46 brown green
Notice that both of the above built-in methods to deal with invalid data return a new DataFrame, they do not edit the original.
A query starts with creating a mask on your DataFrame
. The mask sets a True/False value for each row/column, based on some predicate. Here is a simple example predicate:
In [16]: df.AGE > 50
0 False
1 False
2 True
3 False
4 False
5 True
6 False
7 False
8 True
9 False
10 False
11 False
12 False
13 False
Name: AGE, dtype: bool
You can use this as a mask in your dataset:
In [17]: df[df.AGE > 50]
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
8 Michael Smith NaN 58 brown brown
So, in database terms, we've done a selection query (looking for people older than 50). All selection queries in Pandas work the same way: by using a mask.
Here's another simple query based on a predicate/mask query:
In [18]: df[df.LAST_NAME == "Jones"]
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
7 Brenda Jones F NaN NaN brown
Sometimes you will want a column to be one of a collection of values. You can use isin
for this, in much the way you used in
with Python lists:
In [6]: vals = ['brown', 'blue']
In [7]: df.loc[df.EYE_COLOR.isin(vals)]
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
4 NaN Phillips M 37 NaN brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
7 Brenda Jones F NaN NaN brown
8 Michael Smith NaN 58 brown brown
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown
11 Jessica NaN F 19 black blue
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue
Alternately, you can get the inverse selection with ~
In [8]: df.loc[~df.EYE_COLOR.isin(vals)]
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
3 Mary NaN F 42 blonde NaN
6 Natalie Potter F NaN brown green
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brown green
In [9]: df.loc[~df.EYE_COLOR.isin(vals)].EYE_COLOR.unique().tolist()
Out[9]: ['hazel', 'green', nan]
To set values in a DataFrame
, we will use the .loc()
method, for the same reasons that it was easy to pull/slice data from a DataFrame using .loc()
As before, we could find all the people with brown hair by doing:
In [72]: df.loc[df.HAIR_COLOR == 'brown', 'HAIR_COLOR']
1 brown
5 brown
6 brown
8 brown
12 brown
13 brown
Name: HAIR_COLOR, dtype: object
But, let's say we want to change any label that says "brown" to "brunette":
In [73]: df.loc[df.HAIR_COLOR == 'brown', 'HAIR_COLOR'] = "brunette"
In [74]: df
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brunette hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brunette blue
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brunette green
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown
8 Michael Smith M 58 brunette brown
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brunette blue
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brunette green
If you want more than one predicate in your query, you can string them using the normal boolean operators.
If we want to identify male people over 30:
In [23]: df[(df.AGE >= 30) and (df.GENDER == 'M')]
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
4 NaN Phillips M 37 NaN brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
Or perhaps we want to identify blondes under the age of 40 or brunettes over the age of 50:
In [33]: df[((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'blonde') & (df.AGE < 40)) | ((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'brown') & (df.AGE > 50))]
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown
8 Michael Smith M 58 brown brown
Queries can be as complex as you need. But remember that more complicated queries my take more time. If the above logic was hard to follow, consider going back and reviewing Python's boolean syntax.
If your query predicates become sufficiently complicated, you might want to replace them with a function that returns True
for each record. To do this, use .apply()
with a lambda function. For example, let's select all the clients whose first name begins with "M":
In [8]: df[df.apply(lambda row: row['FIRST_NAME'][0], axis=1) == 'M']
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue
8 Michael Smith M 58 brown brown
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue
As your dataframes grow, you may find the amount of data selected by a query is quite large. A handy way to speed up your code could be to reduce the number of columns returned. This can be done by passing loc
a list of column names. For instance, let's do the same query as above, but with only a few columns:
In [9]: df.loc[df.apply(lambda row: row['FIRST_NAME'][0], axis=1) == 'M', ['FIRST_NAME', 'GENDER', 'AGE']]
2 Michael M 55
3 Mary F 42
8 Michael M 58
10 Michael M 37
12 Molly F 21
In some circumstances, you might need to build or pass around a query outside of your current code. In this case, it is typical to see people save the query predicate(s) as a string and use the standard Python eval
function. Let's look at one of our longer queries again (finding blondes under 40 or brunettes over 50):
In [33]: df[((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'blonde') & (df.AGE < 40)) | ((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'brown') & (df.AGE > 50))]
Now, we can save that query to a string:
In [22]: my_query = "((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'blonde') & (df.AGE < 40)) | ((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'brown') & (df.AGE > 50))"
But you can't run this query directly:
In [23]: df[my_query]
KeyError: "((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'blonde') & (df.AGE < 40)) | ((df.HAIR_COLOR == 'brown') & (df.AGE > 50))"
First you have to use eval
to convert the text to Python code:
In [24]: df[eval(my_query)]
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown
8 Michael Smith M 58 brown brown
When the Python interpretter converts the text you write into executable bytecode, it uses the exact same tools that are available to you through eval
is the pandas equivalent to a SQL join. Like SQL joins, a merge
can be "left", "right", "inner", or "outer".
First, we need some data to merge into our client DataFrame
In [108]: genders = pd.DataFrame({'GENDER': ['M', 'F'], 'GENDER_LONG': ['male', 'female']})
In [109]: genders
0 M male
1 F female
Okay, and here we merge
the client DataFrame
with our new genders
to add information to the former:
In [110]: pd.merge(left=df, right=genders, how='left', on=['GENDER'])
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown 2 female
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brunette hazel 9 male
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green 3 male
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue 9 female
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown 6 male
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brunette blue 5 male
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brunette green 5 female
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown 6 female
8 Michael Smith M 58 brunette brown 1 male
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown 2 female
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel 4 male
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue 7 female
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brunette blue 2 female
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brunette green 9 female
When using merge
, you can create one-to-many relationships:
In [111]: genders = pd.DataFrame({'GENDER': ['M', 'M', 'F'], 'GENDER_LONG': ['male', 'man', 'female']})
In [111]: genders
0 M male
1 M man
2 F female
In [112]: pd.merge(right=df, left=genders, how='left', on=['GENDER'])
0 M male Jaime Roberts 32 brunette hazel 9
1 M male Michael Johnson 55 red green 3
2 M male Robert Phillips 37 blonde brown 6
3 M male Thomas Moore 60 brunette blue 5
4 M male Michael Smith 58 brunette brown 1
5 M male Michael Smith 37 black hazel 4
6 M man Jaime Roberts 32 brunette hazel 9
7 M man Michael Johnson 55 red green 3
8 M man Robert Phillips 37 blonde brown 6
9 M man Thomas Moore 60 brunette blue 5
10 M man Michael Smith 58 brunette brown 1
11 M man Michael Smith 37 black hazel 4
12 F female Jennifer Jones 27 black brown 2
13 F female Mary Adams 42 blonde blue 9
14 F female Natalie Potter 21 brunette green 5
15 F female Brenda Jones 18 blonde brown 6
16 F female Jennifer Smith 36 black brown 2
17 F female Jessica Rabbit 19 black blue 7
18 F female Molly Bryant 21 brunette blue 2
19 F female Jaime Anderson 46 brunette green 9
The above one-to-many relationship could be what you want. But this is a common failure mode to watch out for during a merge
. In the case above, we ended up with 19 final records instead of the original 13. It is not hard to imagine a case where these extra 6 records were not intentional or desired. It's just something to think about when merging.
The groupby
allows you to aggregate a DataFrame object by field and then, possibly, map the results with some function. Here are some example use cases:
A big box company groups it's purchase log by item category (men's clothing, women's clothing, home furnishings, etc.) and region, then applys
to the sale prices. This creates a break down of sales volume by region and category. -
A forum website groups its members by age and topics of interest. They they apply
to the age for each topic. This gives the website creators some idea of trendy topics for different age groups.
Let's group our client list by last name and then count the number of people with each eye color:
In [103]: df.groupby(['LAST_NAME', 'EYE_COLOR'], as_index=False)['EYE_COLOR'].count()
Adams blue 1
Anderson green 1
Bryant blue 1
Johnson green 1
Jones brown 2
Moore blue 1
Phillips brown 1
Potter green 1
Rabbit blue 1
Roberts hazel 1
Smith brown 2
hazel 1
dtype: int64
Or let's group all of our clients by first name and count how many have the same hair color (yes, some of these examples are a little contrived):
In [104]: df.groupby(['FIRST_NAME', 'HAIR_COLOR'], as_index=False)['HAIR_COLOR'].count()
Brenda blonde 1
Jaime brunette 2
Jennifer black 2
Jessica black 1
Mary blonde 1
Michael black 1
brunette 1
red 1
Molly brunette 1
Natalie brunette 1
Robert blonde 1
Thomas brunette 1
dtype: int64
And just as one final exercise, let's insert a "random integer" field to our data frame:
In [105]: df['RAND_INT'] = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=len(df))
In [106]: df
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown 8
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brown hazel 5
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green 6
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue 9
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown 6
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brown blue 2
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brown green 7
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown 6
8 Michael Smith M 58 brown brown 2
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown 1
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel 1
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue 4
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brown blue 7
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brown green 8
Now we can group our data by last name and gender and sum the random integers in each group:
In [107]: df.groupby(['LAST_NAME', 'GENDER'], as_index=False)['RAND_INT'].sum()
0 Adams F 9
1 Anderson F 9
2 Bryant F 2
3 Johnson M 3
4 Jones F 8
5 Moore M 5
6 Phillips M 6
7 Potter F 5
8 Rabbit F 7
9 Roberts M 9
10 Smith F 2
11 Smith M 5
The pandas DataFrame.sort()
allows you to sort a DataFrame object by one or more columns. In the case of multiple columns, the order you provide them will be the order of priority for sorting. For instance:
In [117]: df.sort(['LAST_NAME', 'FIRST_NAME', 'AGE'])
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue 9
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brunette green 9
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brunette blue 2
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green 3
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown 6
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown 2
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brunette blue 5
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown 6
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brunette green 5
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue 7
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brunette hazel 9
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown 2
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel 4
8 Michael Smith M 58 brunette brown 1
Notice the order of priority in the sorting. The three Smiths are last alphabetically for last names. But the two Michael Smiths come after Jennifer Smith, because of their first name. And finally, one Michael Smith comes after the other due to their ages.
You can use append
to add one DataFrame object onto the end of another:
In [12]: df1 = df[:8]
In [13]: df2 = df[8:]
In [14]: df_appended = df2.append(df1)
In [15]: df_appended
8 Michael Smith M 58 brunette brown 1
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown 2
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel 4
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue 7
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brunette blue 2
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brunette green 9
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown 2
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brunette hazel 9
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green 3
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue 9
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown 6
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brunette blue 5
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brunette green 5
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown 6
Notice the order is preserved in append, based on which DataFrame object is being appended to.
You can use concat
to append two or more DataFrame objects:
In [15]: DFs = []
In [16]: DFs.append(df[10:])
In [17]: DFs.append(df[5:10])
In [18]: DFs.append(df[0:5])
In [19]: len(DFs)
Out[19]: 3
In [20]: pd.concat(DFs)
10 Michael Smith M 37 black hazel 4
11 Jessica Rabbit F 19 black blue 7
12 Molly Bryant F 21 brunette blue 2
13 Jaime Anderson F 46 brunette green 9
5 Thomas Moore M 60 brunette blue 5
6 Natalie Potter F 21 brunette green 5
7 Brenda Jones F 18 blonde brown 6
8 Michael Smith M 58 brunette brown 1
9 Jennifer Smith F 36 black brown 2
0 Jennifer Jones F 27 black brown 2
1 Jaime Roberts M 32 brunette hazel 9
2 Michael Johnson M 55 red green 3
3 Mary Adams F 42 blonde blue 9
4 Robert Phillips M 37 blonde brown 6
Writing your DataFrame object to a common format file is similar to reading files in Pandas. Instead of using read_
functions, use to_
functions (a similar set of optional parameters are available). Two functions you'll likely want are:
- comma separated valuesto_pickle
- preserved pandas data structure
For more information on writing to other data formats, consult the pandas manual.