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916 lines (690 loc) · 30.7 KB

File metadata and controls

916 lines (690 loc) · 30.7 KB




You will primarily interact with this service through extended classes that model your data structure. Data classes will extend \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model or \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\embedded.



	"...": "...",
	"mongoDatabases": [
			"default": true,
			"database": "DatabaseName",
			"uri": "mongodb+srv://DatabaseUsername:DatabaseUserPasswordd@Host/DatabaseName",
			"audit": false,
			"include_meta": true,
			"include_metaLabels": false,
			"include_metaFields": true,
			"logging": true,
			"auditDatabaseName": "",
			"auditDatabaseUri": "",
			"encryption": {
				"useEncryption": true,
				"kmsProviders": {
					"gcp": {
						"email": "serviceaccountname",
						"masterKeyLocationFilePathName": "gcpMasterKeyLocation.json",
						"privateKeyFilePathName": "gcpPrivateKey.txt",
						"credentialsFilePathName": "gcpCredentials.json"
				"cryptSharedLibPath": "C:\\inetpub\\corephp\\mongocryptlib\\mongo_crypt_v1.dll",
				"encryptedCollectionsFields": [
						"collection": "CollectionNameWithEncryptedFields",
						"encryptedFieldMap": [
								"keyAltName": "dek1",
								"keyId": "generated by running $mdb->createEncryptedCollection( $collectionName )",
								"path": "EncryptedFieldName1",
								"bsonType": "string",
								"queries": {
									"queryType": "equality"
								"keyAltName": "dek2",
								"keyId": "generated by running $mdb->createEncryptedCollection( $collectionName )",
								"path": "EncryptedFieldName2",
								"bsonType": "int"

encryption key is optional. Exclude it when encryption is not being used




	"projectId": "gcp-project-id",
	"location": "us-east4",
	"keyRing": "gcp-keyring-id",
	"keyName": "gcp-keyname"

gcpCredentials.json this file is generated when creating a service account

	"type": "service_account",
	"project_id": "",
	"private_key_id": "",
	"private_key": "",
	"client_email": "",
	"client_id": "",
	"auth_uri": "",
	"token_uri": "",
	"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
	"client_x509_cert_url": "",
	"universe_domain": ""

gcpPrivateKey.txt Generate this file using the following command cat gcpCredentials.json | jq -r .private_key | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -inform PEM -outform DER | base64

Create Encrypted Collection

$mdb = new mdb( $collectionName, '', [], false );
$mdb->createEncryptedCollection( $collectionName );

Rotate Keys

$mdb = new mdb( $collectionName, '' );

Model Objects

A class that extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model is a representation of the documents in a Mongo collection. Every model must include a public field $_id of type \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId that will serve as the 'primary key' for the collection.


Example: This inspection model defines the fields and types that documents stored in the inspection collection in Mongo. All examples assume this is the model.

final class inspection extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {

	const _COLLECTION = 'inspection';
	const _HUMAN = 'inspection';
	const _HUMAN_PLURAL = 'inspections';

	#[label( 'Id' )]
	public \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId $_id;

	#[label( 'Project Id' )]
	public \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId|null $projectId = null;

	#[label( 'Inspection Number' )]
	public int $inspectionNumber = 0;
	#[label( 'Locations' )]
	/** @var \app\models\component\address[] $address */
	public array $addresses = [];

In Mongo, the documents in the inspection collection will look like:

	"_id": '66aa42df57b1bd608017dbf5',
	"projectId": '66aa42e3582cbf0763728468',
	"inspectionNumber": 0,
	"addresses": []

Factory Methods

Extending \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model provides static methods for storing and retrieving documents from Mongo.

\app\models\inspection::getAll( array $filter = [], array $sort = [], array $options = [] )
\app\models\inspection::getPagedResponse( int|string|null $limit, int|string|null $page, array $filter = [], array $options = [] )
\app\models\inspection::getOne( \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId|string $_id )
\app\models\inspection::getOneBy( array $filter = [], array $options = [] )
\app\models\inspection::aggregation( array $pipeline = [], $options = [] )
\app\models\inspection::save( object &$object, bool $upsert = true, bool $callBeforeAfterHooks = true, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null )
\app\models\inspection::saveMany( array &$objects, bool $upsert = true, bool $callBeforeAfterHooks = true, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null )
\app\models\inspection::delete( \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId|string $_id, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null )
\app\models\inspection::deleteMany( array $itemsToDelete, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null )
Get All

Method will return an array of you model class with all matching documents in the collection. $options is an associative array specifying the desired options as provided in the Mongo library See options Typemap is automatically added to the options based on the type definitions of the model

\app\models\inspection::getAll( array $filter = [], array $sort = [], array $options = [] )

Example: Return all records in the collection. Caution - providing no filter can be memory intensive and lengthy.

$inspections = \app\models\inspection::getAll()

Example: Return matching records in the collection, sorted by field 'inspectionNumber' in ascending order

$inspections = \app\models\inspection::getAll([ 'inspectionNumber'=>['$gt'=>10] ], [ 'inspectionNumber'=>1 ])
Get All Paged

Method will return an instance of \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\getResult where:

$result->getData() is array of you model class with all matching documents in the collection

$result->getLimit() is the maximum number of documents per page

$result->getPage() is the current page the results represent

$result->getSkip() is the number of documents to skip to get to the first document on this page

$result->getTotalDocmentCount() is the grand total number of documents that match the provided filter

$options is an associative array specifying the desired options as provided in the Mongo library See options Typemap is automatically added to the options based on the type definitions of the model

\app\models\inspection::getPagedResponse( int|string|null $limit, int|string|null $page, array $filter = [], array $options = [] )

Example: Return the first page of up to 10 documents that match the provided filter

\app\models\inspection::getPagedResponse( 10, 1, [ 'inspectionNumber'=>['$gt'=>10] ] )
Get One

Method will return the matching document in the collection.

\app\models\inspection::getOne( \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId|string $_id )

Example: return one document from the collection

$inspection = \app\models\inspection::getOne( '66aa2d805b4ad858460f12b7' )
Get One By Filter

Method will return the first document in collection that matched the filter. $options is an associative array specifying the desired options as provided in the Mongo library See options Typemap is automatically added to the options based on the type definitions of the model

\app\models\inspection::getOneBy( array $filter = [], array $options = [] )

Example: return one document from the collection

$inspection = \app\models\inspection::getOneBy( ['inspectionNumber'=>9] )
Aggregation Pipeline

Method will return an array of objects produced by the aggregation pipeline.

$pipeline is an associative array specifying an aggregation pipeline operation

$options is an associative array specifying the desired options as provided in the Mongo library See options NOTE: typemap is not defined automatically because the pipeline may generate a document that does not match the model class. All models use persistence from the Mongo library which adds __pclass to each document in the collection that saves the document type. Documents defined in the pipeline output that include the __pclass field, the returned documents will be typecast during deserialization.

\app\models\inspection::aggregation( array $pipeline = [], $options = [] )

Example: return an array of inspection models with an added field named 'createdDate', set from a matching project

$inspections = \app\models\inspection::aggregation([
        '$match' => [
            'inspectionNumber' => ['$gt'=>10]
        '$lookup' => [
            'from' => 'project',
            'localField' => 'projectId',
            'foreignField' => '_id',
            'as' => 'projects'
        '$unwind' => [
            'path' => '$projects',
            'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays' => false
        '$addFields' => [
            'createdDate' => '$projects.applicationDate'
Save One

Method will update or insert the provided object into the collection and will return gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\updateDeleteResult that reveals details about the database actions performed.

$object is the model to save. It is passed by reference so any changes made to the object as a result of the save operation will be available in the same object after the save is completed.

$upsert defaults to true. Can be set to false to only allow updating existing records

$callBeforeAfterHooks defaults to true. Can be set to false to disable automatic calling of _beforeSave( &$object ) and _afterSave( &$object ) on the model and

$mongoDbSession is null by default but a \MongoDB\Driver\Session can be provided in order to perform a transaction of multiple model operations across one or many collections.

\app\models\inspection::save( object &$object, bool $upsert = true, bool $callBeforeAfterHooks = true, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null ): updateDeleteResult

Example: default save operation for \app\models\inspection object

$updateResult = \app\models\inspection::save( $inspection );

Example: save \app\models\inspection object as part of a transaction

$transactionSession = \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\tools\mdb::startSessionTransaction();
try {
    \app\models\structure::save( $structure, true, true, $transactionSession );
    \app\models\inspection::save( $inspection, true, true, $transactionSession );
catch( modelException $e ) {
    if( $transactionSession->isInTransaction() ) {
Save Many

Method will update or insert the provided objects into the collection and will return and array of gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\updateDeleteResult that reveals details about the database actions performed.

$object is the model to save. It is passed by reference so any changes made to the object as a result of the save operation will be available in the same object after the save is completed.

$upsert defaults to true. Can be set to false to only allow updating existing records

$callBeforeAfterHooks defaults to true. Can be set to false to disable automatic calling of _beforeSave( &$object ) and _afterSave( &$object ) on the model and

$mongoDbSession is null by default but a \MongoDB\Driver\Session can be provided in order to perform a transaction of multiple model operations across one or many collections.

\app\models\inspection::saveMany( array &$objects, bool $upsert = true, bool $callBeforeAfterHooks = true, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null ): updateDeleteResult[]

Example: default save operation for many \app\models\inspection objects

$updateResults = \app\models\inspection::saveMany( $inspections );

Example: save many \app\models\inspection objects as part of a transaction

$transactionSession = \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\tools\mdb::startSessionTransaction();
try {
    \app\models\structure::saveMany( $structures, true, true, $transactionSession );
    \app\models\inspection::saveMany( $inspections, true, true, $transactionSession );
catch( modelException $e ) {
    if( $transactionSession->isInTransaction() ) {
Delete One

Method will delete the provided object in the collection and will return gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\updateDeleteResult that reveals details about the database actions performed.

$mongoDbSession is null by default but a \MongoDB\Driver\Session can be provided in order to perform a transaction of multiple model operations across one or many collections.

\app\models\inspection::delete( \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId|string $_id, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null ): updateDeleteResult

Example: default delete operation for a \app\models\inspection model

$updateResult = \app\models\inspection::delete( '66aa2d805b4ad858460f12b7' );

Example: delete \app\models\inspection object as part of a transaction

$transactionSession = \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\tools\mdb::startSessionTransaction();
try {
    \app\models\structure::save( $structure, true, true, $transactionSession );
    \app\models\inspection::delete( '66aa2d805b4ad858460f12b7', $transactionSession );
catch( modelException $e ) {
    if( $transactionSession->isInTransaction() ) {
Delete Many

Method will update or insert the provided objects into the collection and will return and array of gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\updateDeleteResult that reveals details about the database actions performed.

$itemsToDelete is an array of the model objects to delete

$mongoDbSession is null by default but a \MongoDB\Driver\Session can be provided in order to perform a transaction of multiple model operations across one or many collections.

\app\models\inspection::deleteMany( array $itemsToDelete, ?\MongoDB\Driver\Session $mongoDbSession = null ): updateDeleteResult[]

Example: default delete operation for many \app\models\inspection objects

$updateResults = \app\models\inspection::deleteMany( $inspections );

Example: delete many \app\models\inspection objects as part of a transaction

$transactionSession = \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\tools\mdb::startSessionTransaction();
try {
    \app\models\structure::save( $structure, true, true, $transactionSession );
    \app\models\inspection::deleteMany( $inspections, $transactionSession );
catch( modelException $e ) {
    if( $transactionSession->isInTransaction() ) {

Embedded Objects

A class that extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\embedded is a representation of an embedded document that can be embedded in any model class.

Embedded objects do not have any required fields but it is best practice to include an Object Id as $_id if the embedded object will be embedded in an array in a model field. When embedded as an array, the model must use a PHPDoc comment to set the type. Without a PHPDoc comment to define the array type, the array will not only be deserialized to the embedded type if __pclass is stored in the database. __pclass deserialization should not be relied on.

Embedded objects cannot be saved as top level documents in a collection. If you wish to both embed an object and store it in its own collection, it must be defined as a model. There are important caveats to this approach that you must be aware of to correctly handle saving embedded models (see 'Attributes for Embedding Models' section).

namespace \app\models\component\address;

class address extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\embeddable {

	public \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId          $_id;

	#[label( 'Address Type' )]
	public string                          $type        = 'mailing';

	#[label( 'Address' )]
	public string                          $address     = '';

	#[label( 'Apt/Suite' )]
	public string                          $address2    = '';

	#[label( 'City' )]
	public string                          $city        = '';

	#[label( 'State' )]
	public string                          $state       = '';

	#[label( 'Zip' )]
	public string                          $zip         = '';

	#[label( 'Address Type List' )]
	/** @var string[] $_validTypes */
	public array                           $_validTypes = [
		'mailing'  => 'Mailing',
		'physical' => 'Physical'


Model and embedded object properties may utilize attributes to customize functionality of a property or add meta data about the field.


Applied to classes. When serialized to JSON, model and embedded classes will automatically include a _meta field. To disable this for a specific model or embedded class, give the class the #[includeMeta(false)] attribute


Properties tagged with #[excludeBsonSerialize] will not be saved in the database


Properties tagged with #[excludeBsonUnserialize] will be excluded when deserializing the document from the database. The resulting object will have the default value for the property regardless of what value is saved in the database for the property.


Properties tagged with #[excludeJsonSerialize] will be excluded from the output when serializing the object to json


Properties tagged with #[excludeJsonDeserialize] will be excluded when deserializing the object from JSON to object. The resulting object will have the default value for the property regardless of what value was set in the JSON string.

#[label('Human Readable Label')]

Properties tagged with #[label(string $label)] will be added the object's _meta output in the labels section and the fields section.

Example embedded class with label:

class address extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\embeddable {

	public \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId          $_id;

	#[label( 'Address Type' )]
	public string                          $type        = 'mailing';

After JSON serialization:

	"_id": "",
	"type": "mailing",
	"_meta": {
		"fields": {
			"type": {
				"label": "Address Type",
				"error": false,
				"errorMessages": [],
				"success": false,
				"successMessages": [],
				"hints": [],
				"state": "",
				"required": false,
				"visible": true,
				"valueIsVisibilityGroup": false,
				"visibilityGroups": [],
				"validating": false


Properties tagged with #[autoIncrement] will automatically increment upon insert into the database. With no parameters provided, the value will be set to the previous maximum value + 1.

Basic example:

final class inspection extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	#[label( 'Inspection Number' )]
	public int $inspectionNumber = 0;
  1. The first document inserted into the inspection collection will have $inspectionNumber set to 1 (previous max of 0 + 1).
  2. The second document inserted into the inspection collection will have $inspectionNumber set to 2 (previous max of 1 + 1).
  3. The third document inserted into the inspection collection will have $inspectionNumber set to 3 (previous max of 2 + 1).

Advanced Example (Grouping and Formatting)

By default, one property in a collection will have an ever-increasing automatic value. You can, however, create groups of incrementing numbers within a collection. Grouping allows one collection to have multiple automatic incrementing values that increment at different rates.

In addition, auto incremented values may be formatted by providing a method name to the countFormatMethod parameter.

In this example, documents in the project collection will have $projectReferenceNumber set to a formatted increasing value within the group provided.

final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	#[label( 'Project Reference Number' )]
	#[autoIncrement( groupByMethodName: 'getProjectNumberGroup', countFormatMethod: 'formatProjectIncrementer' )]
	public string $projectReferenceNumber = '';
	public function getProjectNumberGroup(): string {
		if( $this->projectType==='fireMarshal' ) {
			return 'FM';
		elseif( $this->projectType==='stormwater' ) {
			return 'SW';

		//default by calendar year
		return (string)$this->applicationDate->format( 'Y' );
	public function formatProjectIncrementer( int $count ): string {
		return $this->getProjectNumberGroup() . '-' . str_pad( $count, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );

  1. The first document inserted into the project collection with field projectType set to fireMarshal will have $projectReferenceNumber set to FM-0001 (group FM previous max of 0 + 1).
  2. The second document inserted into the project collection with field projectType set to fireMarshal will have $projectReferenceNumber set to FM-0002 (group FM previous max of 1 + 2).
  3. The first document inserted into the project collection with field applicationDate in 2024 and field projectType set to permits will have $projectReferenceNumber set to 2024-0001 (group 2024 previous max of 0 + 1).
  4. The second document inserted into the project collection with field applicationDate in 2024 and field projectType set to permits will have $projectReferenceNumber set to 2024-0002 (group 2024 previous max of 1 + 1).


Properties tagged with #[redact( array $redactIfUserHasAnyRoles=[], array $redactIfUserHasAllRoles=[] )] will be removed from the JSON output of the system when the provided conditions are met. This is useful for allowing a role to read from a collection but to hide certain properties from the user because of their permission roles.

Example: users with the role constants::ROLE_PUBLIC_WEB will not see a phone property on the JSON object returned to them.

final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	#[label( 'Phone' )]
	#[redact( [ constants::ROLE_PUBLIC_WEB ] )]
	public \app\models\component\phone $phone


Properties tagged with #[visibility(bool $default = true, array $groups = [], bool $valueIsVisibilityGroup = false)] will impact the output of _meta.fields.{field-name}.visible, _meta.fields.{field-name}.valueIsVisibilityGroup, and _meta.fields.{field-name}.visibilityGroups. This will only ever set the default state. Javascript must be used on the UI to respect the visibility of fields and to respond to changes in the visibilityGroups so that field visibility is updated as other values on the object are modified.


final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	#[label( 'Status' )]
	#[visibility( default: true, valueIsVisibilityGroup: true )]
	public ?\app\models\keyValueItem $status = null;

	#[label( 'Application Date' )]
	#[visibility( default: true )]
	public \DateTimeImmutable $applicationDate;

	#[label( 'Submitted Date' )]
	#[visibility( default: false, groups: [ constants::EXTERNAL_STATUS_ID_SUBMITTED ] )]
	public ?\DateTimeImmutable $submittedDate = null;

See Permits API/App externalWebRequests for full example in use

Attributes for Embedding Models

These attributes are only relevant on properties that embed other top level models.


When an object with a property tagged with #[deleteCascade] is deleted, all instances of the child item are also deleted in its own collection and anywhere else it is embedded.


final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	public ?\app\model\inspection $inspection = null;

When \app\models\project::delete( $projectId ) is called, the inspection saved in $inspection will be removed from the inspection collection and removed from all other documents that it is embedded in.


It is possible to create an infinite loop by nesting models. To the extent possible, you should avoid a nesting loop of models.

An example would be if a project embeds an inspection but inspection also includes project as a property that isn't saved to the database but is used for aggregation. This would cause an infinite loop because as the typemap is resolved for project, inspection is resolved which requires project to be resolved, which requires inspection to be resolved, etc.

To escape this trap, tag the nested property (inspection.project in this example) with #[excludeFromTypemapWhenThisClassNotRoot] to exclude it from the typemap resolution. The caveat to this is that $inspection->project may not be typed as project. In these cases we are relying on __pclass automatic typecasting.


Properties tagged with #[foreignKey()] must be typed arrays with a model type. The purpose is to enable insertions of the foreign model in the foreign collection to automatically insert into the typed array as well.

Basic Example:

The first parameter of #[foreignKey(string $embeddedPropertyName, array $embeddedObjectFilter = [] )] must match the field name in the embedded model that will match the $_id of the parent model.

In this example, when \app\model\transaction::save( $transaction ) is called, the transaction will be stored in the transaction collection and will also be inserted into documents in the project collection in the transactions field where project._id matches transaction.projectId.

final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	#[label( 'Transactions' )]
	#[foreignKey( 'projectId' )]
	/** @var \app\models\transaction[] $transactions */
	public array $transactions = [];

final class transaction extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	public \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId $_id;
	#[label( 'Project Id' )]
	public ?\MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId $projectId = null;

Advanced Example:

The second parameter of #[foreignKey(string $embeddedPropertyName, array $embeddedObjectFilter = [] )] is an optional filter to limit what documents are embedded automatically. The $embeddedObjectFilter should be a standard Mongo find array filter that is used to filter the embedded model collection to further restrict which documents will be embedded on insert. In this example, only documents where the transaction.projectId matches project._id and where transaction.recurringTemplate is false will be embedded.

final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	#[label( 'Transactions' )]
	#[foreignKey( 'projectId', [ 'recurringTemplate' => false ] )]
	/** @var \app\models\transaction[] $transactions */
	public array $transactions = [];

final class transaction extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
	public \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId $_id;
	#[label( 'Project Id' )]
	public ?\MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId $projectId = null;
	#[label( 'Is Recurring Template' )]
	public bool $recurringTemplate = null;

Validation Attributes

See Symfony Validation for all Assert options and Validation Groups for details.

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use gcgov\framework\models\customConstraints as CustomAssert;

public ?\app\models\keyValueItem $projectType = null;

#[Assert\Expression( expression: 'this.externalApplicantRequests or value', message: 'At least one applicant is required' )]
/** @var \app\models\applicant[] $applicants */
public array $applicants = [];

Validation Groups

Classes implementing validation groups must add method public function _defineValidationGroups(): string[]. Groups allow fields to be conditionally validated.


final class project extends \gcgov\framework\services\mongodb\model {
    //required if any of the validation groups listed are present in _defineValidationGroups 	
    #[CustomAssert\OptionalValid(expression:'value!=null', groups:[ constants::EXTERNAL_PROJECT_TYPE_ID_NEW_HOME, constants::EXTERNAL_PROJECT_TYPE_ID_RES_ADDITION ])]
    public ?\app\models\component\externalContractorRequest $externalBuildingContractorRequest = null;

	public function _defineValidationGroups(): array {
		$validationGroups = [];
		if( $this->projectType instanceof keyValueItem ) {
			$validationGroups = [ (string)$this->projectType->_id ];
		return $validationGroups;

Update Validation Status

To run validation, call the updateValidationState method on the model or embedded object.



Enable auditing for the database with config options. By default, auditing will create json patches that move from the current state of the object to the state of the object prior to the update. Enable auditForward to generate a patch from the object prior to save to the object after save.