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#3402 #3401 discard longhorn devices #41

#3402 #3401 discard longhorn devices

#3402 #3401 discard longhorn devices #41

name: Build Packages
# this covers the following use cases:
# 1. build snapshot packages for every push to any branch
# 2. publish packages as "ReaR Snapshot" for every push to master
# 3. build official packages for every push of a tag named release/* and publish as "ReaR Release"
on: push
# Set RELEASE to the release tag or to snapshot
RELEASE: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/release/') && github.ref_name || 'no-release' }}
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
id-token: write
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Extract release version
# Set release version and filename from the release tag
# e.g. 2.8.0 -> RELEASE_VERSION=2.8.0 RELEASE_FILENAME=release-2.8.0
if: startsWith(env.RELEASE, 'release')
run: |
tee -a $GITHUB_ENV <<< "RELEASE_VERSION=${RELEASE#release/}"
- name: Setup build environment
run: sudo apt-get -qq update && sudo apt-get -qq install asciidoctor
- name: Build Snapshot dist archive
if: env.RELEASE == 'no-release'
run: make dist
# check if the release version matches the source version before building official release dist archive
- name: Check and build Release dist archive
if: startsWith(env.RELEASE, 'release')
run: |
if [ -z "$RELEASE_VERSION" ] ; then
echo "::error::Release version not set in RELEASE_VERSION"
exit 1
# Find the line where VERSION is set
VERSION_LINE=$(grep -n "^readonly VERSION=" usr/sbin/rear | cut -d: -f1)
echo "### Version Check Failed" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "* Expected version: $RELEASE_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "* Current version: $SOURCE_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "::error file=usr/sbin/rear,line=$VERSION_LINE::Version mismatch: Source version in rear script ($SOURCE_VERSION) does not match release tag version ($RELEASE_VERSION)"
exit 1
make dist OFFICIAL=1
- name: Prepare Docker images
run: tools/run-in-docker -- --patch --continue-and-record-successful images
- name: List available Docker images
if: always()
run: |
test -r images && cat images || :
- name: Build snapshot packages via Docker
if: env.RELEASE == 'no-release'
# make package only for images that we patched successfully - continue despite errors
run: tools/run-in-docker $(<images) -- 'make package || tar -cvzf dist-all/build-$HOSTNAME.tar.gz /var/tmp/build-rear*'
- name: Build release packages via Docker
if: startsWith(env.RELEASE, 'release')
# make package for all images that we support - fail on errors
# we need to specify again OFFICIAL=1 as the Makefile determines the version to use before
# building the package, and without it wouldn't match with the dist archive created earlier
# TODO: make package should be able to determine the version from the dist archive instead
run: tools/run-in-docker -- make package OFFICIAL=1
- name: List dist-all
run: |
test -d dist-all && ls -lR dist-all || :
if: always()
- name: Upload Artifacts
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ReaR Packages ${{ github.head_ref || env.RELEASE_FILENAME || github.ref_name }} ${{ github.sha }}
path: dist-all/*
retention-days: 7
- name: Check rear dump
run: tools/run-in-docker $(<images) -- rear dump
- name: Create Snapshot Archives and Update GitHub Snapshot Release
# only create snapshot release for master branch
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
set -e
# put commit details into ZIP comment as the files always have the same names
COMMENT=$(git show -s --format="ReaR snapshot %h %ci%n")
for distro in dist-all/* ; do
test -d "$distro" || continue
zip -0 -j -z "$" "$distro"/* <<< "$COMMENT"
gh release delete snapshot -y || :
git push --delete origin snapshot || :
gh release create snapshot \
--target ${{ github.sha }} \
--prerelease \
--title "ReaR Snapshot $(git show -s --format="%ci")" \
--notes "Automatically built installation packages for testing purposes" \
dist-all/*.zip dist/*.tar.gz
- name: Create Release Archives and Update GitHub Release
if: startsWith(env.RELEASE, 'release')
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
set -e
# put commit details into ZIP comment as the files always have the same names
COMMENT=$(git show -s --format="ReaR release version $RELEASE_VERSION %h %ci%n")
for distro in dist-all/* ; do
test -d "$distro" || continue
zip -0 -j -z "$" "$distro"/* <<< "$COMMENT"
dist_archive=$(ls -1 dist/*.tar.gz)
gh release create "$RELEASE" \
--title "ReaR Release $RELEASE_VERSION ($(git show -s --format="%cs"))" \
--generate-notes \
dist-all/*.zip "${dist_archive}#Official ReaR source distribution ${dist_archive##*/}"