diff --git a/source/Ui/Calendar.elm b/source/Ui/Calendar.elm
index 5fca408..3c9264f 100644
--- a/source/Ui/Calendar.elm
+++ b/source/Ui/Calendar.elm
@@ -1,360 +1,325 @@
-module Ui.Calendar
-    exposing
-        ( Model
-        , Msg
-        , init
-        , onChange
-        , update
-        , view
-        , render
-        , selectable
-        , setValue
-        , nextDay
-        , previousDay
-        )
+module Ui.Calendar exposing
+  ( Model, Msg, init, onChange, update, view, render, selectable
+  , setValue, nextDay, previousDay )
 {-| Simple calendar component:
   - Change month by clicking on arrows on the left or right in the header
   - Select a date by clicking on it
   - Can be rendered in a given locale
 # Model
 @docs Model, Msg, init, update
 # DSL
 @docs selectable
 # Events
 @docs onChange
 # View
 @docs view, render
 # Functions
 @docs setValue, nextDay, previousDay
 import Html exposing (node, text, span)
 import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
 import Html.Lazy
 import Date.Extra.Config.Configs as DateConfigs
 import Date.Extra.Format exposing (format)
 import Time exposing (Time)
 import Ext.Date
 import Date
 import Ui.Helpers.Emitter as Emitter
 import Ui.Native.Uid as Uid
 import Ui.Container
 import Ui.Icons
 import Ui
 import Ui.Styles.Calendar exposing (defaultStyle)
 import Ui.Styles
 {-| Representation of a calendar component:
   - **selectable** - Whether or not the user can select a date by clicking on it
   - **disabled** - Whether or not the calendar is disabled
   - **readonly** - Whether or not the calendar is readonly
   - **uid** - The unique identifier of the calendar
   - **date** - The month which is displayed
   - **value** - The current selected date
 type alias Model =
-    { selectable : Bool
-    , value : Date.Date
-    , date : Date.Date
-    , disabled : Bool
-    , readonly : Bool
-    , uid : String
-    }
+  { selectable : Bool
+  , value : Date.Date
+  , date : Date.Date
+  , disabled : Bool
+  , readonly : Bool
+  , uid : String
+  }
 {-| Messages that a calendar can receive.
 type Msg
-    = Select Date.Date
-    | PreviousMonth
-    | NextMonth
+  = Select Date.Date
+  | PreviousMonth
+  | NextMonth
 {-| Initializes a calendar.
-    calendar =
-        Ui.Calendar.init ()
+    calendar = Ui.Calendar.init ()
 init : () -> Model
 init _ =
-    { value = Ext.Date.now ()
-    , date = Ext.Date.now ()
-    , selectable = True
-    , disabled = False
-    , readonly = False
-    , uid = Uid.uid ()
-    }
+  { value = Ext.Date.now ()
+  , date = Ext.Date.now ()
+  , selectable = True
+  , disabled = False
+  , readonly = False
+  , uid = Uid.uid ()
+  }
 {-| Sets the selectable property of a calendar.
 selectable : Bool -> Model -> Model
 selectable value model =
-    { model | selectable = value }
+  { model | selectable = value }
 {-| Subscribe to the changes of a calendar.
-    subscription =
-        Ui.Calendar.onChange CalendarChanged calendar
+    subscription = Ui.Calendar.onChange CalendarChanged calendar
 onChange : (Time -> msg) -> Model -> Sub msg
 onChange msg model =
-    Emitter.listenFloat model.uid msg
+  Emitter.listenFloat model.uid msg
 {-| Updates a calendar.
-    ( updatedCalendar, cmd ) =
-        Ui.Calendar.update msg calendar
+    ( updatedCalendar, cmd ) = Ui.Calendar.update msg calendar
 update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
 update msg model =
-    case msg of
-        PreviousMonth ->
-            ( { model | date = Ext.Date.previousMonth model.date }, Cmd.none )
-        NextMonth ->
-            ( { model | date = Ext.Date.nextMonth model.date }, Cmd.none )
-        Select date ->
-            if Ext.Date.isSameDate model.value date then
-                ( model, Cmd.none )
-            else
-                ( { model | value = date }
-                , Emitter.sendFloat model.uid (Date.toTime date)
-                )
+  case msg of
+    PreviousMonth ->
+      ( { model | date = Ext.Date.previousMonth model.date }, Cmd.none )
+    NextMonth ->
+      ( { model | date = Ext.Date.nextMonth model.date }, Cmd.none )
+    Select date ->
+      if Ext.Date.isSameDate model.value date then
+        ( model, Cmd.none )
+      else
+        ( { model | value = date }
+        , Emitter.sendFloat model.uid (Date.toTime date)
+        )
 {-| Lazily renders a calendar in the given locale.
     Ui.Calendar.view "en_us" calendar
 view : String -> Model -> Html.Html Msg
 view locale model =
-    Html.Lazy.lazy2 render locale model
+  Html.Lazy.lazy2 render locale model
 {-| Renders a calendar in the given locale.
     Ui.Calendar.render "en_us" calendar
 render : String -> Model -> Html.Html Msg
 render locale model =
-    let
-        -- The date of the month
-        month =
-            Ext.Date.begginingOfMonth model.date
-        -- List of dates in the month
-        dates =
-            Ext.Date.datesInMonth month
-        -- The left padding in the table
-        leftPadding =
-            paddingLeft month
-        -- The cells before the month
-        paddingLeftItems =
-            Ext.Date.previousMonth month
-                |> Ext.Date.datesInMonth
-                |> List.reverse
-                |> List.take (paddingLeft month)
-                |> List.reverse
-        -- The cells after the month
-        paddingRightItems =
-            Ext.Date.nextMonth month
-                |> Ext.Date.datesInMonth
-                |> List.take (42 - leftPadding - (List.length dates))
-        -- All of the 42 cells combined
-        cells =
-            paddingLeftItems
-                ++ dates
-                ++ paddingRightItems
-                |> List.map (renderCell model)
-        nextAction =
-            Ui.enabledActions model [ onClick NextMonth ]
-        previousAction =
-            Ui.enabledActions model [ onClick PreviousMonth ]
-        -- Header container
-        container =
-            Ui.Container.view
-                { compact = True
-                , align = "stretch"
-                , direction = "row"
-                }
-                []
-                [ Ui.Icons.chevronLeft previousAction
-                , node "div"
-                    []
-                    [ text (format (DateConfigs.getConfig locale) "%Y - %B" month) ]
-                , Ui.Icons.chevronRight nextAction
-                ]
-    in
-        node
-            "ui-calendar"
-            ([ Ui.attributeList
-                [ ( "selectable", model.selectable )
-                , ( "disabled", model.disabled )
-                , ( "readonly", model.readonly )
-                ]
-             , Ui.Styles.apply defaultStyle
-             ]
-                |> List.concat
-            )
-            [ container
-            , node "ui-calendar-header"
-                []
-                (List.map (\item -> span [] [ text item ]) (dayNames locale))
-            , node "ui-calendar-table" [] cells
-            ]
+  let
+    -- The date of the month
+    month =
+      Ext.Date.begginingOfMonth model.date
+    -- List of dates in the month
+    dates =
+      Ext.Date.datesInMonth month
+    -- The left padding in the table
+    leftPadding =
+      paddingLeft month
+    -- The cells before the month
+    paddingLeftItems =
+      Ext.Date.previousMonth month
+        |> Ext.Date.datesInMonth
+        |> List.reverse
+        |> List.take (paddingLeft month)
+        |> List.reverse
+    -- The cells after the month
+    paddingRightItems =
+      Ext.Date.nextMonth month
+        |> Ext.Date.datesInMonth
+        |> List.take (42 - leftPadding - (List.length dates))
+    -- All of the 42 cells combined
+    cells =
+      paddingLeftItems
+        ++ dates
+        ++ paddingRightItems
+        |> List.map (renderCell model)
+    nextAction =
+      Ui.enabledActions model [ onClick NextMonth ]
+    previousAction =
+      Ui.enabledActions model [ onClick PreviousMonth ]
+    -- Header container
+    container =
+      Ui.Container.view
+        { compact = True
+        , align = "stretch"
+        , direction = "row"
+        }
+        []
+        [ Ui.Icons.chevronLeft previousAction
+        , node "div" []
+          [ text (format (DateConfigs.getConfig locale) "%Y - %B" month) ]
+        , Ui.Icons.chevronRight nextAction
+        ]
+  in
+    node
+      "ui-calendar"
+      ( [ Ui.attributeList
+          [ ( "selectable", model.selectable )
+          , ( "disabled", model.disabled )
+          , ( "readonly", model.readonly )
+          ]
+        , Ui.Styles.apply defaultStyle
+        ]
+        |> List.concat
+      )
+      [ container
+      , node "ui-calendar-header" []
+        (List.map (\item -> span [] [ text item ]) (dayNames locale))
+      , node "ui-calendar-table" [] cells
+      ]
 {-| Sets the value of a calendar.
     updatedCalendar =
-        Ui.Calendar.setValue (Ext.Date.createDate 1977 5 25) calendar
+      Ui.Calendar.setValue (Ext.Date.createDate 1977 5 25) calendar
 setValue : Date.Date -> Model -> Model
 setValue date model =
-    { model | value = date }
-        |> fixDate
+  { model | value = date }
+    |> fixDate
 {-| Steps the selected value to the next day.
 nextDay : Model -> Model
 nextDay model =
-    { model | value = Ext.Date.nextDay model.value }
-        |> fixDate
+  { model | value = Ext.Date.nextDay model.value }
+    |> fixDate
 {-| Steps the selected value to the previous day.
 previousDay : Model -> Model
 previousDay model =
-    { model | value = Ext.Date.previousDay model.value }
-        |> fixDate
+  { model | value = Ext.Date.previousDay model.value }
+    |> fixDate
 {-| Fixes the date in order to make sure the selected date is visible.
 fixDate : Model -> Model
 fixDate model =
-    if Ext.Date.isSameMonth model.date model.value then
-        model
-    else
-        { model | date = model.value }
+  if Ext.Date.isSameMonth model.date model.value then
+    model
+  else
+    { model | date = model.value }
 {-| Returns the padding based on the day of the week.
 paddingLeft : Date.Date -> Int
 paddingLeft date =
-    case Date.dayOfWeek date of
-        Date.Mon ->
-            0
+  case Date.dayOfWeek date of
+    Date.Mon ->
+      0
-        Date.Tue ->
-            1
+    Date.Tue ->
+      1
-        Date.Wed ->
-            2
+    Date.Wed ->
+      2
-        Date.Thu ->
-            3
+    Date.Thu ->
+      3
-        Date.Fri ->
-            4
+    Date.Fri ->
+      4
-        Date.Sat ->
-            5
+    Date.Sat ->
+      5
-        Date.Sun ->
-            6
+    Date.Sun ->
+      6
 {-| Returns the short names of days.
 dayNames : String -> List String
 dayNames locale =
-    let
-        config =
-            DateConfigs.getConfig locale
-                |> .i18n
-    in
-        [ Date.Mon
-        , Date.Tue
-        , Date.Wed
-        , Date.Thu
-        , Date.Fri
-        , Date.Sat
-        , Date.Sun
-        ]
-            |> List.map config.dayShort
+  let
+    config =
+      DateConfigs.getConfig locale
+        |> .i18n
+  in
+    [ Date.Mon
+    , Date.Tue
+    , Date.Wed
+    , Date.Thu
+    , Date.Fri
+    , Date.Sat
+    , Date.Sun
+    ]
+      |> List.map config.dayShort
 {-| Renders a single cell.
 renderCell : Model -> Date.Date -> Html.Html Msg
 renderCell model date =
-    let
-        sameMonth =
-            Ext.Date.isSameMonth date model.date
-        value =
-            model.selectable && (Ext.Date.isSameDate date model.value)
-        click =
-            if
-                not model.disabled
-                    && not model.readonly
-                    && model.selectable
-                    && sameMonth
-            then
-                [ onClick (Select date) ]
-            else
-                []
-        attributes =
-            Ui.attributeList
-                [ ( "inactive", not sameMonth )
-                , ( "selected", value )
-                ]
-    in
-        node
-            "ui-calendar-cell"
-            (attributes ++ click)
-            [ text (toString (Date.day date)) ]
+  let
+    sameMonth =
+      Ext.Date.isSameMonth date model.date
+    value =
+      model.selectable && (Ext.Date.isSameDate date model.value)
+    click =
+      if not model.disabled
+      && not model.readonly
+      && model.selectable
+      && sameMonth
+      then
+        [ onClick (Select date) ]
+      else
+        []
+    attributes =
+      Ui.attributeList
+        [ ( "inactive", not sameMonth )
+        , ( "selected", value )
+        ]
+  in
+    node
+      "ui-calendar-cell"
+      (attributes ++ click)
+      [ text (toString (Date.day date)) ]
diff --git a/source/Ui/DatePicker.elm b/source/Ui/DatePicker.elm
index 68d3932..610226a 100644
--- a/source/Ui/DatePicker.elm
+++ b/source/Ui/DatePicker.elm
@@ -1,66 +1,46 @@
-module Ui.DatePicker
-    exposing
-        ( Model
-        , Msg
-        , init
-        , update
-        , subscriptions
-        , onChange
-        , view
-        , render
-        , setValue
-        , closeOnSelect
-        )
+module Ui.DatePicker exposing
+  ( Model, Msg, init, update, subscriptions, onChange, view, render, setValue
+  , closeOnSelect )
 {-| An input component that displays a **Calendar** (in a dropdown) when
 focused, allowing the user to manipulate the selected date.
 # Model
 @docs Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update
 # DSL
 @docs closeOnSelect
 # Events
 @docs onChange
 # View
 @docs view, render
-@docs setValue
 # Functions
+@docs setValue
 import Html.Events.Extra exposing (onPreventDefault)
 import Html exposing (node, text)
 import Html.Lazy
 import Date.Extra.Format exposing (isoDateFormat, format)
 import Date.Extra.Config.Configs as DateConfigs
 import Time
 import Date
 import Ui.Helpers.Dropdown as Dropdown exposing (Dropdown)
 import Ui.Helpers.Picker as Picker
 import Ui.Native.Uid as Uid
 import Ui.Calendar
 import Ui.Icons
 import Ui
 import Ui.Styles.DatePicker exposing (defaultStyle)
 import Ui.Styles
 {-| Representation of a date picker:
   - **closeOnSelect** - Whether or not to close the dropdown after selecting
   - **format** - The format of the date to render in the input
   - **readonly** - Whether or not the date picker is readonly
@@ -68,177 +48,165 @@ import Ui.Styles
   - **uid** - The unique identifier of the date picker
   - **calendar** - The model of the calendar
   - **dropdown** - The model of the dropdown
 type alias Model =
-    { calendar : Ui.Calendar.Model
-    , closeOnSelect : Bool
-    , dropdown : Dropdown
-    , format : String
-    , disabled : Bool
-    , readonly : Bool
-    , uid : String
-    }
+  { calendar : Ui.Calendar.Model
+  , closeOnSelect : Bool
+  , dropdown : Dropdown
+  , format : String
+  , disabled : Bool
+  , readonly : Bool
+  , uid : String
+  }
 {-| Messages that a date picker can receive.
 type Msg
-    = Calendar Ui.Calendar.Msg
-    | Picker Picker.Msg
-    | Select Time.Time
-    | Increment
-    | Decrement
-    | NoOp
+  = Calendar Ui.Calendar.Msg
+  | Picker Picker.Msg
+  | Select Time.Time
+  | Increment
+  | Decrement
+  | NoOp
 {-| Initializes a date picker with the given date.
     datePicker =
-        Ui.DatePicker.init ()
-            |> Ui.DatePicker.closeOnSelect true
+      Ui.DatePicker.init ()
+      |> Ui.DatePicker.closeOnSelect true
 init : () -> Model
 init _ =
-    { calendar = Ui.Calendar.init ()
-    , dropdown = Dropdown.init
-    , format = isoDateFormat
-    , closeOnSelect = False
-    , disabled = False
-    , readonly = False
-    , uid = Uid.uid ()
-    }
-        |> Dropdown.offset 5
+  { calendar = Ui.Calendar.init ()
+  , dropdown = Dropdown.init
+  , format = isoDateFormat
+  , closeOnSelect = False
+  , disabled = False
+  , readonly = False
+  , uid = Uid.uid ()
+  }
+    |> Dropdown.offset 5
 {-| Subscribe to the changes of a date picker.
-    subscriptions =
-        Ui.DatePicker.onChange DatePickerChanged datePicker
+    subscriptions = Ui.DatePicker.onChange DatePickerChanged datePicker
 onChange : (Time.Time -> msg) -> Model -> Sub msg
 onChange msg model =
-    Ui.Calendar.onChange msg model.calendar
+  Ui.Calendar.onChange msg model.calendar
 {-| Subscriptions for a date picker.
-    subscriptions =
-        Sub.map DatePicker (Ui.DatePicker.subscriptions datePicker)
+    subscriptions = Sub.map DatePicker (Ui.DatePicker.subscriptions datePicker)
 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
-    Sub.batch
-        [ Ui.Calendar.onChange Select model.calendar
-        , Sub.map Picker (Picker.subscriptions model)
-        ]
+  Sub.batch
+    [ Ui.Calendar.onChange Select model.calendar
+    , Sub.map Picker (Picker.subscriptions model)
+    ]
 {-| Sets whether or not to close the dropdown when selecting an other date.
 closeOnSelect : Bool -> Model -> Model
 closeOnSelect value model =
-    { model | closeOnSelect = value }
+  { model | closeOnSelect = value }
 {-| Updates a date picker.
-    ( updatedDatePicker, cmd ) =
-        Ui.DatePicker.update msg datePicker
+    ( updatedDatePicker, cmd ) = Ui.DatePicker.update msg datePicker
 update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
 update action model =
-    case action of
-        NoOp ->
-            ( model, Cmd.none )
-        Calendar act ->
-            let
-                ( calendar, effect ) =
-                    Ui.Calendar.update act model.calendar
-            in
-                ( { model | calendar = calendar }, Cmd.map Calendar effect )
-        Select time ->
-            let
-                updatedModel =
-                    if model.closeOnSelect then
-                        Dropdown.close model
-                    else
-                        model
-            in
-                ( updatedModel, Cmd.none )
-        Picker act ->
-            ( Picker.update act model, Cmd.none )
-        Decrement ->
-            ( { model | calendar = Ui.Calendar.previousDay model.calendar }
-                |> Dropdown.open
-            , Cmd.none
-            )
-        Increment ->
-            ( { model | calendar = Ui.Calendar.nextDay model.calendar }
-                |> Dropdown.open
-            , Cmd.none
-            )
+  case action of
+    NoOp ->
+      ( model, Cmd.none )
+    Calendar act ->
+      let
+        ( calendar, effect ) =
+          Ui.Calendar.update act model.calendar
+      in
+        ( { model | calendar = calendar }, Cmd.map Calendar effect )
+    Select time ->
+      let
+        updatedModel =
+          if model.closeOnSelect then
+            Dropdown.close model
+          else
+            model
+      in
+        ( updatedModel, Cmd.none )
+    Picker act ->
+      ( Picker.update act model, Cmd.none )
+    Decrement ->
+      ( { model | calendar = Ui.Calendar.previousDay model.calendar }
+          |> Dropdown.open
+      , Cmd.none
+      )
+    Increment ->
+      ( { model | calendar = Ui.Calendar.nextDay model.calendar }
+          |> Dropdown.open
+      , Cmd.none
+      )
 {-| Lazily renders a date picker in the given locale.
     Ui.DatePicker.view "en_us" model
 view : String -> Model -> Html.Html Msg
 view locale model =
-    Html.Lazy.lazy2 render locale model
+  Html.Lazy.lazy2 render locale model
 {-| Renders a date picker in the given locale.
     Ui.DatePicker.render "en_us" model
 render : String -> Model -> Html.Html Msg
 render locale model =
-    let
-        dateText =
-            (format (DateConfigs.getConfig locale) model.format model.calendar.value)
-    in
-        Picker.view
-            { attributes = Ui.Styles.apply defaultStyle
-            , address = Picker
-            , keyActions =
-                [ ( 40, Increment )
-                , ( 38, Decrement )
-                , ( 39, Increment )
-                , ( 37, Decrement )
-                ]
-            , contents =
-                [ node "ui-date-picker-content" [] [ text dateText ]
-                , Ui.Icons.calendar []
-                ]
-            , dropdownContents =
-                [ node "ui-date-picker-calendar"
-                    [ onPreventDefault "mousedown" NoOp ]
-                    [ Html.map Calendar (Ui.Calendar.view locale model.calendar)
-                    ]
-                ]
-            }
-            model
+  let
+    dateText =
+      (format (DateConfigs.getConfig locale) model.format model.calendar.value)
+  in
+    Picker.view
+      { attributes = Ui.Styles.apply defaultStyle
+      , address = Picker
+      , keyActions =
+        [ ( 40, Increment )
+        , ( 38, Decrement )
+        , ( 39, Increment )
+        , ( 37, Decrement )
+        ]
+      , contents =
+          [ node "ui-date-picker-content" [] [ text dateText ]
+          , Ui.Icons.calendar []
+          ]
+      , dropdownContents =
+        [ node "ui-date-picker-calendar"
+          [ onPreventDefault "mousedown" NoOp ]
+          [ Html.map Calendar (Ui.Calendar.view locale model.calendar)
+          ]
+        ]
+      } model
 {-| Sets the value of a date picker
     ( updatedDatePicker, cmd ) =
-        Ui.DatePicker.setValue (Ext.Date.create 1980 5 17) datePicker
+      Ui.DatePicker.setValue (Ext.Date.create 1980 5 17) datePicker
 setValue : Date.Date -> Model -> Model
 setValue date model =
-    { model | calendar = Ui.Calendar.setValue date model.calendar }
+  { model | calendar = Ui.Calendar.setValue date model.calendar }