Using ampy
you can take Python code written on your computer and run it on a connected MicroPython board. This gives you a simple workflow for exploring MicroPython. Write code on your computer in your favorite text editor, then use ampy's run command to run it on a board!
To use the run command just specify a path to a Python file on your computer. Ampy will send the file to the board, wait for it to finish running, and print any output from the program.
Once Python is avaialble on your system you can easily install ampy from the Python package index. If you're using Python 2.7.x open a terminal and run this command:
pip install adafruit-ampy
Note on some Linux and Mac OSX systems you might need to install as root with sudo:
sudo pip3 install adafruit-ampy
Or if you'd like to use Python 3.x run the pip3 command instead (using sudo if necessary):
pip3 install adafruit-ampy
For example create a file on your computer and save inside it the following Python code:
print('Hello world! I can count to 10:')
for i in range(1,11):
ampy --port /serial/port run
Where /serial/port is the path or name of the serial port connected to the MicroPython board.
In addition to running code ampy you can also manipulate files on a MicroPython board's filesystem.
Use put command to copy a file to the board root directory.
ampy --port /serial/port put
Or put it to a certain directory.
ampy --port /serial/port put /foo/
Put command can also copy a whole directory to the borad.
ampy --port /serial/port put A_Directory
Use get command to read file from the borad.
ampy --port /serial/port get
With a target file you can get the file to your computer.
ampy --port /serial/port get
Use mkdir command to create directories on the board in the root directory.
ampy --port /serial/port mkdir foo
Or a sub directory with a target.
ampy --port /serial/port mkdir /foo/bar
Use ls command to list directory on the board.
ampy --port /serial/port ls
Or list a sub directory.
ampy --port /serial/port ls /foo
Use rm command to remove a file from the board.
ampy --port /serial/port rm
Use rmdir command to remove a directory from the board.
ampy --port /serial/port rmdir /foo/bar