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Releases: gemini-testing/gemini


19 Jun 11:10
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  • Correctly detect crop region in Firefox


18 Jun 15:17
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  • Crop region for screenshots is calculated via client script inside
    browser instead of gemini. This allows to issue fewer requests to
    Selenium Server speeding up total tests run time. This feature breaks
    compatibility with old browsers (IE < 9).

  • New config format, which allows to specify full set of capabilities
    for browsers:

      phantomjs: phantomjs
          browserName: opera
          version: '12.06'
          platform: 'WINDOWS'
          browserName: firefox
          version: '28.0'
          browserName: firefox
          version: '27.0'
  • Correctly capture screenshots of regions out of initial browser
    viewport in browsers, that can't capture full page (Opera and
    Chrome at the time of writing).

  • outline-width of an elements is now also taken into account when
    calculating crop region.

  • Add debug options to config file. If set to true, gemini will
    print debug logs to STDOUT. (@arikon).

  • Add http section to config file which allows to configure HTTP
    timeout (http.timeout) retry count (http.retries) and delay
    between retries (http.retryDelay). (@arikon).

  • Asynchronous errors stacktraces in browser actions (such as not found
    element) will point to users code.

  • More HTTP requests to Selenium will run in parallel speeding up
    gather/test commands (@arikon).

  • If gemini is run without subcommand, help text will be shown.


28 May 12:03
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  • Enhanced html report:
    • suites are now collapsible;
    • all but failed suites are collapsed by default;
    • buttons to expand all, collapse all and expand only errors are added;
    • stats of total numbers of tests run, failed, succeeded and skipped
      are shown at the top.


19 May 15:21
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  • Allow to use multiple reporters in test command.
  • Throw error when creating multiple suites of the same name within
    the same parent.
  • Throw error when creating multiple states of the same name within
    the suite.
  • Throw error when creating suite that will be unable to run (
    has states and hasn't url or capture region);
  • Check argument types of SuiteBuilder methods.
  • Check argument types of all actions methods.
  • Shorter stacktraces for invalid elements errors.
  • Correctly handle offsets in mouseMove actions.
  • Fix error when gridUrl was required even if there is only
    phantomjs browser.


15 May 08:42
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  • Allow to override gridUrl and rootUrl settings with cli
    options --grid-url and --root-url.
  • Correctly report error, when wrong argument passed to an action.


13 May 13:18
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  • Ability to set additional capabilities for all browsers, using
    capabilities option in .gemini.yml:

      option1: value,
      option2: value
  • Non-existent directories, passed to gather and test commands will
    be filtered out

  • If fatal error occurs, gemini will always exit with 1 status code

  • If test fails or state error occurs, gemini will always exit with 2
    status code.

  • When gemini is unable to launch browser, more clearer error message
    will be displayed.


30 Apr 13:47
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  • Elements to take screen shots of and elements to perform action
    on are now defined differently. setElements and setDynmaicElements
    methods removed.

    New way to define elements for screenshot:

    suite.setCaptureElements('.selector1', '.selector2', ...)

    Or using array:

    suite.setCaptureElements(['.selector1', '.selector2', ...])

    To get element to perform action on, you can now pass
    selectors directly to the actions:

    suite.capture('state', function(actions, find) {'.button');

    To avoid multiple lookups for the same element you can use
    find function which is now passed to the state callback:

    suite.capture('state', function(actions, find) {
        var button = find('.button');
  • Add suite.before(function(action, find)) which can be used to
    perform some actions before the first state. Context is shared
    between before hook and all of suite's state callbacks.

    You can use before to look for element only once for the state:

    suite.before(function(actions, find) {
        this.button = find('.buttons');
    .capture('hovered', function(actions, find) {
    .capture('pressed', function(actions, find) {

    Or to perform some actions before first state without taking

    suite.before(function(actions, find) {'.button');
  • Add suite.skip() method which allows to skip suite in some set of

    • suite.skip() - skip in all browsers.
    • suite.skip('chrome') - skip in all versions of Chrome.
    • suite.skip({name: 'chrome', version: '33.0'}) - skip in Chrome 33.0
    • suite.skip(['chrome', 'opera']) - skip in Chrome and Opera
  • Public API now has constants for special keys to use in sendKeys actions
    (i.e. gemini.CONTROL for CTRL key).


23 Apr 12:03
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  • Fix a bug with incorrect reference to the suite in states. Because of
    this bug dynamic elements was not updated properly.


22 Apr 08:14
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  • New test suites API. Plans are replaced by test suites defined by explicit call.

    Old version:

    module.exports = function(plan) {
        plan.setName('some name')

    New API:

    var gemini = require('gemini');
    gemini.suite('some name', function(suite) {

    Suites also can be nested. In this case, child suite inherits all properties
    from the parent.

    gemin.suite('parent', function(suite) {
        gemini.suite('child', function(child) {
            gemini.suite('grandchild', function(grandchild) {
  • .reload() method is removed. Use nested suite if you need to reload browser.

  • Added action to run any JS code in browser context:

    actions.executeJS(function(window) {
  • sendKeys action can optionally take an receive an element to send keys to.

    actions.sendKeys(elements.someInput, 'hello');
  • Added ability to specify browser version in .gemini.yml

      - {name: 'pahantomjs', version: '1.9'}
  • Tree reporter is now used for gather command.


08 Apr 13:32
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  • phantomjs always starts maximized. This fixes the error, when some shadows didn't fit in crop rectangle.
  • Action on dynamic element that does not currently exists causes non-fatal error. Such error will fail only one state, the rest will continue running.
  • gather command now reports browser name.
  • browsers are always closed, even if there was an error.