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Releases: gemini-testing/html-reporter


18 Nov 16:52
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πŸš€ Improvements

Added ability to share html-reporter action names, that used in Redux actions with its plugins. It can be helpful to subscribe on html-reporter events;

πŸ› Bug fixes

  • Reconnect to sqlite database on client side in gui mode when tests end event is emitted;
  • <Details /> component call passed handler with its current state. Can be useful when used in plugins


09 Nov 17:58
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πŸš€ Improvements

Added ability to share html-reporter components with its plugins. Only <Details /> component is currently shared. More info how to use it can be found in our documentation -


08 Nov 08:55
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πŸ› Bug fixes

Added ability to click on the entire area of the links inside burger menu. Previously work only a click on the text.


02 Nov 15:03
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πŸš€ Improvements

Added extension-point root to be able to attach modals, popups, etc. to this point.


25 Oct 12:10
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πŸš€ Improvements

Added the ability to stop tests by click on the "Stop tests" button. Browsers will be closed, but the hermione process doesn't terminate and it will be possible to restart the tests.

πŸŽ‰ Thanks

@Hypnosphi for first implementation.


25 Oct 09:39
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • added API with ability to access the database from other hermione-plugins. Example of usage can be found in docs;
  • added "result_meta" extension point for html-reporter plugins;
  • added ability to use connection to database on client side in gui mode from html-reporter plugins. This can be useful if the plugin needs to work with data from a database;
  • added ability to merge all existing tables inside sqlite database. It means that if some plugin add new table to database then it will be automatically merge with another ones in case when tests run in individual chunks (using hermione-chunks)


27 May 13:22
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Main Features

  • style: implement the main frame of the new design (213a7e2)
  • save report test results only in sqlite database (#334) (486b2c1)
  • eliminate args of specified commands in command history (d047724)
  • Implemented browser versions for reporter (b19fd61)
  • normalize tests tree on the server side (#341) (b6c36df)
  • use normalized redux store (#346) (7bc60bc)
  • add plugins support (0d8f568)
  • add screenshot accepter mode in modal window (#349) (f95cde4)
  • implement dynamically change favicon depending on the test results (#350) (6b2f3d0)
  • separate image errors from other asserts by color in retry switcher (#353) (073816c)