The actual link of the page you are creating is defined by the permalink
field in each markdown file.
For instance, the current permalink
of the About Page is /docs/about/
In essence, the permalink
defines the local url for users to access this site (the /doc/about/
example would transcribe in
Whenever you want to create a link to one of the above local page, use the permalink
of the page you want to reference (e.g. in any markdown, to reference the About Page, the link is:
[description of the link](/docs/about/)
[link description]({:target="_blank"}
As a general rule, all internal pages should open in the same tab and all external pages we reference should open in a new tab

Use simple backquote to highlight
any text
Use triple backquote for the start line, without anything else, and an identical triple backquote for the endline (also with nothing else on the line)
pyvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python biolink/
Use a simple ---
You can reference a footnote by:
- adding a
in the text where you want the reference to be displayed - adding at the end of your markdown file the actual footnote e.g.
[^1]: My awesome footnote
Always add a clean line before and after the markdown table. Example:
Organism or Usage | OBO format | OWL format | json format | yaml format |
GO slim AGR Developed by GO Consortium for the Alliance of Genomes Resources | goslim_agr.obo | [goslim_agr.owl] |
To quote a line, start the line with a >
this is a quoted line
If you want your page to be searchable, add tags
in the front matter of each page with the following syntax:
tags: ['go', 'ontology', 'relation']
- the sitemap used to populate the navigation bar is located in
- images from that you want to reuse should be stored here:
- we want to lower the data transfer as much as possible (faster site & soft github limit of 100GB / month). To achieve that:
- whenever possible, prefer JPEG files. PNG files should be used only when you need some transparency
- if images have unreasonable sizes, we can run an algorithm to automatically resize them (e.g. with respect to possible data transfer limit)
All changes made on the master branch of this repository should reflect after a few seconds on
When this site is deployed in production, it will also be accessible through the usual
The current version of the site uses Algolia Search that create indexes of all pages. Two useful documentations:
Note: to stay in sync, the index should be updated anytime a new documentation is modified. This could be achieved through some webhook.
The manual command to update the index is:
ALGOLIA_API_KEY=ENTER_ADMIN_API_KEY bundle exec jekyll algolia