diff --git a/app/views/shared/_navbar_blazer.html.erb b/app/views/shared/_navbar_blazer.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..693b67bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/_navbar_blazer.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/config/blazer.yml b/config/blazer.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5137f4be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/blazer.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# see https://github.com/ankane/blazer for more info
+ main:
+ url: <%= ENV["BLAZER_DATABASE_URL"] %>
+ # statement timeout, in seconds
+ # none by default
+ # timeout: 15
+ # caching settings
+ # can greatly improve speed
+ # off by default
+ # cache:
+ # mode: slow # or all
+ # expires_in: 60 # min
+ # slow_threshold: 15 # sec, only used in slow mode
+ # wrap queries in a transaction for safety
+ # not necessary if you use a read-only user
+ # true by default
+ # use_transaction: false
+ smart_variables:
+ # zone_id: "SELECT id, name FROM zones ORDER BY name ASC"
+ # period: ["day", "week", "month"]
+ # status: {0: "Active", 1: "Archived"}
+ linked_columns:
+ # user_id: "/admin/users/{value}"
+ smart_columns:
+ # user_id: "SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id IN {value}"
+# create audits
+audit: true
+# change the time zone
+# time_zone: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
+# class name of the user model
+# user_class: User
+# method name for the current user
+# user_method: current_user
+# method name for the display name
+# user_name: name
+# custom before_action to use for auth
+# before_action_method: require_admin
+# email to send checks from
+# from_email: blazer@example.org
+# webhook for Slack
+# slack_webhook_url: <%= ENV["BLAZER_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"] %>
+ - "1 day"
+ - "1 hour"
+ - "5 minutes"
+# enable anomaly detection
+# note: with trend, time series are sent to https://trendapi.org
+# anomaly_checks: prophet / trend / anomaly_detection
+# enable forecasting
+# note: with trend, time series are sent to https://trendapi.org
+# forecasting: prophet / trend
+# enable map
+mapbox_access_token: <%= ENV["MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"] %>
+# enable uploads
+ url: <%= ENV["BLAZER_DATABASE_URL"] %>
+ schema: blazer_uploads
+ data_source: main
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index 8cdcd8143..c4094f469 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@
mount ActionCable.server => "/cable"
- # authenticate :user, ->(user) { user } do
- # mount Blazer::Engine, at: "blazer"
- # end
+ authenticate :user, ->(user) { user } do
+ mount Blazer::Engine, at: "blazer"
+ end
# Blog redirects