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Interacting with a StructuredGridCoverageReader

Simone Giannecchini edited this page Jul 16, 2013 · 19 revisions

With branch 1.6.x a new entity has been created to deal with StructuredGridCoverageReaders.

StructuredGridCoverageReader Manager

This is the base manager that interacts with a StructuredGridCoverageReader via REST calls.

Below you can find its constructor. The parameters are pretty much self-explaining.

public GeoServerRESTStructuredGridCoverageReaderManager(URL restURL, String username, String pw);

Here below an example of initialization to talk to aloca instance of GeoServer.

        String RESTURL  = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver";
        String RESTUSER = "admin";
        String RESTPW   = "geoserver";
        GeoServerRESTStructuredGridCoverageReaderManager manager = 
              new GeoServerRESTStructuredGridCoverageReaderManager(new URL(RESTURL), RESTUSER, RESTPW);

We are now going to provide samples for the common operations to be performed when interacting with a StructuredGridCoverageReader using a GeoServerRESTStructuredGridCoverageReaderManager.

Creating a Mosaic by uploading the config.

It is possible to upload a Zip file containing the configuration for the mosaic together with at least 1 branule (internal or external to the Zip itself) via the GeoServerRESTStructuredGridCoverageReaderManager (for more info you can check the GeoServer documentation).

The following does an upload of a Zip file to create a mosaic for a certain number of GeoTiff files.

boolean create=manager.create("it.geosolutions", "mosaic","/path/to/"));

The method returns true when it succeeds and false otherwise.

Accessing the Index Schema

To get access to the Index Schema for a certain StructuredCoverage, the following method can be used:

RESTStructuredCoverageIndexSchema indexFormat = manager.getGranuleIndexSchema("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage");

This is a sample XML REST schema representation for a certain index schema:

  <atom:link xmlns:atom="" rel="alternate" href="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/myWorkspace/coveragestores/myCoverageStore/coverages/myCoverage/index/granules.xml" type="application/xml"/>

Create or harvest granules

To add a granule to an existing coverage store which refers to an ImageMosaic you need to do the following:

boolean added = manager.createOrHarvestExternal("it.geosolutions", "myCoverageStore", "imagemosaic", "/data/");

Getting granules

To get all granules from myCoverage:

RESTStructuredCoverageGranulesList granulesList = manager.getGranules("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", null, null, null);

To get only 10 granules from myCoverage, starting from an offset of 20:

RESTStructuredCoverageGranulesList granulesList = manager.getGranules("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", null, 20, 10);

To get only the granules from myCoverage, having depth = 100 and time = 20081101T0000000:

RESTStructuredCoverageGranulesList granulesList = manager.getGranules("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "depth = 100 AND time='20081101T0000000'", null, null);

To get a granule by ID (as an instance 43):

RESTStructuredCoverageGranulesList granulesList = manager.getGranuleById("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "43");

Removing granules

To remove all granules from myCoverage, related to file having location = /data/sampleFile.tif, using a CQL filter.

final String fileLocation = "/data/sampleFile.tif";
boolean result = manager.removeGranulesByCQL("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "location = '" + fileLocation + "'");

To remove a specific granule from myCoverage, specified by ID (as an instance 43).

boolean result = manager.removeGranuleById("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "43");

Basic operations may be also performed through existing Reader and Publishers classes.


public GeoServerRESTReader(URL restURL, String username, String pw);

Init reader

        String RESTURL  = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver";
        String RESTUSER = "admin";
        String RESTPW   = "geoserver";
        GeoServerRESTReader reader = new GeoServerRESTReader(RESTURL, RESTUSER, RESTPW);

Getting index Schema

To get a StructuredCoverage Index Schema:

RESTStructuredCoverageIndexSchema indexFormat = reader.getGranuleIndexSchema("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage");

Getting granules

To get only the 10 granules from myCoverage, having depth = 100 and time = 20081101T0000000, starting from offset 20:

RESTStructuredCoverageGranulesList granulesList = reader.getGranules("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "depth = 100 AND time='20081101T0000000'", 20, 10);


public GeoServerRESTPublisher(URL restURL, String username, String pw);

Init publisher

        String RESTURL  = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver";
        String RESTUSER = "admin";
        String RESTPW   = "geoserver";
        GeoServerRESTPublisher publisher = new GeoServerRESTPublisher(RESTURL, RESTUSER, RESTPW);

Create or harvest granules

To add a granule to myCoverageStore which refers to an ImageMosaic:

boolean added = publisher.createOrHarvestExternal("it.geosolutions", "myCoverageStore", "imagemosaic", "/data/");

Removing granules

To remove all granules from myCoverage, related to file having location = /data/sampleFile.tif, using a CQL filter.

final String fileLocation = "/data/sampleFile.tif";
boolean result = publisher.removeGranulesByCQL("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "location = '" + fileLocation + "'");

To remove a specific granule from myCoverage, specified by ID (as an instance 43).

boolean result = publisher.removeGranuleById("myWorkspace", "myCoverageStore", "myCoverage", "43");
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