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appmap-agent-js reference

JavaScript agent for the AppMap framework.

To install and configure appmap-agent-js, see Getting started.

Table of contents:

Automated Recording

The agent provides a CLI to spawn and record node processes. By default, the agent will look for a configuration file at ./appmap.yml. The configuration format is detailed here.


  • Named arguments Any configuration field. This takes precedence over the options from the configuration file. For instance:
    npx appmap-agent-js --name my-appmap-name --app my-app-name
    Alias Corresponding Name
    --log-level log.level
    --log-file log.file
    --app-port intercept-track-port
    --alt-remote-port track-port
    --appmap-dir appmap_dir
    In addition, the command can be encoded as positional argument.
    For instance, these commands have the same effect:
    npx appmap-agent-js -- node main.js
    npx appmap-agent-js --command 'node main.js'
  • Environment variables
    • APPMAP_CONFIGURATION_PATH: path to the configuration file, default: ./appmap.yml.
    • APPMAP_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY: directory to the project's home directory, default: .. Requirements:
      • [mandatory] Access to the @appland/appmap-agent-js npm module.
      • [preferred] Be a git repository.
      • [preferred] Contain a valid package.json file.

Process recording

The first option to automatically generate appmaps is called process recording. It involves recording node processes from start to finish and write the resulting trace to local files.

recorder: process
command: "node bin/bin.js argv1 argv2" # the usual command for running the project
appmap_dir: tmp/appmap

Mocha Test Case Recording

The second option to automatically generate appmaps is called mocha test case recording. It involves recording mocha test cases (ie it calls) in separate traces and write each one of them in separate files. Note that mocha run the entire test suite within a single node process. Hence all the exercised parts of the application will probably end up being included into every generated appmap. The pruning configuration option can be used to solve this issue. If enabled, the appmap will be stripped of the elements of the classmap that did not cause any function applications.

recorder: mocha
command: "mocha --recursive 'test/**/*.js'" # the usual command for running mocha tests
pruning: true

Note that the agent will expect the mocha executable as first token of the command. It is also possible to run mocha via npx. However this will cause the recording of the npx process as well. To avoid recording this process, it should be blacklisted.

recorder: mocha
command: "npx mocha --recursive 'test/**/*.js'" # the usual command for running mocha tests
pruning: true
  regexp: "/npx$" # do not record node processes whose entry script ends with npx
  enabled: false

Remote Recording

The third option to automatically generate appmaps is on-demand via HTTP requests. The remote recording web API is documented here.

recorder: remote
track-port: 8080
intercept-track-port: 8000

Remote recording requests can be delivered to two possible end points:

Configuration Field Routing Comment
Dedicated Backend Port track-port /{session}/{track} If session is "_appmap" then the (assumed) single active session will be selected.
Intercept Frontend Port intercept-track-port /_appmap/{track} Will not be active until the application deploy an HTTP server on that port.

Manual Recording

The agent also provides an API to manually record events in the node process in which it is imported.

import {createAppMap} from "@appland/appmap-agent-js";
// NB: Only a single concurrent appmap is allowed per process
const appmap = createAppMap(
  repository_directory,    // default: process.cwd()
  configuration,           // default: {}
  configuration_directory, // default: repository_directory
// NB: An appmap can create multiple (concurrent) tracks
const track = "my-identifier";
appmap.startRecording(track, {
  app: "my-app-name",
  name: "my-appmap-name",
  pruning: true,
  recording: {
    "defined-class": "defined-class",
    "method-id": "method-id",
  "(function main () { return 123; } ());",
const trace = appmap.stopRecording(track);
console.log(JSON.stringify(trace, null, 2));

createAppMap(home, configuration, base)

  • home <string> The file url of the project. Default: file url of the current working directory.
  • configuration <object> Root configuration. Default: {}.
  • base <string> The file url of the directory to resolve the relative paths of the configuration argument.
  • Returns <appmap> an appmap instance and listen to different event emitters.


Stop listening to events. Subsequent method invocations will throw exception.

appmap.startRecording(track, configuration, base)

  • track <string> | null An identifier for the track. Default: null, a random string will be used
  • configuration <object> Configuration for extending the configuration of the appmap instance. Default: {}.
  • base <string> | null: The file url of the directory to resolve the relative paths of the configuration argument. Default: null, the presence of relative paths will throw an error.
  • Returns <string> the identifier for the track. This is useful when providing null for the track argument.


  • track <string> Identifier of the track.
  • Returns <object> the recorded trace in the appmap format -- ie: a JSON object.

appmap.recordScript(content, url)

  • content <string> Script content.
  • url <string> Script location.
  • Returns <any> the completion value of the script.


The actual format requirements for configuration can be found as a json-schema here.

Prelude: Specifier Format

The agent filter files based on a format called Specifier. A specifier can be any of:

  • <RegexpSecifier> Filter files based on a regular expression.
    • regexp <string> The regular expression's source.
    • flags <string> The regular expression's flags. Default: "u".
  • <GlobSpecifier> Filter files based on a glob expression
    • glob <string> The glob expression
  • <PathSpecifier> Filter files based on a path
    • path <string> Path to a file or a directory (without trailing /).
    • recursive <boolean> Indicates whether to whitelist files within nested directories. Default: true.
  • <DistSpecifier> Filter files based on a npm package name.
    • dist <string> Relative path that starts with a npm package name. For instance: "package/lib".
    • recursive <boolean> Indicates whether to whitelist files within nested directories. Default: true.
    • external <boolean> Indicates whether to whitelist dependencies outside of the repository. Default: false.

Prelude: Exclusion Format

The agent filter code objects (functions or objects/classes) based on a format called Exclusion. Which can be either a string or an object:

  • <string> Shorthand, "foo\\.bar" is the same as {"qualified-name":"foo\\.bar"}
  • <object>
    • combinator "and" | "or" Indicates whether the four criteria -- ie: name, qualified-name, some-label, and every-label -- should all be satisfied or if at least one should be satisfied. These criterion has two form: the pattern form which is a string or the static boolean form. If combinator is "and" then the default value for these criterion is true. If the combinator is "or" then the default value for these criterion is false. Default: "and".
    • name <string> | <boolean> A pattern to match against the name of the code object. The agent will assign static names to code object with an algorithm that resemble the ECMAScript function naming algorithm.
    • qualified-name <string> | <boolean> A pattern to match against the qualified name of the code object. For classes/objects, the qualified name is the same as the name. For functions which are methods, the name of their enclosing object/class are prepended. For instance: foo#bar for a static method named bar defined on an object named foo.
    • some-label <string> | <boolean> A pattern that should match at least one label of the function. This criterion is not applicable to classes/objects. The only way for a function without labels to satisfy this criterion is to use the boolean form.
    • every-label <string> | <boolean> A pattern that should match all labels of the function. This criterion is not applicable to classes/objects. The only way for a function without labels to not satisfy this criterion is to use the boolean form.
    • excluded <boolean> Indicates whether the matching code object should be excluded or not. Default: true.
    • recursive <boolean> If excluded is true, this indicates whether the children of the matched code object should be excluded as well. Default: true.

Automated Recording Configuration Fields

  • command <string> | <string[]> The command to record. It is either a string or a list of tokens that will be escaped with single quotes. It follows that only simple commands can currently be executed -- eg: piping and chaining is not possible. This limitation might be lifted in the future.
  • command-win32 <string> | <string[]> Same as command but is preferred on Windows. This enables to configure a Windows-specific command such as npx.cmd jest.
  • command-options <object> Options to run the command, inspired by node's child_process library.
    • shell null | string[] An optional prefix for executing the command. If null, it will be ["/bin/sh", "-c"] on unix-like platforms and ["cmd.exe", "/c"] on windows (with support for the ComSpec environment variable).
    • env <object> Environment variables. Note that Unlike for the child_process#spawn, the environment variables from the parent process will always be included. Default: {} -- ie: the environment variables from the parent process.
    • stdio <string> | <string[]> Stdio configuration, only "ignore" and "inherit" are supported.
    • encoding "utf8" | "utf16le" | "latin1" Encoding of all the child's stdio streams.
    • timeout <number> The maximum number of millisecond the child process is allowed to run before being killed. Default: 0 (no timeout).
    • killSignal <string> The signal used to kill the child process when it runs out of time. Default: "SIGTERM".
  • recorder "process" | "remote" | "mocha" | "jest" Defines the main algorithm used for recording. Default null.
    • null Will check whether "jest" or "mocha" is suitable. Else, it will default to "process".
    • "process" Generate a single appmap which spans over the entire lifetime of the process.
    • "mocha" Generate an appmap for each test case (ie it calls) of the entire test suite (ie every describe calls on every test file).
    • "jest" Generate an appmap for each test case (ie test calls) of the entire test suite.
    • "remote" Generate appmap on demand via HTTP requests.
  • socket "unix" | "net" Defines the socket implementation to use: posix-socket or net.Socket. The posix-socket module provide synchronous methods which avoid creating asynchronous resources that are observed when ordering is "causal". To avoid infinite loop, the "net" implementation buffers messages. The "unix" is probably the better option but it requires node-gyp compilation and is not available on windows. If "unix" is chosen but the posix-socket could not be installed, the agent will fallback on "net". Default: "unix".
  • heartbeat <number> | null Defines the interval in millisecond where the socket should be flushed. This only has effect if socket is "net". Default: 1000.
  • threshold <number> | null Defines the maximum number of message before the socket should be flushed. This only has effect if socket is "net". Default: 100.
  • proxy-port <number> | null Defines where the proxy should be listening to intercept http traffic and record html applications running on the browser. Use 0 for a random port. Default: null which does not deploy the proxy.
  • trace-port <number> | <string> Defines the communication port between frontend and backend. A string indicates a path to a unix domain socket which is faster. Default: 0 which will use a random available port.
  • track-port <number> | <string>: Port in the backend process for serving remote recording HTTP requests. Default: 0 A random port will be used.
  • intercept-track-port <string>: Regular expression to whitelist the ports in the frontend process for intercepting remote recording HTTP requests. Default: "^" Every detected HTTP ports will be spied upon.
  • processes <boolean> | <string> | <EnabledSpecifier> | <EnabledSpecifier[]> Whitelist files to decide whether a node process should be instrumented based on the path of its main module. An EnabledSpecifier can be any of
    • <boolean> Shorthand, true is the same as {regexp:"^", enabled:true} and false is the same as {regexp:"^", enabled:false}.
    • <string> Shorthand, "test/**/*.mjs" is the same as {glob:"test/**/*.mjs", enabled:true}.
    • <object>
      • enabled <boolean> Indicates whether whitelisted files are enabled or not. Default: true.
      • ... <Specifier> Extends from any specifier format. Default: [] -- ie: the agent will be enabled for every process whose entry script resides in the repository directory.
  • scenarios <Configuration[]> An array of child configuration.
  • scenario <string> A regular expression to whitelist scenarios for execution. If the root configuration contains a command, it will always be executed. Default: "^" (every scenario will be executed).
  • appmap_dir <string> Path to directory for storing appmap files. Default: "tmp/appmap".
  • appmap_file <string> | null Base name (ie file name but without the extension) of the file where the appmap data should be written. Default: null the agent will look at the name configuration field, if it is null as well, "anonymous" will be used.

Common Options

  • log "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "off" Usual log levels. Default: "info".
  • packages <PackageSpecifier> | <PackageSpecifier[]> File filtering for instrumentation. A PackageSpecifier can be any of:
    • <string>: Glob shorthand, "lib/**/*.js" is the same as {glob: "lib/**/*.js"}.
    • <object>
      • enabled <boolean> Indicates whether the filtered file should be instrumented or not. Default: true.
      • shallow <boolean> Indicates whether the filtered file should
      • exclude <Exclusion[]> Additional code object filtering for the matched file.
      • source-type "script" | "module" | null The sourceType options given to @babel/parser. Default: null attempt to retrieve this information from the extension of the file, else provide "unambiguous".
      • parsing <array> A set of plugin names to give to @babel/parser. Options can be given to plugins by providing a pair instead of just the name -- eg: ["recordAndtuple", {syntaxType: bar}]. Default: null attempt to guess the plugins based on the extension and content of the file.
      • ... <Specifier> Extends from any specifier format.
  • exclude <Exclusion[]> Code object filtering to apply to every file.
  • source <boolean> Indicates whether to include source code in the appmap file. Default false.
  • hooks <object> Flags controlling what the agent intercepts.
    • cjs <boolean> Indicates whether commonjs modules should be instrumented to record function applications. Default: true.
    • esm <boolean> Indicates whether native modules should be instrumented to record function applications. Default: true for the CLI and false for the API.
    • eval <boolean> | <String[]> Defines the call expressions that should be considered as eval calls. More precisely, if a call expression has an identitifier as callee whose name appears in hooks.eval then its first argument will be instrumented as an eval code. true is a shorthand for ["eval"] and false is a shorthand for []. Default: false.
    • group <boolean> Indicates whether asynchronous resources should be monitored to infer causality link between events. This provides more accurate appmaps but comes at the price of performance overhead. Default: true.
    • http <boolean> Indicates whether http should be monkey patched to monitor http traffic. Default: true.
    • mysql <boolean> Indicates whether mysql should be monkey patched to monitor sql queries. The agent will crash if the mysql package is not available. Default: true.
    • pg <boolean> Indicates whether pg should be monkey patched to monitor sql queries. The agent will crash if the pg package is not available. Default: true.
    • sqlite3 <boolean> Indicates whether sqlite3 should be monkey patched to monitor sql queries. The agent will crash if the sqlite3 package is not available. Default: true.
  • ordering "chronological" | "causal" Default: "causal".
  • app <string> Name of the recorded application. Default: null the value found in package.json if any.
  • name <string> Name of the appmap. Default: null the agent will do its best to come up with a meaningful name.
  • pruning <boolean> Remove elements of the classmap which did not trigger any function application event. Default: true.
  • serialization <object> Serialization options. Many options focus on defining how aggressive the serialization should be. Pure serialization is faster and avoids disturbing the flow of the observed application but is less detailed than impure serialization.
    • maximum-print-length <number> | null the maximum length of the string representation of values before being truncated. null indicates no limitation. Default 100.
    • maximum-properties-length <number> | null the maximum of amount of properties serialized for hash objects. Objects are considered as hashes if their prototype is either null or Object.prototype. null indicates no limitation. Default 10.
    • impure-printing <boolean> indicates whether to use a pure printing algorithm or not. For instance, an object can be printed either using which is pure or object.toString() which is impure. Default true.
    • impure-constructor-naming <boolean> indicates whether the constructor name should be retrieved using which is pure or using which is impure. Default true.
    • impure-array-inspection <boolean> indicates whether the length of an array should be retrieved which is an impure operation. Default true.
    • impure-error-inspection <boolean> indicates whether the message and stack of an error should be retrieved which is an impure operation. Default true.
    • impure-hash-inspection <boolean> indicates whether the properties of an hash object should be inspected which is an impure operation. Default true.
  • hidden-identifier <string> The prefix of hidden variables used by the agent. The instrumentation will fail if variables from the program under recording starts with this prefix. Default: "APPMAP".
  • collapse-package-hiearchy <boolean> Indicates whether packages should organized as a tree which mirrors the structure of the file system or if they should be flatten into a list. Default: true.
  • validate <boolean> | <object> Validation options which are useful to debug the agent.
    • <boolean> Shorthand, true is the same as {message: true, appmap:true} and false is the same as {message:true, appmap:true}.
    • <object>
      • message <boolean> Indicates whether to validate trace elements as they are buffered. This is useful to help diagnose the root cause of some bugs. Default false.
      • appmap <boolean> Indicates whether to validate the appmap before writing it to a file. Default false.
  • postmortem-function-exclusion <boolean> | null Indicates whether functions should be excluded after collecting the trace or during instrumentation. Postmortem function exclusion makes instrumentation faster but may record useless data. Default: null functions will be excluded during instrumentation if and only if there is no source mapping. In that case we can reuse the parsing from instrumentation.

Application Representation

Warning bumpy road ahead


The appmap framework represent an application as a tree structure called classmap. The base of a classmap tree mirrors the file structure of the recorded application with nested package classmap nodes. Within a file, some estree nodes are selected to be represented as class classmap nodes based on their type. The name of these classmap nodes are based on an algorithm that resembles the naming algorithm of functions. If a node has no such name, a unique indexed name will be provided. Estree nodes of type ObjectExpression, ClassExpression, or ClassDeclaration are qualified as class-like and are directly represented by a class node. Estree node of type: ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionExpresssion, and FunctionDeclaration are qualified as function-like and are represented by a class classmap node which contains a function classmap node as first child. This circumvoluted representation is required because the appmap specification does not allow function node to contain children. Other estree nodes are not represented in the classmap.


// main.js
function main () {
  class Class {}
- type: package
  name: main.js
  - type: class
    name: main
    - type: function
      name: "()"
    - type: class
      name: Class
      children: []

Qualified Name

Excluding some parts of the files for instrumentation is based on qualified name. A qualified name is based on whether an estree node resides at the value field of a Property or a MethodDefinition. If it is the case the node is said to be bound, else it is said to be free. The qualified name of a bound estree node is the combination of the name of its parent classmap node and the name if its classmap node. The qualified name of a free estree node is the same as the name of its classmap name.


  • function f () {} is f
  • const o = { f () {} } is o.f
  • class c { f () {} } is c.f
  • class c { static () {} } is c#f