AppMap enhances the developer experience by analyzing runtime code behavior before you commit changes and go to production.
AppMap records detailed traces of how your application runs and analyzes it based on frameworks and techniques including web services, view templates, HTTP client requests, caching, authentication, and SQL.
Bugs, loops, calls, dependencies, security issues, and more are found with ease in trace views and sequence diagrams.
2021.1 and newer JetBrains IDEs are required to use this plugin.
AppMap helps you understand any codebase, map a database-backed web application or API service, and instantly generate OpenAPI documentation based on the API calls it observes at runtime.
Supported web applications and API frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Django, Flask, Express, and Spring
Supported programming languages: Java, Python, Ruby, Typescript, and JavaScript
To start making AppMaps, you’ll need to install and configure the AppMap client agent for your project. Then, you’ll make AppMaps by running your app - either by running test cases, or by recording a short interaction with your app.
Data usage: AppMap runtime recordings and diagrams are created and stored locally on your machine. AppMap does not require any permissions to your web hosted code repo in order to run.
Sign-in via GitHub or GitLab is required to obtain a license key to start using AppMap in your code editor.
There is no fee for personal use of AppMap.
There are methods of manually generating AppMap data files without a license key. Reach out to an AppMap team member in our community Slack or drop us a line at [email protected] for guidance on how to do that.
Documentation for guides and videos.
GitHub for our repository and open source project.
Blog for user stories and product announcements.
Slack or email for support and community conversations: [email protected]