This Changelog is no longer being updated. For any further changes please see the Releases section on this Github repository -
- Update the dependency to use pusher/java-websocket fork and remove dependency on repository.
- Add retry logic when the connection is lost
- Accept 201 status code from auth endpoints
- Improve resillience of pong timeout disconnections
2016-07-05 jpatel531
- Expose Client interface
2016-05-12 mdpye, plackemacher, jpatel531
- Fix exceptions where tasks were being pushed onto a shutting-down event queue.
- Reduce construction of GSON objects and keep one centralized instance.
2016-03-23 jpatel531
- Fix cases where the library would throw an error due to a connection state change
. More information here - Fix
on event listeners.
2016-03-22 jpatel531
- Removes the dependency on slf4j-log4j
2016-03-09 jpatel531, jameshfisher
- Allow specifying a proxy via which to connect to Pusher.
2015-11-06 leggetter, siggijons
- Use @SerializedName in PresenceChannelImpl for better serialization support across languages e.g. Turkish
2015-11-06 hamchapman, jpatel531
- Resolves issues where Gson would cast numeric user ids as doubles before converting them to a string, leading to inconsistencies
- Use generic
- trevorrjohn - Add to
methods - jpatel531 - Library unsubscribes asynchronously - jpatel531
- Synchronize access to channel event listeners - trevorrjohn, jpatel531, mdpye
2015-02-09 mdpye
- REALLY remove the JavaWebsockets submodule
2015-02-05 mdpye
- Resolve dependency embedding issues, Java-Websockets is now published to 2014-12-11 roccozanni
- Allow unsubscribing while disconnected (will not re-subscribe when connection is restored) 2014-02-04 mdpye
- Make ChannelImpl.state volatile - it is potentially read from any thread in pre-send checks triggering client messages
2013-12-13 mdpye
- Add a generic
<V> V User.getInfo(Class<V>)
which parses the user info into an instance ofV
2013-12-13 mdpye
returns valid JSON encoded String rather than the encoding provided byjava.util.AbstractMap.toString()
2013-12-06 mdpye
- Simply ping-pong by switching to a model of cancellable timers rather than scheduled checks
2013-11-18 mdpye
- Use more robust method for finding artifact version
2013-11-14 mdpye
- EventQueue made a daemon thread and also shutdown on disconnect
2013-11-08 mdpye
- Fix up pom for inclusion in Maven Central
- Do not choke on user_id if it is JSON encoded as a number rather than a string
- Initiate ping messages from client on activity timeout Teardown connection if no response seen from server
2013-11-04 mdpye
- Import a logging framework (slf4j)
- Log error with additional info and continue when trying to transition from disconnected->disconnected state
2013-11-01 mdpye
- Fix state leakage between Pusher instances
- Support setting alternative endpoint