diff --git a/static/app/components/forms/fields/selectField.tsx b/static/app/components/forms/fields/selectField.tsx index 23510bfef01414..3926903facf906 100644 --- a/static/app/components/forms/fields/selectField.tsx +++ b/static/app/components/forms/fields/selectField.tsx @@ -125,6 +125,11 @@ export default class SelectField> extends Co return ( { + // We need to notify react-select about the disabled options here as well; otherwise, they will remain clickable. + return option.label === NONE_SELECTED_LABEL; + }} {...props} value={showTempNoneOption ? undefined : props.value} options={ @@ -142,11 +147,6 @@ export default class SelectField> extends Co inputId={id} clearable={allowClear} multiple={multiple} - controlShouldRenderValue={!showTempNoneOption} - isOptionDisabled={option => { - // We need to notify react-select about the disabled options here as well; otherwise, they will remain clickable. - return option.label === NONE_SELECTED_LABEL; - }} components={{ IndicatorsContainer: ({ children, diff --git a/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/allowedResponseCodeField.tsx b/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/allowedResponseCodeField.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..59174438175839 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/allowedResponseCodeField.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +import {useContext} from 'react'; +import type {OptionTypeBase} from 'react-select'; +import {Observer} from 'mobx-react'; + +import SelectField, { + type SelectFieldProps, +} from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/selectField'; +import FormContext from 'sentry/components/forms/formContext'; + +export function AllowedResponseCodeField( + props: SelectFieldProps +) { + const formModel = useContext(FormContext).form; + + return ( + + {() => { + const currentValue = formModel?.getValue(props.name) || []; + const maskCodes = currentValue?.filter(code => code.endsWith('xx')); + return ( + + !option.value.endsWith('xx') && + maskCodes.some(code => option.value.charAt(0) === code.charAt(0)) + } + {...props} + /> + ); + }} + + ); +} + +const httpStatusCodes = [ + { + label: '1xx: Informational', + options: [ + {value: '1xx', label: 'All 1xx'}, + {value: '100', label: '100 Continue'}, + {value: '101', label: '101 Switching Protocols'}, + {value: '102', label: '102 Processing'}, + {value: '103', label: '103 Early Hints'}, + ], + }, + { + label: '2xx: Success', + options: [ + {value: '2xx', label: 'All 2xx'}, + {value: '200', label: '200 OK'}, + {value: '201', label: '201 Created'}, + {value: '202', label: '202 Accepted'}, + {value: '203', label: '203 Non-Authoritative Information'}, + {value: '204', label: '204 No Content'}, + {value: '205', label: '205 Reset Content'}, + {value: '206', label: '206 Partial Content'}, + {value: '207', label: '207 Multi-Status'}, + {value: '208', label: '208 Already Reported'}, + {value: '218', label: '218 This Is Fine'}, + {value: '226', label: '226 IM Used'}, + ], + }, + { + label: '3xx: Redirection', + options: [ + {value: '3xx', label: 'All 3xx'}, + {value: '300', label: '300 Multiple Choices'}, + {value: '301', label: '301 Moved Permanently'}, + {value: '302', label: '302 Found'}, + {value: '303', label: '303 See Other'}, + {value: '304', label: '304 Not Modified'}, + {value: '305', label: '305 Use Proxy'}, + {value: '306', label: '306 Switch Proxy'}, + {value: '307', label: '307 Temporary Redirect'}, + {value: '308', label: '308 Permanent Redirect'}, + ], + }, + { + label: '4xx: Client error', + options: [ + {value: '4xx', label: 'All 3xx'}, + {value: '400', label: '400 Bad Request'}, + {value: '401', label: '401 Unauthorized'}, + {value: '402', label: '402 Payment Required'}, + {value: '403', label: '403 Forbidden'}, + {value: '404', label: '404 Not Found'}, + {value: '405', label: '405 Method Not Allowed'}, + {value: '406', label: '406 Not Acceptable'}, + {value: '407', label: '407 Proxy Authentication Required'}, + {value: '408', label: '408 Request Timeout'}, + {value: '409', label: '409 Conflict'}, + {value: '410', label: '410 Gone'}, + {value: '411', label: '411 Length Required'}, + {value: '412', label: '412 Precondition Failed'}, + {value: '413', label: '413 Payload Too Large'}, + {value: '414', label: '414 URI Too Long'}, + {value: '415', label: '415 Unsupported Media Type'}, + {value: '416', label: '416 Range Not Satisfiable'}, + {value: '417', label: '417 Expectation Failed'}, + {value: '418', label: "418 I'm a Teapot"}, + {value: '419', label: '419 Page Expired'}, + {value: '420', label: '420 Method Failure or Enhance Your Calm'}, + {value: '421', label: '421 Misdirected Request'}, + {value: '422', label: '422 Unprocessable Entity'}, + {value: '423', label: '423 Locked'}, + {value: '424', label: '424 Failed Dependency'}, + {value: '425', label: '425 Too Early'}, + {value: '426', label: '426 Upgrade Required'}, + {value: '428', label: '428 Precondition Required'}, + {value: '429', label: '429 Too Many Requests'}, + {value: '430', label: '430 HTTP Status Code'}, + {value: '431', label: '431 Request Header Fields Too Large'}, + {value: '440', label: '440 Login Time-Out'}, + {value: '444', label: '444 No Response'}, + {value: '449', label: '449 Retry With'}, + {value: '450', label: '450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls'}, + {value: '451', label: '451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons'}, + {value: '460', label: '460 Client Closed Connection Prematurely'}, + {value: '463', label: '463 Too Many Forwarded IP Addresses'}, + {value: '464', label: '464 Incompatible Protocol'}, + {value: '494', label: '494 Request Header Too Large'}, + {value: '495', label: '495 SSL Certificate Error'}, + {value: '496', label: '496 SSL Certificate Required'}, + {value: '497', label: '497 HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port'}, + {value: '498', label: '498 Invalid Token'}, + {value: '499', label: '499 Token Required or Client Closed Request'}, + ], + }, + { + label: '5xx: Server error', + options: [ + {value: '5xx', label: 'All 5xx'}, + {value: '500', label: '500 Internal Server Error'}, + {value: '501', label: '501 Not Implemented'}, + {value: '502', label: '502 Bad Gateway'}, + {value: '503', label: '503 Service Unavailable'}, + {value: '504', label: '504 Gateway Timeout'}, + {value: '505', label: '505 HTTP Version Not Supported'}, + {value: '506', label: '506 Variant Also Negotiates'}, + {value: '507', label: '507 Insufficient Storage'}, + {value: '508', label: '508 Loop Detected'}, + {value: '509', label: '509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'}, + {value: '510', label: '510 Not Extended'}, + {value: '511', label: '511 Network Authentication Required'}, + {value: '520', label: '520 Web Server Is Returning an Unknown Error'}, + {value: '521', label: '521 Web Server Is Down'}, + {value: '522', label: '522 Connection Timed Out'}, + {value: '523', label: '523 Origin Is Unreachable'}, + {value: '524', label: '524 A Timeout Occurred'}, + {value: '525', label: '525 SSL Handshake Failed'}, + {value: '526', label: '526 Invalid SSL Certificate'}, + {value: '527', label: '527 Railgun Listener to Origin'}, + {value: '529', label: '529 The Service Is Overloaded'}, + {value: '530', label: '530 Site Frozen'}, + {value: '561', label: '561 Unauthorized'}, + {value: '598', label: '598 Network Read Timeout Error'}, + {value: '599', label: '599 Network Connect Timeout Error'}, + ], + }, + { + label: 'Additional status codes', + options: [ + {value: '110', label: '110 Response Is Stale'}, + {value: '111', label: '111 Revalidation Failed'}, + {value: '112', label: '112 Disconnected Operation'}, + {value: '113', label: '113 Heuristic Expiration'}, + {value: '199', label: '199 Miscellaneous Warning'}, + {value: '214', label: '214 Transformation Applied'}, + {value: '299', label: '299 Miscellaneous Persistent Warning'}, + {value: '999', label: '999 Unauthorized'}, + ], + }, +]; diff --git a/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/uptimeAlertForm.tsx b/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/uptimeAlertForm.tsx index 5a0371b73a4a5c..f6b719f864c9b9 100644 --- a/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/uptimeAlertForm.tsx +++ b/static/app/views/alerts/rules/uptime/uptimeAlertForm.tsx @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import type {UptimeRule} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/uptime/types'; +import {AllowedResponseCodeField} from './allowedResponseCodeField'; import {HTTPSnippet} from './httpSnippet'; import {UptimeHeadersField} from './uptimeHeadersField'; @@ -208,6 +209,14 @@ export function UptimeAlertForm({project, handleDelete, rule}: Props) { flexibleControlStateSize required /> +