diff --git a/docs/www/files/mrv2.png b/docs/www/files/mrv2.png
index 1a6e1cd0c..f3b475726 100644
Binary files a/docs/www/files/mrv2.png and b/docs/www/files/mrv2.png differ
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/en/genindex.html b/mrv2/docs/en/genindex.html
index 3686ae3b2..273450e79 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/en/genindex.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/en/genindex.html
@@ -216,6 +216,8 @@
CompareOptions (class in mrv2.media)
compareOptions() (in module mrv2.cmd)
+ CompareTimeMode (class in mrv2.media)
complexity (mrv2.usd.RenderOptions attribute)
@@ -344,6 +346,8 @@ G
get() (mrv2.Path method)
getBaseName() (mrv2.Path method)
+ getCompareTime() (in module mrv2.media)
getDirectory() (mrv2.Path method)
@@ -658,6 +662,8 @@ N
(mrv2.io.AudioCodec property)
(mrv2.io.Resolution property)
+ (mrv2.media.CompareTimeMode property)
(mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio property)
@@ -815,6 +821,8 @@ S
setBackgroundOptions() (in module mrv2.image)
setCompareOptions() (in module mrv2.cmd)
+ setCompareTime() (in module mrv2.media)
setCurrent() (in module mrv2.session)
@@ -837,11 +845,11 @@ S
setMemory() (in module mrv2.settings)
setMetadata() (in module mrv2.session)
- setMute() (in module mrv2.cmd)
+ - setMute() (en el módulo mrv2.cmd)
- setOcioConfig() (en el módulo mrv2.image)
- setOcioIcs() (en el módulo mrv2.image)
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/objects.inv b/mrv2/docs/es/objects.inv
index 5ee858388..a1d3390f8 100644
Binary files a/mrv2/docs/es/objects.inv and b/mrv2/docs/es/objects.inv differ
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/annotations.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/annotations.html
index 142eca602..548e3f49f 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/annotations.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/annotations.html
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
Módulo de anotaciones
-Annotations module.
-Contains all functions and classes related to the annotationss.
+Mòdulo de Anotaciones.
+Contiene todas las clases y enums relacionados con las anotaciones.
mrv2.annotations.add(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@
add(time: mrv2.RationalTime, notes: str) -> None
-Add notes annotations to current clip at a certain time.
+Agregue anotaciones de notas al clip actual en cierto tiempo.
add(frame: int, notes: str) -> None
-Add notes annotations to current clip at a certain frame.
+Agregue anotaciones de notas al clip actual en cierto cuadro.
add(seconds: float, notes: str) -> None
-Add notes annotations to current clip at certain seconds.
+Agregue anotaciones de notas al clip actual en ciertos segundos.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/cmd.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/cmd.html
index 473853cf4..1f52ae0a3 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/cmd.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/cmd.html
@@ -137,30 +137,30 @@
Módulo cmd
-Command module.
-Used to run main commands and get arguments and set the display, image, compare, LUT options.
+Módulo de commandos.
+Usado para correr los comandos principales y obtener los argumentos y setear las opciones de display, image, compare y LUT.
mrv2.cmd.args() → list[str]
-Get command-line arguments passed as single quoted string to -pythonArgs.
+Obtener los argumentos pasados en la línea de comando como una lista del solo texto con commillas pasado a -pythonArgs.
mrv2.cmd.close(item: int = -1) → None
-Close the file item.
+Cerrar archivo actual
mrv2.cmd.closeAll() → None
-Close all file items.
+Cerrar todos los archivos.
mrv2.cmd.compare(itemA: int, itemB: int, mode: mrv2.media.CompareMode = <CompareMode.Wipe: 2>) → None
-Compare two file items with a compare mode.
+Compare dos ítems de archivo con un modo de comparación.
@@ -172,139 +172,139 @@
mrv2.cmd.displayOptions() → mrv2.image.DisplayOptions
-Return the display options.
+Retorna las opciones de display.
mrv2.cmd.environmentMapOptions() → mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions
-Return the environment map options.
+Retorna las opciones de mapa de entorno.
mrv2.cmd.getLanguage() → str
-Get the language of mrv2.
+Retorna el lenguaje de mrv2.
mrv2.cmd.getLayers() → list[str]
-Get the layers of the timeline (GUI).
+Obtener las capas de la línea de tiempo (GUI).
mrv2.cmd.getVersion() → str
-Get the version of mrv2.
+Retorna la versión de mrv2.
mrv2.cmd.imageOptions() → mrv2.image.ImageOptions
-Return the image options.
+Retorna las opciones de imagen.
mrv2.cmd.isMuted() → bool
-Returns true if audio is muted.
+Retorna True si el audio está silenciado.
mrv2.cmd.lutOptions() → mrv2.image.LUTOptions
-Return the LUT options.
+Retorna las opciones de LUT.
mrv2.cmd.open(fileName: str, audioFileName: str = '') → None
-Open file with optional audio.
+Abrir un archivo con audio opcional.
mrv2.cmd.prefsPath() → str
-Return the path to preferences of mrv2.
+Retorna la carpeta de las preferencias de mrv2.
mrv2.cmd.rootPath() → str
-Return the root path to the insallation of mrv2.
+Retorna la carpeta raíz de la instalación de mrv2.
mrv2.cmd.run(arg0: str, arg1: str) → None
-Runs the same or a new mrv2 with a session file.
+Corre el mismo o otro mrv2 con un archivo de sesión.
mrv2.cmd.save(fileName: str, options: mrv2.io.SaveOptions = <mrv2.io.SaveOptions annotations=False ffmpegProfile=None ffmpegAudioCodec=AAC exrCompression=ZIP zipCompressionLevel=4 dwaCompressionLevel=45>) → None
-Save a movie or sequence from the front layer.
+Grabar una película o secuencia de la capa de frente.
mrv2.cmd.saveOTIO(fileName: str) → None
-Save an .otio file from the current selected image.
+Crear una línea de tiempo desde el clip seleccionado.
mrv2.cmd.savePDF(fileName: str) → bool
-Save a PDF document with all annotations and notes.
+Grabar un dcoumento PDF con todas las anotaciones y notas.
mrv2.cmd.setCompareOptions(options: mrv2.media.CompareOptions) → None
-Set the compare options.
+Setear las opciones de comparación.
mrv2.cmd.setDisplayOptions(options: mrv2.image.DisplayOptions) → None
-Set the display options.
+Setear las opciones de display.
mrv2.cmd.setEnvironmentMapOptions(options: mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions) → None
-Set the environment map options.
+Setea las opciones de mapa de entorno.
mrv2.cmd.setImageOptions(options: mrv2.image.ImageOptions) → None
-Set the image options.
+Setear las opciones de imagen.
mrv2.cmd.setLUTOptions(options: mrv2.image.LUTOptions) → None
-Set the LUT options.
+Setear las opciones de LUT.
mrv2.cmd.setMute(mute: float) → None
-Set the muting of the audio.
+Setea el mutismo del audio.
mrv2.cmd.setStereo3DOptions(options: mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions) → None
-Set the stereo 3D options.
+Setear las opciones de estéreo 3D.
mrv2.cmd.setVolume(volume: float) → None
-Set the playback volume.
+Setea el volumen de reproducción.
@@ -316,49 +316,49 @@
mrv2.cmd.toggleAutoNormalize() → None
-Toggle Image Auto Normalize.
+Alternar Auto Normalizar de la Imagen.
mrv2.cmd.toggleDataWindow() → None
-Toggle Data Window.
+Alternar Ventana de Datos.
mrv2.cmd.toggleDisplayWindow() → None
-Toggle Display Window.
+Alternar Ventana de Display
mrv2.cmd.toggleIgnoreDisplayWindow() → None
-Toggle Ignored Display Window on OpenEXRs.
+Ignorar Ventana de Display en OpenEXRs.
mrv2.cmd.toggleInvalidValues() → None
-Toggle Image invalid values.
+Alternar valores inválidos de la imagen.
mrv2.cmd.toggleSafeAreas() → None
-Toggle Safe Areas.
+Alternar Áreas Seguras.
mrv2.cmd.update() → float
-Call Fl::check to update the GUI and return the number of seconds that elapsed.
+LLamar a la rutina Fl::check para refrescar la interface y retorne los segundos que pasaron.
mrv2.cmd.volume() → float
-Get the playback volume.
+Obtenga el volumen de reproducción.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/image.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/image.html
index 6aef4a1e6..7d4768fe2 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/image.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/image.html
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@
Módulo image
-Image module.
-Contains all classes and enums related to image controls.
+Módulo de imagen.
+Contiene todas las classes y enums relativas a los controles de imagen.
class mrv2.image.AlphaBlend
@@ -289,29 +289,29 @@
class mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions
-Background options.
+Opciones de Fondo.
property checkersColor0
-Checkers Color0 mrv2.image.Color4f ..
+Opciones de Color0 del cuadriculado mrv2.image.Color4f .
property checkersColor1
-Checkers Color1 mrv2.image.Color4f ..
+Opciones de Color1 del cuadriculado mrv2.image.Color4f .
-Checkers Size mrv2.math.Size2i ..
+Tamaño del Cuadriculado mrv2.math.Size2i ..
property type
-Background type mrv2.image.Background ..
+Tipo de fondo mrv2.image.Background ..
@@ -335,35 +335,35 @@
class mrv2.image.EXRDisplay
-EXR display values.
+Valores de display de EXR.
property defog
-Defog value.
+Valor de desempañar.
property enabled
-Enabled EXR display.
+Active Display EXR.
property exposure
-Exposure value.
+Valor Exposición
property kneeHigh
-kneeHigh value.
+Valor de nivel alto de rodilla.
property kneeLow
-kneeLow value.
+Valor de nivel bajo de rodilla.
@@ -518,107 +518,107 @@
mrv2.image.backgroundOptions() → mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions
-Gets the current background options.
+Retorna las opciones actual del fondo.
mrv2.image.ocioConfig() → str
-Gets the current OCIO config file.
+Obtiene el archivo config de OCIO actual.
mrv2.image.ocioIcs() → str
-Gets the current input color space.
+Obtiene el Espacio de Entrada de Color actual.
mrv2.image.ocioIcsList() → list[str]
-Gets a list of all input color spaces.
+Obtiene un listado de todos los Espacios de Entrada de Color.
mrv2.image.ocioLook() → str
-Gets the current OCIO look.
+Obtiene el look de OCIO actual.
mrv2.image.ocioLookList() → list[str]
-Gets a list of all OCIO looks.
+Obtiene un listado de todos los looks de OCIO.
mrv2.image.ocioView() → str
-Gets the current Display/View.
+Retorna la Display/View de OCIO actual.
mrv2.image.ocioViewList() → list[str]
-Gets the list of Displays/Views.
+Retorna la list ade Displays/Views de OCIO.
mrv2.image.setBackgroundOptions(arg0: mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions) → None
-Sets the current background options.
+Setea las opciones de fondo.
mrv2.image.setOcioConfig(arg0: str) → None
-Sets the current OCIO config file.
+Setea el archivo de config de OCIO.
mrv2.image.setOcioIcs(ics: str) → None
-Set the input color space.
+Setea el Espacio de Entrada de Color.
mrv2.image.setOcioLook(look: str) → None
-Set the OCIO look by name.
+Setear el look de OCIO por nombre.
mrv2.image.setOcioView(view: str) → None
-Set an OCIO Display/View.
+Setea la OCIO Display/Vista.
class mrv2.image.Color4f
-Image mirroring.
+Espejado de la imagen.
r = float
-Red Channel.
+Canal Rojo.
g = float
-Green Channel.
+Canal Verde.
b = float
-Blue Channel.
+Canal Azul.
a = float
-Alpha Channel.
+Canal Alfa.
@@ -626,17 +626,17 @@
class mrv2.image.Mirror
-Image mirroring.
+Espejado de la imagen.
x = bool
-Flip image on X.
+Voltear imagen en X.
y = bool
-Flip image on Y.
+Voltear imagen en Y.
@@ -644,47 +644,47 @@
class mrv2.image.Color
-Color values.
+Valores de color.
enabled = bool
-Enabled Levels.
+Active transformaciones de niveles.
add = mrv2.math.Vector3f
-Add a mrv2.math.Vector3f to image.
+Agregar un mrv2.math.Vector3f a la imagen.
brightness = mrv2.math.Vector3f
-Change a mrv2.math.Vector3f of brightness to image.
+Cambiar un mrv2.math.Vector3f de brillo a la imagen.
contrast = mrv2.math.Vector3f
-Change a mrv2.math.Vector3f of contrast to image.
+Cambiar un mrv2.math.Vector3f de contraste a la imagen.
saturation = mrv2.math.Vector3f
-Change a mrv2.math.Vector3f of saturation to image.
+Cambiar un mrv2.math.Vector3f de saturación a la imagen.
tint = float
-Change tint of image to image between 0 and 1.
+Cambiar el tinte de la imagen entre 0 y 1.
invert = bool
-Invert the color values.
+Invertir valores de color.
@@ -692,41 +692,41 @@
class mrv2.image.Levels
-Levels values.
+Valores de niveles
enabled = bool
-Enabled Levels.
+Active transformaciones de niveles.
inLow = float
-In Low Level value.
+Valor de nivel bajo de entrada.
inHigh = float
-In High Level value.
+Valor de nivel alto de entrada.
gamma = float
-Gamma Level value.
+Valor de nivel de gama.
outLow = float
-Out Low Level value.
+Valor de nivel bajo de salida.
outHigh = float
-Out High Level value.
+Valor de nivel alto de salida.
@@ -734,17 +734,17 @@
class mrv2.image.ImageFilters
-Image filters.
+Filtros de imagen.
minify = mrv2.image.ImageFilter
-Minify filter mrv2.image.ImageFilter .
+Filtro de minificación mrv2.image.ImageFilter .
magnify = mrv2.image.ImageFilter
-Magnify filter mrv2.image.ImageFilter .
+Filtro de magnificación mrv2.image.ImageFilter .
@@ -752,17 +752,17 @@
class mrv2.image.SoftClip
-Soft clip value.
+Valor de soft clip.
enabled = bool
-Enabled Soft Clip.
+Active Soft Clip.
value = float
-Soft clip value.
+Valor de soft clip.
@@ -770,35 +770,35 @@
class mrv2.image.DisplayOptions
-Display options.
+Opciones de display.
channels = mrv2.image.Channels
-Color channels mrv2.image.Channels .
+Canales de color mrv2.image.Channels .
mirror = mrv2.image.Mirror
-Mirror on X, Y or both mrv2.image.Mirror .
+Espejar en X, Y o ambos mrv2.image.Mirror .
color = mrv2.image.Color
-Color options mrv2.image.Color .
+Opciones de color mrv2.image.Color .
levels = mrv2.image.Levels
-Levels options mrv2.image.Levels .
+Opciones de niveles mrv2.image.Levels .
softClip = mrv2.image.SoftClip
-Soft Clip options mrv2.image.SoftClip ..
+Opciones de Soft Clip mrv2.image.SoftClip ..
@@ -806,17 +806,17 @@
class mrv2.image.LUTOptions
-LUT options.
+Opciones del LUT.
fileName = str
-LUT filename.
+Nombre del archivo LUT.
order = mrv2.image.LUTOrder
-LUT transformation order.
+Orden de operación del LUT.
@@ -824,23 +824,23 @@
class mrv2.image.ImageOptions
-Image options.
+Opciones de imagen.
videoLevels = mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels
-Video Levels.
+Niveles de Vídeo.
alphaBlend = mrv2.image.AlphaBlend
-Alpha blending algorithm
+Algoritmo de mezcla de alfa.
imageFilters = mrv2.image.ImageFilters
-Image Filters
+Filtros de imagen.
@@ -848,59 +848,59 @@
class mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions
-EnvironmentMap options.
+Opciones de mapa de entorno.
type = mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType
-Environment Map type.
+Tipo de Mapa del Entorno
horizontalAperture = float
-Horizontal aperture
+Aberturna Horizontal de la Proyeccion.
verticalAperture = float
-Vertical aperture
+Abertura Vertical de la Proyección.
focalLength = float
-Focal Length
+Distancia Focal
rotateX = float
-Rotation on X
+Rotación en X
rotateY = float
-Rotation on Y
+Rotación en Y
subdivisionX = int
-Subdivision on X
+Subdivisiones en X
subdivisionY = int
-Subdivision on Y
+Subdivisiones en Y
spin = bool
@@ -908,29 +908,29 @@
class mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions
-Stereo3D options.
+Opciones de estéreo 3D.
input = mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput
-Stereo 3d input mrv2.image.StereoInput ..
+Opciones de entrada estéreo 3D mrv2.image.StereoInput .
output = mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput
-Stereo 3d output mrv2.image.StereoOutput ..
+Opciones de salida estéreo 3D mrv2.image.StereoOutput .
eyeSeparation = float
-Separation between left and right eye.
+Separación del ojo izquierdo y del derecho.
swapEyes = bool
-Swap left and right eye
+Intercambiar ojos izquierdo por derecho.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/index.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/index.html
index 07e4a29c8..afa53a440 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/index.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/index.html
@@ -206,11 +206,13 @@
@@ -218,6 +220,7 @@
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/io.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/io.html
index 9cbd831e3..cf8c08c1b 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/io.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/io.html
@@ -191,31 +191,31 @@
annotations = bool
-Save annotations.
+Grabar Anotaciones.
ffmpegProfile = mrv2.io.Profile
-FFmpeg Profile.
+Perfil de FFmpeg
exrCompression = mrv2.io.Compression
-OpenEXR’s Compression.
+Compresión de OpenEXR
zipCompressionLevel = int
-OpenEXR’s Zip Compression Level.
+Nivel de compresión Zip de OpenEXR.
dwaCompressionLevel = float
-OpenEXR’s DWA Compression Level.
+Nivel de compresión DWA de OpenEXR.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/math.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/math.html
index ef5b3433d..d974df423 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/math.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/math.html
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@
Módulo math
-Math module.
-Contains all math classes.
+Módulo de matemática.
+Contiene todas las clases de matemática.
class mrv2.math.Vector2i
-Vector of 2 integers.
+Vector de 2 enteros.
x = int
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
class mrv2.math.Vector2f
-Vector of 2 floats.
+Vector de 2 elementos de comas flotantes.
x = float
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
class mrv2.math.Vector3f
-Vector of 3 floats.
+Vector de 3 elementos de comas flotantes.
x = float
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
class mrv2.math.Vector4f
-Vector of 4 floats.
+Vector de 4 elementos de comas flotantes.
x = float
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
class mrv2.math.Size2i
-Size of 2 integers.
+Tamaño de 2 enteros.
w = int
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/media.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/media.html
index ab0ff05ff..c4028b4f1 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/media.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/media.html
@@ -61,11 +61,16 @@
@@ -73,6 +78,7 @@
@@ -127,120 +133,145 @@
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
to_timecode(self: mrv2.RationalTime, rate: float, drop_frame: object) -> str
-Convert to timecode (HH:MM:SS;FRAME )
+Convierta a timecode (HH:MM:SS;FRAME )
to_timecode(self: mrv2.RationalTime, rate: float) -> str
to_timecode(self: mrv2.RationalTime) -> str
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
value_rescaled_to(self: mrv2.RationalTime, new_rate: float) -> float
-Returns the time value for «self» converted to new_rate.
+Retorna el valor de tiempo para “sí mismo” convertido a nueva razón (new_rate).
value_rescaled_to(self: mrv2.RationalTime, other: mrv2.RationalTime) -> float
@@ -350,9 +350,9 @@
class mrv2.TimeRange
-The TimeRange class represents a range in time. It encodes the start time and the duration,
-meaning that end_time_inclusive() (last portion of a sample in the time range) and
-end_time_exclusive() can be computed.
+La clase TimeRange representa un rango de tiempo. Codifica el tiempo de comienzo (start_time) y la duración,
+significando que end_time_inclusive() (última porción de una muestra en el rango de tiempo) y que
+end_time_exclusive() puede ser calculado.
before(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -360,21 +360,21 @@
before(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.RationalTime, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The end of this strictly precedes other by a value >= epsilon_s.
+The final de esto estríctamente precede a other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
-[ this ] *
+[ esto ] *
before(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The end of this strictly equals the start of other and
-the start of this strictly equals the end of other.
+The final de esto estríctamente equivale al comienzo de other y
+el comienzo de esto estríctamente equivale al final de other.
-The converse would be other.meets(this)
+Lo opuesto sería other.meets(esto)
@@ -384,23 +384,23 @@
begins(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.RationalTime, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The start of this strictly equals other.
+El comienzo de esto estríctamente iguala a other.
- [ this ]
+ [ esto ]
begins(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The start of this strictly equals the start of other.
-The end of this strictly precedes the end of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
-[ this ]
+El comienzo de esto estríctamente iguala el comienzo de other.
+El final de esto estríctamente precede el final de other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
-The converse would be other.begins(this)
+Lo opuesto sería other.begins(esto)
@@ -410,13 +410,13 @@
clamped(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.RationalTime) -> mrv2.RationalTime
-Clamp “other” (RationalTime ) according to
-start_time /end_time_exclusive and bound arguments.
+Limite “other” (RationalTime ) de acuerdo a
+start_time /end_time_exclusive y limite los parámetros.
clamped(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange) -> mrv2.TimeRange
-Clamp “other” (TimeRange ) according to
-start_time /end_time_exclusive and bound arguments.
+Limite “other” (TimeRange ) de acuerdo a
+start_time /end_time_exclusive y limite los parámetros.
@@ -426,24 +426,24 @@
contains(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.RationalTime) -> bool
-The start of this precedes other.
-other precedes the end of this.
+El comienzo de esto precede a other.
+other precede el final de esto.
-[ this ]
+[ esto ]
contains(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The start of this precedes start of other.
-The end of this antecedes end of other.
+El comienzo de esto precede el comienzo de other.
+El final de esto antecede el final de other.
[ other ]
-[ this ]
+[ esto ]
-The converse would be other.contains(this)
+Lo opuesto sería other.contains(esto)
@@ -454,28 +454,28 @@
end_time_exclusive(self: mrv2.TimeRange) → mrv2.RationalTime
-Time of the first sample outside the time range.
-If start frame is 10 and duration is 5, then end_time_exclusive is 15,
-because the last time with data in this range is 14.
-If start frame is 10 and duration is 5.5, then end_time_exclusive is
-15.5, because the last time with data in this range is 15.
+Tiempo de la primera muestra fuera del rango de tiempo.
+Si el cuadro de comienzo ( start frame ) es 10 y la duración es 5, entonces end_time_exclusive es 15,
+porque el último tiempo con datos en este rango es 14.
+Si el cuadro de comienzo ( start frame ) es 10 y la duración es 5.5, entonces end_time_exclusive es
+15.5, porque el último tiempo con datos en este rango es 15.
end_time_inclusive(self: mrv2.TimeRange) → mrv2.RationalTime
-The time of the last sample containing data in the time range.
-If the time range starts at (0, 24) with duration (10, 24), this will be
+ El tiempo de la última muestra contiene datos en el rango de tiempo.
+Si el rango de tiempo comienza a (0, 24) con duración (10, 24), esto será
(9, 24)
-If the time range starts at (0, 24) with duration (10.5, 24):
+ Si el rango de tiempo comienza a (0, 24) con duraciòn (10.5, 24):
(10, 24)
-In other words, the last frame with data, even if the last frame is fractional.
+En otras palabras, el último cuadro con datos, incluso si el ultimo cuadro es fraccional.
extended_by(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange) → mrv2.TimeRange
-Construct a new TimeRange that is this one extended by other.
+Contruya un nuevo TimeRange que es este extendido por other.
@@ -485,46 +485,45 @@
finishes(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.RationalTime, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The end of this strictly equals other.
+El final de esto estríctamente equivale a other.
-[ this ]
+[ esto ]
finishes(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The start of this strictly antecedes the start of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
-The end of this strictly equals the end of other.
- [ this ]
+El comienzo de esto estríctamente antecede el comienzo de other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
+El final de esto estríctamente iguala el final de other.
-The converse would be other.finishes(this)
+Lo opuesto sería other.finishes(this)
intersects(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) → bool
-The start of this precedes or equals the end of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
-The end of this antecedes or equals the start of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
-[ this ] OR [ other ]
- [ other ] [ this ]
+ El comienzo de esto precede o iguala el final de other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
+El final de esto antecede o iguala el comienzo de other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
+[ esto ] O [ other ]
+ [ other ] [ esto ]
-The converse would be other.finishes(this)
meets(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) → bool
-The end of this strictly equals the start of other and
-the start of this strictly equals the end of other.
+ The final de esto estríctamente equivale al comienzo de other y
+el comienzo de esto estríctamente equivale al final de other.
-The converse would be other.meets(this)
+Lo opuesto sería other.meets(esto)
@@ -534,37 +533,37 @@
overlaps(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.RationalTime) -> bool
-this contains other.
+esto contiene a other.
-[ this ]
+[ esto ]
overlaps(self: mrv2.TimeRange, other: mrv2.TimeRange, epsilon_s: float = 2.6041666666666666e-06) -> bool
-The start of this strictly precedes end of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
-The end of this strictly antecedes start of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
-[ this ]
+El comienzo de esto estríctamente precede el final de other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
+El final de esto estríctamente antecede el comienzo de other por un valor >= epsilon_s.
-The converse would be other.overlaps(this)
+Lo opuesto sería other.overlaps(esto)
static range_from_start_end_time(start_time: mrv2.RationalTime, end_time_exclusive: mrv2.RationalTime) → mrv2.TimeRange
-Creates a TimeRange from start and end RationalTime s (exclusive).
-For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a duration of 9.
+Crea un TimeRange de start y end RationalTime s (exclusivo).
+Por ejemplo, si start_time es 1 y end_time es 10, la duración retornada será de 9.
static range_from_start_end_time_inclusive(start_time: mrv2.RationalTime, end_time_inclusive: mrv2.RationalTime) → mrv2.TimeRange
-Creates a TimeRange from start and end RationalTime s (inclusive).
-For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a duration of 10.
+Crea un TimeRange de start y end RationalTime s (inclusivo).
+Por ejemplo, si start_time es 1 y end_time es 10, la duración retornada será de 10.
@@ -572,71 +571,71 @@
class mrv2.FileMedia
-Class used to hold a media item.
+Clase para un archivo de medios.
path = mrv2.Path
-Path mrv2.Path to the File Media.
+Archivo mrv2.Path de la File Media.
audioPath = mrv2.Path
-Audio path mrv2.Path to the File Media if any.
+Archivo mrv2.Path opcional de audio para una File Media.
timeRange = mrv2.TimeRange
-Time range mrv2.TimeRange of the File Media.
+Rango de tiempoe mrv2.TimeRange de la File Media.
playback = mrv2.timeline.Playback
-Playback state mrv2.timeline.Playbacks of the File Media.
+Estado de reproduccióne mrv2.timeline.Playbacks de la File Media.
loop = mrv2.timeline.Loop
-Loop state mrv2.timeline.Loop of the File Media.
+Estado de loop mrv2.timeline.Loop en la File Media.
currentTime = mrv2.RationalTime
-Current time mrv2.RationalTime of the File Media.
+Tiempo actual mrv2.RationalTime de la File Media.
inOutRange = mrv2.TimeRange
-In/Out range mrv2.TimeRange of the File Media.
+Rango de tiempo mrv2.TimeRange de la File Media.
videoLayer = int
-Video layer of the File Media.
+Capa de vídeo de la File Media.
volume = float
-Volume of the File Media.
+Volumen de la File Media.
mute = bool
-Mute state of the File Media.
+Estado de mudo en la File Media.
audioOffset = float
-Audio offset of the File Media.
+Compensación de audio de una File Media.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/playlist.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/playlist.html
index fccf14091..2774ea9ca 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/playlist.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/playlist.html
@@ -104,24 +104,24 @@
Módulo playlist
-Playlist module.
-Contains all functions and classes related to the playlists.
+Mòdulo de lista de reproducción.
+Contiene todas las clases y enums relacionados con las listas dereproducción.
mrv2.playlist.addClip(clip: mrv2.FileMedia) → None
-Add a clip to currently selected Playlist EDL.
+Agregar clip a la lista de reproducción (EDL) seleccionada.
mrv2.playlist.list() → list[mrv2.FileMedia]
-List playlist items.
+Lista de items de lista de reproducción.
mrv2.playlist.save(fileName: str) → None
-Save current .otio file with relative paths.
+Grabe una list de reproducción .otio con caminos relativos a ella.
@@ -131,15 +131,15 @@
select(fileItem: mrv2.FileMedia) -> None
-Select a playlist by FileModelItem.
+Seleccionar una lista de reproducción con FileModelItem.
select(fileName: str) -> None
-Select a playlist by fileName.
+Seleccionar una lista de reproducción con el nombre de archivo dado.
select(playlistIndex: int) -> None
-Select a playlist by index.
+Seleccionar una lista de reproducción con el índice dado.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/plug-ins.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/plug-ins.html
index 2ff706877..de7fe82a7 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/plug-ins.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/plug-ins.html
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
Módulo de plugin
-Plugin module.
-Contains all classes related to python plugins.
+Mòdulo de Plugins.
+Contiene todas las clases relacionados con las los plugins de python.
class mrv2.plugin.Plugin
@@ -115,21 +115,21 @@
- class DemoPlugin(plugin.Plugin):
- def __init__(self):
-Constructor for DemoPlugin.
-Define your own variables here.
+Constructor de DemoPlugin.
+Defina sus variables aquí.
- def run(self):
-Example method used for the callback.
+Método de ejemplo para la llamada.
-print(«Hello from Python plugin»)
+print(«Hola de un plugin de Python»)
- def active(self):
-Optional method to return whether the plug-in is active or not.
+Método opcional para returnar si el plug-in está activo o no.
- return:
-True if the plug-in is active, False otherwise.
+True si el plug-in está activo, False sino.
- rtype:
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@
return True
- def menus(self):
-Dictionary of menu entries as keys with callbacks as values.
+Diccionario de entradas de menúes como llaves con llamadas como valores.
- return:
-A dictionary of menu entries and their corresponding callbacks.
+Un diccionario de entradas de menúes y sus llamadas correspondientes.
- rtype:
@@ -158,18 +158,20 @@
active(self: mrv2.plugin.Plugin) → bool
-Whether a plugin is active or not. If not overriden, the default is True.
+Si un plugin está activo o no. Si no se reemplaza, el valor es True.
-Dictionary of menu entries with callbacks, like:
-- def menus(self):
menus = { «Nem Menu/Hello» : self.run }
+ Diccionario de entradas del menu con métodos como:
+- def menus(self):
menus = { «Nuevo Menu/Hola» : self.run }
return menus
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/session.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/session.html
index 4f95896bf..c0186ad2b 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/session.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/session.html
@@ -107,24 +107,24 @@
Módulo session
-Session module.
-Used to manage everything related to sessions.
+Módulo de Sesión.
+Usado para manejar todo lo relacionado a sesiones.
mrv2.session.clearMetadata() → None
-Clears the current session metadata.
+Vacía los metadatos de la sesión actual.
mrv2.session.current() → str
-Returns current session file.
+Retorna la Sesión actual.
mrv2.session.load(file: str) → bool
-Open a session file.
+Abrir una Sesión
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@
metadata() -> dict[str, str]
-Returns the current session metadata.
+Retorna la metadata de la sesión actual.
metadata(key: str) -> str
-Returns the current metadata for a key.
+Retorna los metadatos para una clave.
@@ -148,17 +148,17 @@
save() -> bool
-Save a session file.
+Grabar Sesión.
save(file: str) -> bool
-Save a session file.
+Grabar Sesión.
mrv2.session.setCurrent(file: str) → None
-Sets the current session file.
+Setea el archivo de la sesión actual.
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
setMetadata(arg0: dict[str, str]) -> None
-Sets all the session metadata for a session.
+Setea todos los metadatos de la sesión actual.
setMetadata(key: str, value: str) -> None
-Sets the session metadata for a key.
+Setea los metadatos para una clave.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/settings.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/settings.html
index 46baaa40c..cff1cdb07 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/settings.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/settings.html
@@ -107,48 +107,48 @@
Módulo settings
-Settings module.
-Contains all settings functions.
+Mòdulo de Seteos.
+Contiene todas las funciones y enums relacionados con los seteos.
mrv2.settings.checkForUpdates() → bool
-Returns whether to check for updates at start up.
+Retorna si chequea las actualizaciones al empezar.
mrv2.settings.memory() → int
-Retrieve the cache memory setting in gigabytes.
+Retornar el seteo de memory de cache en gigabytes.
mrv2.settings.readAhead() → float
-Retrieve Read Ahead cache in seconds.
+Retornar Leer Adelante en segundos.
mrv2.settings.readBehind() → float
-Retrieve Read Behind cache in seconds.
+Retornar Leer Atrás en segundos.
mrv2.settings.setMemory(arg0: int) → None
-Set the cache memory setting in gigabytes.
+Setear la memoria del cache en gigabytes.
mrv2.settings.setReadAhead(arg0: float) → None
-Set Read Ahead cache in seconds.
+Setear Leer Adelante en segundos.
mrv2.settings.setReadBehind(arg0: float) → None
-Set Read Behind cache in seconds.
+Setear Leer Atrás en segundos.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/timeline.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/timeline.html
index 824726870..e9efaa44a 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/timeline.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/timeline.html
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
Módulo timeline
-Timeline module.
-Contains all functions related to the timeline control.
+Mòdulo de Línea de Tiempo.
+Contiene todas las funciones y enums relacionados con la línea de tiempo.
class mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio
@@ -194,43 +194,43 @@
mrv2.timeline.defaultSpeed(arg0: float) → float
-Gets the default speed of the timeline.
+Obtiene la velocidad (cuadros por segundo) por defecto de la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.frame() → int
-Current frame in timeline.
+Cuadro actual en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.inOutRange() → mrv2.TimeRange
-Selected time range of the timeline.
+Rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.loop() → mrv2.timeline.Loop
-Return current loop mode of timeline.
+Retorna modo de bucle actual en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.playBackwards() → None
-Play backwards.
+Reproducir para atrás.
mrv2.timeline.playForwards() → None
-Play forwards.
+Reproducir para adelante.
mrv2.timeline.seconds() → float
-Current seconds in timeline.
+Segundos actuales en la línea de tiempo.
@@ -240,15 +240,15 @@
seek(time: mrv2.RationalTime) -> None
-Seek to a time in timeline.
+Saltar al tiempo dado en la línea de tiempo.
seek(frame: int) -> None
-Seek to a frame in timeline.
+Saltar al cuadro dado en la línea de tiempo.
seek(frame: float) -> None
-Seek to a second in timeline.
+Saltar a los segundos dados en la línea de tiempo.
@@ -258,27 +258,27 @@
setIn(arg0: mrv2.RationalTime) -> None
-Set the in time of the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setea el tiempo de entrada del rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
setIn(arg0: int) -> None
-Set the in frame of the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setea el cuadro de entrada del rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
setIn(arg0: float) -> None
-Set the in seconds of the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setea los segundos de entrada del rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.setInOutRange(arg0: mrv2.TimeRange) → None
-Set the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setear el rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.setLoop(arg0: mrv2.timeline.Loop) → None
-Set current loop mode of timeline.
+Setear modo de bucle en la línea de tiempo.
@@ -288,45 +288,45 @@
setOut(arg0: mrv2.RationalTime) -> None
-Set the out time of the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setea el tiempo de salida del rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
setOut(arg0: int) -> None
-Set the out frame of the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setea el cuadro de salida del rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
setOut(arg0: float) -> None
-Set the out seconds of the selected time range of the timeline.
+Setea los segundos de salida del rango de tiempo seleccionado en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.setSpeed(fps: float) → None
-Set current FPS of timeline.
+Setea la velocidad (cuadros por segundo) de la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.speed(arg0: float) → float
-Gets the current FPS of timeline.
+Obtiene los cuadros por segundo en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.stop() → None
-Play forwards.
+Reproducir para adelante.
mrv2.timeline.time() → mrv2.RationalTime
-Current time in timeline.
+Tiempo actual en la línea de tiempo.
mrv2.timeline.timeRange() → mrv2.TimeRange
-Time range of the timeline.
+Rango de tiempo de la línea de tiempo.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/ui.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/ui.html
index 47ed2edb5..852688acc 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/ui.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/ui.html
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@
Módulo ui
-UI module.
-Contains all classes and enums related to UI (User Interface).
+Módulo de Interfaz de Usuario.
+Contiene todas las classes y enums relativas IU (Interfaz de Usario).
-Refresh menus.
+Refrescar menúes.
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/usd.html b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/usd.html
index 29cbcb307..73bb903e9 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/usd.html
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/python_api/usd.html
@@ -111,18 +111,18 @@
usd module
-USD module.
-Contains all classes and enums related to USD (Universal Scene Description).
+Módulo de USD.
+Contiene todas las classes y enums relativas a USD (Univesal Scene Description).
mrv2.usd.renderOptions() → mrv2.usd.RenderOptions
-Get USD Render Options.
+Obtener Opciones de Render de USD.
mrv2.usd.setRenderOptions(renderOptions: mrv2.usd.RenderOptions) → None
-Set USD Render Options.
+Setear las opciones de Render de USD.
@@ -142,41 +142,41 @@
class mrv2.usd.RenderOptions
-USD Render Options.
+Opciones de Render de USD.
renderWidth = int
-Render Width
+Ancho de Render
complexity = float
-Models” complexity.
+Complejidad de los Modelos.
drawMode = mrv2.usd.DrawMode
-Draw mode mrv2.usd.DrawMode .
+Modo de dibujo mrv2.usd.DrawMode .
enableLighting = bool
-Enable Lighting
+Activar Iluminación
stageCache = int
-Stage Cache Count
+Cache del Escenario
diskCache = int
-Disk Cache Byte Count
+Conteo en Bytes de Cache en Disco
diff --git a/mrv2/docs/es/searchindex.js b/mrv2/docs/es/searchindex.js
index bf721d73b..39e60ea28 100644
--- a/mrv2/docs/es/searchindex.js
+++ b/mrv2/docs/es/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"Actualizaciones.": [[27, null]], "Agregando una Nota o Dibujo": [[23, "agregando-una-nota-o-dibujo"]], "Agregar Carpetas": [[27, null]], "Alternar el Punto de Entrada": [[22, null]], "Alternar el Punto de Salida": [[22, null]], "Anotaci\u00f3n/Borrar, Anotaci\u00f3n/Borrar Todas": [[22, null]], "Archivo Config de OCIO": [[27, null]], "Auto Normalizar": [[22, null]], "Auto Reencuadrar la imagen": [[27, null]], "Auto Reproducir": [[27, null]], "Autoencuadre": [[22, null]], "Barra de Pixel": [[27, "barra-de-pixel"]], "Bienvenido a la documentaci\u00f3n de mrv2!": [[0, null]], "Brecha de Audio/Insertar, Brecha de Audio/Remover": [[22, null]], "Built-in Configs": [[27, null]], "Buscador de Archivos": [[27, "buscador-de-archivos"]], "Canales": [[22, null]], "Cargando": [[27, "cargando"]], "Cargando Medios (Buscador de mrv2)": [[19, "cargando-medios-buscador-de-mrv2"]], "Cargando Medios (Drag and Drop)": [[19, "cargando-medios-drag-and-drop"]], "Cargando Medios (L\u00ednea de comandos)": [[19, "cargando-medios-linea-de-comandos"]], "Cargando Medios (Menu Reciente)": [[19, "cargando-medios-menu-reciente"]], "Colores de Vista": [[27, null]], "Comenzando": [[19, null]], "Comenzar en Modo de Edici\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Compilando mrv2": [[19, "compilando-mrv2"]], "Comportamiento": [[27, "comportamiento"]], "Comportamiento del Cache": [[26, "comportamiento-del-cache"]], "Controles de Transporte": [[22, "controles-de-transporte"]], "Copia de L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[27, null]], "Copia de Vistas": [[27, null]], "Cuadro Actual": [[26, "cuadro-actual"]], "Cuadro Faltante": [[27, null]], "Cuadro/Cortar, Cuadro/Copiar, Cuadro/Pegar, Cuadro/Insertar": [[22, null]], "Deshacer/Rehacer": [[22, null]], "Dibujando Anotaciones": [[23, "dibujando-anotaciones"]], "Display": [[27, null]], "Display RGBA": [[27, null]], "Display Secundario": [[27, null]], "Divisor": [[22, "divisor"]], "Edici\u00f3n": [[27, "edicion"]], "Edit Associated Clips": [[27, null]], "Edit Clips Asociados.": [[22, null]], "Editable": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Elementos de UI": [[27, "elementos-de-ui"]], "Eliminar Carpetas": [[27, null]], "Error en FFmpeg": [[27, null]], "Errores": [[27, "errores"], [27, null]], "Espacio de Entrada de Color": [[27, null]], "Esquema": [[27, null]], "FPS": [[22, "fps"]], "FPS (Frames per Second o Cuadros por Segundo)": [[27, null]], "Filtro de Magnificaci\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Filtro de Minificaci\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Filtros de Minificaci\u00f3n y Magnificaci\u00f3n": [[22, null]], "Fondo": [[22, null]], "Fregar con Audio": [[27, null]], "Ganancia y Gama": [[27, null]], "Grabando": [[28, null]], "Grabando una Pel\u00edcula": [[28, "grabando-una-pelicula"]], "Grabando una Sequencia de Im\u00e1genes": [[28, "grabando-una-sequencia-de-imagenes"]], "Grabar Annotaciones": [[28, null]], "Grabar Anotaciones": [[28, null]], "Gu\u00eda del Usuario de mrv2": [[21, null]], "HUD": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Ignorar Ventana de Display": [[22, null]], "Indicador de Cuadro": [[22, "indicador-de-cuadro"]], "Instalando mrv2": [[19, "instalando-mrv2"]], "Interacci\u00f3n del Rat\u00f3n en el Visor": [[22, "interaccion-del-raton-en-el-visor"]], "Interfaz del Usuario": [[27, "interfaz-del-usuario"]], "Introducci\u00f3n": [[24, null]], "Ir a/Anotaci\u00f3n Previa, Ir A/Anotaci\u00f3n Siguiente": [[22, null]], "La Barra Superior": [[22, "la-barra-superior"]], "La L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[22, "la-linea-de-tiempo"]], "La interfaz de mrv2": [[22, null]], "Lanzando mrv2": [[19, "lanzando-mrv2"]], "Las barras de la UI": [[27, null]], "Lenguaje": [[27, null]], "Lenguaje y Colores": [[27, "lenguaje-y-colores"]], "Linux": [[18, "linux"]], "Los Paneles": [[22, "los-paneles"]], "Luminancia": [[27, null]], "L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[27, "linea-de-tiempo"]], "Mapeo de Carpetas": [[27, "mapeo-de-carpetas"]], "Marcadores": [[22, null]], "Menus": [[27, null]], "Menus macOS": [[27, null]], "Men\u00fa de Contexto del Panel de Archivos (Bot\u00f3n derecho del rat\u00f3n)": [[25, "menu-de-contexto-del-panel-de-archivos-boton-derecho-del-raton"]], "Men\u00fa de Editar": [[22, "menu-de-editar"]], "Men\u00fa de Imagen": [[22, "menu-de-imagen"]], "Men\u00fa de L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[22, "menu-de-linea-de-tiempo"]], "Men\u00fa de Render": [[22, "menu-de-render"]], "Men\u00fa de Reproducci\u00f3n": [[22, "menu-de-reproduccion"]], "Men\u00fa de Vista": [[22, "menu-de-vista"]], "Mezcla Alfa": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Miniaturas": [[22, null], [27, "miniaturas"]], "Miniaturas Activas": [[27, null]], "Miniaturas en Paneles": [[27, null]], "Miniaturas sobre la L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[27, null]], "Mirando Medios": [[19, "mirando-medios"]], "Modificando una Nota": [[23, "modificando-una-nota"]], "Modo de Bucle": [[27, null]], "Modos de Bucle": [[26, "modos-de-bucle"]], "Monitor VSync": [[27, null]], "Mostrar Marcadores": [[27, null]], "Mostrar Transiciones": [[27, null]], "M\u00e1scara": [[22, null]], "M\u00e1ximas Im\u00e1genes Aparte": [[27, null]], "M\u00f3dulo cmd": [[2, null]], "M\u00f3dulo de anotaciones": [[1, null]], "M\u00f3dulo de plugin": [[10, null]], "M\u00f3dulo image": [[3, null]], "M\u00f3dulo io": [[5, null]], "M\u00f3dulo math": [[6, null]], "M\u00f3dulo media": [[7, null]], "M\u00f3dulo mrv2": [[8, null]], "M\u00f3dulo playlist": [[9, null]], "M\u00f3dulo session": [[12, null]], "M\u00f3dulo settings": [[13, null]], "M\u00f3dulo timeline": [[15, null]], "M\u00f3dulo ui": [[16, null]], "Navegando Notas": [[23, "navegando-notas"]], "Niveles de V\u00eddeo": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Normal, Pantalla Completa and Presentaci\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Notas y Anotaciones": [[23, null]], "OCIO": [[27, "ocio"]], "OCIO por Defecto": [[27, "ocio-por-defecto"]], "Ocultando/Mostrando Elementos de la GUI": [[22, "ocultando-mostrando-elementos-de-la-gui"]], "Opciones de OpenEXR": [[28, null]], "Opciones de V\u00eddeo": [[28, null]], "OpenGL": [[27, "opengl"]], "Optiones de Audio": [[28, null]], "Panel de Anotaciones": [[25, "panel-de-anotaciones"]], "Panel de Archivos": [[25, "panel-de-archivos"]], "Panel de Bit\u00e1cora": [[25, "panel-de-bitacora"]], "Panel de Color": [[25, "panel-de-color"]], "Panel de Comparar": [[25, "panel-de-comparar"]], "Panel de Est\u00e9reo 3D": [[25, "panel-de-estereo-3d"]], "Panel de Histograma": [[25, "panel-de-histograma"]], "Panel de Informaci\u00f3n del Medio": [[25, "panel-de-informacion-del-medio"]], "Panel de Lista de Reproducci\u00f3n": [[25, "panel-de-lista-de-reproduccion"]], "Panel de Mapa de Entorno": [[25, "panel-de-mapa-de-entorno"]], "Panel de NDI": [[25, "panel-de-ndi"]], "Panel de Python": [[25, "panel-de-python"]], "Panel de Red": [[25, "panel-de-red"]], "Panel de Seteos": [[25, "panel-de-seteos"]], "Panel de USD": [[25, "panel-de-usd"]], "Panel de Vectorscopio": [[25, "panel-de-vectorscopio"]], "Panel de \u00c1rea de Color": [[25, "panel-de-area-de-color"]], "Paneles": [[25, null]], "Panels": [[27, null]], "Personalizando la Interfaz": [[22, "personalizando-la-interfaz"]], "Player/Viewer Controls": [[22, "player-viewer-controls"]], "Plug-ins": [[14, "plug-ins"]], "Posicionado": [[27, "posicionado"]], "Posici\u00f3n Fija": [[27, null]], "Precisi\u00f3n de Color": [[27, null]], "Preferencias": [[27, null]], "Preguntas Frecuentes": [[18, null]], "Python API": [[4, null]], "Rebanar": [[22, null]], "Recorte": [[27, null]], "Red": [[27, "red"]], "Regex de Versi\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Remover": [[22, null]], "Remover EDLs en Carpeta Temporaria": [[27, null]], "Render": [[27, "render"]], "Reproducci\u00f3n de V\u00eddeo": [[26, null]], "Reproducir": [[27, "reproducir"]], "Safe Areas": [[27, null]], "Sensitividad de Fregado": [[27, null]], "Seteos": [[29, null]], "Siempre Arriba y Flotar Vista Secundaria": [[27, null]], "Siempre Grabe al Salir": [[27, null]], "Sistema de Plug-ins": [[14, null]], "Start and End Frame Indicator": [[22, "start-and-end-frame-indicator"]], "Tabla de Contenidos": [[0, "tabla-de-contenidos"]], "Tama\u00f1o Fijo": [[27, null]], "Teclas Espec\u00edficas de Reproducci\u00f3n": [[26, "teclas-especificas-de-reproduccion"]], "Teclas de Manejo": [[20, null]], "Tema de Color": [[27, null]], "Tipograf\u00edas": [[27, "tipografias"]], "Todas las Plataformas": [[18, "todas-las-plataformas"]], "Tomar los Valores Actuales de la Ventana": [[27, null]], "Tool Dock": [[27, null]], "Transitiones": [[22, null]], "Tutoriales de Video (en Ingl\u00e9s)": [[30, null]], "Un Solo Click para Viajar por Carpetas": [[27, null]], "Un Solo Panel": [[27, null]], "Una Instance": [[27, null]], "Usar el Buscador de Archivos Nativo": [[27, null]], "Use Vistas Activas y Displays Activos": [[27, null]], "Valores de Pixel": [[27, null]], "Valores inv\u00e1lidos": [[22, null]], "Velocidad de FPS": [[26, "velocidad-de-fps"]], "Velocidad de Zoom": [[27, null]], "Ventana de Datos": [[22, null]], "Ventana de Display": [[22, null]], "Ventana de Vista": [[27, "ventana-de-vista"]], "Version/Previous, Version/Next": [[22, null]], "Version/Primera, Version/\u00daltima": [[22, null]], "Versi\u00f3n Actual: v1.2.4 - Descripci\u00f3n General": [[24, "version-actual-v1-2-4-descripcion-general"]], "Vista Previa de Edici\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Vista Previa de Miniaturas de USD": [[27, null]], "Vista por Defecto": [[27, null]], "Voltear": [[22, null]], "Wayland": [[18, "wayland"]], "Wayland support": [[19, "wayland-support"]], "Windows": [[18, "windows"]], "pyFLTK": [[11, null]], "usd module": [[17, null]], "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es mrv2?": [[24, "que-es-mrv2"]], "\u00c1reas Seguras": [[22, null]], "\u00cdndices y tablas": [[0, "indices-y-tablas"]]}, "docnames": ["index", "python_api/annotations", "python_api/cmd", "python_api/image", "python_api/index", "python_api/io", "python_api/math", "python_api/media", "python_api/mrv2", "python_api/playlist", "python_api/plug-ins", "python_api/pyFLTK", "python_api/session", "python_api/settings", "python_api/sistema-de-plugins", "python_api/timeline", "python_api/ui", "python_api/usd", "user_docs/faq", "user_docs/getting_started/getting_started", "user_docs/hotkeys", "user_docs/index", "user_docs/interface/interface", "user_docs/notes", "user_docs/overview", "user_docs/panels/panels", "user_docs/playback", "user_docs/preferences", "user_docs/saving", "user_docs/settings", "user_docs/videos"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2}, "filenames": ["index.rst", "python_api/annotations.rst", "python_api/cmd.rst", "python_api/image.rst", "python_api/index.rst", "python_api/io.rst", "python_api/math.rst", "python_api/media.rst", "python_api/mrv2.rst", "python_api/playlist.rst", "python_api/plug-ins.rst", "python_api/pyFLTK.rst", "python_api/session.rst", "python_api/settings.rst", "python_api/sistema-de-plugins.rst", "python_api/timeline.rst", "python_api/ui.rst", "python_api/usd.rst", "user_docs/faq.rst", "user_docs/getting_started/getting_started.rst", "user_docs/hotkeys.rst", "user_docs/index.rst", "user_docs/interface/interface.rst", "user_docs/notes.rst", "user_docs/overview.rst", "user_docs/panels/panels.rst", "user_docs/playback.rst", "user_docs/preferences.rst", "user_docs/saving.rst", "user_docs/settings.rst", "user_docs/videos.rst"], "indexentries": {"a (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.a", false]], "active() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.plugin.plugin)": [[10, "mrv2.plugin.Plugin.active", false]], "activefiles() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.activeFiles", false]], "add (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.add", false]], "add() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.annotations)": [[1, "mrv2.annotations.add", false]], "addclip() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.addClip", false]], "afile() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.Afile", false]], "aindex() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.Aindex", false]], "almost_equal() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.almost_equal", false]], "alphablend (atributo de mrv2.image.imageoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions.alphaBlend", false]], "alphablend (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.AlphaBlend", false]], "annotations (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.annotations", false]], "args() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.args", false]], "audiocodec (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.AudioCodec", false]], "audiooffset (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.audioOffset", false]], "audiopath (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.audioPath", false]], "b (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.b", false]], "background (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Background", false]], "backgroundoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions", false]], "backgroundoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.backgroundOptions", false]], "before() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.before", false]], "begins() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.begins", false]], "bfiles() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.Bfiles", false]], "bindexes() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.BIndexes", false]], "brightness (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.brightness", false]], "channels (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.channels", false]], "channels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Channels", false]], "checkerscolor0 (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.checkersColor0", false]], "checkerscolor1 (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.checkersColor1", false]], "checkerssize (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.checkersSize", false]], "checkforupdates() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.checkForUpdates", false]], "clamped() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.clamped", false]], "clearb() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.clearB", false]], "clearmetadata() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.clearMetadata", false]], "close() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.close", false]], "close() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.close", false]], "closeall() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.closeAll", false]], "closeall() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.closeAll", false]], "color (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.color", false]], "color (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color", false]], "color4f (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f", false]], "compare() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.compare", false]], "comparemode (clase en mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareMode", false]], "compareoptions (clase en mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions", false]], "compareoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.compareOptions", false]], "complexity (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.complexity", false]], "compression (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Compression", false]], "contains() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.contains", false]], "contrast (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.contrast", false]], "current() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.current", false]], "currenttime (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.currentTime", false]], "defaultspeed() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.defaultSpeed", false]], "defog (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.defog", false]], "diskcache (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.diskCache", false]], "displayoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions", false]], "displayoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.displayOptions", false]], "drawmode (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.drawMode", false]], "drawmode (clase en mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.DrawMode", false]], "duration_extended_by() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.duration_extended_by", false]], "duration_from_start_end_time() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.duration_from_start_end_time", false]], "duration_from_start_end_time_inclusive() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.duration_from_start_end_time_inclusive", false]], "dwacompressionlevel (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.dwaCompressionLevel", false]], "enabled (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.enabled", false]], "enabled (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.enabled", false]], "enabled (atributo de mrv2.image.softclip)": [[3, "mrv2.image.SoftClip.enabled", false]], "enabled (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.enabled", false]], "enablelighting (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.enableLighting", false]], "end_time_exclusive() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.end_time_exclusive", false]], "end_time_inclusive() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.end_time_inclusive", false]], "environmentmapoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions", false]], "environmentmapoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.environmentMapOptions", false]], "environmentmaptype (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType", false]], "exposure (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.exposure", false]], "exrcompression (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.exrCompression", false]], "exrdisplay (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay", false]], "extended_by() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.extended_by", false]], "eyeseparation (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.eyeSeparation", false]], "ffmpegprofile (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.ffmpegProfile", false]], "filemedia (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia", false]], "filename (atributo de mrv2.image.lutoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOptions.fileName", false]], "filesequenceaudio (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio", false]], "finishes() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.finishes", false]], "firstversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.firstVersion", false]], "focallength (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.focalLength", false]], "frame() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.frame", false]], "from_frames() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_frames", false]], "from_seconds() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_seconds", false]], "from_time_string() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_time_string", false]], "from_timecode() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_timecode", false]], "g (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.g", false]], "gamma (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.gamma", false]], "get() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.get", false]], "getbasename() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getBaseName", false]], "getdirectory() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getDirectory", false]], "getextension() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getExtension", false]], "getlanguage() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.getLanguage", false]], "getlayers() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.getLayers", false]], "getnumber() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getNumber", false]], "getpadding() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getPadding", false]], "getversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.getVersion", false]], "h (atributo de mrv2.math.size2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Size2i.h", false]], "horizontalaperture (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.horizontalAperture", false]], "imagefilter (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilter", false]], "imagefilters (atributo de mrv2.image.imageoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions.imageFilters", false]], "imagefilters (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilters", false]], "imageoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions", false]], "imageoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.imageOptions", false]], "inhigh (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.inHigh", false]], "inlow (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.inLow", false]], "inoutrange (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.inOutRange", false]], "inoutrange() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.inOutRange", false]], "input (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.input", false]], "inputvideolevels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels", false]], "intersects() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.intersects", false]], "invert (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.invert", false]], "is_invalid_time() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.is_invalid_time", false]], "is_valid_timecode_rate() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.is_valid_timecode_rate", false]], "isabsolute() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.isAbsolute", false]], "isempty() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.isEmpty", false]], "ismuted() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.isMuted", false]], "kneehigh (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.kneeHigh", false]], "kneelow (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.kneeLow", false]], "lastversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.lastVersion", false]], "layers() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.layers", false]], "levels (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.levels", false]], "levels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels", false]], "list() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.list", false]], "list() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.list", false]], "load() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.load", false]], "loop (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.loop", false]], "loop (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Loop", false]], "loop() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.loop", false]], "lutoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOptions", false]], "lutoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.lutOptions", false]], "lutorder (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOrder", false]], "magnify (atributo de mrv2.image.imagefilters)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilters.magnify", false]], "meets() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.meets", false]], "memory() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.memory", false]], "menus() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.plugin.plugin)": [[10, "mrv2.plugin.Plugin.menus", false]], "metadata() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.metadata", false]], "minify (atributo de mrv2.image.imagefilters)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilters.minify", false]], "mirror (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.mirror", false]], "mirror (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Mirror", false]], "mode (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.mode", false]], "module": [[1, "module-mrv2.annotations", false], [2, "module-mrv2.cmd", false], [3, "module-mrv2.image", false], [5, "module-mrv2.io", false], [6, "module-mrv2.math", false], [7, "module-mrv2.media", false], [8, "module-mrv2", false], [9, "module-mrv2.playlist", false], [10, "module-mrv2.plugin", false], [12, "module-mrv2.session", false], [13, "module-mrv2.settings", false], [15, "module-mrv2.timeline", false], [16, "module-mrv2.ui", false], [17, "module-mrv2.usd", false]], "mrv2": [[8, "module-mrv2", false]], "mrv2.annotations": [[1, "module-mrv2.annotations", false]], "mrv2.cmd": [[2, "module-mrv2.cmd", false]], "mrv2.image": [[3, "module-mrv2.image", false]], "mrv2.io": [[5, "module-mrv2.io", false]], "mrv2.math": [[6, "module-mrv2.math", false]], "mrv2.media": [[7, "module-mrv2.media", false]], "mrv2.playlist": [[9, "module-mrv2.playlist", false]], "mrv2.plugin": [[10, "module-mrv2.plugin", false]], "mrv2.session": [[12, "module-mrv2.session", false]], "mrv2.settings": [[13, "module-mrv2.settings", false]], "mrv2.timeline": [[15, "module-mrv2.timeline", false]], "mrv2.ui": [[16, "module-mrv2.ui", false]], "mrv2.usd": [[17, "module-mrv2.usd", false]], "mute (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.mute", false]], "name (mrv2.image.alphablend propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.AlphaBlend.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.background propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Background.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.channels propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Channels.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.environmentmaptype propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.imagefilter propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilter.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.inputvideolevels propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.lutorder propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOrder.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.pixeltype propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.PixelType.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.stereo3dinput propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.stereo3doutput propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.videolevels propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.VideoLevels.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.yuvcoefficients propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.YUVCoefficients.name", false]], "name (mrv2.io.audiocodec propiedad)": [[5, "mrv2.io.AudioCodec.name", false]], "name (mrv2.io.resolution propiedad)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Resolution.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.filesequenceaudio propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.loop propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Loop.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.playback propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Playback.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.timermode propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.TimerMode.name", false]], "nearest_valid_timecode_rate() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.nearest_valid_timecode_rate", false]], "nextversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.nextVersion", false]], "ocioconfig() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioConfig", false]], "ocioics() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioIcs", false]], "ocioicslist() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioIcsList", false]], "ociolook() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioLook", false]], "ociolooklist() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioLookList", false]], "ocioview() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioView", false]], "ocioviewlist() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioViewList", false]], "open() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.open", false]], "order (atributo de mrv2.image.lutoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOptions.order", false]], "outhigh (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.outHigh", false]], "outlow (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.outLow", false]], "output (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.output", false]], "overlaps() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.overlaps", false]], "overlay (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.overlay", false]], "path (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.path", false]], "path (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.Path", false]], "pixeltype (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.PixelType", false]], "playback (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.playback", false]], "playback (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Playback", false]], "playbackwards() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.playBackwards", false]], "playforwards() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.playForwards", false]], "plugin (clase en mrv2.plugin)": [[10, "mrv2.plugin.Plugin", false]], "prefspath() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.prefsPath", false]], "previousversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.previousVersion", false]], "profile (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Profile", false]], "r (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.r", false]], "range_from_start_end_time() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.range_from_start_end_time", false]], "range_from_start_end_time_inclusive() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.range_from_start_end_time_inclusive", false]], "rationaltime (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime", false]], "readahead() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.readAhead", false]], "readbehind() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.readBehind", false]], "refreshmenus() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.ui)": [[16, "mrv2.ui.refreshMenus", false]], "renderoptions (clase en mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions", false]], "renderoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.renderOptions", false]], "renderwidth (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.renderWidth", false]], "rescaled_to() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.rescaled_to", false]], "resolution (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Resolution", false]], "rootpath() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.rootPath", false]], "rotatex (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.rotateX", false]], "rotatey (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.rotateY", false]], "run() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.run", false]], "saturation (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.saturation", false]], "save() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.save", false]], "save() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.save", false]], "save() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.save", false]], "saveoptions (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions", false]], "saveotio() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.saveOTIO", false]], "savepdf() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.savePDF", false]], "seconds() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.seconds", false]], "seek() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.seek", false]], "select() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.select", false]], "seta() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setA", false]], "setb() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setB", false]], "setbackgroundoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setBackgroundOptions", false]], "setcompareoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setCompareOptions", false]], "setcurrent() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.setCurrent", false]], "setdisplayoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setDisplayOptions", false]], "setenvironmentmapoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setEnvironmentMapOptions", false]], "setimageoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setImageOptions", false]], "setin() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setIn", false]], "setinoutrange() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setInOutRange", false]], "setlayer() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setLayer", false]], "setloop() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setLoop", false]], "setlutoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setLUTOptions", false]], "setmemory() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.setMemory", false]], "setmetadata() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.setMetadata", false]], "setmute() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setMute", false]], "setocioconfig() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioConfig", false]], "setocioics() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioIcs", false]], "setociolook() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioLook", false]], "setocioview() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioView", false]], "setout() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setOut", false]], "setreadahead() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.setReadAhead", false]], "setreadbehind() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.setReadBehind", false]], "setrenderoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.setRenderOptions", false]], "setspeed() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setSpeed", false]], "setstereo() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setStereo", false]], "setstereo3doptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setStereo3DOptions", false]], "setvolume() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setVolume", false]], "size2i (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Size2i", false]], "softclip (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.softClip", false]], "softclip (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.SoftClip", false]], "speed() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.speed", false]], "spin (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.spin", false]], "stagecache (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.stageCache", false]], "stereo3dinput (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput", false]], "stereo3doptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions", false]], "stereo3doptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.stereo3DOptions", false]], "stereo3doutput (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput", false]], "stop() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.stop", false]], "subdivisionx (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.subdivisionX", false]], "subdivisiony (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.subdivisionY", false]], "swapeyes (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.swapEyes", false]], "time() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.time", false]], "timerange (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.timeRange", false]], "timerange (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange", false]], "timerange() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.timeRange", false]], "timermode (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.TimerMode", false]], "tint (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.tint", false]], "to_frames() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_frames", false]], "to_seconds() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_seconds", false]], "to_time_string() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_time_string", false]], "to_timecode() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_timecode", false]], "toggleautonormalize() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleAutoNormalize", false]], "toggleb() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.toggleB", false]], "toggledatawindow() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleDataWindow", false]], "toggledisplaywindow() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleDisplayWindow", false]], "toggleignoredisplaywindow() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleIgnoreDisplayWindow", false]], "toggleinvalidvalues() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleInvalidValues", false]], "togglesafeareas() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleSafeAreas", false]], "type (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.type", false]], "type (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.type", false]], "update() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.update", false]], "value (atributo de mrv2.image.softclip)": [[3, "mrv2.image.SoftClip.value", false]], "value_rescaled_to() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.value_rescaled_to", false]], "vector2f (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2f", false]], "vector2i (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2i", false]], "vector3f (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f", false]], "vector4f (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f", false]], "verticalaperture (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.verticalAperture", false]], "videolayer (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.videoLayer", false]], "videolevels (atributo de mrv2.image.imageoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions.videoLevels", false]], "videolevels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.VideoLevels", false]], "volume (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.volume", false]], "volume() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.volume", false]], "w (atributo de mrv2.math.size2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Size2i.w", false]], "w (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.w", false]], "wipecenter (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.wipeCenter", false]], "wiperotation (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.wipeRotation", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.image.mirror)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Mirror.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2f.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2i.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector3f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.x", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.image.mirror)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Mirror.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2f.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2i.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector3f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.y", false]], "yuvcoefficients (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.YUVCoefficients", false]], "z (atributo de mrv2.math.vector3f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f.z", false]], "z (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.z", false]], "zipcompressionlevel (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.zipCompressionLevel", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[8, 0, 0, "-", "mrv2"]], "mrv2": [[8, 1, 1, "", "FileMedia"], [8, 1, 1, "", "Path"], [8, 1, 1, "", "RationalTime"], [8, 1, 1, "", "TimeRange"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "annotations"], [2, 0, 0, "-", "cmd"], [3, 0, 0, "-", "image"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "io"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "math"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "media"], [9, 0, 0, "-", "playlist"], [10, 0, 0, "-", "plugin"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "session"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "settings"], [15, 0, 0, "-", "timeline"], [16, 0, 0, "-", "ui"], [17, 0, 0, "-", "usd"]], "mrv2.FileMedia": [[8, 2, 1, "", "audioOffset"], [8, 2, 1, "", "audioPath"], [8, 2, 1, "", "currentTime"], [8, 2, 1, "", "inOutRange"], [8, 2, 1, "", "loop"], [8, 2, 1, "", "mute"], [8, 2, 1, "", "path"], [8, 2, 1, "", "playback"], [8, 2, 1, "", "timeRange"], [8, 2, 1, "", "videoLayer"], [8, 2, 1, "", "volume"]], "mrv2.Path": [[8, 3, 1, "", "get"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getBaseName"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getDirectory"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getExtension"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getNumber"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getPadding"], [8, 3, 1, "", "isAbsolute"], [8, 3, 1, "", "isEmpty"]], "mrv2.RationalTime": [[8, 3, 1, "", "almost_equal"], [8, 3, 1, "", "duration_from_start_end_time"], [8, 3, 1, "", "duration_from_start_end_time_inclusive"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_frames"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_seconds"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_time_string"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_timecode"], [8, 3, 1, "", "is_invalid_time"], [8, 3, 1, "", "is_valid_timecode_rate"], [8, 3, 1, "", "nearest_valid_timecode_rate"], [8, 3, 1, "", "rescaled_to"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_frames"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_seconds"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_time_string"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_timecode"], [8, 3, 1, "", "value_rescaled_to"]], "mrv2.TimeRange": [[8, 3, 1, "", "before"], [8, 3, 1, "", "begins"], [8, 3, 1, "", "clamped"], [8, 3, 1, "", "contains"], [8, 3, 1, "", "duration_extended_by"], [8, 3, 1, "", "end_time_exclusive"], [8, 3, 1, "", "end_time_inclusive"], [8, 3, 1, "", "extended_by"], [8, 3, 1, "", "finishes"], [8, 3, 1, "", "intersects"], [8, 3, 1, "", "meets"], [8, 3, 1, "", "overlaps"], [8, 3, 1, "", "range_from_start_end_time"], [8, 3, 1, "", "range_from_start_end_time_inclusive"]], "mrv2.annotations": [[1, 4, 1, "", "add"]], "mrv2.cmd": [[2, 4, 1, "", "args"], [2, 4, 1, "", "close"], [2, 4, 1, "", "closeAll"], [2, 4, 1, "", "compare"], [2, 4, 1, "", "compareOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "displayOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "environmentMapOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "getLanguage"], [2, 4, 1, "", "getLayers"], [2, 4, 1, "", "getVersion"], [2, 4, 1, "", "imageOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "isMuted"], [2, 4, 1, "", "lutOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "open"], [2, 4, 1, "", "prefsPath"], [2, 4, 1, "", "rootPath"], [2, 4, 1, "", "run"], [2, 4, 1, "", "save"], [2, 4, 1, "", "saveOTIO"], [2, 4, 1, "", "savePDF"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setCompareOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setDisplayOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setEnvironmentMapOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setImageOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setLUTOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setMute"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setStereo3DOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setVolume"], [2, 4, 1, "", "stereo3DOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleAutoNormalize"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleDataWindow"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleDisplayWindow"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleIgnoreDisplayWindow"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleInvalidValues"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleSafeAreas"], [2, 4, 1, "", "update"], [2, 4, 1, "", "volume"]], "mrv2.image": [[3, 1, 1, "", "AlphaBlend"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Background"], [3, 1, 1, "", "BackgroundOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Channels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Color"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Color4f"], [3, 1, 1, "", "DisplayOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "EXRDisplay"], [3, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentMapOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentMapType"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageFilter"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageFilters"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "InputVideoLevels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "LUTOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "LUTOrder"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Levels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Mirror"], [3, 1, 1, "", "PixelType"], [3, 1, 1, "", "SoftClip"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Stereo3DInput"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Stereo3DOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Stereo3DOutput"], [3, 1, 1, "", "VideoLevels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "YUVCoefficients"], [3, 4, 1, "", "backgroundOptions"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioConfig"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioIcs"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioIcsList"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioLook"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioLookList"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioView"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioViewList"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setBackgroundOptions"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioConfig"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioIcs"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioLook"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioView"]], "mrv2.image.AlphaBlend": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Background": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions": [[3, 5, 1, "", "checkersColor0"], [3, 5, 1, "", "checkersColor1"], [3, 5, 1, "", "checkersSize"], [3, 5, 1, "", "type"]], "mrv2.image.Channels": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Color": [[3, 2, 1, "", "add"], [3, 2, 1, "", "brightness"], [3, 2, 1, "", "contrast"], [3, 2, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 2, 1, "", "invert"], [3, 2, 1, "", "saturation"], [3, 2, 1, "", "tint"]], "mrv2.image.Color4f": [[3, 2, 1, "", "a"], [3, 2, 1, "", "b"], [3, 2, 1, "", "g"], [3, 2, 1, "", "r"]], "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "channels"], [3, 2, 1, "", "color"], [3, 2, 1, "", "levels"], [3, 2, 1, "", "mirror"], [3, 2, 1, "", "softClip"]], "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay": [[3, 5, 1, "", "defog"], [3, 5, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 5, 1, "", "exposure"], [3, 5, 1, "", "kneeHigh"], [3, 5, 1, "", "kneeLow"]], "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "focalLength"], [3, 2, 1, "", "horizontalAperture"], [3, 2, 1, "", "rotateX"], [3, 2, 1, "", "rotateY"], [3, 2, 1, "", "spin"], [3, 2, 1, "", "subdivisionX"], [3, 2, 1, "", "subdivisionY"], [3, 2, 1, "", "type"], [3, 2, 1, "", "verticalAperture"]], "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.ImageFilter": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.ImageFilters": [[3, 2, 1, "", "magnify"], [3, 2, 1, "", "minify"]], "mrv2.image.ImageOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "alphaBlend"], [3, 2, 1, "", "imageFilters"], [3, 2, 1, "", "videoLevels"]], "mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.LUTOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "fileName"], [3, 2, 1, "", "order"]], "mrv2.image.LUTOrder": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Levels": [[3, 2, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 2, 1, "", "gamma"], [3, 2, 1, "", "inHigh"], [3, 2, 1, "", "inLow"], [3, 2, 1, "", "outHigh"], [3, 2, 1, "", "outLow"]], "mrv2.image.Mirror": [[3, 2, 1, "", "x"], [3, 2, 1, "", "y"]], "mrv2.image.PixelType": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.SoftClip": [[3, 2, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 2, 1, "", "value"]], "mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "eyeSeparation"], [3, 2, 1, "", "input"], [3, 2, 1, "", "output"], [3, 2, 1, "", "swapEyes"]], "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.VideoLevels": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.YUVCoefficients": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.io": [[5, 1, 1, "", "AudioCodec"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Compression"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Profile"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Resolution"], [5, 1, 1, "", "SaveOptions"]], "mrv2.io.AudioCodec": [[5, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.io.Resolution": [[5, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.io.SaveOptions": [[5, 2, 1, "", "annotations"], [5, 2, 1, "", "dwaCompressionLevel"], [5, 2, 1, "", "exrCompression"], [5, 2, 1, "", "ffmpegProfile"], [5, 2, 1, "", "zipCompressionLevel"]], "mrv2.math": [[6, 1, 1, "", "Size2i"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector2f"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector2i"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector3f"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector4f"]], "mrv2.math.Size2i": [[6, 2, 1, "", "h"], [6, 2, 1, "", "w"]], "mrv2.math.Vector2f": [[6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"]], "mrv2.math.Vector2i": [[6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"]], "mrv2.math.Vector3f": [[6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"], [6, 2, 1, "", "z"]], "mrv2.math.Vector4f": [[6, 2, 1, "", "w"], [6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"], [6, 2, 1, "", "z"]], "mrv2.media": [[7, 4, 1, "", "Afile"], [7, 4, 1, "", "Aindex"], [7, 4, 1, "", "BIndexes"], [7, 4, 1, "", "Bfiles"], [7, 1, 1, "", "CompareMode"], [7, 1, 1, "", "CompareOptions"], [7, 4, 1, "", "activeFiles"], [7, 4, 1, "", "clearB"], [7, 4, 1, "", "close"], [7, 4, 1, "", "closeAll"], [7, 4, 1, "", "firstVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "lastVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "layers"], [7, 4, 1, "", "list"], [7, 4, 1, "", "nextVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "previousVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setA"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setB"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setLayer"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setStereo"], [7, 4, 1, "", "toggleB"]], "mrv2.media.CompareOptions": [[7, 2, 1, "", "mode"], [7, 2, 1, "", "overlay"], [7, 2, 1, "", "wipeCenter"], [7, 2, 1, "", "wipeRotation"]], "mrv2.playlist": [[9, 4, 1, "", "addClip"], [9, 4, 1, "", "list"], [9, 4, 1, "", "save"], [9, 4, 1, "", "select"]], "mrv2.plugin": [[10, 1, 1, "", "Plugin"]], "mrv2.plugin.Plugin": [[10, 3, 1, "", "active"], [10, 3, 1, "", "menus"]], "mrv2.session": [[12, 4, 1, "", "clearMetadata"], [12, 4, 1, "", "current"], [12, 4, 1, "", "load"], [12, 4, 1, "", "metadata"], [12, 4, 1, "", "save"], [12, 4, 1, "", "setCurrent"], [12, 4, 1, "", "setMetadata"]], "mrv2.settings": [[13, 4, 1, "", "checkForUpdates"], [13, 4, 1, "", "memory"], [13, 4, 1, "", "readAhead"], [13, 4, 1, "", "readBehind"], [13, 4, 1, "", "setMemory"], [13, 4, 1, "", "setReadAhead"], [13, 4, 1, "", "setReadBehind"]], "mrv2.timeline": [[15, 1, 1, "", "FileSequenceAudio"], [15, 1, 1, "", "Loop"], [15, 1, 1, "", "Playback"], [15, 1, 1, "", "TimerMode"], [15, 4, 1, "", "defaultSpeed"], [15, 4, 1, "", "frame"], [15, 4, 1, "", "inOutRange"], [15, 4, 1, "", "loop"], [15, 4, 1, "", "playBackwards"], [15, 4, 1, "", "playForwards"], [15, 4, 1, "", "seconds"], [15, 4, 1, "", "seek"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setIn"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setInOutRange"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setLoop"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setOut"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setSpeed"], [15, 4, 1, "", "speed"], [15, 4, 1, "", "stop"], [15, 4, 1, "", "time"], [15, 4, 1, "", "timeRange"]], "mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.timeline.Loop": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.timeline.Playback": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.timeline.TimerMode": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.ui": [[16, 4, 1, "", "refreshMenus"]], "mrv2.usd": [[17, 1, 1, "", "DrawMode"], [17, 1, 1, "", "RenderOptions"], [17, 4, 1, "", "renderOptions"], [17, 4, 1, "", "setRenderOptions"]], "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions": [[17, 2, 1, "", "complexity"], [17, 2, 1, "", "diskCache"], [17, 2, 1, "", "drawMode"], [17, 2, 1, "", "enableLighting"], [17, 2, 1, "", "renderWidth"], [17, 2, 1, "", "stageCache"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python m\u00f3dulo"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python clase"], "2": ["py", "attribute", "Python atributo"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python m\u00e9todo"], "4": ["py", "function", "Python funci\u00f3n"], "5": ["py", "property", "Python propiedad"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:attribute", "3": "py:method", "4": "py:function", "5": "py:property"}, "terms": {"0": [3, 8, 18, 22, 25, 27, 29], "0001": [19, 22, 28], "04": 18, "06": 8, "09": 18, "1": [2, 3, 8, 11, 22, 27, 28], "10": [8, 18, 19, 22, 28], "10le": 28, "12bits": 28, "12le": 28, "14": 8, "1422": 18, "15": 8, "171": 18, "2": [2, 6, 8, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27], "2022": 24, "22": 18, "23": 18, "24": [8, 19], "243": 18, "244": 18, "245": 18, "246": 18, "25": [18, 28], "255": 27, "2x": 22, "3": [6, 11], "3080": 18, "32768": 18, "3308": 18, "3770": 18, "3d": [2, 3, 20, 21, 27], "4": [2, 6, 18, 19, 21, 22], "45": 2, "4gb": 18, "5": 8, "50": 18, "535": 18, "55120": 27, "55150": 25, "6": [8, 18, 22], "601": 27, "6041666666666666e": 8, "6869": 18, "709": 27, "8": [19, 22, 24, 27, 28], "8jviz": 30, "9": [8, 19], "A": [7, 10, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28], "Al": [25, 27], "Con": [18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28], "De": 27, "Del": 27, "E": 22, "El": [19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], "En": [18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29], "Entre": 23, "Es": [18, 22, 27], "Eso": [19, 22], "Esta": [14, 19, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28], "Estas": 27, "Este": [22, 27, 28], "Esto": [14, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27], "Estos": [22, 28, 30], "Est\u00e1": 27, "Hay": [18, 22, 23, 27], "La": [0, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27], "Las": [20, 22, 23, 24, 25], "Laser": [23, 25], "Lo": 19, "Los": [19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "Mi": 18, "No": [18, 19, 22, 27], "O": [18, 22, 26], "OS": [18, 19], "Por": [18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28], "Qu\u00e9": 21, "Se": [14, 19, 27], "Sin": [19, 22, 27], "Sino": 27, "Te": 25, "Un": [20, 22, 24, 25], "Una": [11, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23], "Y": [3, 7, 20, 22, 25, 27], "__divider__": 14, "__init__": [10, 14], "_v": [22, 27], "aac": [2, 5], "abaj": [22, 23, 25, 26], "abiert": [24, 25, 27], "abra": 27, "abre": [25, 27], "abriend": 19, "abrir": [18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27], "abrirl": [19, 25], "ac3": 5, "aca": 27, "acced": 25, "acces": 25, "accion": [19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27], "according": 8, "acept": 22, "acerc": [11, 18, 20, 22, 23], "acercart": 22, "aces": 22, "achic": 27, "achiv": 14, "aciv": 22, "activ": [7, 10, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28], "activefil": [4, 7], "actual": [14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28], "acuerd": 27, "add": [1, 3, 4, 9], "addclip": [4, 9], "added": 27, "adel": [20, 22, 25, 29], "ademas": [22, 25, 30], "administr": [19, 27], "advertent": 19, "afil": [4, 7], "again": 18, "agrag": 27, "agrand": 27, "agreg": [14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25], "agrup": 24, "ahe": 13, "ahi": 19, "aindex": [4, 7], "ajust": [19, 20, 22, 24, 26], "aleatori": 18, "alej": [22, 23], "alejart": 22, "alfa": [20, 25], "algorithm": 3, "algun": [11, 22, 24, 27], "ali": 25, "all": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17], "alla": 14, "alli": 14, "almost_equal": 8, "alpha": 3, "alphablend": [3, 4], "alt": [20, 22], "alta": [22, 26], "altern": [18, 20, 26], "alternalr": 20, "altos": 28, "amarill": [22, 23], "ambos": 22, "amd64": 19, "an": [2, 3, 8], "anaglif": 25, "anaglyph": 3, "analog": 27, "and": [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24], "anim": [22, 24], "annot": 24, "annotations": [1, 2, 5], "annotationss": 1, "anot": [0, 4, 20, 21, 24, 26], "anoth": [8, 28], "anteced": 8, "anterior": 11, "any": 8, "apag": [18, 22], "aparc": 27, "aparec": [18, 19, 22, 25, 28], "aparient": 22, "apertur": 3, "api": [0, 24, 25, 27], "aplic": [19, 22, 24], "app": 18, "apropi": [18, 28], "apt": 18, "aqu": [24, 27], "aquell": 22, "archiv": [14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28], "archivi": 27, "archivo": 22, "archivosr": 25, "are": [2, 8, 20, 21, 23, 24], "arg0": [2, 3, 12, 13, 15], "arg1": 2, "args": [1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 15], "arguments": [2, 8], "arranc": [19, 22, 26, 27], "arranqu": [19, 25, 27], "arrastr": [22, 27], "arregl": 18, "arrib": [19, 22, 23, 25, 26], "arrstra": 22, "arte": 24, "artist": 22, "as": [2, 8, 10, 27], "asegur": 25, "asegures": [18, 19, 27], "asi": [11, 18, 19, 22, 25, 27], "asign": 20, "asoci": [18, 19, 27], "aspect": [22, 24], "asum": [25, 27], "at": [1, 8, 13], "ataj": [18, 27], "atras": [20, 22, 25, 26, 29], "audi": [2, 8, 15, 24, 25], "audiocodec": [4, 5], "audiofilenam": 2, "audiooffset": 8, "audiopath": 8, "augost": 24, "aunqu": 11, "aut": [2, 18, 19], "automat": [18, 23, 25, 27], "automatic": 27, "av": 20, "av1": [5, 28], "avanz": 20, "avis": [18, 19], "ayud": [18, 27], "azar": 26, "azul": [19, 20, 22], "b": [3, 7, 20, 22, 24, 25], "b44": 5, "b44a": 5, "background": [3, 4], "backgroundoptions": [3, 4], "backspac": 23, "backwards": 15, "baj": [18, 19, 22, 27], "barr": [18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26], "bas": [8, 18, 23, 25, 27], "basenam": 15, "bash": 19, "basic": 28, "bastant": 22, "batall": 25, "bdr": 19, "be": 8, "becaus": 8, "befor": 8, "begins": 8, "behind": 13, "being": 18, "betw": 3, "bfil": [4, 7], "bien": [19, 25, 27], "bin": 19, "binari": 19, "bindex": [4, 7], "bitacor": [20, 21, 22, 27], "bits": [27, 28], "black": 27, "blending": 3, "bloqu": 22, "blu": 3, "bocet": 25, "bocin": 22, "bool": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17], "bord": 23, "borr": [20, 23, 24, 27], "bosquej": 23, "both": 3, "boton": [11, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27], "botond": 22, "bound": 8, "brightness": 3, "brok": 18, "bt2020": 3, "bucl": [19, 20, 21, 22], "buen": 28, "buffers": 27, "bunny": 22, "bunny_v1": 22, "busc": [20, 22, 27], "buscador": [21, 25], "busqued": 0, "by": [3, 8, 9, 25, 27], "byte": 17, "c": [20, 27], "cab": 25, "caball": 25, "cach": [13, 17, 18, 21, 25, 29], "cache": 25, "caching": 26, "cad": [19, 25, 26, 27], "calid": [25, 28], "call": 2, "callback": 10, "callbacks": 10, "cambi": [18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "camin": [25, 26, 27], "camp": 18, "can": [8, 27], "canal": [20, 24, 25, 27], "cannot": 18, "cantid": [25, 28], "cap": [22, 25], "capaz": 26, "caracterist": [23, 24, 25, 27], "carg": [11, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26], "carpet": [19, 20, 21, 25], "cas": [26, 27], "casill": 27, "cent": 7, "centr": [20, 22, 27], "cerc": [22, 24], "cercan": [22, 27], "cerr": [19, 20, 25], "certain": 1, "cg": 22, "ch0_prefac": 11, "chang": 3, "channel": 3, "channels": [3, 4], "check": [2, 13, 18], "checkerboard": 3, "checkers": 3, "checkerscolor0": 3, "checkerscolor1": 3, "checkerssiz": 3, "checkforupdat": [4, 13], "chequ": [22, 27], "cheque": [18, 27], "chrom": [18, 19], "chromium": 18, "cie": 27, "cielab": 27, "cieluv": 27, "cierr": 18, "ciert": 22, "cineform": 5, "cinematograf": 22, "circul": [20, 24], "clamp": 8, "clas": [11, 14], "class": [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17], "cle": 7, "clearb": [4, 7], "clearmetadat": [4, 12], "clears": 12, "click": 25, "client": [18, 24, 25, 27], "clip": [1, 3, 8, 9, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26], "clips": [19, 23, 24, 25], "cliqu": [19, 22, 23, 27], "clique": [19, 22, 23, 27], "clon": 25, "clos": [2, 4, 7], "closeall": [2, 4, 7], "cmd": [0, 4], "codec": 28, "codecs": [25, 26], "codif": 28, "codific": 19, "codig": [18, 19, 24, 25], "colabor": 24, "coleccion": 24, "coleg": [23, 24], "color": [3, 4, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26], "color0": 3, "color1": 3, "color4f": [3, 4], "colour": 24, "column": [25, 28], "columns": 3, "com": [14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30], "comand": [14, 20, 21, 22], "comentari": 23, "comenz": [0, 21, 25], "comienc": [23, 27], "comienz": [22, 25, 26, 27], "command": [2, 18], "commands": 2, "comment": 28, "compabil": 28, "compar": [2, 4, 7, 20, 21, 24, 27], "comparemod": [2, 4, 7], "compareoptions": [2, 4, 7], "comparison": 7, "compart": [23, 24, 27], "compil": [18, 21, 27, 28], "complej": 27, "complet": [14, 20, 22, 25, 28], "complexity": 17, "compon": 27, "compor": 27, "comport": [19, 21, 22, 25, 29], "compresion": 28, "compression": [4, 5], "comprim": [26, 28], "comput": [8, 24, 26], "comun": [14, 24], "coneccion": [25, 27], "conect": [25, 27], "conexion": 27, "config": [3, 22], "configur": [18, 22, 25, 27, 29], "confort": 22, "confund": 22, "conoc": [25, 27], "consider": [8, 27], "consol": [14, 18, 22], "constru": 24, "construct": 8, "constructor": 10, "containing": 8, "contains": [1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17], "conten": [23, 24], "contenedor": 19, "content": 23, "context": 21, "contien": [22, 27], "continu": 23, "contr": [22, 25], "contrast": 3, "control": [15, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29], "controls": 3, "conv": 8, "convenient": 19, "convert": 8, "copi": [20, 25], "cor": 18, "corporation": 18, "corr": [18, 19, 25, 26], "correcion": 24, "correct": 18, "corresponding": 10, "cort": 20, "cortafueg": [25, 27], "cos": 26, "count": 17, "cq": 28, "cre": [11, 14, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30], "creat": 8, "crec": 26, "cruz": [23, 27], "css": 18, "ctrl": [19, 20, 23], "cuadr": [20, 21, 23, 24, 25], "cuadricul": 25, "cualid": 28, "cualqu": [22, 23, 24], "cualqui": [11, 23, 24, 25, 27], "cuan": 27, "cuand": [18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28], "cuant": [23, 25, 29], "cuart": [22, 28], "cubic": [3, 25], "current": [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15], "currently": 9, "currenttim": 8, "cursor": 22, "curv": 22, "customiz": [24, 27], "d": 20, "dad": [19, 23], "dand": 25, "darl": 22, "dat": [2, 8, 20, 25, 26], "deadlin": 28, "deb": [14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28], "debes": 25, "debi": 19, "dec": 25, "decimal": [8, 27], "decodific": 26, "def": [10, 14], "default": [10, 15, 22, 25, 27], "defaultsp": [4, 15], "defect": [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29], "defin": [10, 14, 24], "defog": 3, "dej": [18, 19, 22, 27], "delant": [22, 26], "delet": 23, "delg": 26, "delt": 8, "dem": 11, "demand": [24, 26, 27], "demoplugin": 10, "dentendr": 22, "dentr": [23, 24, 27], "depend": [23, 28], "der": 20, "derech": [18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27], "deriv": 22, "des": 22, "desacel": 27, "desactiv": 22, "desaparec": 23, "desarroll": [24, 30], "descarg": [19, 27], "descart": 23, "descomprim": 19, "desconoc": 19, "descripcion": 21, "description": [17, 24, 27], "desd": [14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28], 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7, 8, 9], "filemodelitem": 9, "filenam": [2, 3, 9, 15], "filesequenceaudi": [4, 15], "film": 22, "filmaur": 27, "filt": 3, "filters": 3, "filtr": [20, 25], "fin": [20, 26], "final": [22, 25], "find": [19, 25], "finish": 8, "first": [7, 8], "firstversion": [4, 7], "fit": 22, "fl": 2, "flag": 28, "flags": 18, "flech": [19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26], "flexibil": 24, "flip": 3, "flipbook": 24, "float": [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 27, 28], "floats": 6, "flot": 20, "flotant": [27, 28], "flotat": 22, "fltk": [11, 27], "fltk14": 11, "fltk_backend": 18, "fluid_v0001": 22, "fluj": 24, "focal": [3, 25], "focaliz": 24, "focallength": 3, "fond": [20, 26, 27], "font": 18, "for": [7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 18, 27], "form": [18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27], "format": [24, 28], "formats": 28, "forward": 15, "forwards": 15, "fot": 18, "fps": [15, 19, 21, 25], "fractional": 8, "fram": [1, 4, 8, 15, 19, 24, 26], "frecuent": [0, 21], "freg": [20, 24], "from": [2, 8, 10, 11, 14], "from_fram": 8, "from_seconds": 8, "from_time_string": 8, "from_timecod": 8, "fromfil": 3, "front": 2, "fuent": [18, 19, 24, 25], "fuer": [22, 23], "fullrang": 3, "funcion": [14, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27], "funcional": 22, "function": [1, 8, 9, 12, 15], "functions": [1, 9, 13, 15], "fund": [24, 27], "g": [3, 20, 22], "gain": 20, "gam": [20, 22, 24, 25], "gamm": 3, "gananci": [22, 24], "gb": 29, "gbra": 28, "gdk": 18, "gdkpixbuf": 18, "geforc": 18, "general": [21, 22], "geomflat": 17, "geomonly": 17, "geomsmooth": 17, "get": [2, 8, 17], "getbasenam": 8, "getdirectory": 8, "getextension": 8, "getlanguag": [2, 4], "getlayers": [2, 4], "getnumb": 8, "getpadding": 8, "gets": [3, 15], "getversion": [2, 4], "gga": 27, "ggarra13": [19, 28], "gigabyt": [13, 18, 25, 29], "github": [19, 28], "gitlab": 11, "giv": 8, "gnom": 18, "gom": [23, 24], "good": 28, "gpl": 28, "gpu": 18, "grab": [0, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], "grabas": 25, "gradient": 3, "grafic": [18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], "grand": 22, "gre": 3, "gris": 22, "gtk": [18, 27], 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24], "internacional": 24, "internet": [19, 27], "interpret": 24, "intersects": 8, "into": 8, "introduccion": [0, 21], "intrucion": 19, "intuit": 24, "inval": [2, 8], "invert": [3, 25], "io": [0, 2, 4, 11], "ipv4": 25, "ipv6": 25, "ir": [19, 26], "is": [2, 8, 10, 18, 27, 28], "is_invalid_tim": 8, "is_valid_timecode_rat": 8, "isabsolut": 8, "isempty": 8, "ismut": [2, 4], "it": 8, "item": [2, 7, 8, 19], "itemb": 2, "items": [2, 9, 24], "itu": 27, "izq": 20, "izquierd": [19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27], "j": 20, "jammy": 18, "japones": 24, "jpeg": 19, "jpg": 24, "junt": [22, 25, 27], "k": 20, "kde": 18, "key": 12, "keys": [10, 24, 27], "kneehigh": 3, "kneelow": 3, "knon": [3, 5, 15], "kwargs": [1, 8, 9, 12, 15], "l": 22, "l_f16": 3, "l_f32": 3, "l_u16": 3, "l_u32": 3, "l_u8": 3, "la_f16": 3, "la_f32": 3, "la_u16": 3, "la_u32": 3, "la_u8": 3, "lab": 27, "lad": [22, 23], "lament": 18, "lan": 24, "lanc": 18, "languag": 2, "lanz": [18, 21, 27], "lapiz": 20, "last": [7, 8], "lastversion": [4, 7], "latest": 18, "lay": [2, 7, 8], "layers": [2, 4, 7], "lea": 22, "least": 8, "leer": 26, "left": [3, 25], "legal": [22, 27], "legalrang": 3, "lej": [22, 27], "length": 3, "lenguaj": 21, "lent": [18, 26, 27], "less": 8, "level": [3, 5, 28], "levels": [3, 4], "lib64": 18, "libnvidi": 18, "libr": 23, "licenci": 28, "liger": 23, "lighting": 17, "lightness": 27, "lik": 10, "likely": 18, "limit": [20, 26], "limpiaparabris": [20, 25], "lin": [2, 3, 24, 25, 26], "line": [14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26], "lineal": [22, 27], "linux": [14, 19, 21, 27], "list": [2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30], "llam": [14, 27, 28], "llend": 27, "lleng": 20, "llev": [19, 22, 23, 25], "load": [4, 12, 18], "loaders": 18, "local": [24, 27], "localiz": [25, 27], "log": [18, 22], "logaritm": 22, "logges": 18, "logic": 22, "logr": 22, "look": [3, 22], "looks": [3, 22], "loop": [4, 8, 15], "low": 3, "ls": 27, "lts": 18, "lueg": [18, 19, 22], "lug": [19, 22, 25], "luminanc": 27, "lumm": 27, "lut": [2, 3, 25, 27], "lutoptions": [2, 3, 4], "lutord": [3, 4], "luv": 27, "mac": [14, 19], "magnif": 20, "magnify": 3, "main": [2, 18], "mak": 18, "manag": 12, "management": 24, "manej": [0, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27], "mantendr": 27, "mantien": 22, "manual": [19, 27], "map": [2, 3, 20, 21, 27], "mape": [21, 25], "maquin": [25, 27], "marc": [22, 23, 27], "marcador": [20, 23], "marcardor": 22, "march": 23, "mas": [14, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "masc": [24, 27], "math": [0, 3, 4, 7], "max": 18, "maxim": [22, 25, 26], "mayor": [20, 22, 24, 26, 28], "mayus": 20, "meaning": 8, "means": 18, "measur": 8, "medi": [0, 2, 4, 8, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28], "meets": 8, "meid": 25, "mejor": [18, 26, 28], "members": [3, 5, 7, 15, 17], "memori": [18, 25, 29], "memory": [4, 13], "men": [18, 20, 22, 27], "menor": 20, "mensaj": [19, 25], "menu": [10, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28], "menus": [10, 14, 16, 22], "mes": 18, "metadat": [4, 12, 19, 22, 25], "method": 10, "metod": 14, "mezcl": 19, "microseconds": 8, "mientr": [18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 28], "miniatur": [18, 20, 21], "minif": 20, "minify": 3, "minim": 25, "minitur": 22, "minuscul": 28, "mir": [11, 21], "mirror": [3, 4], "mirroring": 3, "mism": [19, 22, 25, 28], "mit": [18, 25, 27, 28, 29], "mm": 8, "mod": [2, 7, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28], "models": 17, "modern": 18, "modific": [21, 22, 25, 27], "modul": [0, 4, 11, 18], "moment": 27, "monitor": [22, 24], "mosaic": [20, 24, 25], "mostr": [18, 19, 21, 23, 25], "motor": 24, "mous": [22, 27], "mov": [19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28], "movi": 2, "mp2": 5, "mp3": 5, "mp4": 24, "mrv2": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], "mrv2_hell": 14, "mrv2_python_plugins": 14, "mrv2s": 24, "much": [18, 22, 25, 26, 27], "mud": 22, "muell": 27, "muestr": [22, 24, 25, 27], "muev": [18, 27], "multipl": [22, 24, 25], "multitud": 24, "mut": [2, 8], "muting": 2, "mutt": 18, "n": [20, 27], "nad": 27, "nam": [3, 5, 15, 18], "nan": 8, "nativ": [19, 24], "natural": [19, 27], "nautilus": [19, 25], "naveg": [21, 24], "ndi": [21, 24], "nearest": 3, "nearest_valid_timecode_rat": 8, "necesari": [22, 27], "necesit": [18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27], "negr": [20, 22, 27], "nem": 10, "network": 25, "new": [2, 7, 8, 10], "new_rat": 8, "next": 7, "nextversion": [4, 7], "ningun": [22, 27, 28], "nivel": 25, "nobl": 18, "nombr": [22, 25, 28], "nombrepresete": 28, "non": [1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17], "normal": 22, "normaliz": 2, "not": [0, 1, 2, 8, 10, 18, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28], "notariz": 19, "notes": [22, 27], "ntsc": 27, "nuev": [11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27], "nuk": 22, "numb": [2, 8], "numer": [22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "nunc": 25, "nvidi": 18, "object": 8, "obten": 26, "obvi": 26, "oci": [3, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25], "ocioconfig": [3, 4], "ocioics": [3, 4], "ocioicslist": [3, 4], "ociolook": [3, 4], "ociolooklist": [3, 4], "ocioview": [3, 4], "ocioviewlist": [3, 4], "ocul": 18, "ocult": [18, 21, 23, 27], "ocurr": [23, 25], "of": [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15], "offset": 8, "on": [2, 3, 8, 19], "once": 15, "onda": 20, "ondas": 22, "one": 8, "opac": 24, "opcion": [19, 22, 25], "open": [2, 4, 12, 18], "opencolori": [22, 27], "openexr": [5, 22], "openexrs": [2, 22], "opengl": [3, 18, 21, 24], "opentimelinei": [24, 25], "oper": [22, 25, 27], "optimiz": 26, "optional": [2, 10, 18], "options": [2, 3, 5, 7, 17], "opus": 5, "or": [2, 3, 8, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28], "order": 3, "org": 18, "organiz": [19, 22, 24], "original": 27, "oscur": 22, "other": 8, "otherwis": 10, "oti": [2, 9, 19, 22, 24, 27], "out": [3, 8, 15, 25], "outhigh": 3, "outlow": 3, "output": [3, 25], "outsid": 8, "over": 7, "overlaps": 8, "overlay": [7, 20, 24], "overload": [1, 8, 9, 12, 15], "overrid": 10, "own": 10, "ozon": 18, "p": 20, "packag": 18, "pag": 20, "pagin": 0, "pal": 27, "palabr": 19, "pan": [22, 24, 27], "panel": [0, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 29], "pantall": [20, 22, 23, 24, 26], "paquet": [18, 19, 22], "par": [11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28], "parameters": 28, "parametr": [27, 28], "parcial": 23, "parec": 18, "parsing": 18, "part": 22, "particul": 22, "pas": [22, 27], "pass": [2, 14], "path": [2, 4, 8, 19], "paths": [9, 27], "pathtyp": 8, "paus": 22, "pc": 19, "pci": 18, "pcm_s16le": 5, "pdf": [2, 20, 24, 25], "peg": [20, 23], "pelicul": [19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27], "peligr": 19, "peque\u00f1": 22, "per": [18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30], "perfil": 28, "performanc": 24, "permanent": 25, "permanezc": 27, "permis": [19, 27], "permit": [14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29], "permt": 25, "persistent": 23, "personal": 27, "pes": 26, "pesta\u00f1": 18, "pincel": [23, 24, 25], "ping": [20, 22, 26], "pingpong": 15, "pipelin": 24, "pist": [22, 24, 25], "pix": [24, 27], "pixbuf": 18, "pixel": [18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28], "pixels": 24, "pixeltyp": [3, 4], "piz": 5, "plasm": 18, "plataform": [19, 21, 27], "platform": 18, "play": [15, 18], "playback": [2, 4, 8, 15, 19, 20, 24, 26], "playbacks": 8, "playbackwards": [4, 15], "playforwards": [4, 14, 15], "playlist": [0, 4], "playlistindex": 9, "playlists": 9, "plug": [0, 4, 10], "plugin": [0, 4, 14], "plugins": 10, "plxj9nnbdnfrmd8aq41ajymb7whn99g5c": 30, "pod": [25, 26], "poder": [19, 20], "podes": [22, 25, 27, 28], "podr": 19, "podras": [22, 25], "points": 17, "pon": [19, 27, 28], "pong": [20, 22, 26], "porcentaj": 22, "porcion": [22, 25], "porqu": [18, 19], "port": [25, 27], "portapapel": 25, "portion": 8, "posibl": 18, "posicion": [21, 22, 24], "posiciones": 22, "post": [22, 24], "postcolorconfig": 3, "ppcrg": 30, "pre": 18, "preced": 8, "precedent": 22, "precis": [24, 27], "precision": 18, "precolorconfig": 3, "predefin": [24, 25], "prefer": 18, "preferenc": 2, "preferent": [0, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25], "preferr": 18, "prefier": 23, "prefix": 27, "prefs": [24, 27], "prefspath": [2, 4], "pregunt": [0, 21], "premultipli": 3, "premultiplic": [22, 27], "prend": [22, 27], "presenci": 23, "present": [18, 20, 22, 23, 25], "preserv": [27, 28], "presete": 28, "presets": 28, "presion": [19, 22, 23], "previ": [18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26], "previn": 19, "previous": [7, 23], "previousversion": [4, 7], "prim": [19, 20, 22, 25, 26], "primer": 27, "principal": [19, 22, 25, 27, 29], "print": [10, 14], "priv": 27, "privat": 18, "problem": 19, "proces": [22, 27], "production": 24, "productor": 24, "profesional": 24, "profil": [4, 5], "profund": 27, "program": [20, 27], "promedi": 25, "pront": 27, "property": [3, 5, 15, 18], "propi": [19, 23, 24, 26, 27], "pror": [5, 28], "prores_4444": [5, 28], "prores_hq": [5, 28], "prores_lt": [5, 28], "prores_proxy": [5, 28], "prores_xq": [5, 28], "proteg": 19, "protej": 19, "protocol": 25, "prov": [22, 23, 24], "prove": 22, "provien": 25, "provist": [19, 23, 24], "proxim": [20, 26], "prueb": 28, "psd": 24, "pst": 28, "pued": [11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], "puert": [25, 27], "punt": [14, 20, 25, 26, 28], "pxr24": 5, "py": 14, "pyfltk": [0, 4], "python": [0, 10, 11, 14, 20, 21, 24, 27], "pythonargs": 2, "quarter_siz": 5, "queres": 25, "query": 18, "quier": [18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27], "quot": 2, "r": [3, 20, 22], "ram": [25, 29], "rang": [8, 15, 22, 25, 27], "range_from_start_end_tim": 8, "range_from_start_end_time_inclusiv": 8, "rap": [18, 22, 23, 26, 27], "rapid": [22, 24, 25], "rasteriz": 23, "rat": 8, "rati": 26, "rationaltim": [1, 4, 8, 15], "raton": [18, 19, 21, 27], "re": [18, 19, 20], "read": 13, "readah": [4, 13], "readbehind": [4, 13], "real": 28, "realiz": [22, 25], "rec709": 3, "recib": 27, "recient": 21, "recolect": 25, "recomend": [19, 22, 27], "recomiend": 19, "reconoc": 27, "record": 26, "recort": 22, "rectangul": [20, 24, 25, 27], "recuadr": 23, "recuerd": 23, "recurs": 19, "red": [3, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24], "redimension": 22, "redireccion": 27, "reescal": 27, "refer": 28, "referent": 30, "refier": [14, 19, 25], "refresc": 25, "refresh": 16, "refreshmenus": [4, 16], "regex": 22, "registr": [19, 25], "regul": [22, 27], "rehac": [20, 23], "relat": [1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17], "relativ": 9, "rellen": 27, "remot": 27, "remov": 18, "remuev": 27, "rend": [17, 21], "render": 18, "rendering": 27, "renderoptions": [4, 17], "renderwidth": 17, "repet": 27, "reposicion": [22, 27], "represent": 22, "represents": 8, "reproduc": [14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26], "reproduccion": [0, 14, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28], "reproductor": [24, 25], "requ": 19, "requier": [19, 28], "rescal": 8, "rescaled_t": 8, "reset": [20, 22, 27], "resetsettings": 27, "resid": [14, 22], "resolu": [22, 25, 26, 28], "resolution": [4, 5], "respect": 23, "respet": 19, "restaur": 18, "result": [8, 18, 26], "resum": 24, "retorn": 20, "retriev": 13, "retroced": 20, "retrodecd": 20, "return": [2, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15], "returns": [2, 8, 12, 13], "rev": 15, "revers": 24, "revision": [23, 24], "rgb_f16": 3, "rgb_f32": 3, "rgb_u16": 3, "rgb_u32": 3, "rgb_u8": 3, "rgba": 24, "rgba_f16": 3, "rgba_f32": 3, "rgba_u16": 3, "rgba_u32": 3, "rgba_u8": 3, "right": [3, 25], "rle": 5, "robust": 24, "rocky": 19, "roj": [20, 22, 23, 27], "root": 2, "rootpath": [2, 4], "rot": 25, "rotatex": 3, "rotatey": 3, "rotation": [3, 7], "rpm": 19, "rt": 8, "rtx": 18, "rtype": 10, "rued": [22, 27], "run": [2, 4, 10], "running": 18, "runs": 2, "s": [5, 8, 20, 22, 27], "sab": 22, "saf": 2, "sal": [20, 25, 26], "salient": 25, "salis": 22, "salt": [22, 23, 24], "sam": [2, 8], "same_siz": 5, "sampl": 8, "satur": [22, 24, 25], "saturation": 3, "sav": [2, 4, 5, 9, 12], "saveoptions": [2, 4, 5], "saveoti": [2, 4], "savepdf": [2, 4], "saving": 5, "scanlin": 3, "scen": [17, 24, 27], "script": 19, "scripts": 24, "scrubbing": 22, "sdk": 25, "secam": 27, "seccion": [22, 23, 25, 27], "second": [15, 22, 26], "seconds": [1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 15], "section": 27, "secuenci": [19, 20, 27, 28], "secundari": 20, "seek": [4, 15], "segu": 27, "segund": [20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29], "segur": [19, 20, 24, 27], "seleccion": [18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28], "select": [2, 4, 9, 15, 27], "self": [8, 10, 14], "semi": 14, "separ": [14, 24, 28], "separation": 3, "sequenc": 2, "sequenci": [19, 21], "ser": [18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30], "seran": [19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28], "seri": 19, "servidor": [24, 25, 27], "sesion": [20, 24], "session": [0, 2, 4, 25], "sessions": 12, "set": [2, 3, 4, 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 27], "setb": [4, 7], "setbackgroundoptions": [3, 4], "setcompareoptions": [2, 4], "setcurrent": [4, 12], "setdisplayoptions": [2, 4], "sete": [0, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28], "setenvironmentmapoptions": [2, 4], "setimageoptions": [2, 4], "setin": [4, 15], "setinoutrang": [4, 15], "setlay": [4, 7], "setloop": [4, 15], "setlutoptions": [2, 4], "setmemory": [4, 13], "setmetadat": [4, 12], "setmut": [2, 4], "setocioconfig": [3, 4], "setocioics": [3, 4], "setociolook": [3, 4], "setocioview": [3, 4], "setout": [4, 15], "setreadah": [4, 13], "setreadbehind": [4, 13], "setrenderoptions": [4, 17], "sets": [3, 12], "setsp": [4, 15], "setstere": [4, 7], "setstereo3doptions": [2, 4], "setting": 13, "settings": [0, 4, 18, 27], "setvolum": [2, 4], "sh": 19, "shad": 27, "shadedflat": 17, "shadedsmooth": 17, "shift": [22, 23, 26], "si": [18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], "sid": [24, 26], "siempr": [18, 22, 23, 26], "siet": 25, "sig": 19, "signif": 26, "siguient": [20, 23, 25, 27], "simbol": 19, "simil": [19, 25], "simpl": [24, 27], "sincron": [24, 25], "sincroniz": 24, "singl": 2, "sistem": [0, 4, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27], "siz": [3, 6], "size2i": [3, 4, 6], "smartscr": 19, "sobr": [18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25], "sobreescrib": 19, "sobreposicion": 24, "soft": 3, "softclip": [3, 4], "sol": [3, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25], "solt": 25, "solucion": 24, "soport": [18, 22, 24, 27], "sosten": 22, "sosteng": 22, "sourceforg": 11, "spac": 3, "spe": [4, 15], "spherical": 3, "spin": 3, "sport": 19, "srgb": 22, "ss": 8, "sse2": 18, "stag": 17, "stagecach": 17, "start": [8, 13], "start_tim": 8, "starts": 8, "stat": 8, "static": 8, "stere": [2, 3, 7, 25], "stereo3d": 3, "stereo3dinput": [3, 4], "stereo3doptions": [2, 3, 4], "stereo3doutput": [3, 4], "stereoinput": 3, "stereooutput": 3, "stop": [4, 15, 22], "str": [1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 12], "straight": 3, "strictly": 8, "string": [2, 8], "studi": 22, "studiopath": 28, "suav": [23, 25], "suaviz": 24, "sub": 25, "subdirectori": 19, "subdivision": 3, "subdivisionx": 3, "subdivisiony": 3, "such": 18, "sud": [18, 19], "sufij": 28, "sugier": 27, "sum": [22, 25], "sup": [10, 14, 19], "superior": [20, 21, 27], "superpon": 25, "superposicion": 27, "suport": 14, "support": [11, 21, 27], "swap": 3, "swapey": 3, "switch": 22, "system": 15, "t": 20, "tal": [22, 27], "tama\u00f1": [18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28], "tambi": [22, 23, 25], "tambien": [19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28], "tampoc": 19, "tan": 27, "tant": 18, "tar": 19, "tarjet": [18, 23, 26], "tcp": 27, "tecl": [0, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29], "tembien": 25, "temblor": 27, "ten": [14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25], "tendr": [19, 22, 27], "teng": [18, 19, 27], "tercer": 22, "termin": 22, "terminal": [19, 27], "test": [19, 22, 28], "text": [20, 23, 24, 25, 27], "textur": [18, 20], "tga": [19, 24], "than": 8, "that": [2, 8, 18], "the": [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 27], "them": [18, 27], "then": 8, "they": 27, "things": 18, "this": [8, 18, 28], "tiemp": [18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28], "tien": [18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27], "tif": 24, "til": [7, 28], "tim": [1, 4, 8, 15, 18], "time_string": 8, "timecod": [8, 22, 27], "timelin": [0, 2, 4, 8, 14, 27], "timerang": [4, 8, 15], "timermod": [4, 15], "timing": 22, "tint": [3, 22, 24, 25], "tip": [19, 23, 25, 28], "tipe": [18, 25], "tipograf": [21, 23, 24, 25], "tl": 8, "to": [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], "to_fram": 8, "to_seconds": 8, "to_time_string": 8, "to_timecod": 8, "tod": [19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27], "toggl": [2, 7], "toggleautonormaliz": [2, 4], "toggleb": [4, 7], "toggledatawindow": [2, 4], "toggledisplaywindow": [2, 4], "toggleignoredisplaywindow": [2, 4], "toggleinvalidvalu": [2, 4], "togglesafear": [2, 4], "tom": 19, "total": [23, 24], "tra": [19, 22], "trabaj": [18, 27], "tracks": 22, "transferent": 26, "transform": [22, 27], "transformation": 3, "transicion": [20, 22], "transparent": 3, "tras": 23, "trat": 26, "traves": [11, 24, 27], "traz": 23, "tres": [19, 22, 23], "tru": [2, 8, 10], "true_hd": 5, "try": 18, "turn": 8, "tutorial": [0, 21], "two": 2, "type": 3, "u": 20, "ubuntu": [18, 19], "ubuntuupdat": 18, "ui": [0, 4], "ultim": [19, 20, 26, 27, 30], "unas": 26, "undo": 23, "universal": [17, 22, 24, 27], "unix": 27, "unus": 27, "up": [13, 20, 22], "updat": [2, 4, 13], "url": 18, "usa": [22, 25, 27, 29], "usad": [22, 24, 27, 28], "usan": 19, "usand": [18, 19, 25, 27], "usar": [14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29], "usd": [0, 4, 20, 21, 24], "use": [8, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26], "used": [2, 8, 10, 12, 27], "usen": 30, "user": 16, "users": 27, "uso": [23, 24], "usr": [18, 19], "usted": [19, 20], "usual": [19, 22], "usualment": 27, "usuari": [0, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26], "utf": 24, "util": [22, 23, 25, 26, 30], "utiliz": 25, "v": [20, 30], "v1": [19, 21, 22], "v2": 24, "va": 27, "vac": 22, "val": [8, 18, 27], "valor": 25, "valu": [2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12], "value_rescaled_t": 8, "van": 25, "vari": [19, 22, 25, 27, 30], "variabl": [10, 14, 22, 27], "vay": [11, 18], "vec": [23, 25, 27], "vector": [6, 23], "vector2f": [4, 6, 7], "vector2i": [4, 6], "vector3f": [3, 4, 6], "vector4f": [4, 6], "vectorscopi": [20, 21], "veloc": [19, 20, 21, 22, 24], "vendedor": 18, "vent": 27, "ventan": [11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28], "ver": [18, 19, 22, 24, 26], "verd": [20, 22, 23], "verl": [19, 26], "version": [2, 7, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30], "versiond": 27, "vertical": [3, 7, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25], "verticalapertur": 3, "vez": [11, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29], "via": 26, "vide": [0, 3, 8, 21, 24, 25], "videol": 28, "videolay": 8, "videolevels": [3, 4], "viej": 27, "vien": 20, "view": 3, "viewports": 27, "views": 3, "virtual": 24, "visibl": 19, "visor": [23, 24, 26, 27], "vist": [18, 20, 21, 25], "visual": [23, 24], "visualiz": 24, "volt": 20, "volum": [2, 4, 8, 22], "vorbis": 5, "vp9": [5, 28], "w": [6, 20], "warning": 18, "warnings": 18, "watch": 30, "wayland": 21, "wayland1": 18, "webm": [24, 28], "wher": 8, "wheth": [10, 13], "widget": 26, "widgets": 11, "width": 17, "will": 8, "window": [2, 19], "windows": [14, 19, 21, 27], "wip": [2, 7, 24, 25], "wipecent": 7, "wiperotation": 7, "wirefram": 17, "wireframeonsurfac": 17, "with": [2, 8, 9, 10, 28], "words": 8, "work": 18, "would": 8, "www": [18, 30], "x": [3, 6, 7, 18, 20], "x11": 18, "xf": 19, "xorg": 18, "xsecuenci": 22, "xwayland": 18, "xyy": 27, "xyz": 27, "ycbcr": 27, "ydbdr": 27, "yend": 14, "yiq": 27, "you": 27, "your": [10, 18], "youtub": 30, "yuv": [27, 28], "yuv_420p_u16": 3, "yuv_420p_u8": 3, "yuv_422p_u16": 3, "yuv_422p_u8": 3, "yuv_444p_u16": 3, "yuv_444p_u8": 3, "yuvcoefficients": [3, 4], "z": [6, 20], "zer": 8, "zip": [2, 5, 28], "zipcompressionlevel": [2, 5], "zips": [5, 28], "zoom": [22, 24], "\u00e9stas": 27, "\u00e9ste": 26, "\u00e9stos": 27}, "titles": ["Bienvenido a la documentaci\u00f3n de mrv2!", "M\u00f3dulo de anotaciones", "M\u00f3dulo cmd", "M\u00f3dulo image", "Python API", "M\u00f3dulo io", "M\u00f3dulo math", "M\u00f3dulo media", "M\u00f3dulo mrv2", "M\u00f3dulo playlist", "M\u00f3dulo de plugin", "pyFLTK", "M\u00f3dulo session", "M\u00f3dulo settings", "Sistema de Plug-ins", "M\u00f3dulo timeline", "M\u00f3dulo ui", "usd module", "Preguntas Frecuentes", "Comenzando", "Teclas de Manejo", "Gu\u00eda del Usuario de mrv2", "La interfaz de mrv2", "Notas y Anotaciones", "Introducci\u00f3n", "Paneles", "Reproducci\u00f3n de V\u00eddeo", "Preferencias", "Grabando", "Seteos", "Tutoriales de Video (en Ingl\u00e9s)"], "titleterms": {"2": 24, "3d": 25, "4": 24, "A": 22, "La": 22, "Las": 27, "Los": 22, "Qu\u00e9": 24, "Un": 27, "Una": 27, "activ": 27, "actual": [24, 26, 27], "actualiz": 27, "agreg": [23, 27], "alfa": [22, 27], "altern": 22, "and": [19, 22, 27], 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"modul": [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17], "monitor": 27, "mostr": [22, 27], "mrv2": [0, 8, 19, 21, 22, 24], "nativ": 27, "naveg": 23, "ndi": 25, "next": 22, "nivel": [22, 27], "normal": 27, "normaliz": 22, "not": 23, "oci": 27, "ocult": 22, "opcion": 28, "openexr": 28, "opengl": 27, "option": 28, "panel": [22, 25, 27], "panels": 27, "pantall": 27, "par": 27, "peg": 22, "pelicul": 28, "per": 27, "personaliz": 22, "pixel": 27, "plataform": 18, "play": 22, "playlist": 9, "plug": 14, "plugin": 10, "posicion": 27, "precision": 27, "preferent": 27, "pregunt": 18, "present": 27, "previ": [22, 27], "previous": 22, "primer": 22, "punt": 22, "pyfltk": 11, "python": [4, 25], "raton": [22, 25], "reban": 22, "recient": 19, "recort": 27, "red": [25, 27], "reencuadr": 27, "regex": 27, "rehac": 22, "remov": [22, 27], "rend": [22, 27], "reproduc": 27, "reproduccion": [22, 25, 26], "rgba": 27, "saf": 27, "sal": [22, 27], "second": 27, "secundari": 27, "segund": 27, "segur": 22, "sensit": 27, "sequenci": 28, "session": 12, "sete": [25, 29], "settings": 13, "siempr": 27, "siguient": 22, "sistem": 14, "sobr": 27, "sol": 27, "start": 22, "superior": 22, "support": 19, "tabl": 0, "tama\u00f1": 27, "tecl": [20, 26], "tem": 27, "temporari": 27, "tiemp": [22, 27], "timelin": 15, "tipograf": 27, "tod": [18, 22], "tom": 27, "tool": 27, "transicion": 27, "transition": 22, "transport": 22, "tutorial": 30, "ui": [16, 27], "ultim": 22, "usar": 27, "usd": [17, 25, 27], "use": 27, "usuari": [21, 27], "v1": 24, "valor": [22, 27], "vectorscopi": 25, "veloc": [26, 27], "ventan": [22, 27], "version": [22, 24, 27], "viaj": 27, "vide": [22, 26, 27, 28, 30], "view": 22, "visor": 22, "vist": [22, 27], "volt": 22, "vsync": 27, "wayland": [18, 19], "windows": 18, "zoom": 27}})
\ No newline at end of file
+Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"Actualizaciones.": [[27, null]], "Agregando una Nota o Dibujo": [[23, "agregando-una-nota-o-dibujo"]], "Agregar Carpetas": [[27, null]], "Alternar el Punto de Entrada": [[22, null]], "Alternar el Punto de Salida": [[22, null]], "Anotaci\u00f3n/Borrar, Anotaci\u00f3n/Borrar Todas": [[22, null]], "Archivo Config de OCIO": [[27, null]], "Auto Normalizar": [[22, null]], "Auto Reencuadrar la imagen": [[27, null]], "Auto Reproducir": [[27, null]], "Autoencuadre": [[22, null]], "Barra de Pixel": [[27, "barra-de-pixel"]], "Bienvenido a la documentaci\u00f3n de mrv2!": [[0, null]], "Brecha de Audio/Insertar, Brecha de Audio/Remover": [[22, null]], "Built-in Configs": [[27, null]], "Buscador de Archivos": [[27, "buscador-de-archivos"]], "Canales": [[22, null]], "Cargando": [[27, "cargando"]], "Cargando Medios (Buscador de mrv2)": [[19, "cargando-medios-buscador-de-mrv2"]], "Cargando Medios (Drag and Drop)": [[19, "cargando-medios-drag-and-drop"]], "Cargando Medios (L\u00ednea de comandos)": [[19, "cargando-medios-linea-de-comandos"]], "Cargando Medios (Menu Reciente)": [[19, "cargando-medios-menu-reciente"]], "Colores de Vista": [[27, null]], "Comenzando": [[19, null]], "Comenzar en Modo de Edici\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Compilando mrv2": [[19, "compilando-mrv2"]], "Comportamiento": [[27, "comportamiento"]], "Comportamiento del Cache": [[26, "comportamiento-del-cache"]], "Controles de Transporte": [[22, "controles-de-transporte"]], "Copia de L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[27, null]], "Copia de Vistas": [[27, null]], "Cuadro Actual": [[26, "cuadro-actual"]], "Cuadro Faltante": [[27, null]], "Cuadro/Cortar, Cuadro/Copiar, Cuadro/Pegar, Cuadro/Insertar": [[22, null]], "Deshacer/Rehacer": [[22, null]], "Dibujando Anotaciones": [[23, "dibujando-anotaciones"]], "Display": [[27, null]], "Display RGBA": [[27, null]], "Display Secundario": [[27, null]], "Divisor": [[22, "divisor"]], "Edici\u00f3n": [[27, "edicion"]], "Edit Associated Clips": [[27, null]], "Edit Clips Asociados.": [[22, null]], "Editable": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Elementos de UI": [[27, "elementos-de-ui"]], "Eliminar Carpetas": [[27, null]], "Error en FFmpeg": [[27, null]], "Errores": [[27, "errores"], [27, null]], "Espacio de Entrada de Color": [[27, null]], "Esquema": [[27, null]], "FPS": [[22, "fps"]], "FPS (Frames per Second o Cuadros por Segundo)": [[27, null]], "Filtro de Magnificaci\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Filtro de Minificaci\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Filtros de Minificaci\u00f3n y Magnificaci\u00f3n": [[22, null]], "Fondo": [[22, null]], "Fregar con Audio": [[27, null]], "Ganancia y Gama": [[27, null]], "Grabando": [[28, null]], "Grabando una Pel\u00edcula": [[28, "grabando-una-pelicula"]], "Grabando una Sequencia de Im\u00e1genes": [[28, "grabando-una-sequencia-de-imagenes"]], "Grabar Annotaciones": [[28, null]], "Grabar Anotaciones": [[28, null]], "Gu\u00eda del Usuario de mrv2": [[21, null]], "HUD": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Ignorar Ventana de Display": [[22, null]], "Indicador de Cuadro": [[22, "indicador-de-cuadro"]], "Instalando mrv2": [[19, "instalando-mrv2"]], "Interacci\u00f3n del Rat\u00f3n en el Visor": [[22, "interaccion-del-raton-en-el-visor"]], "Interfaz del Usuario": [[27, "interfaz-del-usuario"]], "Introducci\u00f3n": [[24, null]], "Ir a/Anotaci\u00f3n Previa, Ir A/Anotaci\u00f3n Siguiente": [[22, null]], "La Barra Superior": [[22, "la-barra-superior"]], "La L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[22, "la-linea-de-tiempo"]], "La interfaz de mrv2": [[22, null]], "Lanzando mrv2": [[19, "lanzando-mrv2"]], "Las barras de la UI": [[27, null]], "Lenguaje": [[27, null]], "Lenguaje y Colores": [[27, "lenguaje-y-colores"]], "Linux": [[18, "linux"]], "Los Paneles": [[22, "los-paneles"]], "Luminancia": [[27, null]], "L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[27, "linea-de-tiempo"]], "Mapeo de Carpetas": [[27, "mapeo-de-carpetas"]], "Marcadores": [[22, null]], "Menus": [[27, null]], "Menus macOS": [[27, null]], "Men\u00fa de Contexto del Panel de Archivos (Bot\u00f3n derecho del rat\u00f3n)": [[25, "menu-de-contexto-del-panel-de-archivos-boton-derecho-del-raton"]], "Men\u00fa de Editar": [[22, "menu-de-editar"]], "Men\u00fa de Imagen": [[22, "menu-de-imagen"]], "Men\u00fa de L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[22, "menu-de-linea-de-tiempo"]], "Men\u00fa de Render": [[22, "menu-de-render"]], "Men\u00fa de Reproducci\u00f3n": [[22, "menu-de-reproduccion"]], "Men\u00fa de Vista": [[22, "menu-de-vista"]], "Mezcla Alfa": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Miniaturas": [[22, null], [27, "miniaturas"]], "Miniaturas Activas": [[27, null]], "Miniaturas en Paneles": [[27, null]], "Miniaturas sobre la L\u00ednea de Tiempo": [[27, null]], "Mirando Medios": [[19, "mirando-medios"]], "Modificando una Nota": [[23, "modificando-una-nota"]], "Modo de Bucle": [[27, null]], "Modos de Bucle": [[26, "modos-de-bucle"]], "Monitor VSync": [[27, null]], "Mostrar Marcadores": [[27, null]], "Mostrar Transiciones": [[27, null]], "M\u00e1scara": [[22, null]], "M\u00e1ximas Im\u00e1genes Aparte": [[27, null]], "M\u00f3dulo cmd": [[2, null]], "M\u00f3dulo de anotaciones": [[1, null]], "M\u00f3dulo de plugin": [[10, null]], "M\u00f3dulo image": [[3, null]], "M\u00f3dulo io": [[5, null]], "M\u00f3dulo math": [[6, null]], "M\u00f3dulo media": [[7, null]], "M\u00f3dulo mrv2": [[8, null]], "M\u00f3dulo playlist": [[9, null]], "M\u00f3dulo session": [[12, null]], "M\u00f3dulo settings": [[13, null]], "M\u00f3dulo timeline": [[15, null]], "M\u00f3dulo ui": [[16, null]], "Navegando Notas": [[23, "navegando-notas"]], "Niveles de V\u00eddeo": [[22, null], [27, null]], "Normal, Pantalla Completa and Presentaci\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Notas y Anotaciones": [[23, null]], "OCIO": [[27, "ocio"]], "OCIO por Defecto": [[27, "ocio-por-defecto"]], "Ocultando/Mostrando Elementos de la GUI": [[22, "ocultando-mostrando-elementos-de-la-gui"]], "Opciones de OpenEXR": [[28, null]], "Opciones de V\u00eddeo": [[28, null]], "OpenGL": [[27, "opengl"]], "Optiones de Audio": [[28, null]], "Panel de Anotaciones": [[25, "panel-de-anotaciones"]], "Panel de Archivos": [[25, "panel-de-archivos"]], "Panel de Bit\u00e1cora": [[25, "panel-de-bitacora"]], "Panel de Color": [[25, "panel-de-color"]], "Panel de Comparar": [[25, "panel-de-comparar"]], "Panel de Est\u00e9reo 3D": [[25, "panel-de-estereo-3d"]], "Panel de Histograma": [[25, "panel-de-histograma"]], "Panel de Informaci\u00f3n del Medio": [[25, "panel-de-informacion-del-medio"]], "Panel de Lista de Reproducci\u00f3n": [[25, "panel-de-lista-de-reproduccion"]], "Panel de Mapa de Entorno": [[25, "panel-de-mapa-de-entorno"]], "Panel de NDI": [[25, "panel-de-ndi"]], "Panel de Python": [[25, "panel-de-python"]], "Panel de Red": [[25, "panel-de-red"]], "Panel de Seteos": [[25, "panel-de-seteos"]], "Panel de USD": [[25, "panel-de-usd"]], "Panel de Vectorscopio": [[25, "panel-de-vectorscopio"]], "Panel de \u00c1rea de Color": [[25, "panel-de-area-de-color"]], "Paneles": [[25, null]], "Panels": [[27, null]], "Personalizando la Interfaz": [[22, "personalizando-la-interfaz"]], "Player/Viewer Controls": [[22, "player-viewer-controls"]], "Plug-ins": [[14, "plug-ins"]], "Posicionado": [[27, "posicionado"]], "Posici\u00f3n Fija": [[27, null]], "Precisi\u00f3n de Color": [[27, null]], "Preferencias": [[27, null]], "Preguntas Frecuentes": [[18, null]], "Python API": [[4, null]], "Rebanar": [[22, null]], "Recorte": [[27, null]], "Red": [[27, "red"]], "Regex de Versi\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Remover": [[22, null]], "Remover EDLs en Carpeta Temporaria": [[27, null]], "Render": [[27, "render"]], "Reproducci\u00f3n de V\u00eddeo": [[26, null]], "Reproducir": [[27, "reproducir"]], "Safe Areas": [[27, null]], "Sensitividad de Fregado": [[27, null]], "Seteos": [[29, null]], "Siempre Arriba y Flotar Vista Secundaria": [[27, null]], "Siempre Grabe al Salir": [[27, null]], "Sistema de Plug-ins": [[14, null]], "Start and End Frame Indicator": [[22, "start-and-end-frame-indicator"]], "Tabla de Contenidos": [[0, "tabla-de-contenidos"]], "Tama\u00f1o Fijo": [[27, null]], "Teclas Espec\u00edficas de Reproducci\u00f3n": [[26, "teclas-especificas-de-reproduccion"]], "Teclas de Manejo": [[20, null]], "Tema de Color": [[27, null]], "Tipograf\u00edas": [[27, "tipografias"]], "Todas las Plataformas": [[18, "todas-las-plataformas"]], "Tomar los Valores Actuales de la Ventana": [[27, null]], "Tool Dock": [[27, null]], "Transitiones": [[22, null]], "Tutoriales de Video (en Ingl\u00e9s)": [[30, null]], "Un Solo Click para Viajar por Carpetas": [[27, null]], "Un Solo Panel": [[27, null]], "Una Instance": [[27, null]], "Usar el Buscador de Archivos Nativo": [[27, null]], "Use Vistas Activas y Displays Activos": [[27, null]], "Valores de Pixel": [[27, null]], "Valores inv\u00e1lidos": [[22, null]], "Velocidad de FPS": [[26, "velocidad-de-fps"]], "Velocidad de Zoom": [[27, null]], "Ventana de Datos": [[22, null]], "Ventana de Display": [[22, null]], "Ventana de Vista": [[27, "ventana-de-vista"]], "Version/Previous, Version/Next": [[22, null]], "Version/Primera, Version/\u00daltima": [[22, null]], "Versi\u00f3n Actual: v1.2.4 - Descripci\u00f3n General": [[24, "version-actual-v1-2-4-descripcion-general"]], "Vista Previa de Edici\u00f3n": [[27, null]], "Vista Previa de Miniaturas de USD": [[27, null]], "Vista por Defecto": [[27, null]], "Voltear": [[22, null]], "Wayland": [[18, "wayland"]], "Wayland support": [[19, "wayland-support"]], "Windows": [[18, "windows"]], "pyFLTK": [[11, null]], "usd module": [[17, null]], "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es mrv2?": [[24, "que-es-mrv2"]], "\u00c1reas Seguras": [[22, null]], "\u00cdndices y tablas": [[0, "indices-y-tablas"]]}, "docnames": ["index", "python_api/annotations", "python_api/cmd", "python_api/image", "python_api/index", "python_api/io", "python_api/math", "python_api/media", "python_api/mrv2", "python_api/playlist", "python_api/plug-ins", "python_api/pyFLTK", "python_api/session", "python_api/settings", "python_api/sistema-de-plugins", "python_api/timeline", "python_api/ui", "python_api/usd", "user_docs/faq", "user_docs/getting_started/getting_started", "user_docs/hotkeys", "user_docs/index", "user_docs/interface/interface", "user_docs/notes", "user_docs/overview", "user_docs/panels/panels", "user_docs/playback", "user_docs/preferences", "user_docs/saving", "user_docs/settings", "user_docs/videos"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2}, "filenames": ["index.rst", "python_api/annotations.rst", "python_api/cmd.rst", "python_api/image.rst", "python_api/index.rst", "python_api/io.rst", "python_api/math.rst", "python_api/media.rst", "python_api/mrv2.rst", "python_api/playlist.rst", "python_api/plug-ins.rst", "python_api/pyFLTK.rst", "python_api/session.rst", "python_api/settings.rst", "python_api/sistema-de-plugins.rst", "python_api/timeline.rst", "python_api/ui.rst", "python_api/usd.rst", "user_docs/faq.rst", "user_docs/getting_started/getting_started.rst", "user_docs/hotkeys.rst", "user_docs/index.rst", "user_docs/interface/interface.rst", "user_docs/notes.rst", "user_docs/overview.rst", "user_docs/panels/panels.rst", "user_docs/playback.rst", "user_docs/preferences.rst", "user_docs/saving.rst", "user_docs/settings.rst", "user_docs/videos.rst"], "indexentries": {"a (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.a", false]], "active() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.plugin.plugin)": [[10, "mrv2.plugin.Plugin.active", false]], "activefiles() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.activeFiles", false]], "add (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.add", false]], "add() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.annotations)": [[1, "mrv2.annotations.add", false]], "addclip() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.addClip", false]], "afile() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.Afile", false]], "aindex() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.Aindex", false]], "almost_equal() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.almost_equal", false]], "alphablend (atributo de mrv2.image.imageoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions.alphaBlend", false]], "alphablend (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.AlphaBlend", false]], "annotations (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.annotations", false]], "args() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.args", false]], "audiocodec (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.AudioCodec", false]], "audiooffset (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.audioOffset", false]], "audiopath (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.audioPath", false]], "b (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.b", false]], "background (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Background", false]], "backgroundoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions", false]], "backgroundoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.backgroundOptions", false]], "before() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.before", false]], "begins() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.begins", false]], "bfiles() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.Bfiles", false]], "bindexes() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.BIndexes", false]], "brightness (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.brightness", false]], "channels (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.channels", false]], "channels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Channels", false]], "checkerscolor0 (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.checkersColor0", false]], "checkerscolor1 (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.checkersColor1", false]], "checkerssize (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.checkersSize", false]], "checkforupdates() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.checkForUpdates", false]], "clamped() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.clamped", false]], "clearb() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.clearB", false]], "clearmetadata() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.clearMetadata", false]], "close() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.close", false]], "close() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.close", false]], "closeall() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.closeAll", false]], "closeall() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.closeAll", false]], "color (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.color", false]], "color (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color", false]], "color4f (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f", false]], "compare() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.compare", false]], "comparemode (clase en mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareMode", false]], "compareoptions (clase en mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions", false]], "compareoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.compareOptions", false]], "comparetimemode (clase en mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareTimeMode", false]], "complexity (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.complexity", false]], "compression (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Compression", false]], "contains() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.contains", false]], "contrast (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.contrast", false]], "current() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.current", false]], "currenttime (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.currentTime", false]], "defaultspeed() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.defaultSpeed", false]], "defog (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.defog", false]], "diskcache (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.diskCache", false]], "displayoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions", false]], "displayoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.displayOptions", false]], "drawmode (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.drawMode", false]], "drawmode (clase en mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.DrawMode", false]], "duration_extended_by() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.duration_extended_by", false]], "duration_from_start_end_time() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.duration_from_start_end_time", false]], "duration_from_start_end_time_inclusive() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.duration_from_start_end_time_inclusive", false]], "dwacompressionlevel (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.dwaCompressionLevel", false]], "enabled (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.enabled", false]], "enabled (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.enabled", false]], "enabled (atributo de mrv2.image.softclip)": [[3, "mrv2.image.SoftClip.enabled", false]], "enabled (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.enabled", false]], "enablelighting (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.enableLighting", false]], "end_time_exclusive() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.end_time_exclusive", false]], "end_time_inclusive() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.end_time_inclusive", false]], "environmentmapoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions", false]], "environmentmapoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.environmentMapOptions", false]], "environmentmaptype (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType", false]], "exposure (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.exposure", false]], "exrcompression (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.exrCompression", false]], "exrdisplay (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay", false]], "extended_by() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.extended_by", false]], "eyeseparation (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.eyeSeparation", false]], "ffmpegprofile (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.ffmpegProfile", false]], "filemedia (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia", false]], "filename (atributo de mrv2.image.lutoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOptions.fileName", false]], "filesequenceaudio (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio", false]], "finishes() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.finishes", false]], "firstversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.firstVersion", false]], "focallength (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.focalLength", false]], "frame() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.frame", false]], "from_frames() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_frames", false]], "from_seconds() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_seconds", false]], "from_time_string() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_time_string", false]], "from_timecode() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.from_timecode", false]], "g (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.g", false]], "gamma (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.gamma", false]], "get() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.get", false]], "getbasename() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getBaseName", false]], "getcomparetime() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.getCompareTime", false]], "getdirectory() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getDirectory", false]], "getextension() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getExtension", false]], "getlanguage() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.getLanguage", false]], "getlayers() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.getLayers", false]], "getnumber() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getNumber", false]], "getpadding() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.getPadding", false]], "getversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.getVersion", false]], "h (atributo de mrv2.math.size2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Size2i.h", false]], "horizontalaperture (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.horizontalAperture", false]], "imagefilter (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilter", false]], "imagefilters (atributo de mrv2.image.imageoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions.imageFilters", false]], "imagefilters (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilters", false]], "imageoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions", false]], "imageoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.imageOptions", false]], "inhigh (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.inHigh", false]], "inlow (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.inLow", false]], "inoutrange (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.inOutRange", false]], "inoutrange() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.inOutRange", false]], "input (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.input", false]], "inputvideolevels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels", false]], "intersects() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.intersects", false]], "invert (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.invert", false]], "is_invalid_time() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.is_invalid_time", false]], "is_valid_timecode_rate() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.is_valid_timecode_rate", false]], "isabsolute() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.isAbsolute", false]], "isempty() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.path)": [[8, "mrv2.Path.isEmpty", false]], "ismuted() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.isMuted", false]], "kneehigh (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.kneeHigh", false]], "kneelow (mrv2.image.exrdisplay propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay.kneeLow", false]], "lastversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.lastVersion", false]], "layers() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.layers", false]], "levels (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.levels", false]], "levels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels", false]], "list() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.list", false]], "list() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.list", false]], "load() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.load", false]], "loop (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.loop", false]], "loop (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Loop", false]], "loop() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.loop", false]], "lutoptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOptions", false]], "lutoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.lutOptions", false]], "lutorder (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOrder", false]], "magnify (atributo de mrv2.image.imagefilters)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilters.magnify", false]], "meets() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.meets", false]], "memory() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.memory", false]], "menus() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.plugin.plugin)": [[10, "mrv2.plugin.Plugin.menus", false]], "metadata() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.metadata", false]], "minify (atributo de mrv2.image.imagefilters)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilters.minify", false]], "mirror (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.mirror", false]], "mirror (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Mirror", false]], "mode (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.mode", false]], "module": [[1, "module-mrv2.annotations", false], [2, "module-mrv2.cmd", false], [3, "module-mrv2.image", false], [5, "module-mrv2.io", false], [6, "module-mrv2.math", false], [7, "module-mrv2.media", false], [8, "module-mrv2", false], [9, "module-mrv2.playlist", false], [10, "module-mrv2.plugin", false], [12, "module-mrv2.session", false], [13, "module-mrv2.settings", false], [15, "module-mrv2.timeline", false], [16, "module-mrv2.ui", false], [17, "module-mrv2.usd", false]], "mrv2": [[8, "module-mrv2", false]], "mrv2.annotations": [[1, "module-mrv2.annotations", false]], "mrv2.cmd": [[2, "module-mrv2.cmd", false]], "mrv2.image": [[3, "module-mrv2.image", false]], "mrv2.io": [[5, "module-mrv2.io", false]], "mrv2.math": [[6, "module-mrv2.math", false]], "mrv2.media": [[7, "module-mrv2.media", false]], "mrv2.playlist": [[9, "module-mrv2.playlist", false]], "mrv2.plugin": [[10, "module-mrv2.plugin", false]], "mrv2.session": [[12, "module-mrv2.session", false]], "mrv2.settings": [[13, "module-mrv2.settings", false]], "mrv2.timeline": [[15, "module-mrv2.timeline", false]], "mrv2.ui": [[16, "module-mrv2.ui", false]], "mrv2.usd": [[17, "module-mrv2.usd", false]], "mute (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.mute", false]], "name (mrv2.image.alphablend propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.AlphaBlend.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.background propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Background.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.channels propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Channels.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.environmentmaptype propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.imagefilter propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageFilter.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.inputvideolevels propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.lutorder propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOrder.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.pixeltype propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.PixelType.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.stereo3dinput propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.stereo3doutput propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.videolevels propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.VideoLevels.name", false]], "name (mrv2.image.yuvcoefficients propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.YUVCoefficients.name", false]], "name (mrv2.io.audiocodec propiedad)": [[5, "mrv2.io.AudioCodec.name", false]], "name (mrv2.io.resolution propiedad)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Resolution.name", false]], "name (mrv2.media.comparetimemode propiedad)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareTimeMode.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.filesequenceaudio propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.loop propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Loop.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.playback propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Playback.name", false]], "name (mrv2.timeline.timermode propiedad)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.TimerMode.name", false]], "nearest_valid_timecode_rate() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.nearest_valid_timecode_rate", false]], "nextversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.nextVersion", false]], "ocioconfig() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioConfig", false]], "ocioics() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioIcs", false]], "ocioicslist() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioIcsList", false]], "ociolook() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioLook", false]], "ociolooklist() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioLookList", false]], "ocioview() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioView", false]], "ocioviewlist() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ocioViewList", false]], "open() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.open", false]], "order (atributo de mrv2.image.lutoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.LUTOptions.order", false]], "outhigh (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.outHigh", false]], "outlow (atributo de mrv2.image.levels)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Levels.outLow", false]], "output (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.output", false]], "overlaps() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.overlaps", false]], "overlay (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.overlay", false]], "path (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.path", false]], "path (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.Path", false]], "pixeltype (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.PixelType", false]], "playback (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.playback", false]], "playback (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.Playback", false]], "playbackwards() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.playBackwards", false]], "playforwards() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.playForwards", false]], "plugin (clase en mrv2.plugin)": [[10, "mrv2.plugin.Plugin", false]], "prefspath() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.prefsPath", false]], "previousversion() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.previousVersion", false]], "profile (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Profile", false]], "r (atributo de mrv2.image.color4f)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color4f.r", false]], "range_from_start_end_time() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.range_from_start_end_time", false]], "range_from_start_end_time_inclusive() (m\u00e9todo est\u00e1tico de mrv2.timerange)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange.range_from_start_end_time_inclusive", false]], "rationaltime (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime", false]], "readahead() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.readAhead", false]], "readbehind() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.readBehind", false]], "refreshmenus() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.ui)": [[16, "mrv2.ui.refreshMenus", false]], "renderoptions (clase en mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions", false]], "renderoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.renderOptions", false]], "renderwidth (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.renderWidth", false]], "rescaled_to() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.rescaled_to", false]], "resolution (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.Resolution", false]], "rootpath() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.rootPath", false]], "rotatex (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.rotateX", false]], "rotatey (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.rotateY", false]], "run() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.run", false]], "saturation (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.saturation", false]], "save() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.save", false]], "save() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.save", false]], "save() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.save", false]], "saveoptions (clase en mrv2.io)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions", false]], "saveotio() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.saveOTIO", false]], "savepdf() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.savePDF", false]], "seconds() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.seconds", false]], "seek() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.seek", false]], "select() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.playlist)": [[9, "mrv2.playlist.select", false]], "seta() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setA", false]], "setb() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setB", false]], "setbackgroundoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setBackgroundOptions", false]], "setcompareoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setCompareOptions", false]], "setcomparetime() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setCompareTime", false]], "setcurrent() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.setCurrent", false]], "setdisplayoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setDisplayOptions", false]], "setenvironmentmapoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setEnvironmentMapOptions", false]], "setimageoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setImageOptions", false]], "setin() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setIn", false]], "setinoutrange() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setInOutRange", false]], "setlayer() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setLayer", false]], "setloop() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setLoop", false]], "setlutoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setLUTOptions", false]], "setmemory() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.setMemory", false]], "setmetadata() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.session)": [[12, "mrv2.session.setMetadata", false]], "setmute() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setMute", false]], "setocioconfig() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioConfig", false]], "setocioics() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioIcs", false]], "setociolook() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioLook", false]], "setocioview() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.setOcioView", false]], "setout() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setOut", false]], "setreadahead() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.setReadAhead", false]], "setreadbehind() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.settings)": [[13, "mrv2.settings.setReadBehind", false]], "setrenderoptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.usd)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.setRenderOptions", false]], "setspeed() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.setSpeed", false]], "setstereo() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.setStereo", false]], "setstereo3doptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setStereo3DOptions", false]], "setvolume() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.setVolume", false]], "size2i (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Size2i", false]], "softclip (atributo de mrv2.image.displayoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions.softClip", false]], "softclip (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.SoftClip", false]], "speed() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.speed", false]], "spin (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.spin", false]], "stagecache (atributo de mrv2.usd.renderoptions)": [[17, "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions.stageCache", false]], "stereo3dinput (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput", false]], "stereo3doptions (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions", false]], "stereo3doptions() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.stereo3DOptions", false]], "stereo3doutput (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput", false]], "stop() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.stop", false]], "subdivisionx (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.subdivisionX", false]], "subdivisiony (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.subdivisionY", false]], "swapeyes (atributo de mrv2.image.stereo3doptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions.swapEyes", false]], "time() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.time", false]], "timerange (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.timeRange", false]], "timerange (clase en mrv2)": [[8, "mrv2.TimeRange", false]], "timerange() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.timeRange", false]], "timermode (clase en mrv2.timeline)": [[15, "mrv2.timeline.TimerMode", false]], "tint (atributo de mrv2.image.color)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Color.tint", false]], "to_frames() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_frames", false]], "to_seconds() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_seconds", false]], "to_time_string() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_time_string", false]], "to_timecode() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.to_timecode", false]], "toggleautonormalize() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleAutoNormalize", false]], "toggleb() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.media)": [[7, "mrv2.media.toggleB", false]], "toggledatawindow() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleDataWindow", false]], "toggledisplaywindow() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleDisplayWindow", false]], "toggleignoredisplaywindow() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleIgnoreDisplayWindow", false]], "toggleinvalidvalues() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleInvalidValues", false]], "togglesafeareas() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.toggleSafeAreas", false]], "type (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.type", false]], "type (mrv2.image.backgroundoptions propiedad)": [[3, "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions.type", false]], "update() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.update", false]], "value (atributo de mrv2.image.softclip)": [[3, "mrv2.image.SoftClip.value", false]], "value_rescaled_to() (m\u00e9todo de mrv2.rationaltime)": [[8, "mrv2.RationalTime.value_rescaled_to", false]], "vector2f (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2f", false]], "vector2i (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2i", false]], "vector3f (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f", false]], "vector4f (clase en mrv2.math)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f", false]], "verticalaperture (atributo de mrv2.image.environmentmapoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions.verticalAperture", false]], "videolayer (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.videoLayer", false]], "videolevels (atributo de mrv2.image.imageoptions)": [[3, "mrv2.image.ImageOptions.videoLevels", false]], "videolevels (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.VideoLevels", false]], "volume (atributo de mrv2.filemedia)": [[8, "mrv2.FileMedia.volume", false]], "volume() (en el m\u00f3dulo mrv2.cmd)": [[2, "mrv2.cmd.volume", false]], "w (atributo de mrv2.math.size2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Size2i.w", false]], "w (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.w", false]], "wipecenter (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.wipeCenter", false]], "wiperotation (atributo de mrv2.media.compareoptions)": [[7, "mrv2.media.CompareOptions.wipeRotation", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.image.mirror)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Mirror.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2f.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2i.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector3f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f.x", false]], "x (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.x", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.image.mirror)": [[3, "mrv2.image.Mirror.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2f.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector2i)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector2i.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector3f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f.y", false]], "y (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.y", false]], "yuvcoefficients (clase en mrv2.image)": [[3, "mrv2.image.YUVCoefficients", false]], "z (atributo de mrv2.math.vector3f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector3f.z", false]], "z (atributo de mrv2.math.vector4f)": [[6, "mrv2.math.Vector4f.z", false]], "zipcompressionlevel (atributo de mrv2.io.saveoptions)": [[5, "mrv2.io.SaveOptions.zipCompressionLevel", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[8, 0, 0, "-", "mrv2"]], "mrv2": [[8, 1, 1, "", "FileMedia"], [8, 1, 1, "", "Path"], [8, 1, 1, "", "RationalTime"], [8, 1, 1, "", "TimeRange"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "annotations"], [2, 0, 0, "-", "cmd"], [3, 0, 0, "-", "image"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "io"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "math"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "media"], [9, 0, 0, "-", "playlist"], [10, 0, 0, "-", "plugin"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "session"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "settings"], [15, 0, 0, "-", "timeline"], [16, 0, 0, "-", "ui"], [17, 0, 0, "-", "usd"]], "mrv2.FileMedia": [[8, 2, 1, "", "audioOffset"], [8, 2, 1, "", "audioPath"], [8, 2, 1, "", "currentTime"], [8, 2, 1, "", "inOutRange"], [8, 2, 1, "", "loop"], [8, 2, 1, "", "mute"], [8, 2, 1, "", "path"], [8, 2, 1, "", "playback"], [8, 2, 1, "", "timeRange"], [8, 2, 1, "", "videoLayer"], [8, 2, 1, "", "volume"]], "mrv2.Path": [[8, 3, 1, "", "get"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getBaseName"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getDirectory"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getExtension"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getNumber"], [8, 3, 1, "", "getPadding"], [8, 3, 1, "", "isAbsolute"], [8, 3, 1, "", "isEmpty"]], "mrv2.RationalTime": [[8, 3, 1, "", "almost_equal"], [8, 3, 1, "", "duration_from_start_end_time"], [8, 3, 1, "", "duration_from_start_end_time_inclusive"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_frames"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_seconds"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_time_string"], [8, 3, 1, "", "from_timecode"], [8, 3, 1, "", "is_invalid_time"], [8, 3, 1, "", "is_valid_timecode_rate"], [8, 3, 1, "", "nearest_valid_timecode_rate"], [8, 3, 1, "", "rescaled_to"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_frames"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_seconds"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_time_string"], [8, 3, 1, "", "to_timecode"], [8, 3, 1, "", "value_rescaled_to"]], "mrv2.TimeRange": [[8, 3, 1, "", "before"], [8, 3, 1, "", "begins"], [8, 3, 1, "", "clamped"], [8, 3, 1, "", "contains"], [8, 3, 1, "", "duration_extended_by"], [8, 3, 1, "", "end_time_exclusive"], [8, 3, 1, "", "end_time_inclusive"], [8, 3, 1, "", "extended_by"], [8, 3, 1, "", "finishes"], [8, 3, 1, "", "intersects"], [8, 3, 1, "", "meets"], [8, 3, 1, "", "overlaps"], [8, 3, 1, "", "range_from_start_end_time"], [8, 3, 1, "", "range_from_start_end_time_inclusive"]], "mrv2.annotations": [[1, 4, 1, "", "add"]], "mrv2.cmd": [[2, 4, 1, "", "args"], [2, 4, 1, "", "close"], [2, 4, 1, "", "closeAll"], [2, 4, 1, "", "compare"], [2, 4, 1, "", "compareOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "displayOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "environmentMapOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "getLanguage"], [2, 4, 1, "", "getLayers"], [2, 4, 1, "", "getVersion"], [2, 4, 1, "", "imageOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "isMuted"], [2, 4, 1, "", "lutOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "open"], [2, 4, 1, "", "prefsPath"], [2, 4, 1, "", "rootPath"], [2, 4, 1, "", "run"], [2, 4, 1, "", "save"], [2, 4, 1, "", "saveOTIO"], [2, 4, 1, "", "savePDF"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setCompareOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setDisplayOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setEnvironmentMapOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setImageOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setLUTOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setMute"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setStereo3DOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "setVolume"], [2, 4, 1, "", "stereo3DOptions"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleAutoNormalize"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleDataWindow"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleDisplayWindow"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleIgnoreDisplayWindow"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleInvalidValues"], [2, 4, 1, "", "toggleSafeAreas"], [2, 4, 1, "", "update"], [2, 4, 1, "", "volume"]], "mrv2.image": [[3, 1, 1, "", "AlphaBlend"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Background"], [3, 1, 1, "", "BackgroundOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Channels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Color"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Color4f"], [3, 1, 1, "", "DisplayOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "EXRDisplay"], [3, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentMapOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentMapType"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageFilter"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageFilters"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "InputVideoLevels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "LUTOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "LUTOrder"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Levels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Mirror"], [3, 1, 1, "", "PixelType"], [3, 1, 1, "", "SoftClip"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Stereo3DInput"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Stereo3DOptions"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Stereo3DOutput"], [3, 1, 1, "", "VideoLevels"], [3, 1, 1, "", "YUVCoefficients"], [3, 4, 1, "", "backgroundOptions"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioConfig"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioIcs"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioIcsList"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioLook"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioLookList"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioView"], [3, 4, 1, "", "ocioViewList"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setBackgroundOptions"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioConfig"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioIcs"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioLook"], [3, 4, 1, "", "setOcioView"]], "mrv2.image.AlphaBlend": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Background": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.BackgroundOptions": [[3, 5, 1, "", "checkersColor0"], [3, 5, 1, "", "checkersColor1"], [3, 5, 1, "", "checkersSize"], [3, 5, 1, "", "type"]], "mrv2.image.Channels": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Color": [[3, 2, 1, "", "add"], [3, 2, 1, "", "brightness"], [3, 2, 1, "", "contrast"], [3, 2, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 2, 1, "", "invert"], [3, 2, 1, "", "saturation"], [3, 2, 1, "", "tint"]], "mrv2.image.Color4f": [[3, 2, 1, "", "a"], [3, 2, 1, "", "b"], [3, 2, 1, "", "g"], [3, 2, 1, "", "r"]], "mrv2.image.DisplayOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "channels"], [3, 2, 1, "", "color"], [3, 2, 1, "", "levels"], [3, 2, 1, "", "mirror"], [3, 2, 1, "", "softClip"]], "mrv2.image.EXRDisplay": [[3, 5, 1, "", "defog"], [3, 5, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 5, 1, "", "exposure"], [3, 5, 1, "", "kneeHigh"], [3, 5, 1, "", "kneeLow"]], "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "focalLength"], [3, 2, 1, "", "horizontalAperture"], [3, 2, 1, "", "rotateX"], [3, 2, 1, "", "rotateY"], [3, 2, 1, "", "spin"], [3, 2, 1, "", "subdivisionX"], [3, 2, 1, "", "subdivisionY"], [3, 2, 1, "", "type"], [3, 2, 1, "", "verticalAperture"]], "mrv2.image.EnvironmentMapType": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.ImageFilter": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.ImageFilters": [[3, 2, 1, "", "magnify"], [3, 2, 1, "", "minify"]], "mrv2.image.ImageOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "alphaBlend"], [3, 2, 1, "", "imageFilters"], [3, 2, 1, "", "videoLevels"]], "mrv2.image.InputVideoLevels": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.LUTOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "fileName"], [3, 2, 1, "", "order"]], "mrv2.image.LUTOrder": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Levels": [[3, 2, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 2, 1, "", "gamma"], [3, 2, 1, "", "inHigh"], [3, 2, 1, "", "inLow"], [3, 2, 1, "", "outHigh"], [3, 2, 1, "", "outLow"]], "mrv2.image.Mirror": [[3, 2, 1, "", "x"], [3, 2, 1, "", "y"]], "mrv2.image.PixelType": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.SoftClip": [[3, 2, 1, "", "enabled"], [3, 2, 1, "", "value"]], "mrv2.image.Stereo3DInput": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOptions": [[3, 2, 1, "", "eyeSeparation"], [3, 2, 1, "", "input"], [3, 2, 1, "", "output"], [3, 2, 1, "", "swapEyes"]], "mrv2.image.Stereo3DOutput": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.VideoLevels": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.image.YUVCoefficients": [[3, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.io": [[5, 1, 1, "", "AudioCodec"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Compression"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Profile"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Resolution"], [5, 1, 1, "", "SaveOptions"]], "mrv2.io.AudioCodec": [[5, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.io.Resolution": [[5, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.io.SaveOptions": [[5, 2, 1, "", "annotations"], [5, 2, 1, "", "dwaCompressionLevel"], [5, 2, 1, "", "exrCompression"], [5, 2, 1, "", "ffmpegProfile"], [5, 2, 1, "", "zipCompressionLevel"]], "mrv2.math": [[6, 1, 1, "", "Size2i"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector2f"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector2i"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector3f"], [6, 1, 1, "", "Vector4f"]], "mrv2.math.Size2i": [[6, 2, 1, "", "h"], [6, 2, 1, "", "w"]], "mrv2.math.Vector2f": [[6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"]], "mrv2.math.Vector2i": [[6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"]], "mrv2.math.Vector3f": [[6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"], [6, 2, 1, "", "z"]], "mrv2.math.Vector4f": [[6, 2, 1, "", "w"], [6, 2, 1, "", "x"], [6, 2, 1, "", "y"], [6, 2, 1, "", "z"]], "mrv2.media": [[7, 4, 1, "", "Afile"], [7, 4, 1, "", "Aindex"], [7, 4, 1, "", "BIndexes"], [7, 4, 1, "", "Bfiles"], [7, 1, 1, "", "CompareMode"], [7, 1, 1, "", "CompareOptions"], [7, 1, 1, "", "CompareTimeMode"], [7, 4, 1, "", "activeFiles"], [7, 4, 1, "", "clearB"], [7, 4, 1, "", "close"], [7, 4, 1, "", "closeAll"], [7, 4, 1, "", "firstVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getCompareTime"], [7, 4, 1, "", "lastVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "layers"], [7, 4, 1, "", "list"], [7, 4, 1, "", "nextVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "previousVersion"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setA"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setB"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setCompareTime"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setLayer"], [7, 4, 1, "", "setStereo"], [7, 4, 1, "", "toggleB"]], "mrv2.media.CompareOptions": [[7, 2, 1, "", "mode"], [7, 2, 1, "", "overlay"], [7, 2, 1, "", "wipeCenter"], [7, 2, 1, "", "wipeRotation"]], "mrv2.media.CompareTimeMode": [[7, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.playlist": [[9, 4, 1, "", "addClip"], [9, 4, 1, "", "list"], [9, 4, 1, "", "save"], [9, 4, 1, "", "select"]], "mrv2.plugin": [[10, 1, 1, "", "Plugin"]], "mrv2.plugin.Plugin": [[10, 3, 1, "", "active"], [10, 3, 1, "", "menus"]], "mrv2.session": [[12, 4, 1, "", "clearMetadata"], [12, 4, 1, "", "current"], [12, 4, 1, "", "load"], [12, 4, 1, "", "metadata"], [12, 4, 1, "", "save"], [12, 4, 1, "", "setCurrent"], [12, 4, 1, "", "setMetadata"]], "mrv2.settings": [[13, 4, 1, "", "checkForUpdates"], [13, 4, 1, "", "memory"], [13, 4, 1, "", "readAhead"], [13, 4, 1, "", "readBehind"], [13, 4, 1, "", "setMemory"], [13, 4, 1, "", "setReadAhead"], [13, 4, 1, "", "setReadBehind"]], "mrv2.timeline": [[15, 1, 1, "", "FileSequenceAudio"], [15, 1, 1, "", "Loop"], [15, 1, 1, "", "Playback"], [15, 1, 1, "", "TimerMode"], [15, 4, 1, "", "defaultSpeed"], [15, 4, 1, "", "frame"], [15, 4, 1, "", "inOutRange"], [15, 4, 1, "", "loop"], [15, 4, 1, "", "playBackwards"], [15, 4, 1, "", "playForwards"], [15, 4, 1, "", "seconds"], [15, 4, 1, "", "seek"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setIn"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setInOutRange"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setLoop"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setOut"], [15, 4, 1, "", "setSpeed"], [15, 4, 1, "", "speed"], [15, 4, 1, "", "stop"], [15, 4, 1, "", "time"], [15, 4, 1, "", "timeRange"]], "mrv2.timeline.FileSequenceAudio": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.timeline.Loop": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.timeline.Playback": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.timeline.TimerMode": [[15, 5, 1, "", "name"]], "mrv2.ui": [[16, 4, 1, "", "refreshMenus"]], "mrv2.usd": [[17, 1, 1, "", "DrawMode"], [17, 1, 1, "", "RenderOptions"], [17, 4, 1, "", "renderOptions"], [17, 4, 1, "", "setRenderOptions"]], "mrv2.usd.RenderOptions": [[17, 2, 1, "", "complexity"], [17, 2, 1, "", "diskCache"], [17, 2, 1, "", "drawMode"], [17, 2, 1, "", "enableLighting"], [17, 2, 1, "", "renderWidth"], [17, 2, 1, "", "stageCache"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python m\u00f3dulo"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python clase"], "2": ["py", "attribute", "Python atributo"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python m\u00e9todo"], "4": ["py", "function", "Python funci\u00f3n"], "5": ["py", "property", "Python propiedad"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:attribute", "3": "py:method", "4": "py:function", "5": "py:property"}, "terms": {"0": [3, 8, 18, 22, 25, 27, 29], "0001": [19, 22, 28], "04": 18, "06": 8, "09": 18, "1": [2, 3, 8, 11, 22, 27, 28], "10": [8, 18, 19, 22, 28], "10le": 28, "12bits": 28, "12le": 28, "14": 8, "1422": 18, "15": 8, "171": 18, "2": [2, 6, 8, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27], "2022": 24, "22": 18, "23": 18, "24": [8, 19], "243": 18, "244": 18, "245": 18, "246": 18, "25": [18, 28], "255": 27, "2x": 22, "3": [6, 11], "3080": 18, "32768": 18, "3308": 18, "3770": 18, "3d": [2, 3, 20, 21, 27], "4": [2, 6, 18, 19, 21, 22], "45": 2, "4gb": 18, "5": 8, "50": 18, "535": 18, "55120": 27, "55150": 25, "6": [8, 18, 22], "601": 27, "6041666666666666e": 8, "6869": 18, "709": 27, "8": [19, 22, 24, 27, 28], "8jviz": 30, "9": [8, 19], "A": [7, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28], "Al": [25, 27], "Con": [18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28], "De": 27, "Del": 27, "E": 22, "El": [8, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], "En": [8, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29], "Entre": 23, "Es": [18, 22, 27], "Eso": [19, 22], "Esta": [14, 19, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28], "Estado": 8, "Estas": 27, "Este": [22, 27, 28], "Esto": [8, 14, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27], "Estos": [22, 28, 30], "Est\u00e1": 27, "Hay": [18, 22, 23, 27], "La": [0, 8, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27], "Las": [20, 22, 23, 24, 25], "Laser": [23, 25], "Lo": [8, 19], "Los": [19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "Mi": 18, "No": [18, 19, 22, 27], "O": [8, 18, 22, 26], "OS": [18, 19], "Por": [8, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28], "Qu\u00e9": 21, "Se": [14, 19, 27], "Sin": [19, 22, 27], "Sino": 27, "Te": 25, "Un": [10, 20, 22, 24, 25], "Una": [11, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23], "Y": [3, 7, 20, 22, 25, 27], "__divider__": 14, "__init__": [10, 14], "_v": [22, 27], "aac": [2, 5], "abaj": [22, 23, 25, 26], "abertur": 3, "aberturn": 3, "abiert": [24, 25, 27], "abra": 27, "abre": [25, 27], "abriend": 19, "abrir": [2, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27], "abrirl": [19, 25], "absolut": 7, "ac3": 5, "aca": 27, "acced": 25, "acces": 25, "accion": [19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27], "acept": 22, "acerc": [11, 18, 20, 22, 23], "acercart": 22, "aces": 22, "achic": 27, "achiv": 14, "aciv": 22, "activ": [3, 7, 10, 17, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28], "activefil": [4, 7], 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"anterior": 11, "apag": [18, 22], "aparc": 27, "aparec": [18, 19, 22, 25, 28], "aparient": 22, "api": [0, 24, 25, 27], "aplic": [19, 22, 24], "app": 18, "apropi": [18, 28], "apt": 18, "aqu": [10, 24, 27], "aquell": 22, "archiv": [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28], "archivi": 27, "archivo": 22, "archivosr": 25, "are": [2, 20, 21, 23, 24], "arg0": [2, 3, 12, 13, 15], "arg1": 2, "args": [1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 15], "argument": 2, "arranc": [19, 22, 26, 27], "arranqu": [19, 25, 27], "arrastr": [22, 27], "arregl": 18, "arrib": [19, 22, 23, 25, 26], "arrstra": 22, "arte": 24, "artist": 22, "as": 27, "asegur": 25, "asegures": [18, 19, 27], "asi": [11, 18, 19, 22, 25, 27], "asign": 20, "asoci": [18, 19, 27], "aspect": [22, 24], "asum": [25, 27], "ataj": [18, 27], "atras": [13, 15, 20, 22, 25, 26, 29], "audi": [2, 8, 15, 24, 25], "audiocodec": [4, 5], "audiofilenam": 2, "audiooffset": 8, "audiopath": 8, "augost": 24, "aunqu": 11, "aut": [2, 18, 19], "automat": [18, 23, 25, 27], "automatic": 27, "av": 20, "av1": [5, 28], "avanz": 20, "avis": [18, 19], "ayud": [18, 27], "azar": 26, "azul": [3, 19, 20, 22], "b": [3, 7, 20, 22, 24, 25], "b44": 5, "b44a": 5, "background": [3, 4], "backgroundoptions": [3, 4], "backspac": 23, "baj": [3, 18, 19, 22, 27], "barr": [18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26], "bas": [8, 18, 23, 25, 27], "basenam": 15, "bash": 19, "basic": 28, "bastant": 22, "batall": 25, "bdr": 19, "befor": 8, "begins": 8, "being": 18, "bfil": [4, 7], "bien": [19, 25, 27], "bin": 19, "binari": 19, "bindex": [4, 7], "bitacor": [20, 21, 22, 27], "bits": [27, 28], "black": 27, "bloqu": 22, "blu": 3, "bocet": 25, "bocin": 22, "bool": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17], "bord": 23, "borr": [7, 20, 23, 24, 27], "bosquej": 23, "boton": [11, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27], "botond": 22, "brightness": 3, "brill": 3, "brok": 18, "bt2020": 3, "bucl": [15, 19, 20, 21, 22], "buen": 28, "buffers": 27, "bunny": 22, "bunny_v1": 22, "busc": [20, 22, 27], "buscador": [21, 25], "busqued": 0, "by": [25, 27], "bytes": 17, "c": [20, 27], "cab": 25, "caball": 25, "cach": [13, 17, 18, 21, 25, 29], "cache": 25, "caching": 26, "cad": [19, 25, 26, 27], "calcul": 8, "calid": [25, 28], "cambi": [3, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "camin": [9, 25, 26, 27], "camp": 18, "can": 27, "canal": [3, 20, 24, 25, 27], "cannot": 18, "cantid": [25, 28], "cap": [2, 7, 8, 22, 25], "capaz": 26, "caracterist": [23, 24, 25, 27], "carg": [11, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26], "carpet": [2, 19, 20, 21, 25], "cas": [26, 27], "casill": 27, "centr": [7, 20, 22, 27], "cer": 8, "cerc": [22, 24], "cercan": [22, 27], "cerr": [2, 7, 19, 20, 25], "cg": 22, "ch0_prefac": 11, "channels": [3, 4], "check": [2, 18], "checkerboard": 3, "checkers": 3, "checkerscolor0": 3, "checkerscolor1": 3, "checkerssiz": 3, "checkforupdat": [4, 13], "chequ": [22, 27], "cheque": [13, 18, 27], "chrom": [18, 19], "chromium": 18, "cie": 27, "cielab": 27, "cieluv": 27, "cierr": 18, "ciert": [1, 22], "cineform": 5, "cinematograf": 22, "circul": [20, 24], "clamp": 8, "clas": [1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14], "class": [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17], "clav": 12, "clearb": [4, 7], "clearmetadat": [4, 12], "click": 25, "client": [18, 24, 25, 27], "clip": [1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26], "clips": [19, 23, 24, 25], "cliqu": [19, 22, 23, 27], "clique": [19, 22, 23, 27], "clon": 25, "clos": [2, 4, 7], "closeall": [2, 4, 7], "cmd": [0, 4], "codec": 28, "codecs": [25, 26], "codif": [8, 28], "codific": 19, "codig": [18, 19, 24, 25], "colabor": 24, "coleccion": 24, "coleg": [23, 24], "color": [3, 4, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26], "color0": 3, "color1": 3, "color4f": [3, 4], "colour": 24, "column": [25, 28], "columns": 3, "com": [2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30], "comand": [2, 14, 20, 21, 22], "comentari": 23, "comenz": [0, 21, 25], "comienc": [23, 27], "comienz": [8, 22, 25, 26, 27], "command": [2, 18], "comment": 28, "commill": 2, "compabil": 28, "compar": [2, 4, 7, 20, 21, 24, 27], "comparemod": [2, 4, 7], "compareoptions": [2, 4, 7], "comparetimemod": [4, 7], "compart": [23, 24, 27], "compens": 8, "compil": [18, 21, 27, 28], "complej": [17, 27], "complet": [14, 20, 22, 25, 28], "complexity": 17, "compon": 27, "compor": 27, "comport": [19, 21, 22, 25, 29], "compresion": [5, 28], "compression": [4, 5], "comprim": [26, 28], "comput": [8, 24, 26], "comun": [14, 24], "coneccion": [25, 27], "conect": [25, 27], "conexion": 27, "config": [3, 22], "configur": [18, 22, 25, 27, 29], "confort": 22, "confund": 22, "conoc": [25, 27], "consider": [8, 27], "consol": [14, 18, 22], "constru": 24, "constructor": 10, "contains": 8, "conte": 17, "conten": [23, 24], "contenedor": 19, "content": 23, "context": 21, "contien": [1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27], "continu": 23, "contr": [3, 22, 25], "contrast": 3, "control": [3, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29], "contru": 8, "convenient": 19, "convert": 8, "conviert": 8, "copi": [20, 25], "cor": 18, "corporation": 18, "corr": [2, 18, 19, 25, 26], "correcion": 24, "correct": 18, "correspondient": 10, "cort": 20, "cortafueg": [25, 27], "cos": 26, "cq": 28, "cre": [2, 8, 11, 14, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30], "crec": 26, "cruz": [23, 27], "css": 18, "ctrl": [19, 20, 23], "cuadr": [1, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25], "cuadricul": [3, 25], "cualid": 28, "cualqu": [22, 23, 24], "cualqui": [11, 23, 24, 25, 27], "cuan": 27, "cuand": [18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28], "cuant": [23, 25, 29], "cuart": [22, 28], "cubic": [3, 25], "current": [2, 4, 12], "currenttim": 8, "cursor": 22, "curv": 22, "customiz": [24, 27], "d": 20, "dad": [8, 9, 15, 19, 23], "dand": 25, "darl": 22, "dat": [2, 8, 20, 25, 26], "dcoument": 2, "deadlin": 28, "deb": [14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28], "debes": 25, "debi": 19, "dec": 25, "decimal": [8, 27], "decodific": 26, "def": [10, 14], "default": [22, 25, 27], "defaultsp": [4, 15], "defect": [15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29], "defin": [10, 14, 24], "defog": 3, "dej": [18, 19, 22, 27], "delant": [22, 26], "delet": 23, "delg": 26, "delt": 8, "dem": 11, "demand": [24, 26, 27], "demoplugin": 10, "dentendr": 22, "dentr": [23, 24, 27], "depend": [23, 28], "der": 20, "derech": [3, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27], "dereproduccion": 9, "deriv": 22, "des": 22, "desacel": 27, "desactiv": 22, "desaparec": 23, "desarroll": [24, 30], "descarg": [19, 27], "descart": 23, "descomprim": 19, "desconoc": 19, "descripcion": 21, "description": [17, 24, 27], "desd": [2, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28], "desempa\u00f1": 3, "deshac": [20, 23], "desliz": 22, "despleg": 24, "despues": 25, "desvanec": 25, "detect": 22, "deten": [18, 26], "determin": 22, "detien": 26, "devic": 25, "diari": 24, "dibuj": [17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27], "dic": 19, "diccionari": 10, "dich": 25, "dict": [10, 12], "diferent": [8, 20, 22, 25, 27], "differenc": [7, 24], "different": 25, "dificil": 22, "dificult": 28, "dig": 22, "digit": 22, "digital": 27, "direccion": [20, 25], "direct": [19, 22, 23, 24], "directori": [14, 19, 22, 27, 28], "directoru": 8, "directory": [15, 18], "disc": [17, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "diskcach": 17, "display": [2, 3, 20, 24, 25, 26], "displayoptions": [2, 3, 4], "displays": 3, "dispon": [19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29], "disposit": 20, "distanci": [3, 8, 25], "distingu": 25, "distr": [18, 19], "distribu": [14, 19], "divid": 25, "divisor": 21, "divisori": 14, "dmg": 19, "dnd": 18, "docs": 11, "document": [19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 30], "dond": [8, 14, 19, 22, 25, 27], "dos": [2, 14, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28], "down": 20, "dpkg": 19, "dpx": 19, "drag": [18, 21, 24], "dramat": 27, "drawmod": [4, 17], "drivers": 18, "drop": [18, 21, 24], "drop_fram": 8, "dur": [23, 25], "duracion": [8, 27], "duraci\u00f2n": 8, "durant": [25, 30], "duration_extended_by": 8, "duration_from_start_end_tim": 8, "duration_from_start_end_time_inclusiv": 8, "dwa": [5, 26, 28], "dwab": [5, 28], "dwacompressionlevel": [2, 5], "dwb": 26, "edicion": [20, 22, 24], "edit": [19, 21, 24], "editor": [22, 25], "edl": [9, 25], "edls": 25, "efect": 24, "eficient": 26, "egl": 18, "ejecut": [14, 18, 19, 24, 25], "ejempl": [8, 10, 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28], "eleg": [19, 22, 25, 27, 28], "element": [6, 21], "elimin": 20, "ello": [22, 26], "em": 27, "email": 25, "embarg": [18, 19, 22], "emergent": 25, "emit": 25, "empat": [22, 26, 27], "empez": [13, 19, 22], "empiec": 23, "empotr": [22, 24, 25], "enabl": 3, "enablelighting": 17, "encabez": 27, "encodific": [22, 28], "encuentr": 19, "end": 8, "end_tim": 8, "end_time_exclusiv": 8, "end_time_inclusiv": 8, "enlac": 19, "enmarc": 20, "entend": 23, "enter": [6, 8, 19], "entiend": 26, "entonc": 8, "entorn": [2, 3, 14, 20, 21, 22, 27], "entrad": [3, 10, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25, 26], "entrant": 25, "entrar": [22, 23, 25, 26], "enums": [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17], "envi": 27, "environmentmapoptions": [2, 3, 4], "environmentmaptyp": [3, 4], "epsilon_s": 8, "equip": 24, "equival": 8, "equivalent": 22, "error": [18, 21, 22, 25], "escal": [8, 22], "escan": 19, "escap": [20, 23], "escenari": 17, "escrib": [23, 25, 26, 28], "escritori": [19, 24, 25, 27], "escuch": 27, "esencial": 24, "esfer": 25, "espaci": [3, 20, 22, 26], "especializ": 24, "especif": [19, 21, 23], "especific": [22, 25], "espej": 3, "esper": 26, "esquin": 18, "establec": [18, 20, 22, 25, 27], "establez": 22, "estan": [22, 24, 25, 27], "estandar": 27, "estandard": 22, "estatus": [20, 22, 26, 27], "estere": [2, 3, 7, 20, 21, 27], "esteror": 25, "estrict": 8, "estructur": 14, "estudi": 24, "etc": [19, 24, 25, 26], "evit": [18, 19], "exact": [22, 27], "exceptu": 8, "exclus": 8, "exe": 19, "exist": 25, "exit": 27, "explic": 22, "explor": [19, 25], "export": [18, 23, 24], "exposicion": [3, 20, 22, 24], "exposur": 3, "expresion": 27, "expression": 22, "exr": [3, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28], "exrcompression": [2, 5], "exrdisplay": [3, 4], "exrs": [19, 26], "extend": [8, 23], "extended_by": 8, "extension": [18, 19, 28], "extra": 27, "eyeseparation": 3, "f": [20, 22], "f1": [20, 22], "f10": [20, 27], "f11": [20, 22], "f12": [20, 22], "f2": [20, 22], "f3": [20, 22], "f4": [19, 20, 25], "f5": 20, "f6": [20, 25], "f7": [20, 22, 23], "f8": 20, "f9": [20, 25, 29], "facil": [19, 23, 24, 25], "fact": 22, "factor": 22, "fals": [2, 10], "familiaz": 19, "fantasm": [23, 25], "favor": [19, 28], "favorit": 27, "featur": 18, "ffmpeg": 5, "ffmpegaudiocodec": 2, "ffmpegprofil": [2, 5], "figur": 23, "fij": 23, "fil": [8, 12, 18, 27], "fileitem": 9, "filemedi": [4, 7, 8, 9], "filemodelitem": 9, "filenam": [2, 3, 9, 15], "filesequenceaudi": [4, 15], "film": 22, "filmaur": 27, "filtr": [3, 20, 25], "fin": [20, 26], "final": [8, 22, 25], "find": [19, 25], "finish": 8, "firstversion": [4, 7], "fit": 22, "fl": 2, "flag": 28, "flags": 18, "flech": [19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26], "flexibil": 24, "flipbook": 24, "float": [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 27, 28], "flot": 20, "flotant": [6, 27, 28], "flotat": 22, "fltk": [11, 27], "fltk14": 11, "fltk_backend": 18, "fluid_v0001": 22, "fluj": 24, "focal": [3, 25], "focaliz": 24, "focallength": 3, "fond": [3, 20, 26, 27], "font": 18, "for": [18, 27], "form": [18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27], "format": [24, 28], "formats": 28, "forward": 15, "fot": 18, "fps": [15, 19, 21, 25], "fraccional": 8, "fram": [1, 4, 8, 15, 19, 24, 26], "frecuent": [0, 21], "freg": [20, 24], "frent": 2, "from": [10, 11, 14], "from_fram": 8, "from_seconds": 8, "from_time_string": 8, "from_timecod": 8, "fromfil": 3, "fuent": [18, 19, 24, 25], "fuer": [8, 22, 23], "fullrang": 3, "funcion": [13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27], "funcional": 22, "function": [1, 8, 9, 12, 15], "fund": [24, 27], "g": [3, 20, 22], "gain": 20, "gam": [3, 20, 22, 24, 25], "gamm": 3, "gananci": [22, 24], "gb": 29, "gbra": 28, "gdk": 18, "gdkpixbuf": 18, "geforc": 18, "general": [21, 22], "geomflat": 17, "geomonly": 17, "geomsmooth": 17, "get": 8, "getbasenam": 8, "getcomparetim": [4, 7], "getdirectory": 8, "getextension": 8, "getlanguag": [2, 4], "getlayers": [2, 4], "getnumb": 8, "getpadding": 8, "getversion": [2, 4], "gga": 27, "ggarra13": [19, 28], "gigabyt": [13, 18, 25, 29], "gir": 3, "github": [19, 28], "gitlab": 11, "gnom": 18, "gom": [23, 24], "good": 28, "gpl": 28, "gpu": 18, "grab": [0, 2, 5, 9, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], "grabas": 25, "gradient": 3, "grafic": [18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], "grand": 22, "gre": 3, "gris": 22, "gtk": [18, 27], "guard": [26, 27], "gui": [0, 2, 24], "gz": 19, "h": [6, 20, 22], "h264": 28, "hab": 27, "hac": [18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], "haci": [22, 26], "hag": 22, "half": 28, "half_siz": 5, "har": 22, "hardwar": 26, "hast": [18, 19, 22], "hat": 19, "hav": 27, "hdr": 22, "hdtv": 27, "heads": 22, "hell": 10, "her": 27, "herrameint": 25, "herramient": [20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27], "hex": 27, "hh": 8, "hint": 18, "histogram": [20, 21], "hol": [10, 14], "holaplugin": 14, "hold": 8, "hom": [22, 27], "horizontal": [3, 7, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26], "horizontalapertur": 3, "hosts": 25, "hoy": 24, "hsl": 27, "hsv": 27, "html": 11, "https": [11, 18, 19, 28, 30], "hud": 20, "hw": 18, "i": [19, 20, 22, 26], "icon": [18, 19, 25], "ics": 3, "idx": 8, "ignor": [2, 25, 26, 27], "igual": [8, 22, 27], "ilumin": 17, "imag": [0, 2, 4, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26], "imagefilt": [3, 4], "imagefilters": [3, 4], "imagen": [19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26], "imageoptions": [2, 3, 4], "implement": 22, "import": [10, 11, 14, 24, 25, 27], "impres": [25, 27], "imprim": 22, "in": [10, 14, 25], "inclu": [8, 22, 24], "incluim": 28, "inclus": [8, 14, 25, 27], "incompat": 28, "independient": 22, "index": 7, "indic": [7, 9, 14, 23, 26, 28], "individu": 24, "individual": 24, "industri": 24, "inferior": [18, 22], "inform": [11, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27], "informacion": 19, "information": 25, "ingles": [0, 21, 22], "inhigh": 3, "inici": [20, 26], "inlow": 3, "inmediat": 22, "inoutrang": [4, 8, 15], "input": 3, "inputvideolevels": [3, 4], "ins": [0, 4], "insert": 20, "inspeccion": [22, 24], "instal": [2, 18, 21, 27, 28], "install": 18, "installation": 18, "instanci": 27, "instantan": 24, "instruccion": [27, 28], "int": [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17], "integ": 28, "integr": 24, "intent": 22, "inter": 23, "interaccion": [24, 25], "interact": 24, "interaz": 27, "intercambi": [3, 20], "interes": 22, "interfac": [2, 25], "interfaz": [0, 16, 18, 21, 24], "internacional": 24, "internet": [19, 27], "interpret": 24, "intersects": 8, "introduccion": [0, 21], "intrucion": 19, "intuit": 24, "inval": [2, 8], "invert": [3, 25], "io": [0, 2, 4, 11], "ipv4": 25, "ipv6": 25, "ir": [19, 26], "is": [18, 27, 28], "is_invalid_tim": 8, "is_valid_timecode_rat": 8, "isabsolut": 8, "isempty": 8, "ismut": [2, 4], "item": [2, 7, 19], "itemb": 2, "items": [2, 9, 24], "itu": 27, "iu": 16, "izq": 20, "izquierd": [3, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27], "j": 20, "jammy": 18, "japones": 24, "jpeg": 19, "jpg": 24, "junt": [22, 25, 27], "k": 20, "kas": 7, "kde": 18, "key": 12, "keys": [24, 27], "kneehigh": 3, "kneelow": 3, "knon": [3, 5, 15], "kwargs": [1, 8, 9, 12, 15], "l": 22, "l_f16": 3, "l_f32": 3, "l_u16": 3, "l_u32": 3, "l_u8": 3, "la_f16": 3, "la_f32": 3, "la_u16": 3, "la_u32": 3, "la_u8": 3, "lab": 27, "lad": [22, 23], "lament": 18, "lan": 24, "lanc": 18, "lanz": [18, 21, 27], "lapiz": 20, "lastversion": [4, 7], "latest": 18, "lay": 7, "layers": [4, 7], "lea": 22, "leer": [13, 26], "left": 25, "legal": [22, 27], "legalrang": 3, "lej": [22, 27], "lenguaj": [2, 21], "lent": [18, 26, 27], "level": 28, "levels": [3, 4], "lib64": 18, "libnvidi": 18, "libr": 23, "licenci": 28, "liger": 23, "lightness": 27, "likely": 18, "limit": [8, 20, 26], "limpiaparabris": [7, 20, 25], "lin": [3, 24, 25, 26], "line": [2, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26], "lineal": [22, 27], "linux": [14, 19, 21, 27], "list": [2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30], "llam": [2, 10, 14, 27, 28], "llav": 10, "llend": 27, "lleng": 20, "llev": [19, 22, 23, 25], "load": [4, 12, 18], "loaders": 18, "local": [24, 27], "localiz": [25, 27], "log": [18, 22], "logaritm": 22, "logges": 18, "logic": 22, "logr": 22, "look": [3, 22], "looks": [3, 22], "loop": [4, 8, 15], "ls": 27, "lts": 18, "lueg": [18, 19, 22], "lug": [19, 22, 25], "luminanc": 27, "lumm": 27, "lut": [2, 3, 25, 27], "lutoptions": [2, 3, 4], "lutord": [3, 4], "luv": 27, "mac": [14, 19], "magnif": [3, 20], "magnify": 3, "main": 18, "mak": 18, "management": 24, "manej": [0, 12, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27], "mantendr": 27, "mantien": 22, "manual": [19, 27], "map": [2, 3, 20, 21, 27], "mape": [21, 25], "maquin": [25, 27], "marc": [22, 23, 27], "marcador": [20, 23], "marcardor": 22, "march": 23, "mas": [14, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "masc": [24, 27], "matemat": 6, "math": [0, 3, 4, 7], "max": 18, "maxim": [22, 25, 26], "mayor": [20, 22, 24, 26, 28], "mayus": 20, "means": 18, "med": 8, "medi": [0, 2, 4, 8, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28], "meets": 8, "meid": 25, "mejor": [18, 26, 28], "members": [3, 5, 7, 15, 17], "memori": [13, 18, 25, 29], "memory": [4, 13], "men": [18, 20, 22, 27], "menor": [8, 20], "mensaj": [19, 25], "menu": [10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28], "menus": [10, 14, 22], "mes": 18, "metadat": [4, 12, 19, 22, 25], "metod": [10, 14], "mezcl": [3, 19], "microsegund": 8, "mientr": [18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 28], "miniatur": [18, 20, 21], "minif": [3, 20], "minify": 3, "minim": 25, "minitur": 22, "minuscul": 28, "mir": [11, 21], "mirror": [3, 4], "mism": [2, 8, 19, 22, 25, 28], "mit": [18, 25, 27, 28, 29], "mm": 8, "mod": [2, 7, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28], "model": 17, "modern": 18, "modific": [21, 22, 25, 27], "modul": [0, 4, 11, 18], "moment": 27, "monitor": [22, 24], "mosaic": [20, 24, 25], "mostr": [18, 19, 21, 23, 25], "motor": 24, "mous": [22, 27], "mov": [19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28], "mp2": 5, "mp3": 5, "mp4": 24, "mrv2": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], "mrv2_hell": 14, "mrv2_python_plugins": 14, "mrv2s": 24, "much": [18, 22, 25, 26, 27], "mud": [8, 22], "muell": 27, "muestr": [8, 22, 24, 25, 27], "muestrasd": 8, "muev": [18, 27], "multipl": [22, 24, 25], "multitud": 24, "mut": [2, 8], "mutism": 2, "mutt": 18, "m\u00f2dul": [1, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15], "n": [20, 27], "nad": 27, "nam": [3, 5, 7, 15, 18], "nan": 8, "nativ": [19, 24], "natural": [19, 27], "nautilus": [19, 25], "naveg": [21, 24], "ndi": [21, 24], "nearest": 3, "nearest_valid_timecode_rat": 8, "necesari": [22, 27], "necesit": [18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27], "negr": [20, 22, 27], "network": 25, "new": 10, "new_rat": 8, "nextversion": [4, 7], "ningun": [22, 27, 28], "nivel": [3, 5, 25], "nobl": 18, "nombr": [3, 9, 22, 25, 28], "nombrepresete": 28, "non": [1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17], "normal": 22, "normaliz": 2, "not": [0, 1, 2, 18, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28], "notariz": 19, "notes": [22, 27], "ntsc": 27, "nuev": [7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27], "nuk": 22, "numer": [8, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "nunc": 25, "nvidi": 18, "object": 8, "objet": 8, "obten": [2, 7, 17, 26], "obteng": 2, "obtien": [3, 15], "obvi": 26, "oci": [3, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25], "ocioconfig": [3, 4], "ocioics": [3, 4], "ocioicslist": [3, 4], "ociolook": [3, 4], "ociolooklist": [3, 4], "ocioview": [3, 4], "ocioviewlist": [3, 4], "ocul": 18, "ocult": [18, 21, 23, 27], "ocurr": [23, 25], "ojo": 3, "ojos": 3, "on": 19, "once": 15, "onda": 20, "ondas": 22, "opac": 24, "opcion": [2, 3, 7, 17, 19, 22, 25], "opcional": [2, 8, 10], "open": [2, 4, 18], "opencolori": [22, 27], "openexr": [5, 22], "openexrs": [2, 22], "opengl": [3, 18, 21, 24], "opentimelinei": [24, 25], "oper": [3, 22, 25, 27], "optimiz": 26, "optional": 18, "options": [2, 5], "opuest": 8, "opus": 5, "or": [8, 14, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28], "orden": 3, "order": 3, "org": 18, "organiz": [19, 22, 24], "original": 27, "oscur": 22, "other": 8, "oti": [9, 19, 22, 24, 27], "out": 25, "outhigh": 3, "outlow": 3, "output": [3, 25], "overlaps": 8, "overlay": [7, 20, 24], "overload": [1, 8, 9, 12, 15], "ozon": 18, "p": 20, "packag": 18, "pag": 20, "pagin": 0, "pal": 27, "palabr": [8, 19], "pan": [22, 24, 27], "panel": [0, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 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a la documentaci\u00f3n de mrv2!", "M\u00f3dulo de anotaciones", "M\u00f3dulo cmd", "M\u00f3dulo image", "Python API", "M\u00f3dulo io", "M\u00f3dulo math", "M\u00f3dulo media", "M\u00f3dulo mrv2", "M\u00f3dulo playlist", "M\u00f3dulo de plugin", "pyFLTK", "M\u00f3dulo session", "M\u00f3dulo settings", "Sistema de Plug-ins", "M\u00f3dulo timeline", "M\u00f3dulo ui", "usd module", "Preguntas Frecuentes", "Comenzando", "Teclas de Manejo", "Gu\u00eda del Usuario de mrv2", "La interfaz de mrv2", "Notas y Anotaciones", "Introducci\u00f3n", "Paneles", "Reproducci\u00f3n de V\u00eddeo", "Preferencias", "Grabando", "Seteos", "Tutoriales de Video (en Ingl\u00e9s)"], "titleterms": {"2": 24, "3d": 25, "4": 24, "A": 22, "La": 22, "Las": 27, "Los": 22, "Qu\u00e9": 24, "Un": 27, "Una": 27, "activ": 27, "actual": [24, 26, 27], "actualiz": 27, "agreg": [23, 27], "alfa": [22, 27], "altern": 22, "and": [19, 22, 27], "annot": 28, "anot": [1, 22, 23, 25, 28], "apart": 27, "api": 4, "archiv": [25, 27], "are": [22, 25, 27], "arrib": 27, "asoci": 22, "associat": 27, "audi": [22, 27, 28], "aut": [22, 27], "autoencuadr": 22, "barr": [22, 27], "bienven": 0, "bitacor": 25, "borr": 22, "boton": 25, "brech": 22, "bucl": [26, 27], "built": 27, "buscador": [19, 27], "cach": 26, "canal": 22, "carg": [19, 27], "carpet": 27, "click": 27, "clips": [22, 27], "cmd": 2, "color": [25, 27], "comand": 19, "comenz": [19, 27], "compar": 25, "compil": 19, "complet": 27, "comport": [26, 27], "config": 27, "configs": 27, "conten": 0, "context": 25, "control": 22, "controls": 22, "copi": [22, 27], "cort": 22, "cuadr": [22, 26, 27], "dat": 22, "defect": 27, "derech": 25, "descripcion": 24, "deshac": 22, "dibuj": 23, "display": [22, 27], "displays": 27, "divisor": 22, "dock": 27, "document": 0, "drag": 19, "drop": 19, "edicion": 27, "edit": [22, 27], "edls": 27, "element": [22, 27], "elimin": 27, "end": 22, "entorn": 25, "entrad": [22, 27], "error": 27, "espaci": 27, "especif": 26, "esquem": 27, "estere": 25, "faltant": 27, "ffmpeg": 27, "fij": 27, "filtr": [22, 27], "flot": 27, "fond": 22, "fps": [22, 26, 27], "fram": [22, 27], "frecuent": 18, "freg": 27, "gam": 27, "gananci": 27, "general": 24, "grab": [27, 28], "gui": [21, 22], "histogram": 25, "hud": [22, 27], "ignor": 22, "imag": [3, 22, 27], "imagen": [27, 28], "in": 27, "indic": [0, 22], "indicator": 22, "inform": 25, "ingles": 30, "ins": 14, "insert": 22, "instal": 19, "instanc": 27, "interaccion": 22, "interfaz": [22, 27], "introduccion": 24, "inval": 22, "io": 5, "ir": 22, "lanz": 19, "lenguaj": 27, "line": [19, 22, 27], "linux": 18, "list": 25, "lumin": 27, "mac": 27, "magnif": [22, 27], "manej": 20, "map": 25, "mape": 27, "marcador": [22, 27], "masc": 22, "math": 6, "maxim": 27, "medi": [7, 19, 25], "menu": [19, 22, 25], "menus": 27, "mezcl": [22, 27], "miniatur": [22, 27], "minif": [22, 27], "mir": 19, "mod": [26, 27], "modific": 23, "modul": [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17], "monitor": 27, "mostr": [22, 27], "mrv2": [0, 8, 19, 21, 22, 24], "nativ": 27, "naveg": 23, "ndi": 25, "next": 22, "nivel": [22, 27], "normal": 27, "normaliz": 22, "not": 23, "oci": 27, "ocult": 22, "opcion": 28, "openexr": 28, "opengl": 27, "option": 28, "panel": [22, 25, 27], "panels": 27, "pantall": 27, "par": 27, "peg": 22, "pelicul": 28, "per": 27, "personaliz": 22, "pixel": 27, "plataform": 18, "play": 22, "playlist": 9, "plug": 14, "plugin": 10, "posicion": 27, "precision": 27, "preferent": 27, "pregunt": 18, "present": 27, "previ": [22, 27], "previous": 22, "primer": 22, "punt": 22, "pyfltk": 11, "python": [4, 25], "raton": [22, 25], "reban": 22, "recient": 19, "recort": 27, "red": [25, 27], "reencuadr": 27, "regex": 27, "rehac": 22, "remov": [22, 27], "rend": [22, 27], "reproduc": 27, "reproduccion": [22, 25, 26], "rgba": 27, "saf": 27, "sal": [22, 27], "second": 27, "secundari": 27, "segund": 27, "segur": 22, "sensit": 27, "sequenci": 28, "session": 12, "sete": [25, 29], "settings": 13, "siempr": 27, "siguient": 22, "sistem": 14, "sobr": 27, "sol": 27, "start": 22, "superior": 22, "support": 19, "tabl": 0, "tama\u00f1": 27, "tecl": [20, 26], "tem": 27, "temporari": 27, "tiemp": [22, 27], "timelin": 15, "tipograf": 27, "tod": [18, 22], "tom": 27, "tool": 27, "transicion": 27, "transition": 22, "transport": 22, "tutorial": 30, "ui": [16, 27], "ultim": 22, "usar": 27, "usd": [17, 25, 27], "use": 27, "usuari": [21, 27], "v1": 24, "valor": [22, 27], "vectorscopi": 25, "veloc": [26, 27], "ventan": [22, 27], "version": [22, 24, 27], "viaj": 27, "vide": [22, 26, 27, 28, 30], "view": 22, "visor": 22, "vist": [22, 27], "volt": 22, "vsync": 27, "wayland": [18, 19], "windows": 18, "zoom": 27}})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mrv2/po/en.po b/mrv2/po/en.po
index 3ede732b8..558e6241c 100644
--- a/mrv2/po/en.po
+++ b/mrv2/po/en.po
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ msgid ""
"USD module.\n"
-"Contains all classes and enums related to USD (Universal Scene Description). \n"
+"Contains all classes and enums related to USD (Universal Scene "
+"Description). \n"
msgstr ""
"USD module.\n"
-"Contains all classes and enums related to USD (Universal Scene Description). \n"
+"Contains all classes and enums related to USD (Universal Scene "
+"Description). \n"
msgid "Renderer Name"
msgstr "Renderer Name"
@@ -308,11 +310,11 @@ msgid "Duplicated Python plugin {0} in {1} and {2}."
msgstr "Duplicated Python plugin {0} in {1} and {2}."
msgid ""
-"Expected a tuple containing a Python function and a string with menu options"
-" in it."
+"Expected a tuple containing a Python function and a string with menu options "
+"in it."
msgstr ""
-"Expected a tuple containing a Python function and a string with menu options"
-" in it."
+"Expected a tuple containing a Python function and a string with menu options "
+"in it."
msgid ""
"Expected a handle to a Python function or to a tuple containing a Python "
@@ -400,7 +402,8 @@ msgid ""
" Dictionary of menu entries as keys with callbacks as values.\n"
-" :return: A dictionary of menu entries and their corresponding callbacks.\n"
+" :return: A dictionary of menu entries and their corresponding "
" :rtype: dict\n"
" \"\"\"\n"
@@ -444,7 +447,8 @@ msgstr ""
" Dictionary of menu entries as keys with callbacks as values.\n"
-" :return: A dictionary of menu entries and their corresponding callbacks.\n"
+" :return: A dictionary of menu entries and their corresponding "
" :rtype: dict\n"
" \"\"\"\n"
@@ -504,20 +508,24 @@ msgstr "unsupported operand type(s) for {0}: RationalTime and {1}"
msgid ""
-"The RationalTime class represents a measure of time of :math:`rt.value/rt.rate` seconds.\n"
+"The RationalTime class represents a measure of time of :math:`rt.value/rt."
+"rate` seconds.\n"
"It can be rescaled into another :class:`~RationalTime`'s rate.\n"
msgstr ""
-"The RationalTime class represents a measure of time of :math:`rt.value/rt.rate` seconds.\n"
+"The RationalTime class represents a measure of time of :math:`rt.value/rt."
+"rate` seconds.\n"
"It can be rescaled into another :class:`~RationalTime`'s rate.\n"
msgid ""
-"Returns true if the time is invalid. The time is considered invalid if the value or the rate are a NaN value\n"
+"Returns true if the time is invalid. The time is considered invalid if the "
+"value or the rate are a NaN value\n"
"or if the rate is less than or equal to zero.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Returns true if the time is invalid. The time is considered invalid if the value or the rate are a NaN value\n"
+"Returns true if the time is invalid. The time is considered invalid if the "
+"value or the rate are a NaN value\n"
"or if the rate is less than or equal to zero.\n"
msgid "Returns the time value for time converted to new_rate."
@@ -531,35 +539,43 @@ msgstr "Returns the time value for \"self\" converted to new_rate."
msgid ""
-"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (excluding last). This is not the same as distance.\n"
+"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (excluding last). This is "
+"not the same as distance.\n"
-"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 5 frames. Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
+"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 5 frames. "
+"Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (excluding last). This is not the same as distance.\n"
+"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (excluding last). This is "
+"not the same as distance.\n"
-"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 5 frames. Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
+"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 5 frames. "
+"Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
msgid ""
-"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (including last). This is not the same as distance.\n"
+"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (including last). This is "
+"not the same as distance.\n"
-"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 6 frames. Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
+"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 6 frames. "
+"Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (including last). This is not the same as distance.\n"
+"Compute the duration of samples from first to last (including last). This is "
+"not the same as distance.\n"
-"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 6 frames. Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
+"For example, the duration of a clip from frame 10 to frame 15 is 6 frames. "
+"Result will be in the rate of start_time.\n"
msgid "Returns true if the rate is valid for use with timecode."
msgstr "Returns true if the rate is valid for use with timecode."
msgid ""
-"Returns the first valid timecode rate that has the least difference from the"
-" given value."
+"Returns the first valid timecode rate that has the least difference from the "
+"given value."
msgstr ""
-"Returns the first valid timecode rate that has the least difference from the"
-" given value."
+"Returns the first valid timecode rate that has the least difference from the "
+"given value."
msgid "Turn a frame number and rate into a :class:`~RationalTime` object."
msgstr "Turn a frame number and rate into a :class:`~RationalTime` object."
@@ -574,11 +590,9 @@ msgid "Convert to timecode (``HH:MM:SS;FRAME``)"
msgstr "Convert to timecode (``HH:MM:SS;FRAME``)"
msgid ""
-"Convert a timecode string (``HH:MM:SS;FRAME``) into a "
+"Convert a timecode string (``HH:MM:SS;FRAME``) into a :class:`~RationalTime`."
msgstr ""
-"Convert a timecode string (``HH:MM:SS;FRAME``) into a "
+"Convert a timecode string (``HH:MM:SS;FRAME``) into a :class:`~RationalTime`."
msgid ""
"Convert a time with microseconds string (``HH:MM:ss`` where ``ss`` is an "
@@ -589,13 +603,17 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"The TimeRange class represents a range in time. It encodes the start time and the duration,\n"
-"meaning that :meth:`end_time_inclusive` (last portion of a sample in the time range) and\n"
+"The TimeRange class represents a range in time. It encodes the start time "
+"and the duration,\n"
+"meaning that :meth:`end_time_inclusive` (last portion of a sample in the "
+"time range) and\n"
":meth:`end_time_exclusive` can be computed.\n"
msgstr ""
-"The TimeRange class represents a range in time. It encodes the start time and the duration,\n"
-"meaning that :meth:`end_time_inclusive` (last portion of a sample in the time range) and\n"
+"The TimeRange class represents a range in time. It encodes the start time "
+"and the duration,\n"
+"meaning that :meth:`end_time_inclusive` (last portion of a sample in the "
+"time range) and\n"
":meth:`end_time_exclusive` can be computed.\n"
msgid ""
@@ -608,7 +626,8 @@ msgid ""
"If the time range starts at (0, 24) with duration (10.5, 24):\n"
"(10, 24)\n"
-"In other words, the last frame with data, even if the last frame is fractional.\n"
+"In other words, the last frame with data, even if the last frame is "
msgstr ""
"The time of the last sample containing data in the time range.\n"
@@ -619,7 +638,8 @@ msgstr ""
"If the time range starts at (0, 24) with duration (10.5, 24):\n"
"(10, 24)\n"
-"In other words, the last frame with data, even if the last frame is fractional.\n"
+"In other words, the last frame with data, even if the last frame is "
msgid ""
@@ -640,8 +660,7 @@ msgstr ""
"If start frame is 10 and duration is 5.5, then end_time_exclusive is\n"
"15.5, because the last time with data in this range is 15.\n"
-msgid ""
-"Construct a new :class:`~TimeRange` that is this one extended by other."
+msgid "Construct a new :class:`~TimeRange` that is this one extended by other."
msgstr ""
"Construct a new :class:`~TimeRange` that is this one extended by other."
@@ -730,8 +749,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"The start of `this` strictly precedes end of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
-"The end of `this` strictly antecedes start of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The start of `this` strictly precedes end of `other` by a value >= "
+"The end of `this` strictly antecedes start of `other` by a value >= "
" [ this ]\n"
@@ -740,8 +761,10 @@ msgid ""
"The converse would be ``other.overlaps(this)``\n"
msgstr ""
-"The start of `this` strictly precedes end of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
-"The end of `this` strictly antecedes start of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The start of `this` strictly precedes end of `other` by a value >= "
+"The end of `this` strictly antecedes start of `other` by a value >= "
" [ this ]\n"
@@ -811,7 +834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The start of `this` strictly equals the start of `other`.\n"
-"The end of `this` strictly precedes the end of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The end of `this` strictly precedes the end of `other` by a value >= "
" [ this ]\n"
@@ -821,7 +845,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"The start of `this` strictly equals the start of `other`.\n"
-"The end of `this` strictly precedes the end of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The end of `this` strictly precedes the end of `other` by a value >= "
" [ this ]\n"
@@ -852,7 +877,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"The start of `this` strictly antecedes the start of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The start of `this` strictly antecedes the start of `other` by a value >= "
"The end of `this` strictly equals the end of `other`.\n"
@@ -862,7 +888,8 @@ msgid ""
"The converse would be ``other.finishes(this)``\n"
msgstr ""
-"The start of `this` strictly antecedes the start of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The start of `this` strictly antecedes the start of `other` by a value >= "
"The end of `this` strictly equals the end of `other`.\n"
@@ -873,8 +900,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"The start of `this` precedes or equals the end of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
-"The end of `this` antecedes or equals the start of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The start of `this` precedes or equals the end of `other` by a value >= "
+"The end of `this` antecedes or equals the start of `other` by a value >= "
" [ this ] OR [ other ]\n"
@@ -883,8 +912,10 @@ msgid ""
"The converse would be ``other.finishes(this)``\n"
msgstr ""
-"The start of `this` precedes or equals the end of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
-"The end of `this` antecedes or equals the start of `other` by a value >= `epsilon_s`.\n"
+"The start of `this` precedes or equals the end of `other` by a value >= "
+"The end of `this` antecedes or equals the start of `other` by a value >= "
" [ this ] OR [ other ]\n"
@@ -894,25 +925,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s (exclusive).\n"
+"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s "
-"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a duration of 9.\n"
+"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a "
+"duration of 9.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s (exclusive).\n"
+"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s "
-"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a duration of 9.\n"
+"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a "
+"duration of 9.\n"
msgid ""
-"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s (inclusive).\n"
+"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s "
-"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a duration of 10.\n"
+"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a "
+"duration of 10.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s (inclusive).\n"
+"Creates a :class:`~TimeRange` from start and end :class:`~RationalTime`\\s "
-"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a duration of 10.\n"
+"For example, if start_time is 1 and end_time is 10, the returned will have a "
+"duration of 10.\n"
msgid ""
@@ -1371,12 +1410,14 @@ msgid ""
"Command module.\n"
-"Used to run main commands and get arguments and set the display, image, compare, LUT options.\n"
+"Used to run main commands and get arguments and set the display, image, "
+"compare, LUT options.\n"
msgstr ""
"Command module.\n"
-"Used to run main commands and get arguments and set the display, image, compare, LUT options.\n"
+"Used to run main commands and get arguments and set the display, image, "
+"compare, LUT options.\n"
msgid ""
"Get command-line arguments passed as single quoted string to -pythonArgs."
@@ -1594,11 +1635,11 @@ msgid "Python Script to run and exit."
msgstr "Python Script to run and exit."
msgid ""
-"Python Arguments to pass to the Python script as a single quoted string like"
-" \"arg1 'arg2 asd' arg3\", stored in cmd.argv."
+"Python Arguments to pass to the Python script as a single quoted string like "
+"\"arg1 'arg2 asd' arg3\", stored in cmd.argv."
msgstr ""
-"Python Arguments to pass to the Python script as a single quoted string like"
-" \"arg1 'arg2 asd' arg3\", stored in cmd.argv."
+"Python Arguments to pass to the Python script as a single quoted string like "
+"\"arg1 'arg2 asd' arg3\", stored in cmd.argv."
msgid "Reset settings to defaults."
msgstr "Reset settings to defaults."
@@ -2855,15 +2896,12 @@ msgid "Saving pictures to {0}."
msgstr "Saving pictures to {0}."
msgid ""
-"VP9 profile needs a .mp4, .mkv or .webm movie extension. Changing it to "
+"VP9 profile needs a .mp4, .mkv or .webm movie extension. Changing it to .mp4"
msgstr ""
-"VP9 profile needs a .mp4, .mkv or .webm movie extension. Changing it to "
+"VP9 profile needs a .mp4, .mkv or .webm movie extension. Changing it to .mp4"
msgid "AV1 profile needs a .mp4 or .mkv movie extension. Changing it to .mp4"
-msgstr ""
-"AV1 profile needs a .mp4 or .mkv movie extension. Changing it to .mp4"
+msgstr "AV1 profile needs a .mp4 or .mkv movie extension. Changing it to .mp4"
msgid ""
"GoPro Cineform profile needs a .mkv movie extension. Changing it to .mkv"
@@ -3434,11 +3472,11 @@ msgid "Unknown action mode in "
msgstr "Unknown action mode in "
msgid ""
-"Cannot create an annotation here for all frames. A current frame annotation"
-" already exists."
+"Cannot create an annotation here for all frames. A current frame annotation "
+"already exists."
msgstr ""
-"Cannot create an annotation here for all frames. A current frame annotation"
-" already exists."
+"Cannot create an annotation here for all frames. A current frame annotation "
+"already exists."
msgid ""
"Cannot create an annotation here for current frame. An all frames "
@@ -4804,20 +4842,24 @@ msgid ""
" Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B\n"
"Y' (Lumma) is the weighted pixel value according to:\n"
" Y' = ( R + G + B ) / 3.0\n"
-"L (Lightness) is the human perception of luminance of the image which is non linear.\n"
+"L (Lightness) is the human perception of luminance of the image which is non "
"According to CIE No.15.2:\n"
" L = (116 * Y ^ 1/3 - 16) / 100\n"
-"A pixel of Y = 0.18 (L = 0.5) will appear about half as bright as Y = L = 1.0 (white)."
+"A pixel of Y = 0.18 (L = 0.5) will appear about half as bright as Y = L = "
+"1.0 (white)."
msgstr ""
"Switch brightness calculation.\n"
"Y (Luminance) is the pixel value according to Rec709:\n"
" Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B\n"
"Y' (Lumma) is the weighted pixel value according to:\n"
" Y' = ( R + G + B ) / 3.0\n"
-"L (Lightness) is the human perception of luminance of the image which is non linear.\n"
+"L (Lightness) is the human perception of luminance of the image which is non "
"According to CIE No.15.2:\n"
" L = (116 * Y ^ 1/3 - 16) / 100\n"
-"A pixel of Y = 0.18 (L = 0.5) will appear about half as bright as Y = L = 1.0 (white)."
+"A pixel of Y = 0.18 (L = 0.5) will appear about half as bright as Y = L = "
+"1.0 (white)."
msgid "Luminance of image pixel under mouse."
msgstr "Luminance of image pixel under mouse."
@@ -5376,10 +5418,12 @@ msgstr "Single Instance"
msgid ""
"When selected, only a single mrv2 instance is allowed.\n"
-"If you try to open several mrv2s with different images, all these images will be sent to the already open mrv2."
+"If you try to open several mrv2s with different images, all these images "
+"will be sent to the already open mrv2."
msgstr ""
"When selected, only a single mrv2 instance is allowed.\n"
-"If you try to open several mrv2s with different images, all these images will be sent to the already open mrv2."
+"If you try to open several mrv2s with different images, all these images "
+"will be sent to the already open mrv2."
msgid "Auto Refit Image"
msgstr "Auto Refit Image"
@@ -5440,11 +5484,9 @@ msgid "Topbar"
msgstr "Topbar"
msgid ""
-"When selected, mrv2 will start with its channel, gain, gamma toolbar "
+"When selected, mrv2 will start with its channel, gain, gamma toolbar visible."
msgstr ""
-"When selected, mrv2 will start with its channel, gain, gamma toolbar "
+"When selected, mrv2 will start with its channel, gain, gamma toolbar visible."
msgid "Pixel Toolbar"
msgstr "Pixel Toolbar"
@@ -5475,14 +5517,12 @@ msgid "Tool Dock"
msgstr "Tool Dock"
msgid "When selected, mrv2 will start with the action tool dock already open."
-msgstr ""
-"When selected, mrv2 will start with the action tool dock already open."
+msgstr "When selected, mrv2 will start with the action tool dock already open."
msgid "Only One Panel"
msgstr "Only One Panel"
-msgid ""
-"When selected, mrv2 will start with the only one panel option selected."
+msgid "When selected, mrv2 will start with the only one panel option selected."
msgstr ""
"When selected, mrv2 will start with the only one panel option selected."
@@ -5656,12 +5696,12 @@ msgid "Fixed Position"
msgstr "Fixed Position"
msgid ""
-"When this option is set, mrv2 will open in the position you set here (except"
-" if the window goes out of the Desktop). If Always Save on Exit is on, the "
+"When this option is set, mrv2 will open in the position you set here (except "
+"if the window goes out of the Desktop). If Always Save on Exit is on, the "
"values are recakculated upon exiting the program."
msgstr ""
-"When this option is set, mrv2 will open in the position you set here (except"
-" if the window goes out of the Desktop). If Always Save on Exit is on, the "
+"When this option is set, mrv2 will open in the position you set here (except "
+"if the window goes out of the Desktop). If Always Save on Exit is on, the "
"values are recakculated upon exiting the program."
msgid "X:"
@@ -5749,11 +5789,11 @@ msgid "Remove EDLs in Temporary Folder on Exit"
msgstr "Remove EDLs in Temporary Folder on Exit"
msgid ""
-"When selected, temporary EDLs (Playlists) will be removed from the temporary"
-" folder."
+"When selected, temporary EDLs (Playlists) will be removed from the temporary "
msgstr ""
-"When selected, temporary EDLs (Playlists) will be removed from the temporary"
-" folder."
+"When selected, temporary EDLs (Playlists) will be removed from the temporary "
msgid "Playback"
msgstr "Playback"
@@ -5811,13 +5851,13 @@ msgid "Scrub Sensitivity"
msgstr "Scrub Sensitivity"
msgid ""
-"This setting controls the sensitivity of scrubbing (SHIFT and then the mouse"
-" right and left). Smaller values make the mouse move jump more frames while"
-" higher values does the opposite."
+"This setting controls the sensitivity of scrubbing (SHIFT and then the mouse "
+"right and left). Smaller values make the mouse move jump more frames while "
+"higher values does the opposite."
msgstr ""
-"This setting controls the sensitivity of scrubbing (SHIFT and then the mouse"
-" right and left). Smaller values make the mouse move jump more frames while"
-" higher values does the opposite."
+"This setting controls the sensitivity of scrubbing (SHIFT and then the mouse "
+"right and left). Smaller values make the mouse move jump more frames while "
+"higher values does the opposite."
msgid "Default View"
msgstr "Default View"
@@ -5882,30 +5922,36 @@ msgid "8-bits"
msgstr "8-bits"
msgid ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 8 bit images (jpg, bmp, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 8 bit images (jpg, bmp, "
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_8bits_ICS)"
msgstr ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 8 bit images (jpg, bmp, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 8 bit images (jpg, bmp, "
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_8bits_ICS)"
msgid "16-bits"
msgstr "16-bits"
msgid ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 16-bit images (cin, tiff, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 16-bit images (cin, tiff, "
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_16bits_ICS)"
msgstr ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 16-bit images (cin, tiff, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 16-bit images (cin, tiff, "
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_16bits_ICS)"
msgid "32-bits"
msgstr "32-bits"
msgid ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 32-bit int images (openexr integers, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 32-bit int images "
+"(openexr integers, etc)\n"
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_32bits_ICS)"
msgstr ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 32-bit int images (openexr integers, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for 32-bit int images "
+"(openexr integers, etc)\n"
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_32bits_ICS)"
msgid "half"
@@ -5922,10 +5968,12 @@ msgid "float"
msgstr "float"
msgid ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for half and float images (OpenEXR, dpx, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for half and float images "
+"(OpenEXR, dpx, etc)\n"
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_float_ICS)"
msgstr ""
-"The name of the OCIO default image color space for half and float images (OpenEXR, dpx, etc)\n"
+"The name of the OCIO default image color space for half and float images "
+"(OpenEXR, dpx, etc)\n"
"(Environment variable: MRV_OCIO_float_ICS)"
msgid "Default Look"
@@ -6062,8 +6110,7 @@ msgid "API"
msgstr "API"
msgid "Audio API to use for platforms that support multiple APIs (Linux only)"
-msgstr ""
-"Audio API to use for platforms that support multiple APIs (Linux only)"
+msgstr "Audio API to use for platforms that support multiple APIs (Linux only)"
msgid "Output Device"
msgstr "Output Device"
@@ -6085,11 +6132,9 @@ msgid "Use ComfyUI Pipe"
msgstr "Use ComfyUI Pipe"
msgid ""
-"This setting opens a pipe to communicate with ComfyUI's "
+"This setting opens a pipe to communicate with ComfyUI's mrv2_save_exr_node.py"
msgstr ""
-"This setting opens a pipe to communicate with ComfyUI's "
+"This setting opens a pipe to communicate with ComfyUI's mrv2_save_exr_node.py"
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Errors"
@@ -6109,8 +6154,7 @@ msgstr "Adjusts how Log Window behaves in case of error."
msgid "Check for Updates"
msgstr "Check for Updates"
-msgid ""
-"Allows you to automatically download updates of mrv2 when it starts up."
+msgid "Allows you to automatically download updates of mrv2 when it starts up."
msgstr ""
"Allows you to automatically download updates of mrv2 when it starts up."
@@ -6204,12 +6248,12 @@ msgstr "Click to delete the selected preset."
msgid ""
"Select, Add or Delete an OCIO Preset that stores: config filename, Input "
-"Color Space, View, Look, LUT settings and Defaults for 8-bits, 16-bits, "
-"32-bits, half and float images. "
+"Color Space, View, Look, LUT settings and Defaults for 8-bits, 16-bits, 32-"
+"bits, half and float images. "
msgstr ""
"Select, Add or Delete an OCIO Preset that stores: config filename, Input "
-"Color Space, View, Look, LUT settings and Defaults for 8-bits, 16-bits, "
-"32-bits, half and float images. "
+"Color Space, View, Look, LUT settings and Defaults for 8-bits, 16-bits, 32-"
+"bits, half and float images. "
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Summary"