The following Foreman parameters are used in the baseline component of this kickstart:
- lang = <string> System Language [Default: en_US.UTF-8]
- keyboard = <string> System Keyboard [Default: us]
- selinux-mode = <string> SELinux mode to configure [Default: enforcing]
- disable-firewall = [true|false] Disable system firewall during build [Default: false]
- bootloader-append = <string> Options to append to bootloader [Default: nofb quiet splash=quiet]
- disable-uek = [true|false] If installing OEL, disable UE Kernel [Default: false]
- kickstart_liveimg =
- blacklist_kernel_modules = <string> Space seperated list of kernel modules to blacklist [Default: ""]
- use-ntp = [true|false] Use ntpd instead of chrony [Default depends on OS release]
- ntp-server = <fqdn> NTP server to sync with during kickstart [Default:]
- time-zone = <string> Timezone to configure [Default: UTC]
- http-proxy = <fqdn> HTTP Proxy for Internet Access [Default: ""]
- http-proxy-port = <port> HTTP Proxy TCP port [Default: ""]
- http-proxy-user = <user> Proxy user to be used for registration
- http-proxy-password = <password> Proxy password to be used for registration
- package_upgrade = [true|false] Perform full package update during build [Default: true]
- local_homedirs = [true|false] User homedirs are on the local disk if true [Default: true]
- luks = [true|false] Encrypt boot device with LUKS and NBDE [Default: false]
- luks-passphrase = <password> Passphrase for local disk unlock
- luks-tang-server1 = <fqdn> FQDN of Tang server #1
- luks-tang-key1 = <string> Shared key for tang server #1
- luks-tang-server2 = <fqdn> FQDN of Tang server #2
- luks-tang-key2 = <string> Shared key for tang server #2
- luks-remove-passphrase = [true|false] Remove local LUKS passphrase when using NBDE [Default: false]
- extra_snippet_entry = <string> Name of the snippet used as the entrypoint to remaining snippets
- enable-epel = [true|false] Enable internet EPEL repository [Default: false]
- epel-repo-base = <url> Base URL of EPEL repo [Default:]
- freeipa_server = <fqdn> Use specific IPA server instead of discovery
- freeipa_sudo = [true|false] Enable sudoers [Default: true]
- freeipa_ssh = [true|false] Enable ssh integration [Default: true]
- freeipa_automount = [true|false] Enable automounter [Default: false]
- freeipa_automount_location Location for automounts
- freeipa_mkhomedir = [true|false] Enable automatically making home directories [Default: true]
- freeipa_opts = <string> Additional options to pass directly to installer
- freeipa_automount_server = <fqdn> Override automount server different to freeipa_server
- freeipa_domain = <domain> Use specific IPA domain instead of using realm discovery
- freeipa_svcprincipal = <username> IPA service account with permission to add hosts to host groups
- freeipa_svcprincipal_pass = <password> Password for IPA service account
- freeipa_host_groups = <string> Space seperated list of host_groups to add host to on enrolment
- freeipa_ad_mods = [true|false] Remove domain suffix from username display and homedir path [Default: false]
- redhat_install_agent = [true|false] Install OSAD for spacewalk, katello-agent for Satellite 6
- redhat_install_host_tools = [true|false] Install the katello-host-tools yum/dnf plugins.
- redhat_install_host_tracer_tools = [true|false] Install the katello-host-tools Tracer yum/dnf plugin.
- activation_key = <key> Activation key string, not needed if using subscription-manager with username/password
- atomic = [true|false] Whether or not this system is Atomic
- subscription_manager = [true|false] You're going to use subscription-manager
- subscription_manager_username = <username> Username for subscription-manager
- subscription_manager_password = <password> Password for subscription-manager
- subscription_manager_certpkg_url = <url> Custom certificate package URL
- subscription_manager_atomic_url = <url> Script used for configuring Atomic servers for subscription-manager
- subscription_manager_org = <org name> Organization name, if required
- subscription_manager_repos = <repos> Additional repositories to enable after registration (e.g. sat-tools, epel)
- subscription_manager_pool = <pool> Specific subscription pool to use (Not used with AK)
- subscription_manager_autoattach = [true|false] Run auto attach after registration
- syspurpose_role Sets the system purpose role
- syspurpose_usage Sets the system purpose usage
- syspurpose_sla Sets the system purpose SLA
- syspurpose_addons Sets the system purpose add-ons. Separate multiple values with commas.
- spacewalk_host = <hostname> Hostname of Spacewalk server
- remote_execution_create_user = [true|false] Create user if it doesnt exist [Default: false]
- remote_execution_ssh_user = <username> Username for SSH (Ansible) user
- remote_execution_effective_user_method = <string> Method for privilege escalation (e.g. sudo) [Default: ""]
- ansible_tower_provisioning = [true|false] Perform provisioning callback to Tower [Default: false]
- ansible_host_config_key = <string> Ansible Tower Job template config key
- ansible_tower_fqdn = <fqdn> FQDN of the Ansible Tower node
- ansible_job_template_id = <integer> Template ID of the job to run
- force-puppet = [true|false] Force installation of puppet agent [Default: false]
- enable-puppetlabs-repo = [true|false] Enable internet puppetlabs repo [Default: false]
- enable-puppetlabs-pc1-repo = [true|false] Enable internet puppetlabs-pc1 repo [Default: false]
- enable-puppetlabs-puppet5-repo = [true|false] Enable internet puppetlabs-puppet5 repo [Default: false]
- salt_master = <fqdn> Address of salt master to register with [Default: ""]