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Nationalist(ic) Symbols from Eastern Europe: Deep Watching Demo Scripts

This repository combines demo scripts and pretrained models to recognise various nationalist(ic) symbols (using Detectron2) and politicians (using Facenet) from Eastern Europe.


First you have to manually install Detectron2 and Facenet, see instructions here and here. After installing Detectron2 and Facenet, you can use pip install -r requirements.txt to install the other needed packages.


Symbol recognition in a video:

python scripts/ --config configs/nationalist_symbols.yaml --video-input video.mp4 --output output/ --frame-skip 10 --opts MODEL.DEVICE cpu

Create 'output' folder first; annotated video and a json holding all recognized symbols will be stored here. Use --frame-skip to speed up the process (only each nth frame is used for recognition) and use --opts MODEL.DEVICE cpu if you don't have a Nvidia GPU.

Face recognition in images (stored in the 'images' folder):

python src/ CLASSIFY images/ ../models/20180402-114759/20180402-114759.pb ../models/politicians.pkl --batch_size 1000

Note: You have to download the generic pretrained model first (see install instructions). In order to pull our own models from the repository, you need Git LFS.

Model Performance

Evaluation results for segm:

AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
58.611 75.794 64.684 nan 10.000 62.292

Per-category segm AP:

category AP category AP category AP
bandera 1 52.962 bandera 2 75.438 bandera 3 83.650
crest_bg 83.072 crest_by 84.087 crest_by_opp 71.723
crest_me 72.738 crest_pl 88.285 crest_rs 76.234
crest_ua 41.392 cross 35.618 cross_orthodox 38.685
cross_serbian 70.247 eu 65.126 falanga 49.673
flag_bg_hanging 58.628 flag_bg_waving 68.266 flag_by_hanging 75.524
flag_by_waving 80.001 flag_by_opp_hanging 30.986 flag_by_opp_waving 37.250
flag_me_hanging 74.230 flag_me_waving 94.675 flag_rs_hanging 69.894
flag_rs_waving 69.869 flag_ru_hanging 40.152 flag_ru_waving 64.079
flag_soc_hanging 73.437 flag_soc_waving 84.485 flag_ua_hanging 43.399
flag_ua_waving 45.136 flag_upa_hanging 11.081 flag_upa_waving 35.334
george_ribbon_hanging 38.060 george_ribbon_waving 56.608 george_ribbon_folded 40.598
hammer_sickle 31.685 nato 85.251 oun 56.942
ss_rune 27.394 swastika 33.306 swoboda 60.679
three_fingers 45.443 wolfsangel 57.564


Initial training annotations were funded by the German BMBF at the University of Passau, Germany. Further annotations were funded by the DI4DH initiative at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Training was conducted using the infrastructure of the Research Center High Performance Computing in Innsbruck.