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This project gives you a list of countries with a higher quality of life. The analysis is performed based on numbeo's data. Additionally, freedomhouse's score for each country is included.

  1. About Quality of Life Indices -

    The Quality of Life Index (higher is better) is an estimation of overall quality of life by using an empirical formula which takes into account:

    1. purchasing power index (higher is better)
    2. safety index (higher is better)
    3. health care index (higher is better)
    4. climate index (higher is better)
    5. cost of living index (lower is better)
    6. house price to income ratio (lower is better)
    7. traffic commute time index (lower is better)
    8. pollution index (lower is better)
  2. Also integrated into the score is the Freedomhouse aggregate Score (0=Least Free, 100=Most Free)

Want to see where the quality of life is higher?

  1. Install Python 3.7. Earlier versions will not work.
  2. Create and activate the virtual environment: python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment. The path can be any directory not currently in use. If you type a directory name that doesn't exist, one will be created. You can read more about it here.
  3. Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
    These can be found in requirements.txt if you need to install them one-by-one. They include:
    • pandas==0.25.1
    • pre-commit==1.18.3
  4. python will run the application.

Note: if you run into a problem getting this to work, try the following at the command line (in the place2live directory):

  1. python3 -m venv env
  2. source env/bin/activate
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. python

Hopefully that will resolve the issue.

run the script

Running with Docker

Instead of installing Python yourself, this script can also be run with Docker:

docker build -t place2live .
docker run -it place2live # Runs the container in interactive mode, so the script has access to stdin of the host machine