This app is a mockup of the giosg mobile app. You are welcome to re-use any of these assets on the actual implementation if you wish, but you can of course re-implement the UI as you like! Some parts of the mockup (such as the "virtual keyboard") are purely for demonstration purposes.
If you have any questions about the mockup, you can contact Kimmo Kiiski ([email protected]).
You can try the mockup on Github Pages.
The mockup source code is available at Giosg Github repository.
The app styles are build on Bootstrap using SASS.
- See the main SASS file for custom styling (excluding Bootstrap).
- See the compiled main CSS for the pure CSS compilation.
- The app folder also contains the static HTML files.
- The images are located on the images folder.
The demo app has been built using Yeoman. You need at least Bower and Grunt to build the demo app locally.
Clone the repository and check out its master
git clone
On the cloned repository, first install the Node dependencies:
npm install
Then, install the vendor JavaScript, CSS and other local assets, required by the demo app:
bower install
Preview the generated demo app:
grunt serve
You can build the files to the dist