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Api Tester

NPM version Downloads Dependency Status Gandalf  Status

What is Api Tester?

Api Tester is a tool which allows you to perform tests on apis comparing results with expected outputs.

Table of Contents


You can install Api Tester as a dev dependency using:

npm install --save-dev api-tester

or as a global dependency, running it using t command:

npm install -g api-tester

How to use it


If you have Api Tester installed globally you can start tests in three ways:

  • Simply running t command without any argument allows you to choose a test or a bundle of them in your current working directory. Tests must have .js extension and begin with t- prefix to be detected.
$  t               
? Select the test to execute:  (Use arrow keys)
❯ t-test1.js 
  • You can pass tests or bundles as arguments.
$  t t-all-tests-bundle.js test1.js test2.js
  • Using --all flag all tests and bundles in the current working directory will be executed.
$  t --all

You can pass --verbose flag if you want a more detailed output.

$  t t-test1.js t-all-bundle.js --verbose
$  t --all --verbose

You can pass --outfile or -o flag followed by a file name to generate a .json and a .html file with a summary of tests execution.

$  t t-test1.js --outfile outfile.js

This will generate a .json file as the following:

    "description":"get contents",

        "content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "date":"Fri, 07 Jul 2017 16:17:29 GMT",
          "title":"Dolorem animi Incidunt eos magnam EN",
          "body":"Sint dolorem dolor sed eaque saepe. Ut sunt ad molestiae. Enim provident id aliquam voluptatem ducimus.",
                "label":"Hic voluptas Et ducimus voluptatem EN",
                "label":"Fuga iure quia Nihil ut sunt EN"

and an .html file like this.

Dev Dependency

If you have installed Api Tester as a dependency you simply have to call it passing two arguments:

  • an array of test or bundle paths
  • optionally, an option object with the following structure:
  verbose: true,  // Default to false
  outfile: <fileName> // Default to null

The function will return a Promise that is resolved when all tests are finished. Using the outfile field you will generate a .json and a .html file with the specified name. In these files there will be a summary of tests execution.


in the following example you can see Api Tester used in a gulp task:

const apiTester   = require('api-tester');
const gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('tests', (cb) => {
  apiTester(['./f3-tests/tests/t-all-bundle.js'], { verbose: true })

Test Structure

Every test file must be a .js file, begin with t- prefix and export a function that returns a Promise. You must pass to Promise's resolve an object with the following structure:

  method: 'GET', // Method of the request 
  uri: '', // Enpoint's URI to test
  description: 'Test's description',  // Optional
  input: { // Optional
    headers: {
      // Request headers
      headerName: headerValue
    body: // Request body
  output: { 
    status: 200, // Expected response's status code, optional 
    headers: {
      // Expected response headers, optional
      headerName: headerValue
    body: // Expected response body, optional
  options: { // Optional
    headers: {
      keysOnly: true // True if you want to verify only the presence of keys and not their values
    body: {
      keysOnly: false // True if you want to verify only the presence of keys and not their values

Bundle Structure

Every bundle must be a .js file and export an array of test paths.

module.exports = [

Test examples

'use strict';

const params = {
  method: 'GET',
  uri: '',
  description: 'GET test',
  input: {},
  output: {
    status: 200,  // expected status
    headers: { //expected headers
      date: 'Mon, 03 Jul 2017 10:16:19 GMT',
      expires: 'Mon, 03 Jul 2017 14:16:19 GMT'
    body: { // expected body
      userId: 1,
      id: 1,
      title: 'sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit',
      body: 'quia et suscipit\nsuscipit recusandae consequuntur expedita et cum\nreprehenderit molestiae ut ut quas totam\nnostrum rerum est autem sunt rem eveniet architecto'
  options: {
    headers: {
      keysOnly: true // only headers keys will be verified and not their values
    body: {
      keysOnly: false

module.exports = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  • This is a test of a POST request that requires an auth token. In order to execute the login we first have to resolve a promise which requires the token; this token is then added to the request headers of the test:
'use strict';

const request = require('request');

// A function that returns a promise which gets the token and
// pass it to resolve function
const auth = () => new Promise(() => {
  const options = {
    uri: '...',
    method: 'POST',
    json: {
      username: 'admin',
      password: 'admin'
  request(options, (err, body, res) => {

const params = {
  method: 'POST',
  uri: '',
  description: 'POST test'
  input: {
    headers: {},
    body: {
      userId: 1,
      id: 1,
      title: 'Hello',
      body: 'Hi'
  output: {
    status: 200,
    headers: {
      date: 'Mon, 03 Jul 2017 10:16:19 GMT',
      expires: 'Mon, 03 Jul 2017 14:16:19 GMT',
      pragma: 'no-cache'
    body: {
      userId: 1,
      id: 1,
      title: 'Hello',
      body: 'Hi'
  options: {
    headers: {
      keysOnly: true // only headers keys will be verified
    body: {
      keysOnly: false

module.exports = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    .then((token)=> {
      // adding the token to request headers
      params.input.headers.Authorization = token;
    .catch((err) => {

