Gnorb provides glue code between the Gnus, Org, and BBDB packages. It’s aimed at supporting email-based project management, and generally making it easier to keep track of email communication.
Much of the code consists of single-use convenience functions, but tracking email conversations with Org requires is more complicated, and requires a bit of setup.
Gnorb can be used in a modular fashion, by selectively loading the files “gnorb-org”, “gnorb-gnus” or “gnorb-bbdb” instead of plain old “gnorb”. The package as a whole is rather Org-centric, though, and it won’t do much of interest without “gnorb-org”.
This means that Gnorb doesn’t have hard requirements to any of the three base libraries. For the libraries you are using, however, you’ll get best results from using the most recent stable version (yes, that means BBDB 3). Some of the features in Gnorb only work with development versions of these libraries (those cases are noted below).
Gnorb is best installed via the Elpa package manager – look for it in `list-packages’.
You can also clone the source code from, and put the “gnorb” directory on your load-path. The Github site is also a good place to report bugs and other issues.
Loading “gnorb” will make the basic functions available. Using Gnorb for email tracking takes a bit more setup, however:- Email tracking is done via the Gnus registry, so that must be activated with ‘gnus-registry-initialize’.
- It also requires the org-id package to be loaded, and `org-id-track-globally’ set to t (that’s the default value, so simply loading the package should be enough).
- Add a nngnorb entry to your `gnus-secondary-select-methods’ variable. It will look like (nngnorb “Server name”). This does nothing but provide a place to hang nnir searches.
- Then put a call to `gnorb-tracking-initialize’ in your init files, at some point after the Gnus registry is initialized.
- If you’re not using a local archive method for saving your sent messages (ie you’re using IMAP), you’ll also need to tell Gnorb where to find your sent messages. Set the variable `gnorb-gnus-sent-groups’ to a list of strings; each string should indicate a fully-qualified group name, eg “nnimap+SERVER:GROUP”.
Lastly, Gnorb doesn’t bind any keys by default; see the Suggested Keybindings section below for possibilities.
The most interesting thing Gnorb does is using Org headings to track email conversations. This can mean anything from reminding yourself to write to your mother, to conducting delicate business negotiations over email, to running an email-based bug tracker.
Gnorb assists in this process by using the Gnus registry to track correspondences between emails and Org headings – specifically, message IDs are associated with Org heading ids. As a conversation develops, messages are collected on a heading (and/or its children). You can compose new messages directly from the Org heading, and Gnorb will automatically associate your sent message with the conversation. You can open Gnus Summary buffers holding all the messages associated with an Org subtree, and reply from there – these groups can be made persistent, if you like. When you receive new messages relevant to a conversation, Gnorb will notice them and prompt you to associate them with the appropriate Org heading. Attachments on incoming messages can be automatically saved as attachments on Org headings, using org-attach.
In general, the goal is to keep track of whole conversations, reduce friction when moving between Gnus and Org, and keep you in the Org agenda rather than in Gnus.
The following sections might be a bit confusing to read if you haven’t actually tried using Gnorb. If you don’t want to dive in all the way just yet, you can just dabble your toes. First set up email tracking as specified in Setup, then do the following:
- Add “%ug” somewhere appropriate in your `gnus-summary-line-format’ variable.
- If you don’t use a local archive method, add your sent message groups to `gnorb-gnus-sent-groups’ (see the docstring).
- Use Org capture from Gnus summary buffers to create reminders for emails you need to reply to.
- Reply to those emails by pressing “C-c t” on the TODO heading in either the Agenda, or in regular Org files.
- If you ever get confused about what’s associated with an Org heading, press “C-c v” on the heading (works in either the Agenda, or regular Org files).
That should be enough to get started.
Email tracking starts in one of three ways:
- With an Org heading that represents an email TODO. Call `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ (see below) on the heading to compose a new message, and start the tracking process.
- By calling org-capture on a received message. Any heading captured from a message will automatically be associated with that message.
- By calling `gnorb-gnus-outgoing-do-todo’ in a message composition buffer – see below.
There are three main email-related commands:
- `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ is called on an Org heading to compose a
new message. By default, this will begin a reply to the most recent
message in the conversation. If there are no associated messages to
reply to (or you call the function with a single prefix arg), Gnorb
will look for mailto: or bbdb: links in the heading, and compose a
new message to them.
Calling the function with a double prefix arg will ignore all associated messages and links, and compose a blank message.
Once sent, the message will be associated with the Org heading, and you’ll be brought back to the heading and asked to trigger an action on it.
`gnorb-email-subtree’ is an alternative entry-point to `gnorb-org-handle-mail’. It does the same thing as the latter, but first exports the body of the subtree as either text or a file, then inserts the text into the message body, or attaches the file to the message, respectively.
- `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ is called on a message in a Gnus Summary buffer. You’ll be prompted for an Org heading, taken to that heading, and asked to trigger an action on it.
- `gnorb-gnus-outgoing-do-todo’ is called in message mode, while
composing a new message.
If called without a prefix arg, a new Org heading will be created after the message is sent, and the sent message associated with it. The new heading will be created as a capture heading, using the template specified by the `gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key’ option.
If you call this function with a single prefix arg, you’ll be prompted to choose an existing Org heading instead. After the the message is sent, you’ll be taken to that heading and prompted to trigger an action on it.
If you’ve called this function, and then realize you’ve associated the message with the wrong TODO, call it again with a double prefix to clear all associations.
It’s also possible to call this function after a message is sent, in case you forgot. Gnorb saves information about the most recently sent message for this purpose.
Because these three commands all express a similar intent, but are called in different modes, it can make sense to give each of them the same keybinding in the keymaps for Org mode, Gnus summary mode, and Message mode.
An additional convenience command is available for use in Gnus summary buffers: `gnorb-gnus-quick-reply’. If you don’t want to go through the whole round trip of triggering an action and then starting a new reply, call this command on an incoming message to associate it with a heading, start a reply, and associate your reply with the same heading.
After calling `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ on a message, or after sending a message associated with an Org heading, you’ll be taken to the heading and asked to “trigger an action” on it. At the moment there are six different possibilities: triggering a TODO state-change on the heading, taking a note on the heading (both these options will associate the message with the heading), associating the message but doing nothing else, capturing a new Org heading as a sibling to the tracked heading, capturing a new Org heading as a child, and lastly, doing nothing at all.
More actions may be added in the future; it’s also possible to rearrange or delete existing actions, and add your own: see the docstring of `gnorb-org-trigger-actions’.
Call `gnorb-org-view’ on an Org heading to open an nnir summary buffer showing all the messages associated with that heading and child headings (this requires you to have added an nngnorb server to your Gnus backends). A minor mode is in effect, ensuring that any replies you send to messages in this buffer will automatically be associated with the original Org heading. You can also invoke `gnorb-summary-disassociate-message’ (“C-c d”) to disassociate the message with the Org heading.If you call `gnorb-org-view’ with a prefix argument, the search group will be made persistent across Gnus sessions. You can re-run the search and update the group contents by hitting “M-g” on the group in the Gnus Group buffer.
As a bonus, it’s possible to go into Gnus’ Server buffer, find the line specifying your nngnorb server, and hit “G” (aka `gnus-group-make-nnir-group’). At the query prompt, enter an Org-style tags-todo Agenda query string (eg “+work-computer”, or what have you). Gnorb will find all headings matching this query, scan their subtrees for gnus links, and then give you a Summary buffer containing all the linked messages. This is dog-slow at the moment; it will get faster.
** Hinting in Gnus
When you receive new mails that might be relevant to existing Org TODOs, Gnorb can alert you to that fact. When `gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-article’ is t (the default), Gnorb will display a message in the minibuffer when opening potentially relevant messages. You can then use `gnorb-gnus-incoming-to-todo’ to trigger an action on the relevant TODO.This hinting can happen in the Gnus summary buffer as well. If you use the escape indicated by `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark-format-letter” as part of your `gnus-summary-line-format’, articles that may be relevant to TODOs will be marked with a special character in the Summary buffer, as determined by `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark’. By default, the format letter is “g” (meaning it is used as “%ug” in the format line), and the mark is “&” for messages that are already tracked, and “¡” for messages that may be relevant. ** Message Attachments
Gnorb simplifies the handling of attachments that you receive in emails. When you call `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ on a message, you’ll be prompted to re-attach the email’s attachments onto the Org heading, using the org-attach library.You can also do this as part of the capture process. Set the new :gnus-attachments key to “t” in a capture template that you use on mail messages, and you’ll be queried to re-attach the message’s attachments onto the newly-captured heading. Or set `gnorb-gnus-capture-always-attach’ to “t” to have Gnorb do this for all capture templates.
You can also do this using the regular system of MIME commands, without invoking the email tracking process. See Suggested Keybindings, below.
The same process works in reverse: when you send a message from an Org heading using `gnorb-org-handle-mail’, Gnorb will ask if you want to attach the files in the heading’s org-attach directory to the outgoing message. ** Registry Usage You can see how many associations you’ve got stored in the registry by calling `gnorb-report-tracking-usage’. This will pop up a buffer showing how much of the registry you’re using, and offering keybindings for `gnorb-flush-dead-associations’, to help Gnorb clean up after itself. ** Likely Workflow You receive an email from Jimmy, who wants to rent a room in your house. “I’ll respond to this later,” you think.
You capture an Org TODO from the email, call it “Jimmy renting a room”, and give it a REPLY keyword. Gnorb quietly records the correspondence between the email and the TODO, using the Gnus registry.
The next day, looking at your Agenda, you see the TODO and decide to respond to the email. You call `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ on the heading, and Gnorb opens Jimmy’s email and starts a reply to it.
You tell Jimmy the room’s available in March, and send the message. Gnorb takes you back to the heading, and asks you to trigger an action on it. You choose “todo state”, and change the heading keyword to WAIT.
Two days later, Jimmy replies to your message, saying that March is perfect. When you open his response, Gnorb politely reminds you that the message is relevant to an existing TODO. You call `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ on the message, and are again taken to the TODO and asked to trigger an action. Again you choose “todo state”, and change the heading keyword back to REPLY.
You get another email, from Samantha, warning you not to rent the room to Jimmy. She even attaches a picture of a room in her house, as it looked after Jimmy had stayed there for six months. It’s bad. You call `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ on her message, and pick the “Jimmy renting a room” heading. This time, you choose “take note” as the trigger action, and make a brief note about how bad that room looked. Gnorb asks if you’d like to attach the picture to the Org heading. You decide you will.
Now it’s time to write to Jimmy and say something noncommittal. Calling `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ on the heading would respond to Samantha’s email, the most recent of the associated messages, which isn’t what you want. Instead you call `gnorb-org-view’ on the heading, which opens up a Gnus Summary buffer containing all four messages: Jimmy’s first, your response, his response to that, and Samantha’s message. You pick Jimmy’s second email, and reply to it normally. Gnorb asks if you’d like to send the picture of the room as an attachment. You would not. When you send the reply Gnorb tracks that as well, and does the “trigger an action” trick again.
In this way Gnorb helps you manage an entire conversation, possibly with multiple threads and multiple participants. Mostly all you need to do is call `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ on newly-received messages, and `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ on the heading when it’s time to compose a new reply. * Restoring Window Layout Many Gnorb functions alter the window layout and value of point. In most of these cases, you can restore the previous layout using the interactive function `gnorb-restore-layout’.
* Recent Mails From BBDB Contacts
If you’re using a recent git version of BBDB (circa mid-May 2014 or later), you can give your BBDB contacts a special field which will collect links to recent emails from that contact. The default name of the field is “messages”, but you can customize that name using the `gnorb-bbdb-messages-field’ option.Gnorb will not collect links by default: you need to call `gnorb-bbdb-open-link’ on a contact once to start the process. Thereafter, opening mails from that contact will store a link to the message.
Once some links are stored, `gnorb-bbdb-open-link’ will open them: Use a prefix arg to the function call to select particular messages to open. There are several options controlling how all this works; see the gnorb-bbdb user options section below for details. * BBDB posting styles
Gnorb comes with a BBDB posting-style system, inspired by (copied from) gnus-posting-styles. You can specify how messages are composed to specific contacts, by matching on contact field values (the same way gnus-posting-styles matches on group names). See the docstring of `gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles’ for details.In order not to be too intrusive, Gnorb doesn’t alter the behavior of `bbdb-mail’, the usual mail-composition function. Instead it provides an alternate `gnorb-bbdb-mail’, which does exactly the same thing, but first processes the new mail according to `gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles’. If you want to use this feature regularly, you can remap `bbdb-mail’ to `gnorb-bbdb-mail’ in the `bbdb-mode-map’. * BBDB Org tagging BBDB contacts can be tagged with the same tags you use in your Org files. This allows you to pop up a BBDB buffer alongside your Org Agenda when searching for certain tags. This can happen automatically for all Org tags-todo searches, if you set the option `gnorb-org-agenda-popup-bbdb’ to t. Or you can do it manually, by calling the command of the same name. This command only shows TODOs by default: use a prefix argument to show all tagged headings.
Tags are stored in an xfield named org-tags, by default. You can customize the name of this field using `gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field’. * Misc BBDB ** Searching for messages from BBDB contacts
Call `gnorb-bbdb-mail-search’ to search for all mail messages from the record(s) displayed. Currently supports the notmuch, mairix, and namazu search backends; set `gnorb-gnus-mail-search-backend’ to one of those symbol values. ** Citing BBDB contactsCalling `gnorb-bbdb-cite-contact’ will prompt for a BBDB record and insert a string of the type “Bob Smith <[email protected]>”. ** User Options- `gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field
- The name of the BBDB xfield, as a symbol, that holds Org-related tags. Specified as a string with the “:” separator between tags, same as for Org headings. Defaults to org-tag.
- `gnorb-bbdb-messages-field’
- The name of the BBDB xfield that holds links to recently-received messages from this contact. Defaults to ‘messages.
- `gnorb-bbdb-collect-N-messages’
- Collect at most this many links to messages from this contact. Defaults to 5.
- `gnorb-bbdb-define-recent’
- What does “recently-received” mean? Possible values are the symbols seen and received. When set to seen, the most recently-opened messages are collected. When set to received, the most recently-received (by Date header) messages are collected. Defaults to seen.
- `gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-multi’
- How is a single message’s link formatted in the multi-line BBDB layout format? Defaults to “%:count. %D: %:subject” (see the docstring for details).
- ` gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-one’
- How is a single message’s link formatted in the one-line BBDB layout format? Defaults to nil (see the docstring for details).
- `gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles’
- Styles to use for influencing the format of mails composed to the BBDB record(s) under point (see the docstring for details).
* Misc Org ** Inserting BBDB links
Calling `gnorb-org-contact-link’ will prompt for a BBDB record and insert an Org link to that record at point. ** User Options- `gnorb-org-after-message-setup-hook’
- Hook run in a message buffer after setting up the message, from `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ or `gnorb-org-email-subtree’.
- `gnorb-org-trigger-actions’
- List of potential actions that can be taken on headings after a message is sent. See docstring for details.
- `gnorb-org-mail-scan-scope’
- The number of paragraphs to scan for mail-related links. This comes into play when calling `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ on a heading with no associated messages, or when `gnorb-org-handle-mail’ is called with a prefix arg.
- `gnorb-org-find-candidates-match’
- When searching all Org files for headings to collect messages from, this option can limit which headings are searched. It is used as the second argument to a call to `org-map-entries’, and has the same syntax as that used in an agenda tags view.
- `gnorb-org-email-subtree-text-parameters’
- A plist of export parameters corresponding to the EXT-PLIST argument to the export functions, for use when exporting to text.
- `gnorb-org-email-subtree-file-parameters’
- A plist of export parameters corresponding to the EXT-PLIST argument to the export functions, for use when exporting to a file.
- `gnorb-org-email-subtree-text-options’
- A list of ts and nils corresponding to Org’s export options, to be used when exporting to text. The options, in order, are async, subtreep, visible-only, and body-only.
- `gnorb-org-email-subtree-file-options’
- A list of ts and nils corresponding to Org’s export options, to be used when exporting to a file. The options, in order, are async, subtreep, visible-only, and body-only.
- `gnorb-org-export-extensions’
- Correspondence between export backends and their respective (usual) file extensions.
- `gnorb-org-capture-collect-link-p’
- When this is set to t, the capture process will always store a link to the Gnus message or BBDB record under point, even when the link isn’t part of the capture template. It can then be added to the captured heading with org-insert-link, as usual.
- `gnorb-org-agenda-popup-bbdb’
- Set to “t” to automatically pop up the BBDB buffer displaying records corresponding to the Org Agenda tags search underway. If this is nil you can always do it manually with the command of the same name.
- `gnorb-org-bbdb-popup-layout’
- Controls the layout of the Agenda-related BBDB popup, takes the same values as bbdb-pop-up-layout.
* Misc Gnus ** Viewing Org headlines relevant to a message
Call `gnorb-gnus-view’ on a message that is associated with an Org heading to jump to that heading. ** User Options- `gnorb-gnus-mail-search-backend’
- Specifies the search backend that you use for searching mails. Currently supports notmuch, mairix, and namazu: set this option to one of those symbols.
- `gnorb-gnus-capture-always-attach’
- Treat all capture templates as if they had the :gnus-attachments key set to “t”. This only has any effect if you’re capturing from a Gnus summary or article buffer.
- `gnorb-trigger-todo-default’
- Set to either ‘note or ‘todo to tell `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ what to do by default. You can reach the non-default behavior by calling that function with a prefix argument. Alternately, set to ‘prompt to always prompt for the appropriate action.
- `gnorb-gnus-trigger-refile-targets’
- If you use `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo’ on an incoming message, Gnorb will try to locate a TODO heading that’s relevant to that message. If it can’t, it will prompt you for one, using the refile interface. This option will be used as the value of `org-refile-targets’ during that process: see the docstring of `org-refile-targets’ for the appropriate syntax.
- `gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key’
- Set this to a single-character string pointing at an Org capture template to use when creating TODOs from outgoing messages. The template is a regular capture template, with a few exceptions. If Gnus helps you archive outgoing messages (ie you have `gnus-message-archive-group’ set to something, and your outgoing messages have a “Fcc” header), a link to that message will be made, and you’ll be able to use all the escapes related to gnus messages. If you don’t archive outgoing messages, you’ll still be able to use the %:subject, %:to, %:toname, %:toaddress, and %:date escapes in the capture template.
- `gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-article’
- Set to “t” (the default) to have Gnorb give you a hint in the minibuffer when opening messages that might be relevant to existing Org TODOs.
- `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark-format-letter’
- The formatting letter to use as part of your `gnus-summary-line-format’, to indicate messages which might be relevant to Org TODOs. Defaults to “g”, meaning it should be used as “%ug” in the format line.
- `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark’
- The mark used to indicate potentially relevant messages in the Summary buffer, when `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark-format-letter’ is present in the format line. Defaults to “¡”.
- `gnorb-gnus-summary-tracked-mark’
- The mark used to indicate already-tracked messages in the Summary buffer, when `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark-format-letter’ is present in the format line. Defaults to “&”.
* Suggested Keybindings
(eval-after-load "gnorb-bbdb"
(define-key bbdb-mode-map (kbd "O") 'gnorb-bbdb-tag-agenda)
(define-key bbdb-mode-map (kbd "S") 'gnorb-bbdb-mail-search)
(define-key bbdb-mode-map [remap bbdb-mail] 'gnorb-bbdb-mail)
(define-key bbdb-mode-map (kbd "l") 'gnorb-bbdb-open-link)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C") 'gnorb-bbdb-cite-contact)))
(eval-after-load "gnorb-org"
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C") 'gnorb-org-contact-link)
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c t") 'gnorb-org-handle-mail)
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c e") 'gnorb-org-view)
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c E") 'gnorb-org-email-subtree)
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c V") 'gnorb-org-popup-bbdb)
(setq gnorb-org-agenda-popup-bbdb t)
(eval-after-load "org-agenda"
'(progn (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "C-c t") 'gnorb-org-handle-mail)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "C-c v") 'gnorb-org-popup-bbdb)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "V") 'gnorb-org-view)))))
(eval-after-load "gnorb-gnus"
(define-key gnus-summary-mime-map "a" 'gnorb-gnus-article-org-attach)
(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "C-c t") 'gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo)
(push '("attach to org heading" . gnorb-gnus-mime-org-attach)
;; The only way to add mime button command keys is by redefining
;; gnus-mime-button-map, possibly not ideal. Ideal would be a
;; setter function in gnus itself.
(push '(gnorb-gnus-mime-org-attach "a" "Attach to Org heading")
(setq gnus-mime-button-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map gnus-mouse-2 'gnus-article-push-button)
(define-key map gnus-down-mouse-3 'gnus-mime-button-menu)
(dolist (c gnus-mime-button-commands)
(define-key map (cadr c) (car c)))
(eval-after-load "message"
(define-key message-mode-map (kbd "C-c t") 'gnorb-gnus-outgoing-do-todo)))