GET base_url/users --> return the list of all users POST base_url/users --> create the user and return it
GET base_url/users/:id --> return the user PUT base_url/users/:id --> update the user and return it DELETE base_url/users/:id --> delete the user
GET base_url/classes --> return the list of all classes POST base_url/classes --> create the class and return it
GET base_url/classes/:id --> return the class PUT base_url/classes/:id --> update the class and return it DELETE base_url/classes/:id --> delete the class
GET base_url/users/:id/classes --> return the list of all classes belong to that user
GET base_url/classes/:id/members --> return the list of all members belong to that class POST base_url/classes/:id/members --> create the member(s) and return it(them) DELETE base_url/classes/:id/members/:id --> delete the member from that class
GET base_url/classes/:id/assignments --> return the list of all assignments POST base_url/classes/:id/assignments --> create the assignment and return it
GET base_url/assignments/:id --> return the assignment PUT base_url/assignments/:id --> update the assignment and return it
GET base_url/users/:id/assignments --> return the list of all assignments belong to that user DELETE base_url/users/:id/assignments --> delete the assignment for that user
GET base_url/classes/:id/notifications --> return the list of all notifications POST base_url/classes/:id/notifications --> create the notification and return it
GET base_url/users/:id/notifications --> return the list of all notifications belong to that user PUT base_url/users/:id/notifications --> update the notification for that user