0.0.1 - (2019/04/7) 0.0.2 - (2019/04/7) 0.0.3 - (2019/04/7) 0.1.0 - (2019/04/8) 0.1.1 - (2019/04/8) 0.1.2 - (2019/04/8) 0.1.3 - (2019/04/8) 0.1.4 - (2019/04/11) 0.1.5 - (2019/04/29) 0.1.6 - (2019/05/18) 0.1.7 - (2019/08/01) light up back view 0.1.8 - (2019/08/01) update style 0.1.9 - (2019/08/01) update style 0.2.0 - (2019/08/01) update style 0.2.1 - (2019/08/03) Adjust the layout 0.2.2 - (2019/08/05) Apply for camera privileges 0.2.3 - (2019/08/05) Scanning BR-CODE and QR-CODE in albums 0.2.4 - (2019/08/05) 0.2.5 - (2019/08/07) Display the switch button of the flashlight according to the light intensity 0.2.6 - (2019/08/07) 0.2.7 - (2019/08/07) 0.2.8 - (2019/08/07) Generate QR-CODE 0.2.9 - (2019/08/09) Update demo style 0.2.10 - (2019/08/09) Update Readme 0.2.11 - (2019/08/14) Update Readme 0.2.12 - (2019/08/19) Migrate to AndroidX 0.2.13 - (2019/08/20) Migrate to AndroidX 0.2.14 - (2019/08/24) Repair the problem of scanned pictures 0.2.15 - (2019/08/30) Select photo on the scan page to scanning. 0.2.16 - (2019/09/06) Scanning the image of the specified path. 0.2.17 - (2019/09/06) Parse to code string with uint8list. 0.2.18 - (2019/10/28) On back pressed return null.