Changes in version 1.0.0 include:
- fixed bug with findC
- updated citation information
- link LPWC-examples with executable Binder examples to README
Changes in version 0.99.5 include:
- moved packages in description from imports to suggests
- the following code chunk is not evaluated in the CRAN release:
Changes in version 0.99.4 include:
- added more test cases to achieve 100% coverage
- allow data.frame as an input
- created LPWC website using pkgdown
- added codecov and appveyor integration
- added check to not allow 0 variance gene
Changes in version 0.99.3 include:
- Codecov and AppVeyor testing
- Updated documentation in bestlag.R and comp_corr.R
- A new section in the vignette explaining how to interpret lags
This is the first version to appear on CRAN. Changes since v0.99.0 include:
- Updated documentation and citation information
- Formatting the MIT license file for CRAN
- Additional code comments
- A bug fix in findC.R for the argument pi
- User requested bugfixes
- Initial release for submission to CRAN