Nabu primarily is a tool for reading from an S3 object store and writing to a triplestore. The object stores can be any S3 compliant object stores so Google Cloud Storage, Wasabi, or others. For most cases I am using Minio, an open source S3 object store.
Similarly, the triplestore can be any standards compliant triplestore. Here the primary standards we need implemented include
- SPARQL 1.1 with Update support
- SPARQL 1.1 over HTTP
Config file example
address: localhost
port: 9000
ssl: false
accesskey: akey
secretkey: skey
bucket: gleaner2
bucket: gleaner2
domain: us-east-1
- milled/iris
- prov/iris
- org
- summoned/aquadocs
- prov/aquadocs
- milled/opentopography
- prov/opentopography
endpoint: http://localhost/blazegraph/namespace/earthcube/sparql
authenticate: false
username: ""
password: ""
Commands are like the following:
nabu --help
The mode "prefix" in Nabu is used for loading a S3 object prefix path into a triplestore
nabu prefix --cfg file
nabu prefix --cfg ../gleaner/configs/nabu
and gleaner generated configuration:
nabu prefix --cfgPath directory --cfgName name
eg use generated
nabu prefix --cfgPath ../gleaner/configs --cfgName local
The mode "prune" in Nabu is to sync a prefix to the graph (remove graphs no longer in use, add new ones)
Note that updated graphs become new objects, since the object name is the SHA256 of the object
nabu prune --cfg file
and gleaner generated configuration:
nabu prefix --cfgPath directory --cfgName name
eg use generated
nabu prefix --cfgPath ../gleaner/configs --cfgName local
The mode "object" in Nabu is used for loading a S3 object path into a triplestore
nabu object --cfg file objectId
nabu object --cfg ../gleaner/configs/nabu milled/opentopography/ffa0df033bb3a8fc9f600c80df3501fe1a2dbe93.rdf
and gleaner generated configuration:
nabu object --cfgPath directory --cfgName name objectId
eg use generated
nabu object --cfgPath ../gleaner/configs --cfgName local milled/opentopography/ffa0df033bb3a8fc9f600c80df3501fe1a2dbe93.rdf
- overview here of the basic config, source, app sink flow
- The quad as prov pattern where the path to the triples, becomes the quad value