Documentation resources for CoinGecko's 'coins' API functions.
namespace gecko {
// Purpose: class interface to all CoinGecko 'coins' functions found below
// Refer:
// Status: functional - slightly tested
class coinsFunctions : private web {
Below you can find documentation for 'coins' functions.
// Action: fetches all supported coin ids, names and symbols
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// listCoins(true)
// listCoins(false)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response listCoins(REQUIRED bool include_platform);
// Action: fetches all supported coins price, market cap, volume, and market related data
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getMarkets("usd")
// getMarkets("usd", "bitcoin")
// getMarkets("usd", "bitcoin,ripple,dogecoin", "24hr")
// Notes: parameter category only supports "decentralized_finance_defi" as of now
gecko::web::response getMarkets(
REQUIRED std::string vs_currency,
OPTIONAL const char* ids = NULL,
OPTIONAL const char* price_change_percentage = NULL,
OPTIONAL const char* category = NULL,
OPTIONAL unsigned short page = 1,
OPTIONAL unsigned short per_page = 100,
OPTIONAL bool sparkline = false,
OPTIONAL std::string order = "market_cap_desc"
// Action: fetches current data (name, price, market, ... including exchange tickers) for a coin
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinData("bitcoin")
// getCoinData("ripple", false, true, false)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getCoinData(
REQUIRED std::string id,
OPTIONAL bool localization = true,
OPTIONAL bool tickers = true,
OPTIONAL bool market_data = true,
OPTIONAL bool community_data = true,
OPTIONAL bool developer_data = true,
OPTIONAL bool sparkline = false
// Action: fetches coin tickers
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinTickers("bitcoin")
// getCoinTickers("bitcoin", NULL, true)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getCoinTickers(
REQUIRED std::string id,
OPTIONAL const char* exchange_ids = NULL,
OPTIONAL bool include_exchange_logo = false,
OPTIONAL unsigned short page = 1,
OPTIONAL std::string order = "trust_score_desc",
OPTIONAL bool depth = false
// Action: fetches historical data (name, price, market, stats) at a given date for a coin
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinHistory("bitcoin", "12-01-2019")
// getCoinHistory("bitcoin", "12-01-2019", true)
// Notes: parameter date is in format "dd-mm-yyyy"
gecko::web::response getCoinHistory(
REQUIRED std::string id,
REQUIRED std::string date,
OPTIONAL bool localization = false
// Action: fetch historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinMarketHistory("ripple", "usd", "5")
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getCoinMarketHistory(
REQUIRED std::string id,
REQUIRED std::string vs_currency,
REQUIRED std::string days,
OPTIONAL const char* interval = NULL
// Action: fetch historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume within a range of timestamp
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinMarketHistoryWithinRange("ripple", "usd", "1422577232", "1302577232")
// Notes: parameters to and from are in UNIX timestamp format
gecko::web::response getCoinMarketHistoryWithinRange(
REQUIRED std::string id,
REQUIRED std::string vs_currency,
REQUIRED std::string to,
REQUIRED std::string from
// Action: fetch status updates for a given coin (beta)
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinStatusUpdates("bitcoin")
// getCoinStatusUpdates("bitcoin", 50)
// Notes: function is in BETA
gecko::web::response getCoinStatusUpdates(
REQUIRED std::string id,
OPTIONAL unsigned short per_page = 100,
OPTIONAL unsigned short page = 1
// Action: fetch a given coin's OHLC (Beta)
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getCoinOHLC("bitcoin", "usd", "1")
// getCoinOHLC("ripple", "rub", "7")
// Notes: function is in BETA
gecko::web::response getCoinOHLC(
REQUIRED std::string id,
REQUIRED std::string vs_currency,
REQUIRED std::string days