This allows webpack-dev-middleware
to be used with hapi.
To integrate this into your project, install the package:
npm install --save @glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin # If using npm
yarn add @glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin # If using Yarn
Then register the plugin with hapi:
// Create an instance of the Webpack compiler.
const compiler = Webpack({
// Compiler options here.
// Register the plugin with the hapi server.
await hapiServer.register({
plugin: WebpackDevServerPlugin,
options: {
devMiddlewareOptions: {
// Define options for webpack-dev-middleware
publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
stats: {
modules: false,
We use EditorConfig to maintain consistent line-ending and indentation rules across all our projects. Ensure that you have the appropriate plugin installed in your preferred editor, or refer to .editorconfig
Glints is an online talent recruitment and career discovery platform headquartered in Singapore. It is a platform for young talent to build up their career readiness through internships and graduate jobs; developing skill sets required in different careers.
P.S. We deal with quite a number of interesting engineering problems centered on matching the right talent to employers. Sounds interesting? Send your resume to [email protected].