class: middle, center, title-slide
Fall 2021
Prof. Gilles Louppe
[email protected]
This course is given by:
- Theory: Gilles Louppe ([email protected])
- Practicals and projects: Sami Ben Mariem ([email protected])
Feel free to contact any of us for help!
.center[ .circle.width-25[![](figures/outline/gilles.jpg)] .circle.width-25[![](figures/outline/sami.jpeg)] ]
- Understand the foundational principles of distributed systems, on top of which distributed databases and computing systems are operating.
- Understand why data systems are designed the way they are designed.
- Fun and challenging course project.
- Practice and improve your system engineering skills!
- Assess the benefits and disadvantages of data systems.
- No hype!
Slides are available at
- In HTML and in PDFs.
- Published/Updated the day before the lesson.
- Slight differences/improvements/fixes from previous years.
Slides are partially adapted from CSE 486/585 Distributed systems (University at Buffalo) and CS425 Distributed systems (University of Illinois UC).
Podcasts from Fall 2020 are available on MyULiège.
The core content of this course (lectures 2 to 5) is based on the following textbook:
.italic[Christian Cachin, Rachid Guerraoui, Luis Rodrigues, "Introduction to Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming", Springer.]
Read, summarize and criticize a major scientific paper in large-scale data systems. (See GitHub for papers and instructions.)
class: middle
Implement a distributed application. (Project to be announced later.)
- Oral exam (50%)
- Reading assignment (10%)
- Programming project (40%)
Projects are mandatory for presenting the exam.
Say some brief comment on the organization of the oral.
class: end-slide, center count: false
Let's start!