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781 lines (508 loc) · 22.8 KB

File metadata and controls

781 lines (508 loc) · 22.8 KB

class: middle, center, title-slide

Large-scale Data Systems

Lecture 9: Cloud computing

Prof. Gilles Louppe
[email protected]


R: add pointers for tutorials on Spark

R: universal scalability law (formalize scalability)



How do we program this thing?

  • MapReduce
  • Spark

Dealing with lots of data

  • Example:
    • $130$+ trillion web pages $\times$ $50\text{KB} = 6.5$ exabytes.
    • ~$6500000$ hard drives ($1\text{TB}$) just to store the web.
  • Assuming a data transfer rate of $200\text{MB}/s$, it would require $1000$+ years for a single computer to read the web!
    • And even more to make any useful usage of this data.
  • Solution: spread the work over many machines.

Traditional network programming

  • Message-passing between nodes (MPI, RPC, etc).
  • Really hard to do at scale (for 1000s of nodes):
    • How to split problem across nodes?
      • Important to consider network and data locality.
    • How to deal with failures?
      • a 10000-node clusters sees 10 faults/day.
    • Even without failure: stragglers.
      • Some nodes might be much slower than others.

class: middle


.center.italic[Almost nobody does message-passing anymore!$^*$]

.footnote[*: except in niches, like scientific computing.]

Data-parallel models

  • Restrict and simplify the programming interface so that the system can do more automatically.
  • "Here is an operation, run it on all of the data".
    • I do not care where it runs (you schedule that).
    • In fact, feel free to run it twice on different nodes if that can help.




Should now be updated with technologies such as Dask, Tensorflow, etc.

class: middle


What is MapReduce?

MapReduce is a parallel programming model for processing distributed data on a cluster.

It comes with a simple high-level API limited to two operations: map and reduce, as inspired by Lisp primitives:

  • map: apply function to each value in a set.
    • (map 'length '(() (a) (a b) (a b c))) $\rightarrow$ (0 1 2 3)
  • reduce: combines all the values using a binary function.
    • (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5)) $\rightarrow$ 15

class: middle

  • MapReduce is best suited for embarrassingly parallel tasks.
    • When processing can be broken into parts of equal size.
    • When processes can concurrently work on these parts.
  • This abstraction makes it possible to not worry about handling
    • parallelization
    • data distribution
    • load balancing
    • fault tolerance

Programming model

  • Map: input key/value pairs $\rightarrow$ intermediate key/value pairs
    • User function gets called for each input key/value pair.
    • Produces a set of intermediate key/value pairs.
  • Reduce: intermediate key/value pairs $\rightarrow$ result files
    • Combine all intermediate values for a particular key through a user-defined function.
    • Produces a set of merged output values.

class: middle


  • Count URL access frequency
    • Find the frequency of each URL in web logs.
    • Map: process logs of web page access. Produce $(url,1)$ pairs.
    • Reduce: add all values for the same URL.
      • Is this efficient?
  • Reverse web-link graph
    • Find where page links come from.
    • Map: output $(target,source)$ pairs for each link $target$ in a web page $source$.
    • Reduce: concatenate the list of all source URLs associated with a target.
  • Distributed grep
    • Search for words in lots of documents.
    • Map: emit a line if it matches a given pattern. Produce $(file,line)$ pairs.
    • Reduce: copy the intermediate data to the output.

Under the hood

Map worker

  • Map:
    • Map calls are distributed across machines by automatically partitioning the input data into $M$ shards.
    • Parse the input shards into input key/value pairs.
    • Process each input pair through a user-defined map function to produce a set of intermediate key/value pairs.
    • Write the result to an intermediate file.
  • Partition:
    • Assign an intermediate result to one of $R$ reduce tasks based on a partitioning function.
      • Both $R$ and the partitioning function are user defined.

class: middle

Reduce worker

  • Sort:
    • Fetch the relevant partition of the output from all mappers.
    • Sort by keys.
      • Different mappers may have output the same key.
  • Reduce:
    • Accept an intermediate key and a set of values for the key.
    • For each unique key, combine all values through a user-defined reduce function to form a smaller set of values.

class: middle



class: middle

Step 1: Split input files


  • Break up the input data into $M$ shards (typically $64 \text{MB}$).

class: middle

Step 2: Fork processes


  • Start up many copies of the program on a cluster of machines.
    • 1 master: scheduler and coordinator
    • Lots of workers
  • Idle workers are assigned either:
    • map tasks
      • each works on a shard
      • there are $M$ map tasks
    • reduce tasks
      • each works on intermediate files
      • there are $R$ reduce tasks

class: middle

Step 3: Map task


  • Read content of the input shard assigned to it.
  • Parse key/value pairs $(k,v)$ out of the input data.
  • Pass each pair to a user-defined map function.
    • Produce (one or more) intermediate key/value pairs $(k',v')$.
    • These are buffered in memory.

class: middle

Step 4: Create intermediate files


  • Intermediate key/value pairs $(k',v')$ produced by the user's map function are periodically written to local disk.
    • These files are partitioned into $R$ regions by a partitioning function, one for each reduce task.
    • e.g., hash(key) mod R
  • Notify master when complete.
    • Pass locations of intermediate data to the master.
    • Master forwards these locations to the reduce workers.

[Q] What is the purpose of the partitioning function?

class: middle

Step 5: Sorting/Shuffling


  • Reduce worker get notified by master about the location of the intermediate files associated to their partition.
  • RPC to read the data from the local disks for the map workers.
  • When the reduce worker reads intermediate data for its partition:
    • it sorts the data by intermediate keys $k'$.
    • all occurrences $v_i'$ associated to a same key are grouped together.

class: middle

Step 6: Reduce tasks


  • The sorting phase grouped data sharing a unique intermediate key.
  • The user-defined reduce function is given the key and the set of intermediate values for that key.
    • $(k', (v_1', v_2', v_3', ...))$
  • The output of the reduce function is appended to an output file.

class: middle

Step 7: Return to user

  • When all Map and Reduce tasks have completed, the master wakes up the user program.
  • The MapReduce call in the user program returns and the program can resume execution.
    • The output of the operation is available in $R$ output files.

class: middle

Example: Counting words


.center[See also the Hadoop tutorial.]

Wide applicability

.center.width-90[] .center[Number of MapReduce programs in Google code source tree.]

Fault tolerance

Master pings each worker periodically.

  • If no response is received within a certain delay, the worker is marked as failed.
  • Map or Reduce tasks given to this worker are reset back to the initial state and rescheduled for other workers.
  • Task completion is committed to master to keep track of history.


  • What abstraction does this use?
  • What if the master node fails? How would you fix that? ]


The master single-point of failure is fixed in Hadoop 2.0 ("high availability").

Redundant execution

  • Slow workers significantly lengthen completion time
    • Because of other jobs consuming resources on machine
    • Bad disks with soft errors transfer data very slowly
    • Weird things: processor caches disabled (!!)
  • Solution: Near end of phase, spawn backup copies of tasks
    • Whichever one finishes first "wins"
  • Effect: Dramatically shortens job completion time


  • Input and output files are stored on a distributed file system.
    • e.g., GFS or HDFS.
  • Master tries to schedule Map workers near the data they are assigned to.
    • e.g., on the same machine or in the same rack.
    • often, MapReduce is run concurrently with GFS on the same nodes.
  • This results in thousands of machines reading input at local disk speed.
    • Without this, rack switches limit read rate.

.center.width-100[] .caption[Google, 2004.]

Hadoop Ecosystem


class: middle

  • Hadoop HDFS: A distributed file system for reliably storing huge amounts of unstructured, semi-structured and structured data in the form of files.
  • Hadoop MapReduce: A distributed algorithm framework for the parallel processing of large datasets on HDFS filesystem. It runs on Hadoop cluster but also supports other database formats like Cassandra and HBase.
  • Cassandra: A key-value pair NoSQL database, with column family data representation and asynchronous masterless replication.
    • Cassandra is built upon an architecture similar to a DHT.
  • HBase: A key-value pair NoSQL database, with column family data representation, with master-slave replication. It uses HDFS as underlying storage.
  • Zookeeper: A distributed coordination service for distributed applications.
    • It is based on a Paxos algorithm variant called Zab.

class: middle

  • Pig: Pig is a scripting interface over MapReduce for developers who prefer scripting interface over native Java MapReduce programming.
  • Hive: Hive is a SQL interface over MapReduce for developers and analysts who prefer SQL interface over native Java MapReduce programming.
  • Mahout: A library of machine learning algorithms, implemented on top of MapReduce, for finding meaningful patterns in HDFS datasets.
  • Yarn: A system to schedule applications and services on an HDFS cluster and manage the cluster resources like memory and CPU.
  • Flume: A tool to collect, aggregate, reliably move and ingest large amounts of data into HDFS.
  • ... and many others!

class: middle


MapReduce programmability

  • Most applications require multiple MR steps.
    • Google indexing pipeline: 21 steps
    • Analytics queries (e.g., count clicks and top-K): 2-5 steps
    • Iterative algorithms (e.g., PageRank): 10s of steps
  • Multi-step jobs create spaghetti code
    • 21 MR steps $\rightarrow$ 21 mapper + 21 reducer classes
    • Lots of boilerplate code per step

.center.width-70[] .caption[Chaining MapReduce jobs.]

Problems with MapReduce

  • Over time, MapReduce use cases showed two major limitations:
    • not all algorithms are suited for MapReduce.
      • e.g., a linear dataflow is forced.
    • it is difficult to use for exploration and interactive programming.
      • e.g., inside a notebook.
    • there are significant performance bottlenecks in iterative algorithms that need to reuse intermediate results.
      • e.g., saving intermediate results to stable storage (HDFS) is very costly.
  • That is, MapReduce does not compose so well for large applications.
  • For this reason, dozens of high level frameworks and specialized systems were developed.
    • e.g., Pregel, Dremel, FI, Drill, GraphLab, Storm, Impala, etc.


Draw a diagram illustrating the issue with intermediate writes.



  • Like Hadoop MapReduce, Spark is a framework for performing distributed computations.
  • Unlike various earlier specialized systems, the goal of Spark is to generalize MapReduce.
  • Two small additions are enough to achieve that goal:
    • fast data sharing
    • general direct acyclic graphs (DAGs).
  • Designed for data reuse and interactive programming.


Mention tutorials (PySpark, closeness to Pandas)



.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

.center[See also Spark examples]


Time for sorting $100\text{TB}$ of data:




  • Programs in Spark are written in terms of a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) abstraction and operations on them.
  • An RDD is a fault-tolerant read-only, partitioned collection of records.
    • Resilient: built for fault-tolerance (it can be recreated).
    • Distributed: content is divided into atomic partitions, usually stored in memory and across multiple nodes.
    • Dataset: collection of partitioned data with primitive values or values of values.
  • RDDs can only be created through deterministic operations on either:
    • data in stable storage, or
    • other RDDs.

class: middle


.footnote[Credits: Tony Duarte]

class: middle

Operations on RDDs

  • Transformations: $f(\text{RDD}) \rightarrow \text{RDD'}$
    • Coarse-grained operations only (à la pandas/numpy).
      • It is not possible to write to a single specific location in an RDD.
    • Lazy evaluation (not computed immediately).
    • e.g., map or filter.
  • Actions: $f(\text{RDD}) \rightarrow v$
    • Triggers computation.
    • e.g., count.
  • The interface also offers explicit persistence mechanisms to indicate that an RDD will be reused in future operations.
    • This allows for significant internal optimizations.



.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle count: false

Example: Log mining

Goal: Load error messages in memory, then interactively search for various patterns.


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

Rich, high-level API[ .kol-1-3[ map
... ] .kol-1-3[ reduce
... ] .kol-1-3[ sample
... ] ]


  • RDDs need not be materialized at all times.
  • Instead, an RDD internally stores how it was derived from other datasets (its lineage) to compute its partitions from data in stable storage.
    • This derivation is expressed as coarse-grained transformations.
  • Therefore, a program cannot reference an RDD that it cannot reconstruct after a failure.


class: middle

newRDD =


.footnote[Credits: Tony Duarte]

Representing RDDs

  • RDDs are built around a graph-based representation (a DAG).
  • RDDs share a common interface:
    • Lineage information:
      • Set of partitions.
      • List of dependencies on parents RDDs.
      • Function to compute a partition (as an iterator) given its parents.
    • Optimized execution (optional):
      • Preferred locations for each partition.
      • Partitioner (hash, range)

class: middle



  • Narrow dependencies: each partition of the parent RDD is used by at most one partition of the child RDD.
    • Allow for pipelined execution on one node.
    • Recovery after failure is more efficient with a narrow dependency, as only the lost parents partitions need to be recomputed.
  • Wide dependencies: multiple child partitions may depend on a parent partition.
    • A child partition requires data from all its parents to be recomputed.

Execution process


.footnote[Credits: Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.]

class: middle


Job scheduler

  • Whenever an action is called, the scheduler examines that RDD's lineage graph to build a DAG of stages to execute.
  • Each stage contains as many pipeline transformations with narrow dependencies as possible.
  • The boundaries of the stages are
    • the shuffle operations required for wide dependencies, or
    • already computed partitions that can short-circuit the computation of a parent RDD.

class: middle

  • The scheduler launches tasks to a lower-level scheduler to compute missing partitions from each stage until it has computed the target RDD.
    • One task per partition.
  • Tasks are assigned to machines based on data locality.

Fault tolerance

  • If a task fails, it is rescheduled on another node, as long as its stage's parents are still available.
  • If some stages have become unavailable, all corresponding tasks are resubmit to compute the missing partitions in parallel.


Dataflow programming

  • Spark builds upon the dataflow programming paradigm.
  • Dataflow programming models a program as a directed graph of the data flowing between operations.
  • An operation runs as soon as all of its inputs become valid.
  • Dataflow languages are inherently parallel and work well in large, decentralized systems.
  • Modern examples:
    • Scala
    • Spark
    • Tensorflow


  • High-level abstractions enable cloud programming over clusters.
    • Without having to handle parallelization, data distribution, load balancing, fault tolerance, ...
  • MapReduce is a parallel programming model based on map and reduce operations.
    • Best suited for embarrassingly parallel and linear tasks.
    • Its simplicity is a disadvantage for complex iterative programs for interactive exploration.
  • Spark generalizes MapReduce by making use of:
    • fast data sharing (data resides in memory)
    • general direct acyclic graphs of operations.

class: end-slide, center count: false

The end.


  • Dean, Jeffrey, and Sanjay Ghemawat. "MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters." Communications of the ACM 51.1 (2008): 107-113.
  • Zaharia, Matei, et al. "Resilient distributed datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing." Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. USENIX Association, 2012.
  • Xin, Reynold. "Stanford CS347 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark". 2015.