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Maintainters Meeting Notes Archive
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/205933580
- Download/Watch : https://bluejeans.com/s/mgtCo
- [Sorry Note] mscherer, kshlm, atinm, amye
- Amar, Rafi, Nigel, Milind, Nithya, Kaleb, Shyam, Xavi, Ravi, raghug, vbellur, Kotresh
AI from previous week
- [Nigel] Changes to 'Submit Type' - DONE on 2017-09-20 02:20 UTC
- [Amye] Email sent out with hotel information around Gluster Summit, if you didn't get it, ping me or ask around. -- amye
Note: Archive old meeting notes to wiki so the hackmd is lighter.
- [Amar] Can we archive it in our website somewhere, so we know where to search for old meeting minutes?
What are we doing with regression failure emails? (netbsd/netbsd-brick-mux?)
- You should all be getting emails from failures onto maintainers@
- [Atin] brick mux regression was on centos. volume status clients command is broken. Root cause availble. We have reverted the new test introduced in volume-status.t. regression is back to normal.
- [Atin] netbsd regression multiple test failures. Please look into it if it falls into your components.
- tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t
- tests/features/delay-gen.t
- tests/bitrot/bug-1373520.t (generated core)
- Let's have a rotating group of people who look at failures.
- [shyam] Do they look at only releases or master? Preferably only release branches, because master is overwhelming.
- [nigel] We should probably have one person look at all the branches and especially master. A lot of our test runs are triggered periodically against master. This person's job would be chase down the failures, find the right component, and get the fix pushed as soon as possible for centos-regression, netbsd-regression, regression with multiplex, and glusto tests.
Release roadmap
- Clarifications on 3.13 (STM), 4.0 (STM), 4.1 (LTM)
- Current calendar is 2 months between 3.13 and 4.0.
- [Amar] No features for 3.13 proposed yet. Nothing proposed yet
- [Shyam] 3.13 may be a sneak peak into 4.0 as features for 4.0 land at the time of branching.
- We should plan to take in Gfproxy into 3.13. If we can get it in early, we can stabilize messaging around Gfproxy. Poornima's latest patch passes regression.
- Poornima has updated github issue with latest status.
- Amar is considering error codes for 3.13 since there's 2 months as well. At least an early version given nothing changes from user point of view. Not committing given large code change and review effort.
- Rafi: Halo can be taken in. Amar: Halo is already in. Rafi: Looking at the patches that FB has in their branch specific to Halo replication. This is already in and can be highlighted as a feature to 3.13. (Already landed in 3.11).
- Kotresh: Also useful to have a use-case defined for Halo replication vs geo-replication. Vijay: When Halo is available, we will need to update our documentation for different types of replications we provide.
- 4.0 is slated for January 2018. Early Jan but worst case late Jan. Features are already planned. We have to discuss how to get them in early and what support those developers will need. During the summit, we need to do an off-hand check with maintainers about what they need. Possibly Thursday night?
- Expectations from maintainers:
- Scope clarity: 4.0 milestone on Gihub has 50 features listed. When you mark an issue for 4.0 milestone, send an email with link to issue. There's 50-ish features. We're 5 months away from the release. Can we ship them all? Would be nice for maintainers to look at their components to see what can happen. If we can't ship them, then please remove them from the milestone, so we're clear what can make it.
- Status of features: Good to have status update on big features so we know what's going on.
- What help do you/others need: As we get nearer to the release, Shyam picks reviews that are connected to major features and chase down reviews for it. Please help with this process and if you're being chased, help with prioritizing reviews as well.
- Clarifications on 3.13 (STM), 4.0 (STM), 4.1 (LTM)
Improving Quality of releases
- Baseline and do better on coverage reports: As we add more code, we want our coverage to improve. We'd like maintainers to look at their component and improve their coverage. Or at the very least not decrease coverage. We want to target this for 4.0. As pre-requisite for release.
- Same as above for coverity: Let's set baseline and bring down the number of issues. We have 848 coverity failures at the moment, how do we set targets to bring it down. We need to set baselines at release time and assign ownership for components which need to improve. Release team will send out reminders about this focus and provide call outs as a release gate.
- New features, plan to address regression tests and coverage are needed: We're adding a bunch of new features. We cannot have tests as hindsight. When these features land, we need healthy test coverage. We should plan for higher coverage of new features as they land and at least before branching.
Additional release owners for 3.13 and 4.0
- [Amar] Can help in follow ups
- Anyone interested can contact Shyam
How are we tracking changes in 3.8-fb branch? Should maintainers see whats useful? or should we followup with FB on when it would be sent to 'master'?
- [Ravi] What is facebook's stragety for contributing patches to master?
- FB has completed upstreaming it's patches to release-3.8-fb. About 98%. They're keep to get these patches into master. Since they're not keen to carry these patches in their fork. They intend to do an accelerated forward port to master around December. At this point, we will maintainers to review their patches and accepting.
- Around 3.10 we called this out, there are patches in 3-8-fb branch. If you could monitor it and port patches into master, that would be good. These are fixes that would be good to have for us too. Retain the change-Id so that we track that the patches are ported.
- If the fix is the same, but we take a different approach, what do we do? Like every project, let's do the change and invite them to comment. Some of the Halo fixes, the patch description doesn't help understand what it's trying to fix. Email/add them to patches. If they don't respond, we'll talk to FB during the fortnightly sync ups.
- 4.0 branching is around early December. We will be busy around the same time. FB only has time around early December, we cannot change that.
Gluster 4.0
- GD2 -
- Need maintainers to help with options changes.
- Currently you can create a volume, start a volume and mount a client in glusterd.
- The framework for making it generic with volumegen and volumeset isn't complete yet. That will land later this month. That's where they need maintainer help. GlusterD will not maintain it's own options table. All translators which provide options need change with new flags and default values.
- After volumegen patch gets in, we'll move to georep and other plugins. Aravinda has send a patch to change the way georep configs are written. Working towards getting snapshot and quota team to talk to glusterd2 team so they can have plans for these changes.
- Protocol changes.
- [Amar] From this month onwards, few members of team will spend at least one day on Gluster 4.0 activities per week, in the BLR office.
- Mostly working on protocol changes next week.
- Monitoring
- initial patches sent for review
- Will be broken into multiple patches, will need help.
- GFProxy -
- updated status available at https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/242
- Error codes -
- Initial changes are in, needs a lot of reviews
- Part of hackathon at Bangalore for later weeks.
- [Shyam] Update mail in progress, should hit the lists by this week
- GD2 -
Round Table
- [Nithya] Upstream gluster documentation work, need help from all
- [Vijay / Shyam / Amar] Very critical, please extend help.
- [Shyam] Release retrospective for 3.12, please do talk about things that can be improved
- [Vijay] Welcome Xavier as full time Gluster contributor. Glad to have you onboard in Red Hat Gluster team.
- [Vijay] FOSDEM, DevConf discussion are on, will hear more in the future on this
- [Nithya] Upstream gluster documentation work, need help from all
- Download: https://bluejeans.com/s/EAySV
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/205933580
- [Sorry Note] vbellur, atinm, nithya
- raghug, amarts, jiffin, nigelb, ravi, kaushal, pranith, csaba, ndevos, rafi, milind, amye, poornima
Action Items pending from last week
- Amar to send changes required for Protocol changes - DONE
- Nigel & Jiffin to figure out more about ASan builds - DONE
- Blog posts:
- Amye's note to list
- Not much action seen here
- How to increase content/traction?
patch https://review.gluster.org/#/c/17985/
- Need more feedback from other maintainers
- 15days deadline was proposed, 7 days more pending
- client stack is discussed, concern on brick xlator stack.
- Reminder to be sent mid-way.
Meeting timings
- Some conflicts with the current time since last month as RedHat moved its program call around same time, where many of maintainers are also part.
- What other times are possible?
- We can continue to use this for another 2 months till October, but after that surely need a change which doesn't conflict.
- For future, we recommend maintainers to consider this slot before agreeing for a recurring meeting at your company, so we can keep this slot static.
- [NigelB] Can we keep the time same and change the day.
- [Amye] Happy to read the notes later
Any more discussion required on review/patch etiquette?
- Jeff's email
- Amar's reply
- Any more comments? Suggestions for improvements?
- [Ndevos] Need to have a bug-id instead of RFC if they are indeed a bugfix. Helps a lot with tracking because many of our users are still using bugzilla to track bugs. (Or GitHub Issues, but something trackable.)
- [Amar] Send the approach to the problem in email if not many are reviewing.
- [ndevos] can the review comment on merged patches valid in experimental? [Amar] yes, absolutely.
Fixing patch dependency
- Requires a Submit-Type change preferably to Rebase-If-Necessary.
- We've had this conversation before and recently.
- What happens if we adopt the Rebase-If-Necessary submit type:
- No more metadata flags added by Gerrit other than "Change-Id" and "Signed-Off-On"
- Submit button for dependent patches will be greyed out.
- [ndevos] clickable change-id is good enough.
- [nigelb] verify that who-wrote-glusterfs will work post this change.
- Stats: https://gerritstats-demo.firebaseapp.com/
Summit - October 27th and 28th
- Gluster 4.0 - Release leads, life cycle, EOL
- Discuss: What are the things we need next, to call it Gluster 5.0 ? Time bound? Feature Bound? etc.
- Release Management Review (what's working and what needs to be better)
- Infra Planning - What does the community need that we're not supporting
- Should we do a survey? Do we know what community needs?
Gluster 4.0 - Status check
- GD2 (must have)
- Protocol changes (should have)
- Email sent - URL, need action further
- gfproxy (should have)
- Poornima sent the email - URL
- Error code changes (good to have)
- Email sent - URL
- Need a hackathon as it is a lot of code change
- Monitoring (good to have)
- Email sent - URL
- Need to break up the tasks / patches in order so we can make small changes at a time.
Round Table (Check with every member, whats' cooking in their domain)
- [Amye] Please register for summit. It helps to look at funding. Also working on group discount for hotel booking.
- [Jiffin] nfs ganesha ha solution(storhaug is not yet in full fledge) is not complete
- [Nigel] Clang/coverity fixes should have a plan to decrease it for future releases.
- Download: https://bluejeans.com/s/rNeVh
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/205933580
- [Sorry note]: MAdam, MiSc, Atin,
- Amar, Poornima, Kaushal, Nithya, Amye, Nigel, Shyam, Vijay, Niels, Milind
Recap of pending AI from previous weeks:
- Mails on GD2, volume set changes, volgen changes, protocol changes [Done]
- Mail on Gluster 4.0 release [Draft]
- Draft on how to subscribe to changes and create a dashboard for your component
Plan for Gluster Summit 2017
- Should maintainers discuss anything specific other than Gluster 4.0
- [Shyam] Operations of project, like what is working good, what can improve etc.
- [Amye] yes we should that (maintainers BoF)
- [VBellur] BoF should help to discuss further design discussions in person.
- Schedule to be released Friday Pacific time
- Travel deadlines to be announced
- Should maintainers discuss anything specific other than Gluster 4.0
Release 3.12 Status check
- Things look good w.r.to patch backlog
- fstat output: bitrot, gfid resolution in afr (are of concern)
- all patches which are in 3.8, 3.10, 3.11 are also in branch
- run glusto on release-3.12
- RPMs have some issues, Shyam is working with Kaleb on this.
- AI: Release notes need a review by all, Shyam to send a mail on this [Shyam]
Release 4.0
- GD2 status check
- CLI peer cmd patch is ready.
- volgen patches are in work.
- planned hackathon in RHT BLR office.
- Should plan a hackathon for community, and give a demo to Gluster Dev community.
- Provide a good patch which can serve as an example for others to adapt to the newer way of doing things.
- gfproxy
- problem is graph switch issues can be of concern.
- portmapper.
- gfproxy to run on TSP for now.
- glusterd2 integration would be critical.
- protocol changes
- initial patch is in experimental
- namelink/icreate fops to serve as an example
- Round table (on status check)
- [Shyam]: RIO: working in experimental branch
- [Shyam]: RIO: posix to be re-used, currently needs a re-ordering.
- [Shyam]: RIO: working on entry ops, to show a demo at earliest.
- [Amar]: Error Codes: Very critical, initial work started. Lot of code change, need reviewers soon.
- GD2 status check
Deepshika is now peer on Gluster CI. See https://review.gluster.org/#/c/18091/
- We don't have a documented process for new peers at this point.
- We went with both maintainers acking.
- Amar, Anoop, Milind, Nithya, Susant, Rafi, Vijay, Nigel,Jiffin, Sunil, Shyam
- [Sorry Note] Jeff Darcy, RTalur, NDeVos, PKarampu, Kaushal, Amye
Any more questions about 4.0 discussion? Notes from meeting here
- glusterd2 is the blocker, with gfproxy and protocol changes
Release 3.12? All good? Any concerns?
- All good. Shyam sent RC mail.
Summit CfP
- Last date is 15th August (ie, before next meeting, so propose talks if any)
- Any agenda we should focus for Summit? [Specific to Maintainers]
Infra update
- Line coverage tests now available.
- Check how we are performing @ this link
Blog posts
- Gluster project needs more blogs, and more content in Gluster.ORG
- See if we can get more blogs at blog.gluster.org
- 3.12 features?
- Good to have calendar for this, ie, 1 post per week
- Need planing and establish list of topics for 4-6 weeks.
- [Milind] Maybe identifying Use Cases of featiures could help us blog about them about their different aspects
- Note: Amye wrote a note into the maintainers list outlining next steps and inviting contributions directly after this meeting.
Review Concerns?
- Speak up if you need any support from other maintainers
- Great if you can update the sheet with URL before the meeting
- glusterd2 requirements (email response)
- monitoring metrics (email/code contributions in experimental branch)
- backport to release branches. Will help to have other people review it too.
ASAN builds:
- How to go forward?
- [Jiffin] We tried it on NFS Ganesha. Had some issues with Glusterd, but otherwise we found it fine.
< Add agenda if any >
- [Amar] To send a mail on protocol changes for 4.0
Notice the change in meeting room from next meeting
- Moved to auto started / auto recording / separate handle for Maintainers meeting in BlueJeans.
- Also the meeting repeats on every Wednesday, same time. No need to wait for everyone.
- Meeting should proceed based on agenda. Make sure to update it 24hrs before meeting, so people have sufficient time to plan for meeting.
- New meeting URL: https://bluejeans.com/205933580
Maintainers 2.0 : Now done, Make sure all maintainers are aware of below.
- Maintainer access:
- Should have access to label issues (github)
- Maintainer responsibilities?
- Reviews (dashboard request)
- Design -> github + council
- Future of component -> github (ideas) -> github lanes
- Doc (Dev/user/relnotes/best practices/blogs/presentations)
- Github issues labelling and triaging
- BugZilla -> ZDP (Zero Defect Pipeline)
- Ensure a reducing trend in bugs, with the ideal goal being (well!) zero
- This is not for feature pipeline which is tracked as github issues
- Testing (glusto/.t/gbench) -> release readiness
- We're working on having line-coverage tests, which will help us gauge gap in function/components that are not tested. The Jenkins job is currently under testing.
- Lists
- Add yourself to maintainers@
- Building peers
- Meetings
- Be available for the maintainers meeting
- 2 others, community and bug triaging (this is over email now, see triage guidelines)
- Release calendar
- AI: [Shyam] to create a release calendar and share with maintainers@ (this is a google shared calendar), to serve as a quick reference for all
- How do we get better at release scope? This is an open problem for the community that needs ideas/answers
- AI: Possibly we get to defining/solving this around the GDS [Nigel]
- Process for abandoning old patches owned by others
- Patches get auto abandoned if it is older than 90 days with no gerrit activity (once the flag is turned on. Scheduled to be turned on after the Gerrit upgrade)
- If a patch has to be revived, reopen it
- If you want a patch to survive the 90 day mark, add a comment to it!
- Existing: https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/Guidelines-For-Maintainers/
- Need dashboards and hence feedback for maintainers and peers
- Example: https://review.gluster.org/#/projects/glusterfs,dashboards/dashboard:3-11-dashboard
- All dashboards viewable/usable by all: https://review.gluster.org/#/admin/projects/glusterfs,dashboards
- AI: [Nigel] Send how to for a component, with an example
- Maintainer access:
[Nigel] NetBSD is failing on master
- AI: [Nigel] Let the job run despite failures
- Wish list: If we could get the backtrace (like on Linux) would help
- Who looks at the failures:
- Have first responders for NetBSD/all tests
- Possibly roate them over time
- Component/area owners look at failed test cases
- Possibly difficult to assign and track owners for the test cases that are failing
- AI: [Nigel] This needs more discussion, take it to the lists
- Have first responders for NetBSD/all tests
- Branching done
- What next with testing?
- glusto tests are failing.
- What was tried for 3.10: issues for testing
- Make it easier to tests:
- Provide documentation
- Write notes on what we specifically want tested
- Have piecemeal manual tests
- New features
- Criticial day 1 activity
- Upgrades
- We need to test some regular expectations:
- Upgrade
- Standard workloads
- Existing features
4.0 Status
- glusterd2
- gfproxy
- Quality focus?
- ...
- Is this a time based release or a feature based release? From a time to release POV
- AI: [All] Send feature updates to the lists, to keep the momentum and also information flowing to all
- AI: Setup a separate meeting (time to be synced via email) to discuss this topic [Amar]
[Amar] What next with 'experimental' branch.
- If no one is using it, would like to rebase to master and force push. If people are using, would like to have another branch.
[Raghavendra G] What's with Abandoning non-relevant patch.
- Nigel: Will need a gerrit restart, will do post 3.12
[Nigel] Are burn down charts useful for release planning now that we have projects on github? Example
Gluster Summit CfP (is this the forum to talk about?)
Who will host the next meeting? (Not sure who should host this meeting too :p (I vote for Amar to host this one :) )
- Nigel
- Shyam
- Jeff
- Ravi
- Kaushal
- Milind
- Jiffin
- Kotresh
- Rafi KC
- Amye
- Michael A.
- Anoop C S
- Aravinda VK
- Niels
- Susant
- AI: [Shyam] to create a release calendar and share with maintainers@ (this is a google shared calendar), to serve as a quick reference for all
- AI: [Nigel] How do we get better at release scope? Possibly we get to defining/solving this around the GDS
- AI: [Open] Start writing scripts to get the metrics in above bullet points
- AI: [Nigel] Send to the lists how to generate a gerrit dashboard for a component, with an example
- AI: [Nigel] Let the NetBSD job run despite failures
- AI: [Nigel] Who looks at NetBSD failures? This needs more discussion, take it to the lists
- AI: [All] Send 4.0 feature updates to the lists, to keep the momentum and also information flowing to all
- AI: [Amar] Setup a separate meeting (time to be synced via email) to discuss 4.0 topic
- Maintainers 2.0 status
- Maintainer responsibilities?
- Reviews (dashboard request)
- Design -> github + council
- Future of component -> github (ideas) -> github lanes
- Doc (Dev/user/relnotes/best practices/blogs/presentations)
- Github issues labelling and triaging
- BZ -> ZDP (Zero Defect Pipeline)
- Testing (glusto/.t/gbench) -> release readiness
- Lists
- Building peers
- Meetings
- Release calendar
- Existing: https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/Guidelines-For-Maintainers/
- Patch to change MAINTAINERS: https://review.gluster.org/#/c/17583/
- Need dashboards and hence feedback for maintainers and peers
- Nigel needs greenflag on changing the merge rights!
- To be done on 1st of July - Amar to file a bug
- Next maintainer meeting will/should/may involve all the new maintainers and peers!!!
- Maintainer responsibilities?
- 3.12/4.0
- Release calendar shared across all maintainers
- Google calendar
- AI: Shyam to create the same
- Reminder on features mail
- 3.11 release retrospective feedback
- Feedback is closed
- Will hit social media on results
- Experimental is a bed for accelerting 4.0 features, nightly tests are being planned here
- Should we have experimental per release?
- We can decide based on usage and learning from the first few iterations.
- Nightly pipeline should be ready for 3.12 [Nigel]
- [Shyam] to sync up on how to monitor this and use it as a gate
- Release calendar shared across all maintainers
- Let's do release retrospective across maintainers in this meeting.[Nigel] - We can start this from 3.12 [AI: Shyam]
- 30/90 day review closure [Nigel] - Gerrit configuration change - Needs a gerrit downtime, will be scheduled in the near future (possibly before next maintainers meeting)
- Shyam
- Amye
- Amar
- Niels
- Nigel Babu
- Kaleb
- Start writing scripts to get the metrics in above bullet points
- AI: Amar to send out a mail to gluster-devel for maintainer2.0 patch and ask everyone review and Ack!
Action Items:
AI: All maintainers look at this bug and update Gerrit Filter: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1451184
AI: Amar to send out a note about review backlog
AI: Team to approve (Ack / Nack) below two proposals:
- Already responded by Shyam and Vijay, need final confirmation to start progress on this.
- This is tried in many project as 'feature' branches (earlier tried in case of gluster too)
- Amar is thinking this as more of a branch which is visible on gerrit, and can be used as a place to test out your idea, and also a place where it can be WIP patches gets merged.
- This is useful because with patches merged progressively, we allow people to quickly propose their idea to code, and then once all the required patches are in an experimental branch, it gets ported to 'master' branch.
- Main thing to propose this is, we run weekly regressions and builds from this branch, and we can give our users to 'confirm' if a given feature works for them. Today, either users have to cherry-pick patch, build it themself if patch is not merged and marked WIP.
- AI: Ack from people attended:
- Amar to file infra bug to get this moving.
- Amar to update README and ./rfc.sh of the branch to mention more about the changes.
AI: Shyam to send out a condensed github workflow document
- Pending, TBD before 3.11 release retrospective is sent out (in a week from 31st May)
AI: Should the workflow be on the revamped gluster.org website?
Maintainers v2.0
- https://hackmd.io/GwUwzGCGCcwEYFoBMIAskGtUgjAy2AxgiAKwBmIO05uc2QA=
- AI: all maintainers to go through this list by 5th June. Amar will be sending out this note on 5th.
- target roll-out when 3.11 is released
- half-way during 3.12 reflect on the proposal and implementation
- AI: Amye, Amar & Vijay to get the process started
- [Raghavendra G] Details about Maintainers(?) council. What are the resposibilities? What are the things I should be doing to be part of the council?
3.12/4.0 calendar
- Features, Testing focus for 3.11
- 4.0 features/topics are being sent to ML
Glusto Status Update [nigel]
- Glusto in a consumable state by the broader community
- Shwetha/Nigel to send out an update on -devel
- AI: set goals for 3.12
Coverity covscan [kkeithle]
- two new issues on master since 2017-04-10 http://bit.ly/2pRGerZ
- AI: set goals for 3.12
- Targeting memory + resource leaks, use after free
- AI: setup a day per month
- two new issues on master since 2017-04-10 http://bit.ly/2pRGerZ
[Pranith] What should be done about the cinder block?
- BLR meeting update
- AI: All maintainers look at this bug and update Gerrit Filter: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1451184
- All minutes - Maintainers discussion (so you can jump on to more interesting discussions) https://hackmd.io/MwVgJgZiCMCmDsBaWBjAhixAWWxaLQCMBOLRYgBjWGkLDGJCiA==#
- Original: https://hackmd.io/BwRgDAxgnAhjBsBaAJgZgKysQFgOycSlwFMRF1hkZgAjcAJmJgDMg===#
- AI: Amye to send out minutes
- AI: Amar to send out a note about review backlog
- Round Table focusing on GitHub backlog
- https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues
- AI: Shyam to send out a condensed github workflow document
- AI: Should the workflow be on the revamped gluster.org website?
- Maintainers v2.0
- https://hackmd.io/GwUwzGCGCcwEYFoBMIAskGtUgjAy2AxgiAKwBmIO05uc2QA=
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16IXxyhYb2VdhVqUYyJ5jAT-EvEj4xnkIMD_C4nrNVoY/edit?ts=58d059c7#gid=0
- target roll-out when 3.11 is released
- half-way during 3.12 reflect on the proposal and implementation
- AI: Amye, Amar & Vijay to get the process started
- 3.11/3.12/4.0 calendar
- Features, Testing focus for 3.11
- RC1 date: May-22-2017
- Release tagging: May-29-2017
- Release on May-30-2017
- May 22-29 final week for fixes
- 4.0 features/topics are being written down by Amar
- AI: Shyam to post on MLs [Done]
- Features, Testing focus for 3.11
- Glusto Status Update [nigel]
- Glusto in a consumable state by the broader community
- Shwetha/Nigel to send out an update on -devel
- AI: set goals for 3.12
- Coverity covscan [kkeithle]
- two new issues on master since 2017-04-10 http://bit.ly/2pRGerZ
- AI: set goals for 3.12
- Targeting memory + resource leaks, use after free
- AI: setup a day per month
- two new issues on master since 2017-04-10 http://bit.ly/2pRGerZ
- Round Table focusing on GitHub backlog
- Maintainers v2.0
- https://hackmd.io/GwUwzGCGCcwEYFoBMIAskGtUgjAy2AxgiAKwBmIO05uc2QA=
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16IXxyhYb2VdhVqUYyJ5jAT-EvEj4xnkIMD_C4nrNVoY/edit?ts=58d059c7#gid=0
- target roll-out when 3.11 is released
- half-way during 3.12 reflect on the proposal and implementation
- AI: Amye, Amar & Vijay to get the process started
- 3.11/3.12/4.0 calendar
- Features, Testing focus for 3.11
- 4.0 features/topics are being written down by Amar
- AI: Shyam to post on MLs
- Glusto Status Update [nigel]
- Glusto in a consumable state by the broader community
- Shwetha/Nigel to send out an update on -devel
- Coverity covscan [kkeithle]
- two new issues on master since 2017-04-10 http://bit.ly/2pRGerZ
- AI: set goals for 3.12
- two new issues on master since 2017-04-10 http://bit.ly/2pRGerZ
- Longevity cluster [kkeithle]
- updated to 3.10.1 on 2017-04-05
- all processes (brick, glustershd, client fuse-bridge) showing modest RSZ, VSZ growth
- nfs-ganesha started on 2017-04-06. small RSZ growth, no VSZ growth
- http://bit.ly/2o3D2gt
- Round Table
- Shyam
- Raghavendra G.
- Nigel
- Niels (tried to unmute with #6, not working?)
- Kaleb
- Amye
- Amar
- Vijay
- Backlog consolidation as github issues
- Further action pending
- AI for Vijay: remind maintainers (AGAIN) to create github issues
- Maintainers v2.0
- https://hackmd.io/GwUwzGCGCcwEYFoBMIAskGtUgjAy2AxgiAKwBmIO05uc2QA=
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16IXxyhYb2VdhVqUYyJ5jAT-EvEj4xnkIMD_C4nrNVoY/edit?ts=58d059c7#gid=0
- target roll-out when 3.11 is released
- half-way during 3.12 reflect on the proposal and implementation
- 3.11/3.12/4.0 calendar
- Features, Testing focus for 3.11
- 4.0 features/topics are being written down by Amar
- Backlog consolidation as github issues
- Further action pending
- Maintainers v2.0
- https://hackmd.io/GwUwzGCGCcwEYFoBMIAskGtUgjAy2AxgiAKwBmIO05uc2QA=
- AI: Amye/Vijay to invite rfc on maintainers ML
- Demo hour
- start with a 15 minute session at the end of the community meeting(s)
- TODO: add a topic to the community meeting agenda, find someone to present
- 3.11/3.12/4.0 calendar
- Features, Testing focus for 3.11
- Glusto tests and good build conversation
- Replacement maintainer for Snapshots
- AI: Vijay & Amar to suggest replacements on ML
- Fedora 25, stay with glusterfs-3.9 (for 9 more months) or update to 3.10? (or is this a community meeting question?)
- CentOS Storage SIG replaces 3.9 packages with 3.10 (in two update runs)
- Github move post 3.10 (retire bugzilla)
- Moving out of Bugzilla for bugs is not happening for 3.11
- We will solidify movement of features, backlog, major fixes as github issues though for 3.11
- [Shyam] to send updated workflow for this by end of the week
- 3.10/3.11/4.0
- 3.10 to release before end of Feb
- Call out scope for 3.11 and 4.0 by end of Feb
- Shyam would like to continue as the release owner for 3.11, to get github practice in place basically
- Interested folks please let us know if you want to run it instead
- Get github issues workflow ready by then (prerequisite?)
- Backlog consolidation as github issues
- Need increased momentum on this (Shyam)
- Can we do this online, getting people together in locations to do this out? (Vijay)
- +2
- BLR volunteer: Kaushal (possibly next week)
- Westford: Vijay/Shyam (next week)
- Du/Shyam fill up backlog that was discussed for a series of components
- Shyam to send the list evolved during meetings with Du and Nithya with others to elicit backlog for all components
- Possibly improving regression testing is one major area
- Focus area owners
- Send a reminder, with notes on what it means to own a focus area, and how to drive it [Shyam]
- FB patches and plans
- Get things merged into master by 3.11
- Help FB folks by actively moving patches from 3.8-fb to master and shepherding them
- Call out for the same to hit devel with 3.11 announcement
- Next release
- Can we focus on test improvements exclusively for 3.11? (Kaushal)
- +4
- Glusto is kind of stuck, should we pick that up and focus on it? (Du)
- +2
- Get tests listed for 3.9 automated as a first step possibly (Pranith)
- Can we focus on test improvements exclusively for 3.11? (Kaushal)
- Release 3.10 testing feedback
- Release 3.10 documentation
- Github move post 3.10 (retire bugzilla)
- WIP note: https://hackmd.io/MYUxDYE4BMCYCMC0BGc5aICwFZYDNEBDABniUO2L0nGOUgGZlYg=?view#
- Send in the calendar for the move (Shyam)
- Send a separate meeting to run through the specifics with maintainers (Shyam)
- release 3.11 feature call out
- release 4.0 feature call out
- Is this STM/LTM? (Kaleb)
- Even number release, and also first major release hence LTM is the proposal ATM
- Is this STM/LTM? (Kaleb)
- Focus area owners
- Backlog consolidation as github issues
01/11/2017 (Jan 11)
Agenda: (Initiatives to check in at next meeting)
- Maintainers guidelines:
- Backlog consolidation - Shyam
- Gap analysis of what's missing for each component
- Issues aren't appearing in github
- Shyam to clean up project board (GEDI project mainly)
- Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
- Updates expected by end of the week
- Performance - Shyam
- Documentation / Website - Rajesh
- AI: Amye to follow up on broken search with RTD
- Amye will provide an update on website later
- Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
- Resolving confusion around technical debt: keep asking questions
- shyam and Raghavendra G will do a technical debt example for write-behind (and md-cache?)
- Infra priorities going forward - Nigel
- no update yet, https://www.gluster.org/community/release-schedule/ mentions monthly releases for 3.9.x and all
- backport acceptance criteria: http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/maintainers/2016-May/000706.html
- Multiplexing patch, needs a walkthrough to accelerate reviews
- on hold for Vijay
<<< OLDER NOTES, Not cleaned up for HackMD or any MD style and leaving them be >>>
Replacing PublicPad
Amye to make an overview pad with better links
link it on https://www.gluster.org/community/
Maintainers guidelines: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N7Rtq4uiuDL1TLvX3wYdNQ3nID27PmVaszTCYWTHMOk/edit#slide=id.p -- New draft.
01/04/2017 (Jan 4) Agenda:
Backlog consolidation - Shyam
Gap analysis of what's missing for each component
Issues aren't appearing in github
Shyam to clean up project board (GEDI project mainly)
Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
Updates expected by end of the week
Performance - Shyam
outreachy, some small changes/feedback, mostly lack of responses/status updates
Documentation - Rajesh
no rajesh, no others have an update
Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
Resolving confusion around technical debt: keep asking questions
shyam and Raghavendra G will do a technical debt example for write-behind (and md-cache?)
Facebook contributions
We need a tracker for things appearing on the fb branch and what is missing on master
developer experience is a priority for our work with them
Infra priorities going forward - Nigel
Forthcoming releases
Multiplexing patch, needs a walkthrough to accelerate reviews
on hold for Vijay
Replacing PublicPad
Amye to make an overview pad with better links
link it on https://www.gluster.org/community/
Maintainers guidelines: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N7Rtq4uiuDL1TLvX3wYdNQ3nID27PmVaszTCYWTHMOk/edit#slide=id.p -- New draft.
12/21/2016 Agenda:
Backlog consolidation - Shyam
Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
Performance - Shyam
Documentation - Rajesh
Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
Adding items to Github project board
Including Facebook patches
quota, rpc, dht,
Forthcoming releases
3.10 and maintainer's actions on 3.10: Mid-January feature 'freeze' (not really but if they're not ready at that point, they can't get added in)
Brick multiplexing is on track, moving forward on actual multiplexing
Replacing PublicPad Maintainers guidelines: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N7Rtq4uiuDL1TLvX3wYdNQ3nID27PmVaszTCYWTHMOk/edit#slide=id.p -- New draft. AOB
Next meeting 4 Jan to catch up on items missed due to lack of quorum
Next meeting on 14 December 2016 Moved to 21 December 2016 due to meeting conflicts
Backlog consolidation - Shyam
GitHub project URL:
Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
Performance - Shyam
perf regressions as a gate for 3.10 release is being acted on.
Documentation - Rajesh
Tooling - right now in gitbook, looking into asciibinder
Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
partially related to the backlog consolidation from Shyams 1st topic - GitHub project
Jeff: we need to consolidate the different backlog lists that are kept
AI/kshlm reach out to people to get updates sent to mailing
Metrics for maintainers
How do we measure ourselves?
What are the quantitative aspects that we look forward from new maintainers?
Qualitative criterion - https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/Guidelines-For-Maintainers/
Review the reviews
Forthcoming releases
Shyam, Raghavendra Talur, Kaleb to be release maintainers
Backlog consolidation - Shyam
Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
Adoption of glusto for 3.10
Performance - Shyam
Aimed for weekly regression tests
Looking into beaker integration
Documentation - Rajesh
Tooling - right now in gitbook, looking into asciibinder
Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
partially related to the backlog consolidation from Shyams 1st topic - GitHub project
Jeff: we need to consolidate the different backlog lists that are kept
AI/kshlm reach out to people to get updates sent to mailing
Metrics for maintainers
How do we measure ourselves?
What are the quantitative aspects that we look forward from new maintainers?
Qualitative criterion - https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/Guidelines-For-Maintainers/
Review the reviews
Forthcoming releases
3.9 (Aravinda/Pranith) - done, pending blog post + upgrade guide
steps needed for a release: http://gluster.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/GlusterFS-Release-process/
Shyam, Raghavendra Talur, Kaleb to be release maintainers
Backlog consolidation - Shyam
AI/all: see email from Shyam, reply with feedback within a week
Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
glusto job on centos CI now available
Release tests to be automated first
Performance - Shyam
Aimed for weekly regression tests
Looking into beaker integration
Documentation - Rajesh
Tooling - right now in gitbook, looking into asciibinder
Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
partially related to the backlog consolidation from Shyams 1st topic - GitHub project
Jeff: we need to consolidate the different backlog lists that are kept
AI/kshlm reach out to people to get updates sent to mailing list
Meetings with Facebook
Separate branch on upstream for landing patches
That would be a first step in getting all patches into mainline
Forthcoming releases
3.9 (Aravinda/Pranith)
3.10 I propose it should be 3.A
It was a joke, people
AI/all: come up with topics we want in 3.10 for the next meeting
FYI rpmdev-vercmp says 3.9 > 3.A (IOW, No! No to it being 3.A)
and 3.9 < 3.10
Get ideas to AmyE for user survey!
Backlog consolidation - Shyam
AI/all: see email from Shyam, reply with feedback within a week
Test Automation - Raghavendra Talur & Pranith
AI/rtalur: check with shweta/jonathan for upstreaming status of Glusto tests
AI/all: once Glusto examples are available, add more test cases for components
Performance - Shyam
Facebook might be able to provide hardware (or time in their environment) for testing
gbench will most likely become the standard for performance testing
Documentation - Rajesh
(Rajesh not attending, skipping)
Technical Debt - Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
partially related to the backlog consolidation from Shyams 1st topic - GitHub project
Jeff: we need to consolidate the different backlog lists that are kept
Release management -
demanding (bi-)weely updates from leads (Samba, Ganesha, Glusto upstreaming, Container stuff, Kubernetes, Tiering, TGIF - must-fix-team, DHT, Replication)
pretty much what Kaushal sends out for GlusterD2 and Karthik did for WORM
failing community meeting attendance
maintainers should *really* try hard to attend, or send heads-up notes when unavailable
strongly encouraged for any Gluster contirbutor to attend, need to identify why this is not happening
Try out a simplified meeting next week without regular updates. Instead depend on regular updates sent to mailing lists.
AI/kshlm reach out to people to get updates sent to mailing list
Forthcoming releases
3.10 I propose it should be 3.A
AI/all: come up with topics we want in 3.10 for the next meeting
Generic comments:
Amye: make this meeting public, please. :D
kshlm: +1
ndevos got kicked out of bluejeans, reconnecting fails... and I'm back!
09/14/2016 Agenda
Review inputs
While we were discussing this yesterday, Github announced something similar to what we need
Here is a demo I created: https://github.com/raghavendra-talur/vagrant-cluster-creator/projects/1#card-49668
what we get:
Existing issues can be added as cards easily, and they are linked
You can create corresponding issue for any card easily
You can have multiple project boards, say, one per xlator or component.
using card urls for linking from main project board to component board.
What is not possible:
You cannot link existing card to existing issue. You will have to delete one and create it linked with another.
comment on cards
card labels
assignee on cards(assignee on issue linked to card is possible)
Moving cards across projects
Managing backlog going forward
Planning and Prioritization for future releases
Initiatives & Owners
Raghavendra Talur
Pranith Kumar K
<+1 Looking for a partner, would help>
Stability / Technical Debt
Shyam, Du, Atin, Jeff
AI: follow up with Nigel
Process changes
Rajesh - Humble?
Anything else