In this lab, you are going to:
- Create a VPC
- Create two external static IP addresses
- Create a GKE cluster
- Provision managed Anthos Service Mesh on the GKE cluster
- Create a CloudSQL PostgreSQL database instance
Create a VPC:
export VPC_NETWORK="redis-vpc-network"
gcloud compute networks create $VPC_NETWORK \
On success, you should view your VPC network as follows:
Reserve external static IP addresses:
gcloud compute addresses create redis-api-gateway-ip --region us-central1
export REDIS_API_GATEWAY_IP="$(gcloud compute addresses describe redis-api-gateway-ip --region=us-central1 --format='value(address)')"
gcloud compute addresses create redis-client-host-ip --region us-central1
export REDIS_CLIENT_HOST_IP="$(gcloud compute addresses describe redis-client-host-ip --region=us-central1 --format='value(address)')"
On success, you should see the newly created reserved public IP addresses as shown below:
Create a GKE cluster:
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="$PROJECT_ID" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
export CLUSTER_LOCATION=us-central1
export CLUSTER_NAME="redis-gke-cluster-$CLUSTER_LOCATION"
gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--machine-type=e2-standard-8 \
--network=$VPC_NETWORK \
--subnetwork=$SUBNETWORK \
--num-nodes=1 \
--workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID} \
On success, you should see your newly created GKE cluster like below:
Provision Anthos Service Mesh:
Enable Anthos Service Mesh on your project's Fleet:
gcloud container fleet mesh enable --project $PROJECT_ID
Register the cluster to the project's Fleet:
gcloud container fleet memberships register $CLUSTER_NAME-membership \
--enable-workload-identity \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
On success, you can verify the GKE cluster's fleet membership in Google Cloud Console:
Provision managed Anthos Service Mesh on the cluster using the Fleet API:
gcloud container fleet mesh update \
--management automatic \
--memberships ${CLUSTER_NAME}-membership \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
Wait for about ~10 minutes and run the command below to verify ASM is enabled:
gcloud container fleet mesh describe --project $PROJECT_ID
You should see the following states equal to ACTIVE
when the installation of Anthos Service Mesh has been completed:
details: 'Ready: asm-managed'
state: ACTIVE
- code: OK
details: Service is running.
state: ACTIVE
Enable "default" namespace for sidecar injection
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
You should see the following output on success:
label "" not found.
namespace/default labeled
Verify the auto sidecar injection is enabled by running:
kubectl get ns default -oyaml
You should see the following output with "istio-injection: enabled" label in the default
namespace's definition:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
creationTimestamp: "2023-06-30T16:21:36Z"
istio-injection: enabled default
name: default
resourceVersion: "8107"
uid: 383da266-09a6-4fa3-b12c-6e62e62b3d84
- kubernetes
phase: Active
Create the Source DB - Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL:
Note: database-flags=cloudsql.logical_decoding=on enables logical replication workflows and change data capture (CDC) workflows which is required by RDI.
Create PostgreSQL instance:
export ZONE=us-central1-a
export POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE=redis-postgresql-instance
gcloud sql instances create $POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE \
--database-version=POSTGRES_14 \
--cpu=2 \
--memory=8GiB \
--zone=$ZONE \
--authorized-networks= \
--root-password=postgres \
On success, you can see your CloudSQL PostgreSQL database in Google Cloud console like the following:
Capture the
Public IP address
for later use in the lab in an environment variable:
export POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE_IP=$(gcloud sql instances describe $POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE --format=json | jq -r '.ipAddresses[] | select(.type == "PRIMARY") | .ipAddress')
By default, PostgreSQL database superuser (postgres) does not have permission to create a replication slot which is required by RDI. Run the following commands to grant the permission:
cat <<EOF > alter_postgres_replication.sql
alter user postgres with replication;
gcloud sql connect $POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE --user postgres < alter_postgres_replication.sql
When prompted for password (Connecting to database with SQL user [postgres].Password:), enter postgres
and hit return
On success, you should see the following output:
Connecting to database with SQL user [postgres].Password: