In this lab, you are going to:
- Create a Cloud Build trigger
- Execute the Cloud Build trigger to deploy the sample app
- Access the sample app to create a few orders and view the order history
Create Cloud Build Trigger:
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
export CLUSTER_LOCATION=us-central1
export CLUSTER_NAME="redis-gke-cluster-$CLUSTER_LOCATION"
export REDIS_API_GATEWAY_IP="$(gcloud compute addresses describe redis-api-gateway-ip --region=us-central1 --format='value(address)')"
export REDIS_CLIENT_HOST_IP="$(gcloud compute addresses describe redis-client-host-ip --region=us-central1 --format='value(address)')"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@${POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE_IP}:5432/dbFashion?schema=public"
export REDIS_CLOUD_BUILD_TRIGGER="redis-cb-trigger"
export IS_RDI_ENABLED="false"
gcloud alpha builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
--repo=$REDIS_REPO \
--branch-pattern=^master$ \
--build-config=cloudbuild.yaml \
On success, you should see the newly created trigger inside Google Cloud Console:
You can click on the redis-cb-trigger
link and see its details as shown below. Make sure you see all seven variables are correctly configured.
when done reviewing.
Run the trigger to deploy the sample app:
gcloud alpha builds triggers run $REDIS_CLOUD_BUILD_TRIGGER --branch=master --region=$CLUSTER_LOCATION
On success, you should see a similar build-in-process like below:
A successful build will look like the following:
You can verify the container images are published to your private container registry like below:
Run the following command to ensure all the microservices are up and running:
watch kubectl get all
You will also find the REDIS_CLIENT_HOST_IP information from the command above:
For example,
service/client LoadBalancer 4200:30519/TCP 2m25s
You can now access the sample app and make a few purchases by pointing your browser at:
After making a couple purchases, here is a sample screen shot of the order history page:
The order history data is retrieved from Redis Enterprise (in-memory).