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How to Place Ducts

gniftygnome edited this page Mar 19, 2022 · 3 revisions

Literally how does it work?

Placement of Ductwork blocks works a lot like placement of Minecraft Item Hoppers. Point at the block the Ductwork block should deliver items to and place the Ductwork block. The Ductwork block will be "facing" the side of the block you were pointing at. This determines in which direction the Ductwork block will move items (the direction it is "facing").

This can take some practice, particularly with Collector blocks! Often, the easiest way to place Ductwork blocks is to start at the end of the duct (where it is delivering items) and work backward to the beginning (where it is receiving or collecting items).

Visual cues

Ductwork blocks always output items at the end with the oak (less dark) texture. If a Ductwork block has connected to another block for input, the Ductwork block will show a dark oak texture on the input connection. With a little practice, this allows the player to "read" the duct network. When an oak texture is directly adjacent to a dark oak texture, items will pass from the oak texture to the dark oak texture.

The duct network in the Ductwork logo (below) works and (if the Damper is opened) will move items in a clockwise direction. ductwork icon

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