- ARM assembly Language Primer
- GodBolt Compiler Explorer
- ARM simulator
- ARM instruction set
- arm64 instruction set
- arm64 SIMD Instructions
- Whirlwind Tour of ARM Assembly
- Laurie Wired from zero to hero
- Azeria's intro to ARM ASM
- Azeria student notes
- ARM asm: Fundamentals and Techniques
- Introduction to ARM assembly
- Modern ARM assembly programming
- Professional Assembly
- Tutorial for Beginners
- macOS ARM Shellcode
- Rverse eng
- Reversing for everyone
- EggHunter
- Defcon31
- Solving the Mystery of TDMI
- Azeria - writing ShellCode
- macOS ShellCode
- Azeria - Understanding System Functions
- ARM sysCall list
- linux sysCall list
- macOS sysCall list
- MacOS SysCalls
- linux kernel cheat
- ARM Assembly on Linux with Shellcodes and Cryptography
(go back)