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Name Type Description Notes
name String
authenticationFlow UUID Flow used for authentication when the associated application is accessed by an un-authenticated user. [optional]
authorizationFlow UUID Flow used when authorizing this provider.
propertyMappings [UUID] [optional]
baseDn String DN under which objects are accessible. [optional]
searchGroup UUID Users in this group can do search queries. If not set, every user can execute search queries. [optional]
certificate UUID [optional]
tlsServerName String [optional]
uidStartNumber Int The start for uidNumbers, this number is added to the to make sure that the numbers aren't too low for POSIX users. Default is 2000 to ensure that we don't collide with local users uidNumber [optional]
gidStartNumber Int The start for gidNumbers, this number is added to a number generated from the to make sure that the numbers aren't too low for POSIX groups. Default is 4000 to ensure that we don't collide with local groups or users primary groups gidNumber [optional]
searchMode LDAPAPIAccessMode [optional]
bindMode LDAPAPIAccessMode [optional]
mfaSupport Bool When enabled, code-based multi-factor authentication can be used by appending a semicolon and the TOTP code to the password. This should only be enabled if all users that will bind to this provider have a TOTP device configured, as otherwise a password may incorrectly be rejected if it contains a semicolon. [optional]
clientType ClientTypeEnum Confidential clients are capable of maintaining the confidentiality of their credentials. Public clients are incapable * `confidential` - Confidential * `public` - Public [optional]
clientId String [optional]
clientSecret String [optional]
accessCodeValidity String Access codes not valid on or after current time + this value (Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3). [optional]
accessTokenValidity String Tokens not valid on or after current time + this value (Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3). [optional]
refreshTokenValidity String Tokens not valid on or after current time + this value (Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3). [optional]
includeClaimsInIdToken Bool Include User claims from scopes in the id_token, for applications that don't access the userinfo endpoint. [optional]
signingKey UUID Key used to sign the tokens. Only required when JWT Algorithm is set to RS256. [optional]
redirectUris String Enter each URI on a new line. [optional]
subMode SubModeEnum Configure what data should be used as unique User Identifier. For most cases, the default should be fine. * `hashed_user_id` - Based on the Hashed User ID * `user_id` - Based on user ID * `user_uuid` - Based on user UUID * `user_username` - Based on the username * `user_email` - Based on the User's Email. This is recommended over the UPN method. * `user_upn` - Based on the User's UPN, only works if user has a 'upn' attribute set. Use this method only if you have different UPN and Mail domains. [optional]
issuerMode IssuerModeEnum Configure how the issuer field of the ID Token should be filled. * `global` - Same identifier is used for all providers * `per_provider` - Each provider has a different issuer, based on the application slug. [optional]
jwksSources [UUID] [optional]
internalHost String [optional]
externalHost String
internalHostSslValidation Bool Validate SSL Certificates of upstream servers [optional]
skipPathRegex String Regular expressions for which authentication is not required. Each new line is interpreted as a new Regular Expression. [optional]
basicAuthEnabled Bool Set a custom HTTP-Basic Authentication header based on values from authentik. [optional]
basicAuthPasswordAttribute String User/Group Attribute used for the password part of the HTTP-Basic Header. [optional]
basicAuthUserAttribute String User/Group Attribute used for the user part of the HTTP-Basic Header. If not set, the user's Email address is used. [optional]
mode ProxyMode Enable support for forwardAuth in traefik and nginx auth_request. Exclusive with internal_host. * `proxy` - Proxy * `forward_single` - Forward Single * `forward_domain` - Forward Domain [optional]
interceptHeaderAuth Bool When enabled, this provider will intercept the authorization header and authenticate requests based on its value. [optional]
cookieDomain String [optional]
settings AnyCodable [optional]
connectionExpiry String Determines how long a session lasts. Default of 0 means that the sessions lasts until the browser is closed. (Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3) [optional]
clientNetworks String List of CIDRs (comma-separated) that clients can connect from. A more specific CIDR will match before a looser one. Clients connecting from a non-specified CIDR will be dropped. [optional]
sharedSecret String Shared secret between clients and server to hash packets. [optional]
acsUrl String
audience String Value of the audience restriction field of the assertion. When left empty, no audience restriction will be added. [optional]
issuer String Also known as EntityID [optional]
assertionValidNotBefore String Assertion valid not before current time + this value (Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3). [optional]
assertionValidNotOnOrAfter String Assertion not valid on or after current time + this value (Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3). [optional]
sessionValidNotOnOrAfter String Session not valid on or after current time + this value (Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3). [optional]
nameIdMapping UUID Configure how the NameID value will be created. When left empty, the NameIDPolicy of the incoming request will be considered [optional]
digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithmEnum [optional]
signatureAlgorithm SignatureAlgorithmEnum [optional]
signingKp UUID Keypair used to sign outgoing Responses going to the Service Provider. [optional]
verificationKp UUID When selected, incoming assertion's Signatures will be validated against this certificate. To allow unsigned Requests, leave on default. [optional]
spBinding SpBindingEnum This determines how authentik sends the response back to the Service Provider. * `redirect` - Redirect * `post` - Post [optional]
defaultRelayState String Default relay_state value for IDP-initiated logins [optional]
propertyMappingsGroup [UUID] Property mappings used for group creation/updating. [optional]
url String Base URL to SCIM requests, usually ends in /v2
token String Authentication token
excludeUsersServiceAccount Bool [optional]
filterGroup UUID [optional]

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