In this tutorial you'll create device that listens to a command to calculates an prints the instructions for a map route.
[todo] image needed
From Visual Studio Code, create a new file called
. -
Copy and paste the following import statements into your
fileimport os import time import json import asyncio from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential from azure.maps.route import MapsRouteClient from maproute import createRouteList, printEVRoute, printEVRouteGuidance from azure.iot.device.aio import IoTHubDeviceClient
Copy and paste the following event handler after your import statements
def message_handler(message): print("Message Received") mapkey = '' maptype = '' currentChargePercent = 0.0 data = [] # print data from both system and application (custom) properties for property in vars(message).items(): if property[0] == 'custom_properties': for cprops in property[1].items(): if cprops[0] == 'key': mapkey = cprops[1] print("\tkey={0}".format(mapkey)) elif cprops[0] == 'currentChargePercent': currentChargePercent = float(cprops[1]) * 0.01 print("\tcurrentChargePercent={0}".format(currentChargePercent*100)) elif cprops[0] == 'maxChargekWh': maxChargekWh = float(cprops[1]) print("\tmaxChargekWh={0}".format(maxChargekWh)) elif cprops[0] == 'maptype': maptype = cprops[1] print("\tmaptype={0}".format(maptype)) elif property[0] == "data": data = json.loads(property[1]) print("\tdata={0}".format(data)) if(maptype == 'guidance'): if(len(mapkey) > 1): if(len(data) > 1): printEVRouteGuidance(mapkey,createRouteList(data),'',currentChargePercent,maxChargekWh) elif(maptype == 'route'): if(len(mapkey) > 1): if(len(data) > 1): printEVRoute(mapkey,createRouteList(data),'',currentChargePercent,maxChargekWh) else: print('unknown map type, choose \"route\" or \"guidance\"')
Copy and paste the following main function after your event handler.
async def main(): client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_connection_string(os.getenv("IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING")) print ("...waiting for C2D messages, press Ctrl-C to exit.") try: # Attach the handler to the client client.on_message_received = message_handler while True: time.sleep(1000) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("IoT Hub C2D Messaging device sample stopped") finally: # Graceful exit print("Shutting down IoT Hub Client") client.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__":