For app developers, additional [webpack configuration] should not be needed as the most common setups are preconfigured for Gasket apps. However, there are a couple of integration points for apps and plugins should the need arise.
With the Gasket Webpack plugin installed, you can use the webpackConfig
lifecycle and/or the nextConfig
lifecycle or property
for Gasket Next.js apps.
Apps can also use custom app-level plugins to hook the webpackConfig lifecycle to provide additional custom config. The hook function should return the updated Webpack config object.
You can utilize webpack-merge in your lifecycle hook, which is the recommended
approach. While the webpackConfig
object can be directly mutated, this can be
brittle, so handle with care. Also, the webpack
instance is passed via context
with the lifecycle, providing access to the compatible Webpack plugins
of the version installed.
// gasket-plugin-example.js
import externalPlugin from 'some-external-plugin-installed';
import anotherExternalPlugin from 'i-love-webpack';
export default {
name: 'example',
hooks: {
webpackConfig(gasket, webpackConfig, { webpack }) {
return {
plugins: [
...(webpackConfig.plugins || []),
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin([
new externalPlugin(),
new anotherExternalPlugin()
For Gasket Next.js apps you can use the same webpackConfig
However, you may want to modify Webpack config using Next.js plugins or the
Next.js custom Webpack approach, in which case the nextConfig lifecycle or
the gasket.config.nextConfig property be helpful.
// gasket.js
import withPreact from 'next-plugin-preact';
export default makeGasket({
nextConfig: withPreact({
/* regular next.js config options here */