- 889ffde [fixed] Removed additional es2015 causing problems
- 048ef2d [fixed] remove additional es2015 from refCount
- 1db0ee1 [fixed] remove es2015 from v1 branch
- e1df119 [fixed] remove portal context in timeout (#353)
- a1d29c6 [fixed] rewrite removePortal as es5 function
- ea4f37a [fixed] respect closeTimeoutMS during unmount
- 4232477 [fixed] Enable click to close in iOS (#301) (#304) (#313)
- c50f19a [fixed] Add file extention to entry point (#294)
- 08bf920 [fixed] closeTimeoutMS doesn't work without onRequestClose (#278)
- 694cb87 [fixed] updated references from rackt to reactjs. (#244)
- ad0b071 Bumps lodash.assign dependency to version 4.2.0
- Removes some files that were inadvertently published in 1.6.2 reducing the npm install size.
- This version only added the
versions which were omitted from 1.5.2 -> 1.6.1
- 62d87e1 [fixed] Remove arrow function from ES5 source
- de14816 [added] Ability for modal to be appended to arbitrary elements (#183)
- 3d8e5a0 [added] Add contentLabel prop to put aria-label on modal content
- d78428b [fixed] Remove remaining reference to role dialog
- This version only added the
versions which were omitted from 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0
- 919daa3 [fixed] Remove the default aria role dialog
- 2e806c7 [added] Make modal portal have the dialog role (#223)
- 5429f7c [fixed] Don't steal focus from a descendent when rendering (#222)
- 8e767e9 [fixed] Add react-dom as a peer dependency
- ff09b49 [fixed] Close modal when mouseDown and MouseUp happen only on the overlay (#217)
- 6550b87 Revert "[fixed] Dont change body class if isOpen not change (#201)"
- 8e5f5b7 [fixed] Fix incorrect details in the README
- e5b0181 [added] ability to change default 'ReactModalPortal' class (#208)
- 1e29e4f [fixed] Dont change body class if isOpen not change (#201)
- d347547 [fixed] Updates webpack distribution config to reference the correct externals (#210)
- 13bd46e [fixed] clear the delayed close timer when modal opens again. (#189)
- 70d91eb [fixed] Add missing envify npm dependency. Closes #193 (#194)
- 9089a2d [fixed] Make the modal portal render into body again (#176)
- aa66819 [fixed] Removes unneeded sanitizeProps function (#169)
- a10683a [fixed] Make the non-minified dist build present again (#164)
- 04db149 [added] Propagate event on close request (#91)
- 4509133 [fixed] moved sanitizeProps out of the render calls. (#162)
This release affects only the dist version of the library reducing size immensely.
- 9823bc5 Use -p flag in webpack for minification and exclude externals react and react-dom
- 72c8498 Move to using webpack for building the library
- 6c03d17 [added] trigger onAfterOpen callback when available. (#154)
- 4e2447a [changed] Updated to add support for React 15 (#152)
- 0d4e600 [added] module for default style
- cb53bca [fixed] Remove ReactModal__Body--open class when unmounting Modal
- 63bee72 [fixed] Custom classnames override default styles
- 4d25989 [added] Inline CSS for modal and overlay as well as props to override. [changed] injectCSS has been changed to a warning message in preparation for a future removal. lib/components/Modal.js [changed] setAppElement method is now optional. Defaults to document.body and now allows for a css selector to be passed in rather than the whole element.
- 02cf2c3 [fixed] Clear the closeWithTimeout timer before unmounting
- adecf62 [added] Class name on body when modal is open
- f5fe537 [added] Ability to specify style for the modal contents
- f86de0a [fixed] shift+tab closes #23
- 1b8e2d0 [fixed] ModalPortal's componentWillReceiveProps
- 28dbc63 [added] Supporting custom overlay className closes #14
- 6626dae [fixed] erroneous alias in webpack build
- 28dbc63 [added] Supporting custom overlay className closes #14
- 6626dae [fixed] erroneous alias in webpack build
- b15aa82 [added] Supporting custom className
- b7a38de [fixed] Warning caused by trying to focus null element closes #11
- e57bab5 [fixed] Issue with focus being lost - closes #9