This document describes how to connect to and participate in the Schlesi testnet using the Prysm ETH2 client.
This requires Bazel, get it here:
Note: Bazel will manage the build and dependencies, for other options, please refer to the Prysm documentation.
To connect to Schlesi v0.11, you would have to compile Prysm from v0.12
branch. Right --- v0.12
contains a patch that is necessary for the v0.11 spec. Let's not get confused about the versioning here. :)
git checkout v0.12
Bazel build compiles everything:
bazel build //beacon-chain:beacon-chain
bazel build //validator:validator
Run your beacon node:
bazel run //beacon-chain -- \
--schlesi-testnet \
--min-sync-peers 1 \
--contract-deployment-block 2596126 \
--deposit-contract "0xA15554BF93a052669B511ae29EA21f3581677ac5" \
--peer "/ip4/" \
--peer "/ip4/" \
--peer "/ip4/" \
--peer "/ip4/" \
--bootstrap-node "enr:-LK4QJ-6k6QytxOn7P9BdDZHXesHz3aaglpvo-VcTGc-rfr5H4DBzjQsjg6stZoy1H-p3yK21IISkJHe742QTVwRS_IEh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpCZJe_WAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhDMPd52Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQINdLr6UY7y2CzshX4n_BbdYM1G40rpdEs84Mdoyv_ZyYN0Y3CCIyiDdWRwgiMo" \
--bootstrap-node "enr:-LK4QJS5Rn_kkA2MQpieVDUao5vkBj3kE15S_JJepGA9MNfndwHyfBWSjmAa5T_qvkGklrDiZXqlIAahXTm_eH_IXY8Ch2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpCZJe_WAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhDMPd52Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQOS1-hRSwsxLo2PH3RKtwWdjLdT1IMX2nqkQAlHs5E7LIN0Y3CCMsiDdWRwgi7g"
Note, Prysm allows you to use the --peer
and --bootstrap-node
flags multiple times.
The validator contract is deployed on Goerli testnet address 0xA15554BF93a052669B511ae29EA21f3581677ac5
To generate a new validator keypair, run:
bazel run //validator -- accounts create \
This will output binary data that can be directly sent to the deposit contract along with 32 GöETH, e.g., for the Geth Console:
eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.coinbase, to:"0xA15554BF93a052669B511ae29EA21f3581677ac5", value:32000000000000000000, data:"0xRAW-TRANSACTION-DATA"})
To start validating, open another terminal and launch the validator client:
bazel run //validator -- \
--password="CHANGE-ME" \
--graffiti "OMG THANKS SCHLESI\!"
Please create an issue if this does not work. We will figure it out: