- 'Satya Nadella' → 'CEO of' → 'Microsoft', citation: https://news.microsoft.com/2014/02/04/microsoft-board-names-satya-nadella-as-ceo/. This citation points to an official press release from Microsoft stating that Satya Nadella has been named as CEO, effective immediately.
- 'Deborah Liu' → 'CEO of' → 'Ancestry' citation: https://www.ancestry.com/corporate/about-ancestry/our-team/board-of-directors. In this official team breakdown from Ancestry, Deborah Lieu's position is marked as 'President' and 'CEO'. An interim CEO should not be considered 'CEO' until either 1. their interim status is removed and they are made CEO indefinitely 2. qualifiers enable the nature of the statement to be more specifically described.
- 'Jeff Bezos' → 'CEO of' → 'Amazon', citation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx92bUw7WX8. While this is an official video that states Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Amazon, it is now outdated.
- 'Ellen Pao' → 'CEO of' → 'Reddit', citation: https://www.fastcompany.com/3038583/meet-reddits-interim-ceo-ellen-pao. This source states that Ellen Pao has been appointed as 'interim CEO', but not as a formal 'CEO' whose position will continue indefinitely.