- 'Microsoft' → 'Official Blog' → 'https://blogs.microsoft.com/' is correct, as this is the official blog associated with Microsoft, as referenced on Microsoft's official website.
- 'Tim Ferriss' → 'Official Blog' → 'https://tim.blog/' is correct, as this is the official blog of Tim Ferriss referenced on other websites.
- 'Polygon' → 'Official Blog' → 'https://blog.polygon.technology/polygon-reaches-first-sustainability-milestone-by-achieving-carbon-neutrality/ 1' is incorrect because this is an individual blog post about Polygon, not the top level URL of the the blog.
- 'Miley Cyrus' → 'Official Blog' → 'https://infiniteloveformiley.tumblr.com/' is incorrect because it is a fan blog for the entity.