- 'US Patent D0974555 Endoscope operating unit' → 'Date of Patent' → 'January 3, 2023' is correct. Note that the text "Date of Patent" appears alongside the date in the top right corner of the first page of the patent document underneath the Patent Number. The design patents and the regular patents both have the text. Citation: https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/D974555.
'US Patent D0974555 Endoscope operating unit' → 'Date of Patent' → 'September 13, 2019' is incorrect because it is the Filed Date. The Date of Patent is almost always listed in the top right corner of the first page of the patent document underneath the Patent Number. Citation: https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/D974555.
'US Patent 20210007540 Capsules, Beverage Brewing Systems And Fabrics With Optimum Filtration Characteristics' → 'Date of Patent' → 'January 14, 2021' is incorrect. The citation document does not contain a Date of Patent. The document contains a publication date instead. Unlike patent dates, publication dates are preceded by Pub. Date. Citation: https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/20210007540.