diff --git a/src/cli.rs b/src/cli.rs
index f6ec373834..566bed034d 100644
--- a/src/cli.rs
+++ b/src/cli.rs
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ pub struct Cli {
     #[clap(short, long, env)]
     pub quiet: bool,
-    pub command: Commands,
+    pub command: Option<Commands>,
      default_value_t = LogFormats::Auto,
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ pub struct Cli {
     pub locality: LocalityCli,
+    pub providers: crate::config::providersv2::Providers,
+    #[command(flatten)]
     pub service: Service,
@@ -209,47 +211,55 @@ impl Cli {
         // Non-long running commands (e.g. ones with no administration server)
         // are executed here.
         use crate::components::{self, admin as admin_server};
-        let mode = match &self.command {
-            Commands::Qcmp(Qcmp::Ping(ping)) => return ping.run().await,
-            Commands::GenerateConfigSchema(generator) => {
-                return generator.generate_config_schema();
-            }
-            Commands::Agent(_) => Admin::Agent(<_>::default()),
-            Commands::Proxy(proxy) => {
-                let ready = components::proxy::Ready {
-                    idle_request_interval: proxy
-                        .idle_request_interval_secs
-                        .map(std::time::Duration::from_secs)
-                        .unwrap_or(admin_server::IDLE_REQUEST_INTERVAL),
-                    ..Default::default()
-                };
-                Admin::Proxy(ready)
-            }
-            Commands::Manage(_mng) => {
-                let ready = components::manage::Ready {
-                    is_manage: true,
-                    ..Default::default()
-                };
-                Admin::Manage(ready)
-            }
-            Commands::Relay(relay) => {
-                let ready = components::relay::Ready {
-                    idle_request_interval: relay
-                        .idle_request_interval_secs
-                        .map(std::time::Duration::from_secs)
-                        .unwrap_or(admin_server::IDLE_REQUEST_INTERVAL),
-                    ..Default::default()
-                };
-                Admin::Relay(ready)
-            }
+        let mode = if let Some(command) = &self.command {
+            Some(match command {
+                Commands::Qcmp(Qcmp::Ping(ping)) => return ping.run().await,
+                Commands::GenerateConfigSchema(generator) => {
+                    return generator.generate_config_schema();
+                }
+                Commands::Agent(_) => Admin::Agent(<_>::default()),
+                Commands::Proxy(proxy) => {
+                    let ready = components::proxy::Ready {
+                        idle_request_interval: proxy
+                            .idle_request_interval_secs
+                            .map(std::time::Duration::from_secs)
+                            .unwrap_or(admin_server::IDLE_REQUEST_INTERVAL),
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    };
+                    Admin::Proxy(ready)
+                }
+                Commands::Manage(_mng) => {
+                    let ready = components::manage::Ready {
+                        is_manage: true,
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    };
+                    Admin::Manage(ready)
+                }
+                Commands::Relay(relay) => {
+                    let ready = components::relay::Ready {
+                        idle_request_interval: relay
+                            .idle_request_interval_secs
+                            .map(std::time::Duration::from_secs)
+                            .unwrap_or(admin_server::IDLE_REQUEST_INTERVAL),
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    };
+                    Admin::Relay(ready)
+                }
+            })
+        } else {
+            None
+        if !self.service.any_service_enabled() && mode.is_none() {
+            eyre::bail!("no service specified, shutting down");
+        }
         tracing::debug!(cli = ?self, "config parameters");
         let config = Arc::new(match Self::read_config(self.config)? {
             Some(mut config) => {
                 // Workaround deficiency in serde flatten + untagged
-                if matches!(self.command, Commands::Agent(..)) {
+                if matches!(self.command, Some(Commands::Agent(..))) {
                     config.datacenter = match config.datacenter {
                         crate::config::DatacenterConfig::Agent {
@@ -272,38 +282,47 @@ impl Cli {
-            None if matches!(self.command, Commands::Agent(..)) => Config::default_agent(),
+            None if matches!(self.command, Some(Commands::Agent(..))) => Config::default_agent(),
             None => Config::default_non_agent(),
         if self.admin.enabled {
-            mode.server(config.clone(), self.admin.address);
+            if let Some(mode) = mode.as_ref() {
+                mode.server(config.clone(), self.admin.address);
+            }
-        let shutdown_rx = crate::signal::spawn_handler();
+        let mut shutdown_rx = crate::signal::spawn_handler();
+        let ready = <_>::default();
+        let locality = self.locality.locality();
+        self.providers
+            .spawn_providers(&config, ready, locality.clone());
         self.service.spawn_services(&config, &shutdown_rx)?;
-        let locality = self.locality.locality();
-        match (self.command, mode) {
-            (Commands::Agent(agent), Admin::Agent(ready)) => {
-                agent.run(locality, config, ready, shutdown_rx).await
-            }
-            (Commands::Proxy(runner), Admin::Proxy(ready)) => {
-                runner.run(config, ready, tx, shutdown_rx).await
-            }
-            (Commands::Manage(manager), Admin::Manage(ready)) => {
-                manager.run(locality, config, ready, shutdown_rx).await
-            }
-            (Commands::Relay(relay), Admin::Relay(ready)) => {
-                relay.run(locality, config, ready, shutdown_rx).await
+        if let Some(mode) = mode {
+            match (self.command.unwrap(), mode) {
+                (Commands::Agent(agent), Admin::Agent(ready)) => {
+                    agent.run(locality, config, ready, shutdown_rx).await
+                }
+                (Commands::Proxy(runner), Admin::Proxy(ready)) => {
+                    runner.run(config, ready, tx, shutdown_rx).await
+                }
+                (Commands::Manage(manager), Admin::Manage(ready)) => {
+                    manager.run(locality, config, ready, shutdown_rx).await
+                }
+                (Commands::Relay(relay), Admin::Relay(ready)) => {
+                    relay.run(locality, config, ready, shutdown_rx).await
+                }
+                _ => unreachable!(),
-            _ => unreachable!(),
+        } else {
+            shutdown_rx.changed().await.map_err(From::from)
diff --git a/src/cli/service.rs b/src/cli/service.rs
index 22f1049d39..365bdee397 100644
--- a/src/cli/service.rs
+++ b/src/cli/service.rs
@@ -162,6 +162,15 @@ impl Service {
+    /// Sets the xDS service port.
+    pub fn any_service_enabled(&self) -> bool {
+        self.udp_enabled
+            || self.qcmp_enabled
+            || self.phoenix_enabled
+            || self.xds_enabled
+            || self.mds_enabled
+    }
     /// The main entrypoint for listening network servers. When called will
     /// spawn any and all enabled services, if successful returning a future
     /// that can be await to wait on services to be cancelled.
@@ -202,6 +211,7 @@ impl Service {
         shutdown_rx: &crate::signal::ShutdownRx,
     ) -> crate::Result<impl std::future::Future<Output = crate::Result<()>>> {
         if self.phoenix_enabled {
+            tracing::info!(port=%self.qcmp_port, "starting phoenix service");
             let phoenix = crate::net::TcpListener::bind(Some(self.phoenix_port))?;
@@ -220,6 +230,7 @@ impl Service {
         shutdown_rx: &crate::signal::ShutdownRx,
     ) -> crate::Result<impl Future<Output = crate::Result<()>>> {
         if self.qcmp_enabled {
+            tracing::info!(port=%self.qcmp_port, "starting qcmp service");
             let qcmp = crate::net::raw_socket_with_reuse(self.qcmp_port)?;
             crate::codec::qcmp::spawn(qcmp, shutdown_rx.clone())?;
@@ -238,6 +249,7 @@ impl Service {
         use futures::TryFutureExt as _;
+        tracing::info!(port=%self.mds_port, "starting mds service");
         let listener = crate::net::TcpListener::bind(Some(self.mds_port))?;
@@ -291,6 +303,8 @@ impl Service {
             return Ok((either::Left(std::future::pending()), None));
+        tracing::info!(port=%self.udp_port, "starting udp service");
         #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
             match self.spawn_xdp(config.clone(), self.xdp.force_xdp) {
@@ -368,6 +382,7 @@ impl Service {
             eyre::bail!("XDP currently disabled by default");
+        tracing::info!(port=%self.mds_port, "setting up xdp module");
         let workers = xdp::setup_xdp_io(xdp::XdpConfig {
             nic: self
@@ -396,31 +411,40 @@ pub struct XdpOptions {
     /// If not specified quilkin will attempt to determine the most appropriate
     /// network interface to use. Quilkin will exit with an error if the network
     /// interface does not exist, or a suitable default cannot be determined.
-    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp.network-interface")]
+    #[clap(
+        long = "service.udp.xdp.network-interface",
+    )]
     pub network_interface: Option<String>,
     /// Forces the use of XDP.
     /// If XDP is not available on the chosen NIC, Quilkin exits with an error.
     /// If false, io-uring will be used as the fallback implementation.
-    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp")]
+    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp", env = "QUILKIN_SERVICE_UDP_XDP")]
     pub force_xdp: bool,
     /// Forces the use of [`XDP_ZEROCOPY`](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/af_xdp.html#xdp-copy-and-xdp-zerocopy-bind-flags)
     /// If zero copy is not available on the chosen NIC, Quilkin exits with an error
-    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp.zerocopy")]
+    #[clap(
+        long = "service.udp.xdp.zerocopy",
+    )]
     pub force_zerocopy: bool,
     /// Forces the use of [TX checksum offload](https://docs.kernel.org/6.8/networking/xsk-tx-metadata.html)
     /// TX checksum offload is an optional feature allowing the data portion of
     /// a packet to have its internet checksum calculation offloaded to the NIC,
     /// as otherwise this is done in software
-    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp.tco")]
+    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp.tco", env = "QUILKIN_SERVICE_UDP_XDP_TCO")]
     pub force_tx_checksum_offload: bool,
     /// The maximum amount of memory mapped for packet buffers, in bytes
     /// If not specified, this defaults to 4MiB (2k allocated packets of 2k each at a time)
     /// per NIC queue, ie 128MiB on a 32 queue NIC
-    #[clap(long = "service.udp.xdp.memory-limit")]
+    #[clap(
+        long = "service.udp.xdp.memory-limit",
+    )]
     pub maximum_memory: Option<u64>,
diff --git a/src/config/providersv2.rs b/src/config/providersv2.rs
index e2ccb74363..71537a774d 100644
--- a/src/config/providersv2.rs
+++ b/src/config/providersv2.rs
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ const RETRIES: u32 = 25;
 const BACKOFF_STEP: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_millis(250);
 const MAX_DELAY: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(2);
-/// The available xDS source providers.
+/// The available xDS source provider.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, clap::Args)]
 pub struct Providers {
     /// Watches Agones' game server CRDs for `Allocated` game server endpoints,
     /// and for a `ConfigMap` that specifies the filter configuration.
-        long = "providers.k8s",
+        long = "provider.k8s",
         env = "QUILKIN_PROVIDERS_K8S",
         default_value_t = false
     k8s_enabled: bool,
-        long = "providers.k8s.namespace",
+        long = "provider.k8s.namespace",
         default_value_t = From::from("default"),
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ pub struct Providers {
     k8s_namespace: String,
-        long = "providers.k8s.agones",
+        long = "provider.k8s.agones",
         default_value_t = false
     agones_enabled: bool,
-        long = "providers.k8s.agones.namespace",
+        long = "provider.k8s.agones.namespace",
         default_value_t = From::from("default"),
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ pub struct Providers {
     /// If specified, filters the available gameserver addresses to the one that
     /// matches the specified type
-        long = "providers.k8s.agones.address_type",
+        long = "provider.k8s.agones.address_type",
     pub address_type: Option<String>,
     /// If specified, additionally filters the gameserver address by its ip kind
-        long = "providers.k8s.agones.ip_kind",
+        long = "provider.k8s.agones.ip_kind",
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ pub struct Providers {
     pub ip_kind: Option<crate::config::AddrKind>,
-        long = "providers.fs",
+        long = "provider.fs",
         env = "QUILKIN_PROVIDERS_FS",
         default_value_t = false
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ pub struct Providers {
     fs_enabled: bool,
-        long = "providers.fs",
+        long = "provider.fs.path",
         default_value = "/etc/quilkin/config.yaml"
@@ -98,32 +98,31 @@ pub struct Providers {
     fs_path: std::path::PathBuf,
     /// One or more `quilkin relay` endpoints to push configuration changes to.
-        long = "providers.mds.endpoints",
+        long = "provider.mds.endpoints",
     pub relay: Vec<tonic::transport::Endpoint>,
     /// The remote URL or local file path to retrieve the Maxmind database.
-        long = "providers.mmdb.endpoints",
+        long = "provider.mmdb.endpoints",
     pub mmdb: Option<crate::net::maxmind_db::Source>,
     /// One or more socket addresses to forward packets to.
-        long = "providers.static.endpoints",
+        long = "provider.static.endpoints",
-    pub to: Vec<SocketAddr>,
+    pub endpoints: Vec<SocketAddr>,
     /// Assigns dynamic tokens to each address in the `--to` argument
     /// Format is `<number of unique tokens>:<length of token suffix for each packet>`
-    #[clap(long, env = "QUILKIN_DEST_TOKENS", requires("to"))]
-        long = "providers.static.endpoint_tokens",
+        long = "provider.static.endpoint_tokens",
-        requires("to")
+        requires("endpoints")
-    pub to_tokens: Option<String>,
+    pub endpoint_tokens: Option<String>,
 impl Providers {
@@ -157,6 +156,107 @@ impl Providers {
+    fn static_enabled(&self) -> bool {
+        !self.endpoints.is_empty()
+    }
+    pub fn spawn_static_provider(
+        &self,
+        config: Arc<crate::config::Config>,
+    ) -> crate::Result<JoinHandle<crate::Result<()>>> {
+        let endpoint_tokens = self
+            .endpoint_tokens
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|tt| {
+                let Some((count, length)) = tt.split_once(':') else {
+                    eyre::bail!("--to-tokens `{tt}` is invalid, it must have a `:` separator")
+                };
+                let count = count.parse()?;
+                let length = length.parse()?;
+                Ok(crate::components::proxy::ToTokens { count, length })
+            })
+            .transpose()?;
+        let endpoints = if let Some(tt) = endpoint_tokens {
+            let (unique, overflow) = 256u64.overflowing_pow(tt.length as _);
+            if overflow {
+                panic!(
+                    "can't generate {} tokens of length {} maximum is {}",
+                    self.endpoints.len() * tt.count,
+                    tt.length,
+                    u64::MAX,
+                );
+            }
+            if unique < (self.endpoints.len() * tt.count) as u64 {
+                panic!(
+                    "we require {} unique tokens but only {unique} can be generated",
+                    self.endpoints.len() * tt.count,
+                );
+            }
+            {
+                use crate::filters::StaticFilter as _;
+                config.filters.store(Arc::new(
+                    crate::filters::FilterChain::try_create([
+                        crate::filters::Capture::as_filter_config(
+                            crate::filters::capture::Config {
+                                metadata_key: crate::filters::capture::CAPTURED_BYTES.into(),
+                                strategy: crate::filters::capture::Strategy::Suffix(
+                                    crate::filters::capture::Suffix {
+                                        size: tt.length as _,
+                                        remove: true,
+                                    },
+                                ),
+                            },
+                        )
+                        .unwrap(),
+                        crate::filters::TokenRouter::as_filter_config(None).unwrap(),
+                    ])
+                    .unwrap(),
+                ));
+            }
+            let count = tt.count as u64;
+            self.endpoints
+                .iter()
+                .enumerate()
+                .map(|(ind, sa)| {
+                    let mut tokens = std::collections::BTreeSet::new();
+                    let start = ind as u64 * count;
+                    for i in start..(start + count) {
+                        tokens.insert(i.to_le_bytes()[..tt.length].to_vec());
+                    }
+                    crate::net::endpoint::Endpoint::with_metadata(
+                        (*sa).into(),
+                        crate::net::endpoint::Metadata { tokens },
+                    )
+                })
+                .collect()
+        } else {
+            self.endpoints
+                .iter()
+                .cloned()
+                .map(crate::net::endpoint::Endpoint::from)
+                .collect()
+        };
+        tracing::info!(
+            provider = "static",
+            endpoints = serde_json::to_string(&endpoints).unwrap(),
+            "setting endpoints"
+        );
+        config.clusters.modify(|clusters| {
+            clusters.insert(None, endpoints);
+        });
+        Ok(tokio::spawn(std::future::pending()))
+    }
     pub fn spawn_k8s_provider(
         health_check: Arc<AtomicBool>,
@@ -275,6 +375,8 @@ impl Providers {
+        } else if self.static_enabled() {
+            self.spawn_static_provider(config.clone()).unwrap()
         } else {
             tokio::spawn(async move { Ok(()) })