E2E tests are run via the /ci/e2e-tests.sh
script. Each run of this script creates Azure resources (VM, IoT Hub, etc) to run the tests on.
Put all together, there are three ways to run the script:
: This workflow runs the tests once a day against a list of branches specified as a matrix strategy in the workflow. -
: This workflow can be triggered from the github.com UI to run the tests against a branch of your choice. -
Run the test script locally.
The workflows use an Azure managed identity and an Azure resource group that the identity must be able to create resources under.
AZURE_ACCOUNT="$(az account show)"
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="$(<<< "$AZURE_ACCOUNT" jq --raw-output '.id')"
# The location of the resource group as well as resources created in the group.
az group create --name "$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --location "$AZURE_LOCATION"
# The GitHub runner used in the workflows must be assigned the managed identity created in this step
AZURE_SP_ID=$(az identity create \
--name "$AZURE_SP_NAME" \
--resource-group "$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \
--location "$AZURE_LOCATION" | jq --raw-output '.principalId')
az role assignment create \
--assignee "$AZURE_SP_ID" \
--role 'Contributor' \
--scope "/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"
Next, the name of this resource group must be set in GitHub secrets on the repo:
variable in the script.AZURE_LOCATION
variable in the script. Note that this can be changed afterwards to start putting the resources in a different location instead of the resource group's location. (The location of a resource group is just a default for new resources.)
At this point, the workflows can be used in the repository.
Note that the e2e-tests-scheduled.yaml
workflow only runs in the main Azure/iot-identity-service
repo. It will not run in forks. e2e-tests-manual.yaml
does not have this restriction and is expected to be how you would run the tests in your fork to validate your work branches, etc.
This requires you to have your own Azure subscription and an Azure VM to run the tests from. Follow the same steps as the section above to create a resource group and managed identity, except for creating GitHub secrets. Assign the managed identity to the VM.
If you've never created an IoT Hub under your subscription, you'll need to register the Microsoft.Devices
Resource Provider. (Make sure to do this while logged in as yourself, not when logged in as the SP, because the SP won't have permissions to do this.)
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Devices'
# Wait for it to go from "Registering" to "Registered"
watch -c -- \
az provider show \
--namespace 'Microsoft.Devices' \
--query 'registrationState' --output tsv
Lastly, in order to download packages for the branch you want to test, you will need a Github Personal Access Token. This token must have the repo.public_repo
scope. You don't need this if you're instead going to run the tests against packages you've built yourself (with package.sh
Set some more env vars for the parameters of the tests, then run the script.
cd ~/src/iot-identity-service
# Already defined in the setup script.
# Already defined in the setup script.
# As explained in the previous section, you can assign a different value here
# than the resource group's location in order to use a different location
# for the resources.
# We can either specify a branch name, in which case the script will fetch
# the latest package built for that branch by the packages workflow.
# For this we need to set some env vars to pass in the PAT as mentioned above
# and to identify the API endpoint and the repository.
export BRANCH='main'
# The format is "$github_username:$pat"
export GITHUB_PAT='foobar:1234abcd'
export GITHUB_API_URL='https://api.github.com'
# Ensure this is set to your fork, if that's what you're running against.
export GITHUB_REPOSITORY='Azure/iot-identity-service'
# Alternatively, we can tell it to use a package file we built ourselves.
# Set the PACKAGE env var to the path of the .deb / .rpm.
# export PACKAGE='/path/to/file.deb'
# These are used to ensure the Azure resources don't conflict with
# other resources in the RG. When running in a GH workflow, these env vars
# are set by GH automatically. Here we need to set them ourselves.
export GITHUB_RUN_ID='1000'
# One of the supported OSes. The full list can be found in the workflows files.
export OS='ubuntu:22.04'
# Suite-level setup for things shared between all tests (IoT Hub, DPS, etc)
# The parameter to the script is the name of the test to run.
# The names can be found in the doc comment at the top of the script.
./ci/e2e-tests/test-run.sh 'manual-symmetric-key'
To clean up the test-level resources, run ./ci/e2e-tests/test-cleanup.sh $test_name
To clean up both suite-level and test-level resources, run ./ci/e2e-tests/suite-cleanup.sh
For AlmaLinux runs (
), you must accept the VM image terms before you can deploy a VM.az vm image terms accept --urn '$publisher:$offer:$sku:$version'
Get the URN from
The Azure SP does not have permissions to do this. Use your regular Azure account.