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Data Visualisation

patdbro edited this page May 26, 2020 · 25 revisions

12 Month Browser Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Nullable
Device_Browser Name of Browser String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Browser_count Numbers of Browser Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script location:

12 Month Browser Version Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Nullable
Device_Browser_version Name of Browser String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Browser_count Numbers of Browser Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script Location:

12 Month Device Brand Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Nullable
Device_Brand Name of Device String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Device_count Numbers of Device Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script Location:

12 Month Device Category Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Nullable
Device_Category Category of Device String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Device_Category_count Numbers of each Device Category Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script Location:

12 Month Operating System Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Technical
Device_opsys Category of Device operating system String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Device_Opsys_count Numbers of each Device operating system Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script Location:

12 Month Operating System Version Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Technical
Device_opsys_ver Category of Device operating system String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Device_Opsys_ver_count Numbers of each Device operating system Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script Location:

12 Month Screen Resolution Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Technical
Device_screen_res Category of Device screen resolution String No Yes
Month_year Observation Month & Year Header No Yes
Screen_res_count Numbers of each screen_resolution Integer No Yes
Percent_month Percent of the total amount Integer No Yes
Post_stamp Time of observation Date_stamp No Yes

Data Source: Google Analytics

Script Location:

90 Day Unique Visitors Daily Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Technical
Header Title Header Title
Paragraph Text Header Title Title
Header Title Header Title Title
Paragraph Text Header Title Title

90 Day Unique Visitors Hourly Split Week Snapshot

Field Name Description Data Type Required Technical
Header Title Header Title
Paragraph Text Header Title Title
Header Title Header Title Title
Paragraph Text Header Title Title

Website Count

Field Name Description Data Type Required Technical
Header Title Header Title
Paragraph Text Header Title Title
Header Title Header Title Title
Paragraph Text Header Title Title

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