From 456ab91ee57f76e7a7fb991041fdded55a9385fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paulin Todev <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 16:56:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update build image and add docs

 .drone/drone.yml                      |  4 +--
 .drone/pipelines/build_images.jsonnet |  4 +--
 build-image/                 | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 docs/developer/         | 22 +++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/developer/

diff --git a/.drone/drone.yml b/.drone/drone.yml
index 9a9bd6b30964..072acef83b3c 100644
--- a/.drone/drone.yml
+++ b/.drone/drone.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ steps:
   - docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
   - docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
   - docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use
-  - docker buildx build --build-arg="GO_RUNTIME=golang:1.22.1-bullseye" --push --platform
+  - docker buildx build --build-arg="GO_RUNTIME=golang:1.22.5-bullseye" --push --platform
     linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t grafana/agent-build-image:$IMAGE_TAG ./build-image
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ steps:
   - docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
   - docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
   - docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use
-  - docker buildx build --build-arg=""
+  - docker buildx build --build-arg=""
     --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t grafana/agent-build-image:$IMAGE_TAG
diff --git a/.drone/pipelines/build_images.jsonnet b/.drone/pipelines/build_images.jsonnet
index 3d19ebc1b470..553036698b57 100644
--- a/.drone/pipelines/build_images.jsonnet
+++ b/.drone/pipelines/build_images.jsonnet
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ local locals = {
         'docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD',
         'docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes',
         'docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use',
-        'docker buildx build --build-arg="GO_RUNTIME=golang:1.22.1-bullseye" --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t grafana/agent-build-image:$IMAGE_TAG ./build-image',
+        'docker buildx build --build-arg="GO_RUNTIME=golang:1.22.5-bullseye" --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t grafana/agent-build-image:$IMAGE_TAG ./build-image',
     volumes: [{
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ local locals = {
         'docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD',
         'docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes',
         'docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use',
-        'docker buildx build --build-arg="" --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t grafana/agent-build-image:$IMAGE_TAG ./build-image',
+        'docker buildx build --build-arg="" --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t grafana/agent-build-image:$IMAGE_TAG ./build-image',
     volumes: [{
diff --git a/build-image/ b/build-image/
index ff73b021ed19..b587378379f4 100644
--- a/build-image/
+++ b/build-image/
@@ -3,25 +3,51 @@
 The Grafana Agent build images are used for CI workflows to manage builds of
 Grafana Agent.
-There are two images:
+There are three [images][agent-build-image-dockerhub]:
-* `grafana/agent-build-image:X.Y.Z` (for building Linux containers)
-* `grafana/agent-build-image:X.Y.Z-windows` (for building Windows containers)
+* `grafana/agent-build-image:X.Y.Z` (for building targeting Linux, including Linux boringcrypto)
+* `grafana/agent-build-image:X.Y.Z-windows` (for builds targeting Windows)
+* `grafana/agent-build-image:X.Y.Z-boringcrypto` (for building targeting Windows boringcrypto)
 (Where `X.Y.Z` is replaced with some semantic version, like 0.14.0).
-## Pushing new images
-Once a commit is merged to main which updates the build-image Dockerfiles, a
-maintainer must push a tag matching the pattern `build-image/vX.Y.Z` to the
-grafana/agent repo. For example, to create version v0.15.0 of the build images,
-a maintainer would push the tag `build-image/v0.15.0`.
+## Creating new images
+### Step 1: Update the main branch
+Open a PR to update the build images. 
+See [this][example-pr] pull request for an example.
+You need to change the following files:
+ * `build-image/Dockerfile`
+ * `build-image/windows/Dockerfile`
+ * `.drone/drone.yaml`
+ * `.drone/pipelines/build_images.jsonnet`
+ * `.github/workflows/check-linux-build-image.yml`
+### Step 2: Create a Git tag
+After the PR is merged to `main`, a maintainer must push a tag matching the pattern 
+`build-image/vX.Y.Z` to the `grafana/agent` repo. 
+For example, to create version `0.41.0` of the build images,
+a maintainer would push the tag `build-image/v0.41.0`:
+git checkout main
+git pull
+git tag -s build-image/v0.41.0
+git push origin build-image/v0.41.0
 > **NOTE**: The tag name is expected to be prefixed with `v`, but the pushed
-> images have the v prefix removed.
+> images have the `v` prefix removed.
+> **NOTE**: The tag name doesn't have to correspond to an Agent version.
 Automation will trigger off of this tag being pushed, building and pushing the
 new build images to Docker Hub.
 A follow-up commit to use the newly pushed build images must be made.
diff --git a/docs/developer/ b/docs/developer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39e39b39de0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developer/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Updating Agent to a new Go version
+There is more to updating Go than simply updating the `go.mod` file.
+You will need to submit two pull requests:
+1. [Create a new build image.][build-image-instructions]
+2. Update Agent to use the new Go version, and the new build image.
+   See [this][example-pr] pull request for an example.
+   At this point you can just search and replace all instances of the old version with the new one.
+   For example, "1.22.1" would be replaced with "1.22.5".
+The Go image which is used may sometimes have a name, like "bullseye". 
+The origins of the name are explained in more detail in [Go's DockerHub repository][go-dockerhub]:
+> Some of these tags may have names like bookworm or bullseye in them. 
+> These are the suite code names for releases of Debianā  and indicate which release the image is based on. 
+> If your image needs to install any additional packages beyond what comes with the image, 
+> you'll likely want to specify one of these explicitly to minimize breakage when there are new releases of Debian.
\ No newline at end of file